Anyone does not talk to MIL anymore?


Active Member
Due to my MIL's stubborn & sensitive characters,I have not talked to her for past 2yrs.She is indirectly caused my miscarriage & disputes with my husband.

I find it extremely difficult to talk to her coz if i offend her,she'll complain to my husband.She also very big mouth,likes to gossip,thus,I don't feel comfortable talking to her.

Furthermore,she always likes to call & i find it a bit nuisance as she calls for nothing but to chk where & what we r doing.

Anyone who shares the similiar situation as me? your hb the only child that's why? 2 years not talking? Wow..that's a tad mean when she talk to you, you ignore her totally? Maybe she call just because she's bored lah..

I understand.

I have problems with MIL also. Its after my mc. She used to be ok. But after I mc, she pushes all the blames to me. Not even want to listen to me & my husband's explanation. She had her own traditional thinking that it must be me who din take care well of the bb, or I anyhow eat, or I starved my bb to death etc. All kinds of funny thinkings. SHe keep reminding me not to tell anyone abt my preggy till after 3rd mth. But after my mc, then I realised she been telling everyone. Cos, one day when I am on the road, one relative came up & touch my belly, say a lot of good things to me. I was devastated. She say & do differently. In front of me, she ask me to take care of myself, dun think too much. When I am not ard, she scolded my hubby & pinpoint our faults.

She also called for nothing. The conversation is always nothing to talk abt.

I havent talk to her for 8 mths now.
hi princessleopard, probs wf my MIL got worse after my 4th mc,yes,I've had 4 mcs each yr.She knew i've had 3m/cs but not th 4th one.We didn't tell her coz for my past m/cs,she was very sarcastic abt my m/cs.

My MIL also says & do differently(hypocrite).I am not happy with her coz she likes to control & find out everything.Yes,she is busybody.And my husband enjoys sharing everything wf her.

Our relationship worsen coz of her.Since starting this yr,i've not talked much wf my hb knowing that he'll share wf her mother.

Hi ChrisL,
Nope,my hb not the only child.My MIL stays wf her elder son & DIL.Thou they stay together,they're not in gd r/s.
No,i didn't ignore her.I just passed my h/p to my hb or off the phone whenever she called;until my hb told her off to stop calling me coz I was busy wf my son.

My MIL will call my hb occassionally. But my hb dun like to really talk to her cos she called but she got nothing to say. My hb try not to talk to her much cos he afraid he might flare up. Usually, we dun call ppl & say nonsense, right? We called cos we have something to tell /ask. So, I really dunno what is her mentality.

I am so sorry to hear u have 4 mc before. You are very strong lady.
Hi Princess,
Nope,i am not strong.I still constantly miss babies.Though my m/cs were all early m/cs(one mths plus),afterall,they're still my fresh n blood.

I still want a 2nd child but my hb not keen.My inlaws oso very problematic,everytime once i got preggie,they'll create troubles.

Does ur MIL still call u?Is ur hb only son?Luckily,u don't stay wf her.

No, she used to call me, cos my hb dun like to talk to her. But after the mc, she dun call anymore. Now, she calls him.

Yes, luckily din stay with her.

How old is your son now? Is he after the 4 mc?
Hi Avocado, share your sentiment. I used to stay with my MIL right after my marriage.So I didn't have my Honeymoon years after marriage.Really not easy to stay with someone called hubby not to mention hubby's mother. She used to unpeg clothes I put out to dry in beginning and later on , I just turned a closed eyes what she wants to do. Lots of things happened too that most of the times quarrels with hubby too were caused by her. Still could recall there was one incident I nearly lost my baby as before my hubby's car halt completely for me, I was fuming mad and opened the car door to get out all becos of the discussion we have of MIL. Lucky I was ok. To recall, it was a brave and dangerously act.

What I could advise is if there is any chance to stay apart, try to if possible.

My husband is the youngest. I was better off when she was asked to stay over at my brother inlay 's house. Such a relieved.

I have happier times with her these days compared to staying together.

But whatever it is, I will still teach my gals to respect her.

Take it easy as she grows older too, I tell myself how many more years does she has so I feel better when she offended me with her actions and words.
hi Shrek,
I understand what u mean...correct,how many more yrs does she has...But my MIL is a bit psycho.She likes to call my hb for petty things or get attn fr. her.
If we go travel,we'll create excuse not to tell her coz she'll be jealous(despite she can't go coz she has to take care of bedridden FIL)
My hb always can't understand what I've gone thru wf her.I am upset when he always accuses me of "distancing" my MIL coz i don't let her take care my son anymore.

