Full-month Cakes


i ordered from choz for my 2nd bb (havent collected yet), for my first, i ordered fr melrose. i think the cake is okay except that their delivery service is not v good. i remembered i waited till 7pm for the cakes to come and it being the actual full month date. my hubby had to send off all the cakes and when he got home it was very late at night!

Do you organise a full-month celebration (baby shower) for your baby? Do you distribute full-month cakes to all your friends/colleagues and relatives or only to those who didn't attend the full-month celebrations?
Bacookie: i will be having the baby full mth celebration (buffet) without the cakes etc.
I ordered from sweet secrets coz liked the packaging and photo. Good feedback on taste of cake.

Only gave cakes to pple whom I didn't invite for 1st month celebrations but gave gifts.
Hi there,
Wld love to find out which cake taste better? Melrose or kyo?

Thks a million!

Haven't tried KYO but the Melrose cakes --really cannot make it! Too dry and yucky...but that was last year. Not sure if there's any improvement in the quality of cakes since then.
I received 3 Melrose cakes this year. Dry and tasteless. I can only said you pay for what you get cos Melrose's cake is the cheapest among the bakeries.

Same as cookies, I ordered mine from Choz but mine is the fruit tarts, g rice, ang ku kueh and red egg package. Find cake may be a bit too much, cos personally, I hate to receive cake cos there are only hb and me to eat. And it always ended in the rubbish bin cos can't finish...
hi, I ordered from choz becoz they were nearby. thot the pineapple cake combi is ok but cannot order extra on collection day so was disappointed. overall ok.
Hi mums, I ordered Choz for my girl's full month. The ang ku kueh is simply delicious.

BTW, there are several flavours of ang ku kueh available at the shop. But the "dou sar" is the best.
Hi mums, what is the earliest delivery time for Choz? Thinking of ordering from Choz for my girl's full month, got sick of Bengawan Solo gift card.

Got q 2 ask.


Normally the cakes? To whom'd get the cake? As to, only close relatives of the male side or both sides? N what about friends/collegues? Can just throw shower party for bb n invite friends/colleagues but no cakes for them?

Also, any difference as to what to give for bb boy or bb girl? Remember glutinous rice was only given if got bb boy... several years ago; while girls normally only cakes.

For us, we throw a party and give cakes to close relatives for both sides.

For distant relatives who visited us and/or give us ang pow, we give them cake.

For frens and colleagues, can give them bengawan solo voucher.

Some pp just throw a full mth celebration without the cakes. i think it is ok. depends on your parents and/or in laws
hi evon
i am also thinking who i should give cakes....
i think if i have a full mth celebration, i won't give cakes to those who attend except for relatives whom i will give no matter they attend or not.
for colleagues, i think will give them bengawan solo voucher.
Hard 4 me n hb 2 decide. I noe my mother well.. she will give 2 every single relatives one. At the way my mother going, think it is going to b a bomb for us.

And bb gal or bb boy's items oso got difference n so cost differently, right?

So roughly, just a figure, avg. to order abt 30 cakes? Does it seem a lot to u?
hi mummies,
do you usually give the cakes if pple have given you gifts or angbaos? tot it's reciprocal.

i dunno whether i will be expected to do the celebration thing cos it's first grandchild for both sides. but we planning to tell our parents that if they want to do, they go organise and pay.. :p really can be quite a lot of planning and organising.
evon, we checked with our parents and did a count the no of cakes to distribute. so we ordered the exact number bec each set is not exactly cheap so we didnt want to order extra. normally, the cake shop takes orders min 3 days before delivery.
some of the other frens of our parents, we also gave them cakes bec my parents say not so nice to give them voucher ...u know old pp lah.
Hi gals,

It is up to you or rather your parents/PIL whether want to give cakes or not. If you have budget constraint, look for those cheaper one.

My cousins invited relatives and friends for her son full mth but she didn't give any cakes. Just invite to eat only. Of cos the elders will grumble a bit lah. Giving cakes is more like a traditional way lor.

For me, I invited relatives and close friends for buffet and gave them cake cos I think it is a way of appreciation for them to drop by. For my mum, she said it looks good that guests dun leave empty handed.

tinklebell, I also tot of voucher but my mum said no no cos elders dun like or rather dunno. Wait they dun use it, it means our $ go to the rubbish bin.

Different ppl have different views, so just do it within your budget.

My parents are from big families. So I ordered a total of 100 boxes of cakes to distribute for relatives and close friends. And ordered those full cream cakes (10kg) from prima deli for colleagues to share. It costed a bomb but everyone is happy.

