Hyperemesis sufferers


New Member
Hi anyone suffering from excessive vomiting and nausea and diagnosed with pregnancy hyperemesis gravidarum? Thinking of setting up a support thread for fellow mummies who could be suffering silently on this condition.

Hi pibymummy

I had HG for my first pregnancy. Started at around wk 10( early Oct 10) and did not have much MS before that. Now in wk 10 of my second pregnancy (unplanned though). Really hoping that I will be luckier this time.
I have terrible hyperemesis for all pregnancies. Am pregnant with the fourth now, hopefully it isn't as bad as the rest are. What meds are you ladies taking? I'm on Ondansetron...Maxolon and others don't work at all for me.
My gynae only gives me metachropramide. She says that she only prescribes this. But it never worked for me. When I was on drip in TMC, I think I was on maxalon. I dunno how to seek treatment anymore, v v v suffering and cannot operate a normal life at all.
i eat and puke .. eat and puke .. the vicious cycle cause my gynae says if goes on drip is same as liquid diet except have to stay in hospital but then i also puke liquid so liquid and solid both also puke .. no diff to me already ..
my gp ask me nt to puke ..
i gave up and just eat and puke lor ..
my best friends are now the toilet bowls ..
the naseau pills i have been prescibed doesnt work i end up puke the pills out as well .. haha ..
endure lor .. what to do/ cant be forever on drip rite?
Hi all...I had hyperemesis from my fifth week till my 15 week and it was really bad. I was in and out of the hospital four times over a period of 2 months. There were days when things got so bad I wanted to give up. But things are much better now and I'm in my 32 week. Just want to let all of you know that it does get better and hang in there. I heard all this from the nurses and nothing they said helped but trust me...it can't go on forever...
hi all,

I also have hyperemesis from my 7 weeks. I was in and out of TMC twice...staying 4 nights each to be on drip. When my gynae is away during the May public holiday, I've to go to KKH for emergency drip. My doc prescribe metachropramide or dimenate to ease the vomit but it don't always help. KKH prescribes me vitamin B6. I also wear sea-bands. I am still vomiting but the vomiting has reduced from 20 times to maybe 8 times per day in my 10-12 weeks. We just have to hang on. My gynae said survivor first, so I am allowed to take any cold drinks (ice lemon tea, barley water, bubble tea etc)...whichever water I can take...but of course I puke out in the end.

I also realized sweet things help.