I also do nt hv honeymoon yrs after marriage.Soon after our wedding,she kept telling me that she cant live w/o my hb,so I pity her,no choice asked my hb to go bk to stay wf her few times per wk,while i was alone at hme.

Seems like ur MIL & hb relationship very strong. Perhaps just try to avoid le, if not u always complain abt MIL, then ur hb not happy. This will affect ur relationship.

But married le, still go back mother's place to stay every week is a bit too much.
Hi avocado, Princessleopard & Shrek wife,

My MIL is very very similar to yours. I've stayed wif her for abt 3 yrs after my marriage, n it's a fearful stay i shld say. Everything seems like I was being controlled n no freedom. She could come in to our room whenever she liked w/o knocking the door. If we locked the door, she'd ask why we lock the door??

She's also very traditional, saying tat men r hard at work, women nt as tired as men although we r working too, so women shld take care of husband more. So when i told her tat i might as well quit my job n be hsewife, she said cannot, coz nowadays need both income to substain. So ironical!!!

I'm so glad tat I've moved out, but whenever she calls, I'll try to pass the phone to my HB, but if he not ard, then my conversation wif her is juz like Q&A session, n my answer is always short & sharp. N I'll tell her tat I'm super buzi, then I'll hang up the phone.

Last time, she likes to call me but for nothing, only to tell me wat she cook for my son, wat my son is doing now, n ask me come home early after work. She said my HB very buzi, cannot call him.

But nowadays, after I've a big quarrel wif her years ago, she dare not call me anymore, instead call my HB. I felt better when I did nt rcv any calls from her, it's really a relieve.

There's so much restriction when staying wif her, even I do laundry she wanted to control too, muz follow the way she deal wif laundry!! Cannot use washing machine to wash, only to spin dry!! Last time when she went tour alone, I'll need to help washed my FIL, BILs clothings by hand, cannot use machine.

Anyway, now i'm glad tat i'm not staying wif her. But hearing her voice is still kinda phobia.
Hi Explodencry, congrats on yr move out from your MIL!
Frankly it is not easy to stay with inlay unless you are one of a kind, forgiving personality who gives in to her every whim. Just to share too now though my MIL stays over at my Bro in law house, every weekend she will be back to my house. One room was actually reserved for her for this purpose as initially she stayed with us weekdays and weekends but now she will be home over the weekends. Of late, I was thinking to utilize her space of her room to allow my elder daughter to do her homework in her room or even sleep in now since weekdays she is not around. My elder daughter is in Pri 4 and I wanted her to be more independent to try to sleep on her own rather than to be in the same room with her sister who is in Pri 1 and my mum who helps me to look after them. My mum will be away for the weekends to my sis house. One reason too is to avoid the conflict with my MIL over the weekends.
However, i had some conflict over the discussion, he is very defensive over her , topics that evolves her. But I told my mum that I am paying half of the housing loan monthly too so have every damn right to have any say too. Sad to say too of late I feel relationship with my hubby too has slackened as i felt once MIL is back over the weekends, our activities are restricted as we need to consider about her dinners etc. She cannot walk too long and most of the time need to consider the dining option not to go for shopping then dinner in Orchard etc. Most of the time, we have to accommodate her and weekends now seems to be more boring than before. Hubby too prefer to stay in instead of out when she is back.
I felt trapped and suffocated at times. I am not that sort who could just try stay home over the weekends.

My sis will encourage myself to bring my gals out instead of asking my unreluctant hubby to go without his mum.

Of course, we would like to go out as a family wouldn't we rather ? And getting him to chauffeur instead of taking the public tspst these days where wends are jam packed.
Shrek wife,

Perhaps you can bring her gals out for shopping first, then meet hb & MIL later for dinner. At least u dun have to cope at home.
wah..u still can tahan her for 3yrs.I can understand how u feel...

my MIL is those kinda likes to know what u r knowing but will nt help.

do u still visit her during CNY? Does she ask ur hb to bring ur son over?

my MIL always ask my hb to bring my son over.Actuali,i hate it,coz she always likes to "dig" info fr. my son.But i've no choice since it is one a yr kinda thing(yes,only go over during CNY).My hb brought my son over & i didn't go & would not go in future.

I wonder if I've done correctly but i reali don't know how to communicate wf her.She always very sarcastic,every words come out fr. her contain "hidden meanings".

Hi Shrek Wife,
SAME! my hb is always very defensive too,when i mention abt my MIL...i mean,i can understand,nobody likes ppl to talk abt their mothers.So now,i'll only voice out my opinion on her when he piss off wf my MIL.

i think u shld reali go out wf ur daughters w/o ur hb.I am sure he'll miss the fun going out as family.Why not u encourage ur MIL to go out wf her frds or relatives?

