I'm new to this forum and would like to say hello to everyone here. Hope I could gather tips and share my experiences (and frustrations) here. I was actually scheduled for ET this afternoon, but got a call from the doc at KKH this morning, delivering bad news. Two of my eggs that got fertilised are found to be abnormal, thus not viable to proceed with ET. What a heartbreak, I was so hopeful of a positive outcome.

Apparently, the doc said my eggs were already detected to be abnormal before ICSI. Hearing that was quite a big blow to me.
Had a failed IUI in June, I didn't hope for much then cos I knew the possibility of a successful pregnancy via IUI is almost zero. Went ahead with it cos the doc suggested that we gave it a shot as there was a queue for IVF.
I can only start the next cycle after 3 months, so as to allow the ovaries to rest for now. In the meantime, guess I need to start watching my diet in order to improve the health/quality of the eggs. If God wills.