Bathing ape bags, pupsik pouch, boy clothes, glamourmum nursing tops to give away!


Active Member
All items are for giving away. Mummies who are interested in an item, please drop me a mail at [email protected] to reserve it. Once done, please transfer $2.50 to me <u> per item </u> to cover the postage + envelop fee.

Bathing ape bag for mummy --> used for 1 week before
Bathing ape bag for toddler --> used for 1 week before
Pupsik pouch in brown (S size) --> used for 1 year before
Rainbow striped leg warmers --> brand new
Nautical theme t-shirt (size 80 or 11kg) --> brand new
Winnie the pooh striped shirt (3 year old) --> brand new
Glamourmum nursing top (size s) --> used for 1 year before
Glamourmum nursing top (size s) --> used for 1 year before

Bathing ape bag for mummy

Bathing ape bag for mummy is currently reserved.
Nautical theme t-shirt is currently reserved.
Winnie the Pooh top shirt is currently reserved.