If possible, for colleagues, order a few kg cakes to share and eat. It will cut down some costs.
SY, I gave to those ppl who gave gifts/ang baos. As well as those who din give eg. colleagues who will be working close with me.
Wow.. 100 boxes?? Help.. I am fainting...

That's really lot. From prima delis?? How much each cake?

I guess my mother definitely says no-no to vouchers one. I scared later she oso wants to give to her colleagues at work.. then i really faint.


What is the difference on the ang ku kueh shape?

The last time i remembered receiving glutinous rice one on top of the cake n ang kueh.. what tradition will give that?

Can give cake only on the day of the bb's one month celebration?

've seen my cousins all went round to distribute cakes b4 bb's ma yue.
thanks for sharing your exp. I haven discuss in detail with my hubby nor parents and in laws. i think will discuss with hb first and we decide on what we want before we tell our parents and in laws. in this way, it will be more of what we want and less of what they wan.

I ordered 100 boxes from Choz (that $5.50 per box that goodie bag) for relatives and close friends who attended the buffet lunch. My buffet lunch was priced at $15 + 5% GST per pax.

Then I ordered 10kg fresh cream cake from Prima Deli (I'm a girl design) for office colleagues.

I actually spent about $2K on the whole event **phew** Lucky, I had done some calculations and planning, so I actually budgeted $2K for this celebration.

The shape of the ang ku kueh is one sharp shape (like mountain) and one "bian" shape. I think sharp one means boy and "bian" one means girl.

Glutinous rice tradition ah, I'm not sure leh. But my goodies bag got 2 pcs leh. My MIL is pantang type lor, so I got red eggs, ang ku kuehs, glutinous rice and fruit tarts for that goodie bag. She actually want a cake also!!! I told her will burst our budget. So I talked to my mum, my mum said the buffet lunch was already ex, so a simple goodie bag with those items is more than enough. Anyway, now cake is not that popular liao.

The cake can give out on the actual day of bb one mth old or earlier. Cannot be later.

Ya, some ppl went around to distribute cakes, very tiring lor. For me, I invite all relatives to buffet lunch and give them when they leave. So sort of saving my time to go around to distribute.

Hi SY,

Yes, better to discuss. This is like a simple thingy but the whole event is tiring and happy. It may be once or twice a lifetime, so I think it is worth to do a good one, so that ppl (especially elders) won't have a chance to gossip behind!

You know my cousin is stingy lah, so she catered buffet for 30 pax when she invited 70 ppl. Ended the food not enough. Some guests din get to eat. And she din give cakes. So although it had been a few years, ppl still gossip behind! If she had cater for cakes, at least not that bad lor.

Like what my mum told me, if want to have celebrations, then do it nice and within your budget. Dun be stingy and say invite 70 paxs yet only order for 30 pax food. If want to do like this, might as well forgo the celebrations and just give cakes will do.
ang ku kueh, red eggs and glut. rice is optional... depends on your parents particular on having that or not. we ordered from ecreative they have cakes, AKK, eggs and glut rice all in one.

how is CHOZ sets? a lot of u seem to have ordered from them. doesnt seem cheap.

Wow Jenny, your cousin quite jia lat... celebration for 70 only cater for 30... if it's my elders, they sure complain non stop!
Wow.. jenny.. unbelievable. Imagine setting up the bb room, bb stuff such as stroller, cots etc, CL's salary n then bb's ma yue n the cakes ... definitely going to cost a bomb.

At least.. with ur info.. i've a rough estimation on what to expect.

CHOZ seems good.. may consider...

B discussing on the above issues /w my hb. n let my hb take up /w my mil while me /w my mother.

I believe u re a good organizer, Jenny.. so well planned n detailed.

tinklebell, thanks for ur share as well... at least i ve a rough idea as well on how advance booking muz i give.
Hi tinklebell,

I think hor, red eggs is not optional leh especially there are elders at home. If you have elders at home, they die die want the red eggs. I almost forgot to mention. On the day of the celebrations where we have buffet hor, my mum told my CL to make 100 pcs of red eggs and placed along with the dishes. I told my mum dun need lah since the package I ordered from Choz has 2 red eggs liao. But my mum said must have a tray of red eggs. She said guests will want to eat one. I dunno the meaning behind lah. But hor, really leh. The red eggs all finished by the guests. My thinking lah, maybe some ppl pantang lah, so they come they must eat red eggs lor. Maybe red eggs got some good meaning behind????

Ya lor my cousin's case caused a blackmark till now. So my mum also sort of a bit scared. Kept on asking me how many pax I ordered for buffet. She told me to order enough for buffer, if not wait ppl gossip behind. Good things ppl will forget, but not unpleasant one hor.

They are nice and come with nice packaging. Personally I prefer those tiny items rather than one big marble/choco cake like bengawan solo. Easier to eat lor.