Exactly!don't talk abt hearing her voice,seeing those things that she bot for us also make me puke.I gave away most of the things she bot.

My MIL is also those "sticky" type.Luckily she needs to tak care of my FIL,if not,she'll stick to my hb.
Hi ladies, I have been ttcing for ard 6-7 mths and actually I dun feel like having a baby anymore coz been facing some issues with my DH's family and now I'm at cold war with his family. They r foreigners.

It all started with MIL requesting DH's elder Sis & younger Bro to move in with us at our flat when we get the flat. That has been 2 yrs ago.

And the trouble began...

I m a person who cannot stand untidiness, messiness and the house being dirty. Despite telling the elder Sis and Bro to clean up the house and the common toilet which they used ALL the time, they did not keep clean. I have to clean the toilet bowl, scrub the slippery bathroom floor and wall myself. This has been 2yrs.

I have been telling dh to get them to move but he kept saying he will get them to move when we have a baby. Fair enough. So I endured and waited. And every sat morning, the old spinster sil will talk loudly to the younger bil in the living room till afternoon. Maybe that's e reason she is still an old maid. She has never had a bf or steady relationship till 34yrs old.

Finally, I cannot stand it any longer and I told them to move. I admitted that I shouted at her and bil to move but I was really pissed. Who on earth or in Sg would allow 2 siblings-in-law for a token sum for rental, have to clean up the common loo for them and sometimes even cook for them? Most pple would not even want to stay with ttheir in-laws. Only I m the naïve, gulliable and stupid one who didn't object in e first place.

Then bil went to tell his parents that we chased them out of e house. C'on, they r not kids anymore n dun hv to stay with us right? We r not his parents and as bil said, we dun owe them anything and vice versa. Their rental to me is always late and I have even quarelled with dh several times coz of that.

Pil called n scolded dh for ''chasing'' them out and mil even told her sisters abt how bad dh and I were, cursed us to go and die and dun go to their house anymore.

If u were me, what would u do?

In the first place, I will not let them move in. Cos if we do not know them well, its very difficult yo stay together. I never plan to stay with anyone, since planning for marriage. Cos, staying together may sour the relationship. I rather keep a distance & be a good relative.

So, when I design my 4 rm flat, one goes to bedroom, one goes to walk-in wardrobe, one goes to studies room. There is no space for another person. So, no one will take advantage. Deep down, we keep the design simple, so that we can redesign to cater for a baby room in future.

Your sil & bil are really immature. If they can help out a bit, at least still can get along.
The ties with ur in laws were already damaged, it might be hard to mend the bridges.

Meanwhile just lead ur own life n lay low for the time being. If they want to talk to u, just talk. If not, there's nothing much u can do too.
Employ part time help and ask ur SIL & BiL to share the cost. Well if they dun wanna do the work they share the cost! Grow so big le stilll dunno this world got no free meals ah?! Too much xia.
hi mummies,
How to u deal with MIL who is attn seeker?

My Stupid MIL asked my hb to buy ice immediately coz she said she fell down.I asked my hb why she cannot make her own ice since she has maid to help out.My hb who just knocked off fr. work,hasn't eaten dinner, has to rush to buy ice for her.

At the end,she only suffered fr. few scratches.i am sick of this.She always kicks up a fuss for nothing.

i always quarrel wf my hb bcoz of this.I cannot stop my hb fr. doing thing fr her.But at my side,i nid more help since i do nt hv helper & tak care my son single handed,do hsework & run errands by myself.That stupid MIL has maid & her elder son & DIL to help out.
my MIL is 70yrs old plus.She always her days r numbered.Haiz,i doubt so.I think i'll hv at least another 10yrs to suffer.
Hello Avocado... I read some of your posts... all I can say is that you are not alone. My MIL is an attention seeker, too! She lives opposite my place, will drop by my place on her way to the market and drop by on her way back. Then can drop by again on her way to MRT and drop by again on the return route. I do not speak to her. She thinks I am invisible, too. A by product of which gave her the grandchildren.

Instead of feeling angry.. I just make sure that all her attention seeking tactics are channelled to my husband! His mother, and he wants to deal... so let him. 9pm, 10pm, sleeping, napping... busy.. etc. Just make sure my husband gets it all - else, he won't understand where I'm coming from, right?

