HOW to WARM up EBM in public


Hi anyone has different method of warmingEBM in public,,

I put the bottle in a thermal flask (e.g like those coffee bean mug with lid) pour hot water insde but it takes ages to warm a chilled EBM ... any other ways to warm it faster?


use chilled instead of frozen EBM .

actually when bbs drinks from oub boobs, its also not hot.. just warm.. body temp..
hi becky

chilled should be quite fast, what.. no need very warm. if frozen will take forever in a bottle so try using milk bags - thinner material so can the milk can melt faster in the warm water.
i normally will go to bb room which they provide hot water, i bring my own "big mug" out so that I can warm the ebm (though my hubby find it paiseh to bring the mug along).. haha
thanks for all suggestion.. normally wil put chilled milk in travel fridge cos my girl drinks every 4 hrs so not advisable to warm up 1st,,,

i also have a big mug to put the ebm but its takes time to warm as cold from thefridge so gal will drink very loud... wondering if there is a Hot version like a fridge so just put in the bag to warm it.... no need use hot water
HI becky, I bought one small travel fridge before, can switch to chill as well as warm, the brand is Akira, but i think other brand also available. Can be plug inside the car and use... hopes this helps....
My method very troublesome. Brought the warmer out. Go to nursing room with socket. I'll only visit shopping centres with nursing room with socket.
actually, heard that BM can be kept in room temperature for several hours.. baby won't mind drinking unwarmed BM as long as the teat isn't cold..
I carry my chilled BM in cooler bag. Always bring along my disposable plastic container and get hot water from nursery or from fast food/coffee joint. Takes only 4-5mins to warm up. Vivo City don't have equipped nursery. Must take hot water from other restaurants. Think they need to improve their nursery to attract more mother with infants.
actually b4 ur child want to drink, you can take out the ebm from the cooler bag... like 15mins b4 milk time.. then warm it 15mins later... it warm up faster hehe
<font color="aa00aa">My baby is drinking every 3-4hrly. So normally before going out, i'll warm up one bottle of ebm 1st with higher temperature than normal. Then keep in the thermal bottle bag and bring out. Normally such bag can help to maintain the temperature for few hrs, so by the time when my ger wanna drink her milk, the temperature just nice for her.</font>
i bought a bottle warmer with car adapter to warm up EBM. or get hot water from fast food places to warm up the EBM. meanwhile, will bring the cooler bag with 4 cold gel packs to keep the EBM cool.
hi mummies,

so its ok to warm up the ebm and keep it warm like in a thermal bag for a long period of time? eg.3-6 hours

is it advisable to actually warm up the EBM at home then pour it into a hot water flask? Then when bb needs to drink, we pour it into the milk bottle? Will this compromise on the quality of the milk?
still need to put ice pack into the cooler bag??? i tot the cooler bag is cold enough??? i just bring my cooler bag out after freezing from the fridge and leave it as it it ok?
Hi mommy, if you dun mind pay for the price, there is a warmer on the go. Can find at mum and babes. Is about $20plus (sorry cant remember). But for myself, I bring out my hot water and warm it when my boy wants to drink. The breast milk are kept in my cooler bag.