Re eCreative
Their package isn't cheap too. How's your feedback? I almost ordered from them but their staff service sucks. I find their cake (those selling on the self) so so only leh. But I heard ppl recommend their full mth package. Different taste??

Hi Evon,

Err yes, a lot of $ will be spent once BB is born. But you can hint/tell your friends and colleagues that you prefer to receive vouchers or cash, no gifts in case they buy something not suitable. My colleagues bought bb cot and sibilngs bought pram and so on. So just do a list on what are the necessary things to buy first. The wants can be set aside first. Then let your colleagues/friends/relatives know what you need. Then you can save some $ lor. If you dun mind, you can get 2nd hand items or ask around for pass down items. Basically, bb grows up very fast, so dun need to buy too much stuff. I got pass down clothings, walker etc. So basically, I only bought abt 5 new pcs clothing for my gal to wear on outing and on the celebrations day itself. I only started to buy new clothings when my gal turned 6 mths.

For me, my MIL is super pantang. She wanted everything yet didn't fork out a single cent! I told my hb about the budget, my planning etc. Then let him go and talk to his mum. And we managed to do it w/o the cake. Can you imagine if we have the cake included, how much will our full mth package be!!

Actually hor, I started savings once I knew I'm preggie. So by the time, I gave birth, I had about $5K standby for paying CL, buying herbs, foods, full mth celebrations, my post natal massage etc... My hb didn't need to fork out extra cash except for hospitalisation bills. (By the way, the $5K that I saved, was the household $ that my hb gave me lor, so is still his $$$ hahaha...)
Hi Jenny, luckily my folks never insist we make more red eggs bec most of them quite health conscious and dont like to eat too many eggs bec of high cholesterol. **phew**

Re Ecreative
U must be quite unlucky to get a bad service staff. when i called them, a friendly lady answered and catered to my request. we didnt go to their shop. the cakes so so only lah... cannot compare with bengawan or the more famous cake shops. we ordered bec we found that it is good value for money bec they included all the AKK, eggs and glutinous rice. they also provided us a free full month cake the last time we ordered. I also like their mango and black forest cakes sets. i think they look very presentable.

i also started to save when i found out was pregnant. moreover, last time we didnt have much savings. being pregnant is not cheap. luckily we also got lots of hand me downs from my nieces and nephews. I estimate the pregnancy cash outlay to be ard $6k to $7k- as such:
1) antenatal $300 (was $800, luckily last time we could claim $500 from my hubby co)
2) hospital bills $2k
3) confinement lady $1.8k (plus ang pow)
4) confinement food $1k
5) post natal massage $700 ($70 per session)
6) catering $500
7) cakes $500

not cheap hor
Hi Evon,

no problem. My email is [email protected]

Hi tinklebell,

You are so lucky! We (CL, Hb and Me) woke up at 5.30am to make the red eggs on the day itself leh!
Yep, think I got bad service staff
Anyway I walked in cos there's one near my place.
Ya, hands down really help a lot hor, I can't imagine if everything is brand new. BB stuff are all so ex! I think hor, my expenses is more or less like yours except that I dun attend antenatal class. My hospital bills, I paid $600+ cash. My buffet and cakes about $2K.
Must really save from the day we know we are preggie!
Jenny and Tinkerbell,

Thanks for all your sharing!!

sounds like a lot of work but guess at the end of the day, you also want to share the joy of your baby and make everyone happy.

you are a good saver. u mean u set aside the money specially for bb? i just continue to save like usual.

is there any reason why cannot distribute the cakes later than the one month? i thought most pple distribute after.

i think i sure got problems with MIL. she pantang one and like your MIL, wants everything but never fork out a cent. last time our wedding, she want this and that and hb always tell her, if u want u pay for it. hope this time he will be firm as well.

my parents will be quite ok with anything. and i know if they want something, they dun mind forking out the money for it.

actually i find giving cakes quite impractical becos quite difficult for most pple ot finish one whole cake by themselves even if it's not very big. might as well get a few nice ones and share....
Hi SY,

Yeap, sounds like lot of work. But if you set some time planning and organising, it should be ok.

Yes, I set aside $ for bb birth cos I know will need more $ during confinement time. I dun wan my hb to feel stress (by forking out $, eg. not enough $ etc), so I set aside a fixed amt each mth from the day I knew I was preggie. So by the time I gave birth, there was a sum of $ for usage, then my hb won't feel like "too poor"
He was glad I did all this cos he already felt a bit poor when our bb arrived.

Err I only know cannot distribute cake after the one mth. Must be early or on the actual day itself, just like some ppl they celebrate birthday early but not later lor. This applies to the full mth celebration as well, must be earlier or on the day itself.

