Nick: Azizah Curtis
Name of Item 1 : Boatneck Striped Pocket Tee
Item No: #140122860
URL or code: (pls ensure link is correct)<% 3Eprd_id=845524446033081& FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id= 2534374306284373&ASSORTMENT% 3C%3East_id=1408474395917465& bmUID=1390311924694& productSizeSelected=0&fit_type=
Orig Size: 12
Alt Size: 12
Qty: 1
Price in USD : 8.00
Name of Item 2 : Distressed Bermuda Shorts
ItemNo: 140122861
URL or code: (pls ensure link is correct)<% 3Eprd_id=845524446033062& FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id= 2534374302798995&ASSORTMENT% 3C%3East_id=1408474395917465& bmUID=1390312026725& productSizeSelected=0&fit_type=
Orig Size: 12
Alt Size: 12
Qty: 1
Price in USD :16.00
Name of Item 3 : Uniform Belted Bermuda Short
Item no:140112739
URL or code: (pls ensure link is correct)<% 3Eprd_id=845524446028706& FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id= 2534374302798995&ASSORTMENT% 3C%3East_id=1408474395917465& bmUID=1390312161319& productSizeSelected=0&fit_type=
Orig Size: 12
Alt Size: 12
Qty: 1
Price in USD :21.95
Name of Item 4 : Neon Capri Pants (red)
Item no: 140122870
URL or code: (pls ensure link is correct)<% 3Eprd_id=845524446033124& FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id= 2534374306284378&ASSORTMENT% 3C%3East_id=1408474395917465& bmUID=1390312285141& productSizeSelected=0&fit_type=
Orig Size: 12
Alt Size: 12S
Qty: 1
Price in USD 16
Amt in USD : 40 X 0.8 = USD32
International STANDARD Shipping : USD44 / 200 x USD32 = USD7.04
Total in SGD = USD(32+7.04) x 1.33 = SGD51.92