Weekends, have to go and fix the toilet, fix the sink, fix the window, blah blah blah. So fine. Let him do all that. I sleep at home. No point arguing. When he say, oh, gotta fix toilet - I just laugh and say, "you are the worst handyman I know! It's more like attention deficit disorder!"
hi frogprincess,
But the prob,my MIL troubles my hb.I ignore her for years.She always calls my hb.

Anyway,she doesn't like to see me.Years ago,her face turned black when i turned up to pick up instead of my hb.

I can understand how u feel.We r just someone who give them grandchildren.I remember my MIL once told me:"don't worry,i won't dump u even u've gave birth" Silly woman,i don't care if u wanna me or not,what's matter is my hb.

At home,i do most of the jobs ur hb does.Yes,I fix the choked sink.I do most of the jobs at home coz i am SAHM.Thus,my hb has times for her.So sometimes,I get very irritated,coz i nid help at times but my hb is away to fulfill her attention!
Avocado: My MIL troubles my hb too, but better to trouble her son than trouble me, right? I resolved to "your mother, you handle!" I no longer ask if she wants to join us for dinner, or pass her some of my baked goods - if hb wanna ask, he can cook (or ask the maid to cook) for everyone. If hb wants her to have some cake he can bake it for her or buy it. I not stupid. If she doesn't acknowledge me, never ever cook for me, why I bother? Summore when we ask her over for a meal, her question is "what good stuff are you making"... #$*&(!

And yes, I started out being the repairman, too! But I felt stupid after a while - let the man do the man job - since he's doing it for the mother, anyway! Once I put the light bulb on his dinner plate! No change lightbulb ... no dinner!

My MIL is also about 70! Healthy as a horse! If there's a candidate for living till 100, she will be one of them!

DD is 5 and DS is 2. Everyone wants another sibling - but I am always asking myself - from day 1 my daughter born, we become her source of entertainment - until they are old enough to goto N1 full day. So, looks like we will graduate in 5 months' time! Not so much excuse to come to my house 3 times a day! But have another one means continous entertainment for another 3 years? So I told my husband, if I have #3 I will take MIN 1 year leave!
hi frogprincess,
same for me,I no longer propose to ask her for meals.Why?coz everytime she gave the kinda "not very happy face" when we asked her out.

my MIL also doesn't ack me as part of their family.Even my hb gives me the same feelings.They r f**ky rich ppl who like to keep all assets by themselves.Rich but stingy.In the past,i used to be very helpful...until one day my hb said:"anyway,this is not yours" See,stupid hb who views his asset only for himself.So i dont bother anymore.

technically,rich ppl r very ego,self defensive & insecure.They always scare ppl tak advantage on them.

ur MIL muz b damn free.My MIL is very free.Yet,when u ask her for help,she doesn't wanna.She only wanna "disturb","kepo" but won't help when we need.

And my stupid hb likes to feed her endless attention.She is staying wf her elder son & DIL wf two grandchildren.Have a wonderful maid who settles everything fr her.When she's free,her fav hobby is calling my hb & try to find out what my hb does.And my stupid hb likes to entertain her.

there r few times i think of divorce.this thing cannot carry on.Everytime,when we r so happy together,her mum will call & spoil the mood.

does it worth to divorce bcoz of MIL? I ever asked my hb to stay wf her parents since they cling to him so much.Coz i sick of all these nuisance.
Avocado, my MIL would be most happy if/when my hubby ask her to join us for any activities. Then, they can do what "happy family" does.... because they (and my children) are family. I'm by product, remember?

FYI, my MIL not just drop by my house at every opportunity (she has the keys!), she also lurks near my block or at voideck! So much so that I honestly feels so "trapped" and like I'm being stalked! I once was talking to my neighbor at my door - she hovered and watched downstairs, but curiosity got the better of her and she actually came up to see who I am talking to, and what topic? Then she just stood there, as if she has joined in the conversation. So I just said, "bye-bye. hubby won't be home so soon. ou go home first, I'll ask him to call you later. i need to talk to (my neighbor)." Then my neighbor so smart. say "Bye, Auntie". She grumbled and move along. It was my neighbor that had noticed her hovering downstairs but didn't realise that's my MIL!! And people keep on telling me they "saw my MIL downstairs all the time".... I shudder. We "bumped" into her so much that I need to be mentally alert that she will appear from behind a car or tree or whatever...

But Avacado, Sometimes, I remind myself - don't say too much. The more I say, the more wrong. So I just keep quiet and think "OK. Pitiful old woman".

