Medicine and Supplement Sharing List


Gone through tough years of childcare, these are the consolidated types of medicines or supplements for bb-toddler-young kids.. Ask your doctor to prescribe by appropriate age group..

Decide to share it out, before i dispose my recorded notes kept on childcare of my kid.

Dhatifen - lung tonic to strengthen persistent bad cough , get fr doc
Dimetapp - cough + runny nose combined effect, get fr doc
Woods syrup for children type - supermarket, hospital and retail pharmacies, no doc's prescription
Scotts Emulsion Cod Liver Oil - supermarket, hospital and retail pharmacies. Good supplement for lung and immunity
Sambucol - clinics, hospital and retail pharmacies, good supplement for immunity, lung, fever, flu
Childlife Colostrum Powder - GNC, for gut system
Neobiotics Probiotic Powder - retail pharmacies, good bacteria for gut system, diarrhoes, combine with antibiotics to be taken 1-2hours apart.
Chinese TCM Powder-get from well known reliable sinseh shop
