How long more to work after ML before quitting?


New Member
Was contemplating to quit my job end of this year due to the high stress level when i found out that i am preggie.

Now, with the baby, i am even more determined to quit as my job doesn't allow me to have work life balance and i wish to be able to spend more time with my family. But i'm not too sure when is the best time to resign as i still wish to leave on good record.

I wouldn't say that there is a perfect time to leave since like you've said. Your work has no work life balance, so meaning to say every part of the year is a peak period.

I'd think as long as not during the major company activities like preparation period for external audits, AGM, year end closing, I think any time else would be a good time to leave.

Most importantly, the handing taking over must be done with the best possible effort, that's all that matters.
Thanks Stefan.

I guess before i went on ML, i should done most of the handing over. Was contemplating to quit like 1 month after returning. Would it be very bad?

I have bad experience with company who deem you as a traitor the instance you resign.
You can't really dictate or prevent how ppl look at you, it's their freedom. Bound to have ppl who think you are ditching the company at bad times and so on... but you ultimately got to take care of your own life.

Just do what you have to, hand over properly and your conscience is clear.

I'd done something which I personally felt quite extreme previously, but only once, if the understudy can't be bothered to learn the ropes, then you prepare a list of stuff that you have taught, tick against all the stuff that you've taught and make your understudy acknowledge with a signature, then hand over to your boss. Haha, don't know if anyone else done that other than myself.
Don't hv to care abt hw they see u as its ur family who will pei
U n support u forever. Ur family need u n shd b placed more impt than how they see u.
Thanks for all ur advice. Think i shouldnt think too much.

I did that too. Prepare a list of signoff and send by email, cc my boss...

My senior taught me that n it is good coz it shows u haf done all u can, n they can't fault u in future