Mmm your MIL side hor, you need to discuss with your hb and get him to stand by you. Maybe you do a rough calculation on the amt and show him. Let him know how much budget you have to work within. Then tell him, must save for bb

I think your parents same same as my parents. My parents very "qing cai" one. So I spent some time to convince my MIL lor. I told her unless her relatives/friends dun attend the buffet. Then I will add a cake to the package that I had. If not, no way I'm going to add the cake cos it is very expensive. Cos giving them a treat for buffet already cost a bomb, the full mth package is an additional which I can dun give one lor.

I agreed with you leh. You see ah, nowsday mostly are small families. For me, there is only hb and me at home. And whenever I receive cake hor, I will get someone to finish it. Either leave it in office and ask colleagues to finish it or if I'm going my mum place, then I will bring over and get them to finish it. Cos hb and myself can't finish (partial dun like those marble cake lor). Hb and me are happy when we receive small tarts or cookies.

The worst is my colleague gave me a glut rice for her son full mth. You know what? I threw away cos my hb dun eat and I was preggie tat time, couldn't eat too much. You know, the one from Melrose lor, one big chunk of glut rice **fainted** My advise is dun get those big chunks of glut rice cos some ppl dun eat glut rice.
just to seek your advice on this. how early wd we need to start counting how many boxes we need to order? i was thinking will give relatives (each family one box enough right?), close friends, colleagues and those unexpected ones that gave gifts.

i din really particularly set aside $$ for baby. more like work out a budget to accomodate the extra spending. and try to spend less. maybe i shd start putting aside more money for bb.

i hope my hb will be firm with MIL. he was firm during wedding so hope this time still the same. usually anything that requires him to spend extra, he will be firm

yah, my parents easier to handle. will just tell them if they wan buffet, they can be the ones to throw it.
i don't really mind then i dun need to organise. even my wedding also like that. they did most of the stuff cos thye wanted the dinner...

that's why i like Choz cos everything small small,easier to finish. i see pple carry one cake back, also dunno how they can finish and it's a waste.... rather get some nice cake like chocolate fudge or something like that to be shared...eat together more fun also
hmmm.. seems like choz is a popular choice. but my side old folks like to give their frens and relatives cakes ... maybe i should consider getting from 2 confectioneries har - my side folks cakes, hubby side tarts
Tinklebell.. same too.. my mil quite easy to please in terms of the cakes thing.. > of my own mother. =p
Hi SY,

This is what I did:

Firstly, I go and list out the names of relatives/friends/colleagues that I can think of. Then slowly delete those I think dun need to give. When more or less confirm, I will do a rough calculation of how many boxes to order. I did this when my gal is 2 weeks old. so by the 3rd week, the name list is almost 90% done. I ordered at 3rd week, one week before the celebration. I ordered 5 boxes extra for in case purpose. Since it is those small items, 5 boxes won't be too much, sure can finish lor. See ah, after the celebrations got a few boxes left over mah. So I gave to my neighbours lor. I didn't calculate my neighbour's share cos not closed mah. They dun open their doors one. So I told my hb to give them one box each, partly to clear stock :p 2ndly to improve relationship

For relatives, I give one box for each family. For closer one, I give 2 boxes. Close friends, 1 box each. Colleagues, I bought 10kg fresh cream cake to share. I order 5 more boxes for those unexpected ones tat gave gifts last min.

It is good to set aside a bit of $ each mth for bb lor. Whatever sum is fine, just a habit. Well, I believe if talk nicely to MIL shouldn't be a prob. If really cannot, then forgo the buffet and just give cake lor. Tell her no $, if want, then sponser lor.

Me also feel that the cake will be wasted. So I prefer small items
Hi tinklebell,

Why not? I ordered from 2 bakeries for my wedding cakes. As long as you are comfortable, go for it.
by the way, for colleagues hor, since buying one huge cake to share share hor, one good point is you dun feel paiseh if some colleagues give last min gift lor. but if is very very close colleague, you may like to consider to give them one box each. Up to your budget.
jenny, some qns to ask u....for ur company, how many staffs are there? and how many kg of cake u order for ur company?

for me, i order twice full mth cake frm melrose, to give away to my office...
agree tat the cake is not nice, but cheap....just tat the cake is not fine enuf...
for my relatives, i order frm creative bakery..cake fine & not bad...

yeah anyone order from sweet surprise? I like their style of the boxes and the tarts.

thought of ordering from them, but would like to hear some feedback.

i second melrose!! My cousin ordered from them, it's v yummy, walnut cakes, glutinous rice and ang ku kueh!!
i ordered from choz too and received many compliments! cake is not oily and the eggs and ang ku kueh were very fresh. yummy!
