Pregnancy: Gestational Diabetes

hello sea turtle!
gave birth 3.5mths ago.. and I'm cleared for the post glucose test.

I too experimented which food gave me the spikes. my husband was also supportive by eating what I had to eat and avoiding what I had to avoid. starting is quite tough to readjust but is all for thr good for the little one..

sometimes I do treat myself.. not on the days I have to check.. hee.
so persevere! :)
hello sea turtle!
gave birth 3.5mths ago.. and I'm cleared for the post glucose test.

I too experimented which food gave me the spikes. my husband was also supportive by eating what I had to eat and avoiding what I had to avoid. starting is quite tough to readjust but is all for thr good for the little one..

sometimes I do treat myself.. not on the days I have to check.. hee.
so persevere! :)

Hey thanks for the encouragement ;). It's heartening to hear u are cleared post pregnancy. I am still adjusting n sometimes feel quite down to see spikes when I ear certain food.

But u re right must persevere in doing so. Can share ur usual meals w me so I can also take a reference :)? Thanks!!
actually i find it interesting when i see there's a spike in my test especially when i thought it's okay.. heh. kinda broaden your horizons..

usually i take wholemeal bread with cheese for bf.. lunch cannot help it coz is outside food. dinner is usually home cooked food .. or western food.. hah!
actually i find it interesting when i see there's a spike in my test especially when i thought it's okay.. heh. kinda broaden your horizons..

usually i take wholemeal bread with cheese for bf.. lunch cannot help it coz is outside food. dinner is usually home cooked food .. or western food.. hah!

That's a good way to look at it :), I guess I'm a control freak and find it hard to accept that it can't be controlled that easily. It's true that certain foods do cause sugar to spike without us realizing it. It's as if we get to know our bodies better in a way :).

I oso eat wholemeal bread with cheese plus soya bean unsweetened or milk (1/4 cup) + half egg. I find that digesting protein w carbo helps to keep it more stable. Western food seems to work for many pple, I oso try to take it from time to time.
