Persistent second trimester heavy bleeding


May I chk if any mommies had experienced heavy and persistent bleeding (day 2/3 of period-like) during second tri? I started bleeding near 16w, warded and diagnosed with sub placenta haetoma (Sp?). Brown blood discharged thereafter for two days then stopped. At 17w obgyn saw clot expanded to 9+cm. That midnight, I started bleeding heavily again. Uterus hardened for 20min too. Went to A&E, bb was ok but kkh machine cldnt see much more. Next night, similar bleeding and more.

May I know if u had abt diagnosis for the cause and if u managed to carry to term?

Thks so much!
OMG. that sounds very bad. I urge to you to really double check with your gynea as i dont think heavy bleeding is a good sign. sometimes the hospital or gynae might be too busy and overlooked some details.
