Baby Coughing badly: What shld I do?

Hello mummies,

May I know where can I buy the reutefene Tablets?

Thank you

I would like to start my girl on cordycep n birdnest. my colleague gives her kid bird nest monthly n cordycep every two wks. now i tink on mthly basis.

anyone has comments on birdnest? yes cordycep is very exp..
btw my girl is 2.5yr old...
My son (4years old) is having fever for 5 days. On the 4th days, i gave him antibiotic Cephalaxin..but fever continue until 5th day morning (39 deg cel). so i went to c doctor immediately and doctor ask me to change the antibiotic to Klacid which is stronger than cephalaxin. He also coughing very badly and running rose. Doc said is one kind of H1N1 virus infection and most likely got it from school..Doc advise me to consider to stop him from school. He has been fever since January until today except in June when the school holiday.He took antibiotic cephalexin every month and i found that it's too often..

Anyone know taking Klacid got any side effect?
hi all, need some advice here. 

my 3 yo had fever last monday, 10/10/2011. 
his temp suddenly went up to 39.4 deg while sleeping. 
there were no other flu or cough symptoms. 
brought him to pd and was diagnosed as viral fever. 
aft giving paracetamol, his fever subsided on wed, 12/10/2011. 

on saturday, 15/10/2011, his fever suddenly started again, but this time, with phlegmy cough and runny nose. today, his temp lingers ard 37.6-38.1 deg. 

any mommies experienced the same with your child? is it normal for a child to have fever while having flu at the same time? how long will the fever and flu symptoms last? 
Hi since1917,

My boy who is 3 yrs old used to suffer from the same virus infection as your son. It was half a year ago he suffered from this super high fever up to 39.7 especially true at nite, the next moment he was well in the daytime. This episode tormented us for more than a week. We repeatedly bring him back to the doc but he refused to give antibiotics.

During the recovery week, he also suffered from flu as his body was fighting the virus. If his body was fighting a losing battle with the virus, the fever came back till the virus was completely overcome. It was a tormenting 2-3 weeks of sleepless nites, splunging our son with cold warmer to bring down his body temperature.

During this period, my son was put on western medication made up of ventolin, paracetamol and bufen. I will still brew the Chinese cooling tea "ling yang" to cool his inner system and feel him with pre-prepared Chinese medication to strengthen his lungs.

After that episode, I ensure my son really eats his meals properly so that he gets all the proper nutrients to strengthen his body immunity system. If possible, allow him to play out in the sun to get more vit D. No more supplements except for vit C pills. Now my son is definitely a stronger boy as compared to the past whereby we used to get paranoid when other kids around him are sick. Lesser worries now.
Make sure,your baby drinks a lot of water. If your baby is still taking milk, its one of the reason, her phlegm is still sticky.My doctor says, you should lightly pat his back while you are nebulizating the child,after that you have to be sure that he drinks a lot of water.
