Egyptian Magic Cream @ US$23 free domestic shipping - Sengkang, Tampines, Postage

hi lengleng,

haven heard from you since my last post.

anyway i have done the tt to your acc. ref no. 0609 pls check if you received my payment thanks.
bebe (lucky777),
I got your payment,
pls PM me your contact number & collection method if you hadn't.

petlover (lge),
yup, still taking orders.
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Still taking orders</font></font>
1st payment of SG$40 per tub to my <font color="ff0000">POSB Saving 144-02654-3</font>, 2nd payment at later time after currency adjustment &amp; shipping charge.
Please rem to PM me your contact number after payment transfer.

Price should be around SG$40-SG$45 depending on the exchange rate &amp; international shipping cost.

*Collection method:
245 Compassvale Road – Thursdays 6.30-7.30pm/Weekdays 9.30-10pm/Sundays 10-11.30am (By appointment, pls call b4 coming, no sms pls)
265 Tampines st21 - Thursdays 8.30pm (by email/phone call appointment only, no sms pls)

Normal Postage (Registered postage, just top-up another $2.24 on-top of normal postage cost)
1 tub - $1
2 tubs - $1.50
3-4 tubs - $2.55

My POSB Saving 144-02654-3
1st payment of SG$40 a tub to me, (+ postage cost, if any)
2nd payment for international shipping cost at later time.

Please PM me know the following after you transferred;
<font color="0000ff">SUBJECT: gyptian Magic Cream Spree - *your nickname here pls*</font>
1. By ATM or internet transfer (If be internet transfer, please include your nickname +MC)
2. Reference number
3. Date &amp; Time of transfer
4. Total amount transfered
5. Your <font color="ff0000">contact number &amp; email address</font>
6. Collection method/s

7. Postage mummies, pls transfer payment with postage cost and email me your mailing address

Kindly transfer payment as soon as you place order to secure your orders,
in the event of stock unavailability, Egyptian Magic Cream will be allocated on 1st payment 1st serve basis.
Hi Leng Leng,

I would like to order 1 tub via normal post please. Payment of SGD 41 have been via IB under transaction ref: 3036331510. Please kindly check.

Will PM you shortly.

To Account POSB Savings
144-02654-3 tanlengleng
Amount S$40.00
Transaction Reference 3045309224

can check with u roughly when will items arrive?
<font size="+1"><font face="Calibri"><font color="#FF1493"> Posting this on the behalf of Tan Leng Leng.</font></font></font>

<font size="+1"><font face="Calibri"><font color="#996633"> My account at the forum was suspended, thus I am unable to post anything at any threads,
this cause many mummies to panic &amp; send multiple emails to me,
many called my mobile phone &amp; home phone, smsed me &amp; 1 even appear at my door to threaten making police report!
Till date, I still have unread emails from last week, I can't cope already...
FYI, every sms I send out cost me 5 cents, my incoming calls are free, pls call me instead of smsing me.

Why my account was suspended?
I was consolidating shipments from everyone to ship to my vpostUSA address,
for this, we only pay $1 for base charge instead of $13.40,
but someone complained that I was making money out of this "service",
thus my account was suspended.

Will someone here be so nice to help me post at all my threads,
there are many whom I do not have their email addresses...</font></font></font>
<font size="+2"><font face="Calibri"><font color="#FF1493"> "All mummies from this spree, if you haven't got any updates or emails from tanlengleng,
please email her at [email protected],
your email address &amp; contact number,
Subject : *the spree you are in* - *your nickname*"
Her account is suspended, PMs to her don't work anymore.</font></font></font>
Hi Hi all,
thank you everyone,
Ms Bee Lee had reinstated my account this morning.

Thank you Bee Lee &amp; all moderators.

Pls give me sometime to reply my outstanding emails.

Leng Leng
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Batch 10 mummies</font></font>
Loots here!!!

*Collection method:
245 Compassvale Road – Thursdays 7pm-7.30pm/Weekdays 9.30-10pm/Sundays 10-11.30am (By appointment, pls call b4 coming, no sms pls)
Please call me b4 coming, KAM SIA...

265 Tampines st21 - Thursdays 8.30pm (by email appointment only, no sms pls, my PIL’s place, need to bring over)

Postage (Registered or Normal)
(buyer to pay, pls be advise to use Registered Mail, I'll not be responsible for lost of Normal Postage)

Postage mummies who had transferred postage cost to me,
I'll send an email to you before I post out.
Hi tll

Thank you so much for posting the cream. Used it on my gal super dry skin and it work wonders! In 3 days her skin is not scaly anymore! Wish i had tried this earlier instead of making her suffer for 2 years! i really appreciate your prompt reply and sending the cream even though u are very bz with many sprees. Take care
you are most welcome,
glad it works well for her.
From a mummy to another.

chantelle (chantellesun),
sorry I am unable to find your email to me "few days ago",
your tub by registered postage is $3.24,
pls rem to email me your mailing address after payment transfer,
<font color="0000ff">Subject: Egyptian magic cream - chantellesun (posting)</font>
hi leng leng,

r u still taking order? would like to tk 1 jar, normal post if yes
pls let me know how much to trf. thanks!
Shirley (poopoo),
u r most welcome,
thank you for joining my spree.