On Sunday (before 9am!), she came over and as usual my hubby still sleeping. And she say "oh, i'm leaving, I'm leaving" the moment she came through the door - why bother unlocking it and coming in to begin with??? Then, she marched purposefully upstairs into my bedroom. This is a super big deal and a definite NO for me! Spent 20 mins there talking by my bedside with my half asleep hubby until he woke up, stand up, and wanna go pee, my MIL will just stand at the door. Continue talk!

Of course, I gave a super black face and asked my children - why is it that your grandma said she's leaving, but she come into the house for so long? Why she go to my bedroom??? Later on, my hubby told me she was too excited, wanted to tell him that she's going to her sister's house to borrow a train set toy for my son! Auntie, that one so damn rich but always think of these cheapo thing to do for my kid. Never buy a single decent toy!

Of course, that is not enough for the day... at night called again and wanted my hubby's opinion on something - how about she come over NOW and get my hubby to read, blah blah blah... My hubby said, next weekend.... (repeated in many variation for about 10 times!!) before finally putting down the phone.

So, of course I cannot talk to the MIL! That's one of the things I hate - any answer she doesn't like, she will ask 10 times or more until maybe you give up and change your mind? Or, you said no... but behind your back, do it anyway? Like let my 2-year old play with chopsticks because "he likes it"... or tie up my daughter's cloth diaper using a long ribbon/string, wrap and wrap around her waist?

As for divorce - yes, it had ever crossed my mind, and I would let you know that at one point I even wondered if I became suicidal! So, I told my husband - don't underestimate my stress. I didn't sign up to be this big victim - and if there's ever a time that I think I need out of the marriage, it's because of the mother. So he tries to be more understanding, but often he feels trapped but this is more so because his mom complains...
last night,just had a big quarrel wf hb.he doesn't see my views.i guess..u r right,if our hbs like to fulfill their attention,there's nothing much i could do.

but the irritating part is,she always calls (always!)when we were out,enjoying ourselves as couples or as family.

my hb refuses to admit her mum has attn seeker symptoms.I dont understand,if all my frds could understand my POV,why can't he understand?Whenever his mum calls,he'll run like mad..eagerly fulfill her needs of attn.

i tink both ur & my MILs r too free.My hb always says he nid to care for her,nid to meet her requirements.I am in a stake of mind of letting go.Yes,i am like u...i am in deep stress.Everytime his phone rings,i become paranoid.The fact that,his mum calls him very often.Yes,he is the mummy's son.A son who has nvr left his mother for the past 32yrs.

to be frank,there were countless times that i wanna leave fr good,coz i can't take it anymore.She makes my hb so distracted.His body is here,his soul is wf her.

in the past,my hb used to take dinner fr. MIL.But it stopped coz I sick of hearing my hb comes bk & said his mum's thingie,such as:"oh,she misses our son so much".My hb doesn't know how to control his emotions.He believes everything his mum says...Eventually,i took over the cooking.I thot things will improve,at the end,she calls more often coz my hb doesnt go bk daily.yes,it's backfired.

i ignore my MIL coz i sick seeing my hb trapped in btw also.Coz my MIL is very sensitive,i can't communicate wf her.She is also extremely sarcastic.

Sadly,my hb chose his mum over us.I thought he could face the prob but instead,he chose to escape the prob.Yes,we r going to leave separately.

Yes,exactly,my MIL shares the same behaviour as ur MIL.When we do not agree on certain thing,she'll keep talking & talking until i hv to agree wf her.
yes, i don't talk to Mil unless necesarry, or if she asks me something. Since moving near to them and at Hub's suggestion to have dinner together daily, we/ i have been at the receiving ends of her moody temperaments.
Trying to forgive forget and more understanding does not produce any difference. Thing is i believe she look down on me , or just dislike me , now matter how i treat her.
I have also stop greeting her a year ago, as she pretends not to hear nor acknowledge me most of the time for almost 10 months after we shift over. It did felt a bit hurtful when she acted this way, and to stop feeling so dejected, i have stopped greeting. Probably most of u would say that i should still greet....

Just yesterday, she asked me to take a food, i thought that's nice of her, then she asked her other grandchild if she wants it, she said yes. So i told Mil just let her have it then since i only saw 1 pack. She looked angrily at me, shouted of course there is 2 pieces here, if its only 1 piece, u don't even have a chance to eat it!
I was seriously shocked at her retort, i didn't even say i want it. I replied i didn't know there were how many pieces. It was pretty hurtful. My Hub was there nearby and he didn't say anything. After we were at home, i told him i was really hurt by the sudden angry face and hurtful comment, he only replied just ignore her she is old.
Old means can be hurtful? I don't know what to make of this incident
This kind of sudden angry face + shouting has happened a couple of times and that's why i seldom talk to her anymore.
