KK Ward C

My cousins delivered at KKH and choose class C.

1) Usage of labour ward still same with any classes.
2) Everything use is Heavily Subsidised.
3) After delivery than u will be sent the Respective class of ward.
4) No deposit needed.
5) All payment by MEDISAVE

1) Open air No aircon (Good for people who dont like cold places)
2) Can be noisy cause i think got many beds with people visiting during visiting hours ( Can cover with curtain each bed if need privacy)
3) No special food
4) Hubby cannot stay over
5) Toilet sharing with the rest of patients

Overall i think OK for Singapore class C wards. In malaysia those old goverment hospital is SCARY and NO curtain to cover for privacy in the normal ward.
happychue, in clinic C you cannot choose doctor. I ever went clinic C few times, the Doctor really lousy and always ask you go out to wait...even I have question to ask they also keep ask u go out now, i don't care i just sit down told her my problem...she don't even see me just descrip a medicine then want me to dismiss...she look so frustrated. from that time I changed to Clinic A.
Hello, from what I know, if you want your gynae to deliver for you and not any random doctor on duty, you have to stay a certain ward and above. For my #1 case, I had to stay at least B1 as I chose to stick with my gynae. Ward C is heavily subsidised for sure.

You can check or call and email them to inquire


Hope it helps!
Hi AI may i know Clinic A is it still under class C?

Hi Gina
i opt for class C is bcoz of the heavy subsidised as my #1 i delivered at TMC and want to save more for my confinement...

haiz so fan...
Hi Gina

Thanks for your info....
my house don't have extra room for confinement lady and my mum will help...market day time confinement lady are expensive lei...

I've been a subsidised patient with NUH for fertility treatment. Now that I'm preggy, I'm torn apart whether to deliver there as a subsidised (B2-6 bedder for Spore PR) patient or should I opt as a private patient to just see the same gynae and have a choice of choosing a 2/4-bedder room, instead of a 6-bedder.

Any idea if the patient is a subsidised one, the gynae who deliver would be whoever on duty? Would it be junior doctor? with trainee doctors presence?

Any advice? Tks.
Babysee toh ... yes u won't have a destinated gynae but MO on duty with the mid wife to deliver your baby. In NUH there is no 2 bedder is single or 4 bedder for paying class
No problems with Ward C at KKH - deliberately chose this option because I don't want to be alone in a cold aircon room all by myself. Was an enjoyable stay, meeting different moms and moms-to-be. I'm quite a scaredy-cat so I prefer to hear foot steps of human beings 24/7 at a hospital. Nice to have others around to chat with when hb was not around.

Like CT pointed out above, all fees payable by medisave. Service is very prompt and I enjoyed the meals very much.
I had deliver my boy at KKH. I op for Class C ward, however there isn't any bed for me and I was place in class B+. While I pay class C amount.

I stay there for a few days for induce as my boy is 40 weeks + 3days. I didn't encounter any frustration, quite happy with my stay there.
