Pregnant Women can eat banana and papaya ?


New Member
Pls advise whether pregnant women can eat banana and papaya because I craving for it so badly . But my Mother-in law said cannot eat .

Traditional belief is u can't eat. But modern thinking is everything can eat in moderation. Even so, the banana that u can eat is the small and short kind, not the long kind. As for papaya, it's believed that it will cause the baby skin to be yellowish..if u believe...
thanks googlez82 for the reply .. I still don't believe all the traditional belief .. it's my 1st time , beside that my mil also said better don't eat all the fruit's coz not good for baby ..
Everything in moderation. I dun believe in abstaining from foods we like, except for certain fishes, alcohol etc..

Occasional Bananas and papayas are fine. If you really go check on TCM, it never states no such food for preggies.

I still eat bananas once awhile. Same goes for watermelon. Don't be paranoid about what others say.
But sometime they just really irritating .. always when I shop for fruit's my mil with me always remain me I can't eat this and that because of my mil traditional belief . always said to me if you don't want listen then in the future something happen to the baby blame yourself -_-" .. thanks Cecilia for the advice .
haha, i know what u mean, same goes to family dont allow me eat crabs n lobsters coz they believe they are 'toxic' and make affect my BB skin.

Maybe u can eat it during yr work lunch time at the fruit stall. LOL

I stay in China and i can tell u all preggies here continue eating papayas, bananas, watermelons etc. No such thing as too cooling here. ;)
I agree. Eat it behind your mil's back. Buy the cut fruit during your lunch time.

Not worthwhile making the elders exasperated withbus. Just nod your head when they talk. But who says their beliefs must rule your life? Just make sure they dont see you do all the "wrong things", good enough.
I eat both of the fruits. I had a hard time going to the toilet. But after I take some papaya, it's really help... So I think there's no harm at taking the fruits if it help you...
Thanks .. I'm a full time housewife as m company terminate me once I inform them that I'm pregnant
.. staying with MIL really suck , she want to control everything .. I always go out eat lunch alone then in the same time can eat my banana and papaya .. OMG heavenly after ate it
I think there's law stating the employer can't fire you if you inform them you are pregnant..I feel so indignant on your behalf, Angelicrys! how can your employer do this?!
They said I can't get pregnant in Singapore because I'm a Malaysian . But before informing them I had called MOM regarding my pregnantcy and they told me to inform my company . MOM even give me a letter that I can give birth in Singapore coz my hubby is singaporen . After knowing about my pregnantcy , this f^*k up company at first ask me to resign but I refuse cos I tell them why should I resign ! I don't have the attention to leave the company at all
.. then the next day I recieved a termination letter :'( !!!! They are so heartless manz !
Angelicrys, write to MOM and let them kena! such an irresponsible employer. So funny to tell that Malaysian cannot deliver in Singapore. ur hubby is Singaporean, your baby will be Singaporean too. you are entitled for 4 months maternity leave. BTW, how long you've been working in that co?
I had write a email regarding my case with attached all the prove . I did went down to MOM for interview . Now still waiting for their answer . I started join the company 10 Jan 2011 till they terminate me on 26 April 2012
I just ate a huge slice of papaya yesterday.
It definitely helps with the constipation!
i think eating in moderation is okay :
no pineapples for me though...
Constipation is a common problem in pregnancy, so must remember to take lots of fluids and fiber. Papaya and banana, whatever that works, take in moderation.

I used to have cravings for pineapple when I was pregnant - apparently it is high in iron! So my gynae used his famous phrase - everything can do, everything can eat. In moderation, and go for the best one!
Bananas are ok. But avoid the del monte variety as they are excessively cooling. I ate papaya almost everyday for my #1. Turns out ok. ;)
