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Hi all

my EDD date is ard february 2012 and understand theres 2 package for admission - A ( one bed) or B1 ward (4 bed) /premiere or classic package fr KK hospital..

any advice as i am considering between A or B1 /Premiere or classic package..

need to do my admission by next wk. thanks!

Need more advice

u try to email to kKH they will advise you.

What I know was for B1 - normal delivery for 2 days est total bill : $3378 to $4054 before medisave after will be $984

Caearean 3 days - $5646 to $6776 after medisave : $1819

for a1

Normal Delivery for 2 days
Package Price includes GST : S$1,659
Estimated Bill Size Range : S$4,180 to S$5,017

Caesarean Delivery (3 days)
Package Price includes GST : S$2,461
Estimated Bill Size Range : S$6,557 to S$7,868
Hi ,

I just gave birth at KK hospital . I choose B2+ 5 bed with bathroom inside the ward . Normal delivery , 2 days stay after government grant, total bill including baby nursery is $1335.96 all by medisave
thanks for the replies , ladies

i can only opt back for either A1 or B1 as i need back my own gynae to deliver for me..

I have chk with KK as they mention to me the difference between premiere and Classic package is that if i opt in for premiere package when i am due for delivery , my own gynae will do all the test checks etc for me even before actual delivery (giving me piorities for the attention) whereas for classic ( gynae will deliver for me on the actual day and before that, the test and check up will be done by the team care doctors on duty ) or in the event of delivery, the same gynae will give the piorities to a premiere patient than classic one if both deliver at the same time so i would like to verify whether is it true or not esp for those whom opt in either premiere or classic package

the difference in rate is ard $300 for either premiere or classic under B1 ward..most likely i will opt in for B1 ward..

so anyone whom sign up for premiere or classic package under A1 or B1 ward, pls share with me more! thanks!!
in the meantime i would like to enquire anyone whom store the baby cord blood under stemcord company?? pls let me know! as i have the intention to store the cord blood under this company and if i can get existing customer whom already store under stemcord, both of us can get $50 discount off! let me know! just need your ic number and name.. you may email or message me . let me know so that i can pass u my email address ..thanks
In the meantime i would like to enquire anyone whom store the baby cord blood under stemcord company??

pls let me know! as i have the intention to store the cord blood under this company and if i can get existing customer whom already store under stemcord, both of us can get $50 discount off!

let me know! just need your ic number and name.. you may email or message me . let me know so that i can pass u my email address ..thanks
Hi there,

I delivered in KKH B1 ward in Oct '09. Am contemplating to take A1 this time round, depending on how much we need to pay upfront.

In any case, it is true that I was attended to by doctors on duty which includes VE. They proposed breaking my water bag which I stubbornly refused and told them to talk to my gynae which I shared that I would like to give birth as natural as possible. (I admitted on the day after my EDD, thinking I would give birth on that day but my girl didn't arrive until 2days later)

If I never remember wrongly, my gynae did drop by to visit before I gave birth.

I next saw my gynae only when I was in the delivery ward and about 8-9cm dilated with a broken water bag (around 2+am).

If you like, I can check with my friend under the same gynae but she opt-ed for A1 then
My edd is end of feb'12. its my 2nd pregnancy, i signed up for B1 premier package. paid cash $1278, medisave $2100. same goes to my 1st, also B1 premier package. 1st pregnancy was normal birth, own gynae broke my waterbag and do d delivery. in between contractions making sure im doing ok and to check my cervix dilation were d midwife (nurse on duty, chinese lady, very nice) stayed 2 nights and i still got back refund of abt $700+. in d ward, own gynae came to chk on me.
Hi ScorpioMummy, when do you need to confirm the package with KKH? I am now 25wks but no one has ask me anything yet about the package....
Hi zp, think u can start booking about 32+weeks onwards, just ask your gynae. I just booked for B1 classic (i am 36weeks). The advisor at KKH said I have to book latest next week (if i can't make up my mind) cos I may deliver any time as I am only a month away from edd.
I like to find out, for those who opted for B1 and you are under subsidy the application for medisave is it done separately or its automatic upon admission?
I have just booked A1 premier package, paid s$2698 depost, no choice, need my own gynea to do c section due to low lying placenta.
Hi All,

Can I know who is your gynae at KKH? Am considering going back to TPS but Dr SF Loh who I was seeing previously has left so kinda lost on who to look for now.


my previous gynae with KKH is June Tan (Senior consultant). see whether you wana consider her. so far she's quite ok..
btw just sharing my experience, i just realise premiere and classic package dun actually make much of a difference after i have bk premiere one..for all of your info..

i was having doubts before that but after i went thru then i realise it...
Hi strengthnblessing, I used to see Dr Loh, he hand over my case to Dr Tan Heng Hao. Not too bad, soft spoken guy just like Dr Loh. But I find that Dr Loh checked more detail like the baby's weight, length,etc. not sure other doctors check that or only Dr Loh did that.
My twins was delivery by Dr Loh in Dec 2009, now I'm expecting again, he's no longer in KKH. therefore I choose Prof John Tee. He's also like Dr Loh or else Dr H C Han.
