gymboree #104(sale up to 75%+20% off) - raffles/sembawang

Total USD: 17.97 x 0.85 = USD15.2745
Shipping: 44/200 x USD 15.2745 = USD3.36
Total SGD: USD 18.63 x 1.47 = SGD27.39

Transfer Currency and Amount
Transaction Reference Number
Gymboree #104 batch 10-12
nick | (excess) /top-up | postage (if applicable) | Ttl Amt | remarks
\ hollandtulips | | | - | collect mode?
\ mommy2 | | | - |
\ gohalison | 7.16 | | 7.16 |
\ las | 61.56 | | 61.56 | collect mode?
\ quackers | 35.84 | | 35.84 |
\ ava | 37.26 | | 37.26 |
\ mummy_2007 | | | - |
\ spang2 | 2.69 | | 2.69 | collect mode?
\ bluebluesky | 0.17 | | 0.17 | pend wif ON
\ sept2980 | | | - |
\ XuanMa | 45.69 | | 45.69 |
\ bitbit1823 | 30.46 | | 30.46 | collect mode?
\ owzkayden | | | - |
\ michelletongyk | | | - |
\ weoseek


- |
\ michelletongyk | | | - | collect mode?
\ owzkayden | | | - | collect mode?
\ seveneleven | | | - |
\ zbuzz78 | 18.67 | | 18.67 | collect mode?
\ coyotefr00 | | | - | pend wif RL
\ vivienpg


- | collect mode?

-either tue/wed 1.15pm outside 7-11 near raffles mrt gantry
-either tue 6.45pm near woodlands mrt gantry
-either tue 7pm near sembawang mrt gantry
pls let me noe if u can make it
Hi Qi, my transfer for batch 10-12 $7.16
(can I opt for registered together with batch 13 pls), tks

Please note this transaction number for your records: 16320060748

Recipient Name

Transfer Currency and Amount
Gymboree #104 batch 13-14
nick | (excess) /top-up | postage (if applicable) | FX rev to 1.49 | Ttl Amt | remarks
\ happimoomoo | | | | - | pend wif redem batch
\ imuki | | | | - | pend wif redem batch
\ gohalison | | | | - | pend wif redem batch
\ riverone | 21.51 | | | 21.51 | pend wif redem batch
\ wasabe | (29.71) | 2.55 | | (27.16) |
\ christinayeo | 22.93 | | | 22.93 | pend wif redem batch
\ chewpeng | | | | - | pend wif redem batch
\ zbuzz78 | 9.56 | | | 9.56 | collect mode?
\ baby_bubu | 11.44 | |0.74 | 12.18 | collect mode?
\ fion10 | (66.58) | | 0.56 | (66.02) | collect mode?
\ mummy_2007 | 0.91 | | 0.65 | 1.56 |

pls chk the other thread for redemption details as well

-either mon or wed 1.15pm outside 7-11 near raffles mrt gantry
-either mon 6.45pm woodlands mrt
-either mon 7pm sembawang mrt
pls let me noe if u can make it
Payment tt ref 16423913501 @$12.18 done.
Would like to arrange for tmr Monday pickup at sembawang 7pm. will send u my hubby's contact shortly. Pls revert if ok. Thanks alot!!
Hi zpqi7

Can I meet u at this coming Wednesday 1.15pm at Raffles Place inside gantry, near 7-11 store, am not exiting, later I will do the top up trsf, update u again. Thks. zbuzz78
Hi zpqi7

Payment details for my top up:

Batch #12 = 18.67
Batch # 13 = 9.56

Total = S$28.23

Ref: 6835
1 Feb 2015 @ 12.04 hrs

Pls check.

Have pm u my contact for the meet up for this coming wed at 1.15pm at Raffles Place gantry. Thks, zbuzz78
Hi Qi,

Transfers made for Gymboree #104 batch 13-14. Pls check. Thanks.

Please note this transaction number for your records: 16431957988
Recipient Name
Transfer Currency and Amount
Gymboree #104 batch 13-14
nick | (excess) /top-up | postage (if applicable) | FX rev to 1.49 | Ttl Amt | remarks
\ happimoomoo | | | | - | pend wif redem batch
\ imuki | | | | - | pend wif redem batch
\ gohalison | | | | - | pend wif redem batch
\ riverone | 21.51 | | | 21.51 | pend wif redem batch
\ wasabe | (29.71) | 2.55 | | (27.16) |
\ christinayeo | 22.93 | | | 22.93 | pend wif redem batch
\ chewpeng | | | | - | pend wif redem batch
\ zbuzz78 | 9.56 | | | 9.56 | collect mode?
\ baby_bubu | 11.44 | |0.74 | 12.18 | collect mode?
\ fion10 | (66.58) | | 0.56 | (66.02) | collect mode?
\ mummy_2007 | 0.91 | | 0.65 | 1.56 |

pls chk the other thread for redemption details as well

-either mon or wed 1.15pm outside 7-11 near raffles mrt gantry
-either mon 6.45pm woodlands mrt
-either mon 7pm sembawang mrt
pls let me noe if u can make it

Still in time to meet you today? Thanks
