Indonesian Mommies?

Hi Wynnie,
It's nice to hear from you. Nope, my hubby is from China but staying in spore now.
Are you a stay at home or working mother? I'm a SAHM.
Hi all,
A friend of mine will be going to indonesia with hubby soon. Does anyone here know where to get cots or baby stuff in Jakarta?
Hi Jim,

A lot of baby stuffs in Jakarta. Your friend can go to Mangga Dua at downtown or some malls in Jakarta. My sister bought a lot of baby clothes at Mangga Dua (there is a store at basement which is selling baby stuffs).

I assumed that your friend's hubby is Indonesian. Then, she will have a good bargainer.
Hi star,

My friend's hubby is not an indonesian. In fact, they don;t really have alot of freinds there. My friend is six month pregnant and she will be there next month so she is worried there will be no baby store there.

Anyone know of any website of any babystore in indonesia or exact address?
Hi star and wynnie..
I have a 13-month old son..
My hubby is also indonesian. How long have you been here?
Hi theodc,

Where are you staying? My son is also 13 months old. I've been staying in Spore for 5 years. How about you? I'm staying in the west area.
hi star,

When is your son's birthday? Mine is June 8, 2003. Been staying in spore for 4 years. I live in north area.
Which part of Indo r u from? I am from Jkt. Do you go back often?
My son is born earlier 1 day than yours. His DOB is 7 June 2003. I'm from Medan. I didn't go back often only once a year max. Are you a stay at home mother? I'm.

I'm a working mother.
Has your son started talking yet? Mine's very slow..can say few words only.
What milk is he on now? Mine's taking enfapro
Hi Theodc,
No...still can't talk too much. Only papa, mama. Sometimes if he wants something, he will point out and say he...he...
He can walk steadily. He started walking at 11 months. How about your son?
I'm still breastfeeding him.

You are working mother. Very good...then who is babysitting your son? Your inlaws?
he also started walking at around 10 mths. Now running around n trying to jump, very tiring for me. I stop breastfeeding him when he was 5 mths. Really admire those who can breastfeed for a long time, like you..hee..
I have a baby sitter from Jakarta to take care of him. Both parents and in-laws are in Jkt.

Has your son started taking rice? My son is still taking porridge. Actually he should take rice by now. But,thinking of giving him with rice only after he's 15 months..
Hi Theodc,
How do you apply for babysitter's work permit here? Do you need to do any bankers guarantee? How much?
My son has been eating rice since 11 months. This mommy is very lazy to cook porridge every day. Lol...

I'm stay a home, so will be easier for me to breasfeed longer. You had breastfed for 5 months, YOU HAVE DONE YOUR BEST !

I used the agency to take care of all the paperwork. I think you can also apply for it yourself. But, I just took the shortcut.I bought the insurance for the bankers guarantee. I think it cost few hundred dollars.
Considering of having a maid/baby sitter to help you out?

Do you have any relatives/family here? For me, it's totally just me and hubby. BTW, how did you meet your hubby? Did you meet him here? For my case, because at that time, my-then-boyfriend got a job here, so I moved to Spore.
hi indos, my HB is indo - me spore, we met in US, have one 10 month baby, but heading for divorce...argh. he says he cannot live in spore and some other probs, could be cultural that could our marriage to break down. is indo n spore so different??? i been to JKT its not too bad, better than India ;)

sign...any advice how to understand indo man? we tog for 8 yrs include dating time, now, everything gone liao...what bad luck, put it crudely, big waste of time - could have found a more committed one but i thought he's very cute.
I'm considering to hire a babysitter for #2, still not trying for #2 though. :lol
No, I don't have any relatives here. Only me and hubby.
I met hubby at NUS.

Were you born in 1978? If your ans is yes, then we are same age.
Your hubby is Indo Chinese? I think for chinese that not so much different.
I think for a couple communication is very important. I can't say much about Indo man coz character things is very individual.