MLB (miorei),
4-6 weeks, depending on the spree response.
noscon, Kelly Phoa (kelly_phoa),
sure, pls proceed with payment.

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2"><blink>Still taking orders</blink></font></font>
1st payment of SG$40 per tub to my <font color="ff0000">POSB Saving 144-02654-3</font>, 2nd payment at later time after currency adjustment &amp; shipping charge.
Please rem to PM me your contact number after payment transfer.

Price should be around SG$40-SG$45 depending on the exchange rate &amp; international shipping cost.

*Collection method:
245 Compassvale Road – Thursdays 7pm-7.30pm/Weekdays 9.30-10pm/Sundays 10-11.30am (By appointment, pls call b4 coming, no sms pls)
265 Tampines st21 - Thursdays 8.30pm (by email/phone call appointment only, no sms pls)

Normal Postage (Registered postage, just top-up another $2.24 on-top of normal postage cost)
1 tub - $1
2 tubs - $1.50
3-4 tubs - $2.55

My POSB Saving 144-02654-3
1st payment of SG$40 a tub to me, (+ postage cost, if any)
2nd payment for international shipping cost at later time.

Please PM me know the following after you transferred;
<font color="0000ff">SUBJECT: Egyptian Magic Cream Spree - *your nickname here pls*</font>
1. By ATM or internet transfer (If be internet transfer, please include your nickname +MC)
2. Reference number
3. Date &amp; Time of transfer
4. Total amount transfered
5. Your contact number &amp; email address
6. Collection method/s

7. Postage mummies, pls transfer payment with postage cost and email me your mailing address

Kindly transfer payment as soon as you place order to secure your orders,
in the event of stock unavailability, Egyptian Magic Cream will be allocated on 1st payment 1st serve basis.

Thank you all,
Leng Leng

Sorry I think I will pass for this time cos just remembered that nobody at home to do collection.
what i meant was how did u derive the price of S$40 for each jar. if order in bulk (12 jars), should have discount which I understand works out to be abt USD25 for each jar. so i'm puzzled how come it costs so much (S$40 before shipping) for this spree. is their bulk purchase discount?
Hi { ^ ; ^ } (disneybaby),
yup, $41 as 1st payment, for the cream with normal postage,
pls rem to email me your mailing address after payment transfer.
US$~SG$ exchange rate dropped!!!

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Taking orders for Batch 11 now</font></font>

1st payment of SG$38 per tub to my POSB Saving 144-02654-3, 2nd payment at later time after offset with currency adjustment &amp; shipping charge.
Please rem to PM me your contact number after payment transfer.

Total cost should be around SG$38-$40 depending on the exchange rate &amp; international shipping cost.

*Collection method:
245 Compassvale Road – Thursdays 7pm-7.30pm/Weekdays 10pm/Sundays 10-11.30am (By appointment, pls call b4 coming, no sms pls)
265 Tampines st21 - Thursdays 8.30pm (by email/phone call appointment only, no sms pls)

Normal Postage (Registered postage, just top-up another $2.24 on-top of normal postage cost)
1 tub - $1
2 tubs - $1.50
3-4 tubs - $2.55

<font color="ff0000">My POSB Saving 144-02654-3</font>
1st payment of SG$38 a tub to me, (+ postage cost, if any)

Please PM me know the following after you transferred;
<font color="0000ff">SUBJECT: Egyptian Magic Cream Spree - *your nickname here pls*</font>
1. By ATM or internet transfer (If be internet transfer, please include your nickname +MC)
2. Reference number
3. Date &amp; Time of transfer
4. Total amount transfered
5. Your <font color="ff0000">contact number</font> &amp; email address
6. Collection method/s

7. Postage mummies, pls transfer payment with postage cost and email me your mailing address

Kindly transfer payment as soon as you place order to secure your orders,
in the event of stock unavailability, Egyptian Magic Cream will be allocated on 1st payment 1st serve basis.

Thank you all,
Leng Leng
<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff0000">Batch 11</font></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nick</TD><TD>No. of jars</TD><TD>Total Amt</TD><TD>Payment RCV</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Credit/(Debit)</font></TD><TD>Collection </TD></TR><TR><TD>TanKL (Yundar) w freestyle/EGY</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>$38.00</TD><TD>$38.00</TD><TD>$0.00</TD><TD>245 CPV Rd </TD></TR><TR><TD>Audrey5566 </TD><TD>1</TD><TD>$38.00</TD><TD></TD><TD>-$38.00</TD><TD>? </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Still taking orders.
hi leng leng,

is this cream the same as elicina cream?
is this specifically for scar or to heal skin problems also?

keen to try...
