Questions: Bugaboo Bee Plus + maxi cosi



could I ask if anyone is using this combination?

Does the adapter fits well? I read that it can be wobbly. Also, I tried to bring the actual stroller to mothercare but the sales people there all act blur and refuse allow me to test the adapter on a actual maxi cosi (cabriofix)

Appreciate all responses.

How is the bugaboo bee and maxi cosi so far? Wanted to get one for my newborn. Appreciate your thoughts/comments.
(Hi there,

I had that combi. might be abit late but here are my comments. I had no issues with the adapter - fitted really well. If you would like to test, I suggest you try motherswork at great world city. Spent a lot of time there, pestering the sales staff to show us different combinations (stroller and car seat) and strollers. In fact, they were they ones who showed us how to fix the adapters and car seat on our bugaboo bee. Excellent service from them!
(Hi there,

I had that combi. might be abit late but here are my comments. I had no issues with the adapter - fitted really well. If you would like to test, I suggest you try motherswork at great world city. Spent a lot of time there, pestering the sales staff to show us different combinations (stroller and car seat) and strollers. In fact, they were they ones who showed us how to fix the adapters and car seat on our bugaboo bee. Excellent service from them!

Hi Winnie_kcp, may i check if any models of MaxiCosi car seat works with the adapter? Or are there specific models of car seats from Maxi Cosi? Im thinking of getting the Bugaboo Bee.