Cannot advise you on this. I guess, the cultural difference is just an excuse. Maybe you should find out the root of the problem. Sometimes, you will have to sacrifice as well. Maybe you can consider moving to Jakarta too.

Glad that I can meet 'teman seperjuangan' here in spore. You know when I delivered my son in the hospital, it's only me and hubby. No visitors at all, since no relatives here. But, that time it was SARS time, only 3 visitors allowed. Which hospital did you deliver? Natural or C-section?
Ha...same, same. My friends wanted to visit me, but it's not allowed. I delivered at NUH, c-section. Baby's head not engaged. How about u?

Btw, I think I'll be going to United Square next Sat to watch best breastfed baby contest. Are you going there too? If yes, maybe we can meet?

Don't think I can go to united square. Will have a friend coming to visit us then and need to be a good host and show him around. Maybe when there's any other baby related activity in the future. Are you going to participate as well? Just for the fun of it.

I delivered at Mt Alvernia, natural with lots and lots of epidural. But, it was considered a fast delivery, took only around 4-5 hrs. Thanks to epidural, I could still watch tv, and did not miss the re-run of Kindred Spirit serial on tv. Haha..
hi, hope to revive this thread again. I'm Indonesian, just found out this morning with Clear Blue that I'm + !!

But my gynae said it's still to early to do scan, so will go on 15 Jan instead. Haven't told anyone except my hubby, coz want to make sure with the dr first.
But I do hope to find some mom2b to share the experience.. quite blur since this is the 1st time

Esp any food to avoid? How about tea or herbal tea? Is it true that Vit A can cause miscarriage? (carrot juice is my fav drink!)
Can still eat fast food? soda? Can still apply medicated oil to stomach?
when to start using stretch mark cream? what brand is the good one?
Hello Mum2B,
Carrot juice is ok but Vitamin A especially those for skin care is ad so stay away. Herbal stuffs and chinese medicine must not take. Other things are ok. Cannot do massage too.... Medicated oil is ok. In my 1st pregnancy I used Mustella - works very well - didn't have any stretch marks at all. I am now pregnant too - 14 weeks.....
You must really take care these few weeks and rest well. Which gynae are you going to??
Hi Wynnie,
Thanks for the infos. Wow, 2nd kid on the way, huh?
Is the 1st boy/gal?
I started to feel nausea 2 days ago, even throw up too this morning. Is this too early? I figured maybe I'm about 5 weeks now (from the last day of menses).
I've been seeing Dr Stephen Chew in his private clinic (Rapha Specialist Clinic) near my living place for subfertility treatment. Do you or anyone know or have comments on him? He's also practising in NUH clinic G. How about you, which gynae age you seeing?
Where to buy Mustella and when is the good time to start using it?
Thanks, I will try to rest well, but it;s quite difficult coz I'm working n have to commute 1.5 hrs every morning & evening!
Hi Mum2B
My 1st one is a boy. When I was expecting him, I was throwing up day and night! This pregnancy I started feeling nauseous from about 5 weeks too till about 9 weeks. Not as bad as the 1st one.

You can buy Mustella from Blisse at Paragon - I started using it at about 14 weeks. And I am seeing Dr Lim Teck Chai at Tanglin Shopping Centre. Simply love him! Very funny and makes you feel very comfortable.

you can visit too - they have pretty good source of information.
thanks. Wynnie. Btw I got some discharge from 'down there' which is quite itchy n smelly since 1 weeks ago (that happen since my breasts are painful too). any pregnant moms experience the same thing?
Hi Mum2B,

You might have a yeast infection - best to go back to your gynae to check it out. I had it about 2 weeks ago too.
hi Wynnie,
it seems that only 2 of us still around in this thread

Thanks, I'm seeing gynae this saturday, will ask him about that. Did you have the infection while pregnant? Is it dangerous to the baby? what did the dr do, give any medication?
I read from the thread taht your hubby is S'porean. Are you a working mum? Where are you staying?
Me, married an Indonesian too, working, n staying in Clementi.
hi mum2b,
dun woli so much. everything is going to be fine. The yeast infection will make u urine frequently but if its still early stage it wont harm your baby. I remember my gynae prescribed for me the antibiotics then ok liao. Now I have 2 daughters. Being pregnant is really wonderful. U must enjoy every single moment. and dun forget to ask for the baby scanning photo to keep.
hi mum2b,

I just had the infection actually - my gynae just put some iodine treatment - seems to work well. It's not at all dangerous to the baby.

And yes my husband is s'porean. I am working at Plaza Sin - The Atrium and I stay in East Coast....

My due date is July 7 - when's yours?
hi dardar_fong,
thanks for the explanation. i'm not really worried about the infection, but now worried sick because i had spotting and a little bit of bleeding this morning when i woke up! i rushed to the gynae, he did scan but couldn't see anything (no water bag). he said could be becoz it's too early. but when he did urine test, the line appear but very faint! i mean, last week i tested twice and the lines are very strong and quickly shown (2 lines). my gynae said at this moment can't do anything but monitor the condition, house rest and scan again on Monday. i ask him several times, so am i still pregnant? he said, yes, but it seems the hormones (hcg) is decreasing (thus the faint line). he is suspecting a "threatened abortion". oh.. so depresing... *sob*sob*
btw are you indonesian too?

hi wynnie,
i don't know my EDD yet..
hi mum2b,
the best thing to do now is to rest as much as you can - make sure tat u dun take any chinese herbs too. try to rest in bed as much as possible. i will pray for you and your baby too.
Hi everyone,

Great that this thread become active again...

How is your pregnancy? I'm staying at Clementi too.

Will you be going back to Medan this CNY? If you will, maybe we can meet at airport?
I back on 6th feb.

Where are you staying in sg?
hi star and wynnie,
thanks all for your response and concerns. my gynae said i had miscarriage already. went to seek 2nd opinion and got the same answer. i guess i just have to accept the fact no matter how cold and hard it is. may God bless us all..

oh, which part of clementi are you staying? me, near clementi rd, maybe we can meet up someday ya? are u currently TTCing? may i know which gynae did/do u go? is it in clementi too?
Hi Mum2B,

I am so sad to hear that but I guess if it's God's will he has other plans for you. ANyway you are still very young so can always try for another. But you should also check with your gynae for a proper check up to ensure that your uterus and womb are ok for the next baby.

BTW, are you from Jakarta?
not from jakarta, from "daerah" leh.. pati/semarang. but hubby from jakarta. are u from jakarta also?
Hi Mum2B,
Sorry to hear about your miscarriage. Maybe you are too tired or stressed. Rest alot. Did you eat those confinement meals? You better eat, if you didn't. It's good to build up your health.
I am staying on west coast rd. I'm not TTC-ing. My DS is 19 months old, still tired coz I babysit him alone.
Last time, I visited the gynae at NUH. But I will not recommend her.
hi all,

i am from indonesia too ... can i join you all ..

my son is currently 13 mth. and my husband is a singaporean
Hi all,
I'm from Indonesia (Medan) too. My gal is alomst 4 years. My hubby is Sporean too
Nice to know u all
hi ladies...

I am not indonesian (I am Malaysian, Singapore PR) ..but my husband is Indonesian. Just wondering if any of you has a child whose nationality is Indonesian? I need some help with the nationality registration process..any idea how to go about it - for the baby?

Thanks so very much in advance.
Hi all,
Can I join with you all??
I'm new here. I'm from Indonesia (jakarta). I stay at Jurong west. Anyone also stay at Jurong west??
I have a 32mths old son. I'm married to singaporean.
Nice to know you all..
Hi Bella,

Welcome on this Board.
Some mommies here are from Jakarta too. I am staying at Clementi. Are you a working mom or stay at home mom? My son is 25 months. Have you sent your son to playgroup?
Thanks Star,
I stay at home mom. I don't send my son to playgroup. He will start the nursery on jan 2006, so I think don't need lah to send him to playgroup...
