ish tak tau i ramai yg menanti update .. heheh

on sat morning i asked her to change clothes nak keluar

dia tanyer tukar bau saja?
i guess dia dah expect kena hantar balik
so mebe dia tanyer to confirm kena bawak beg ke tak

i told her tukar baju jer

after that i dun utter a word to her sampai agency
i sign some papers
handover monies
and told agent i will come later with her things

yg funny bile i was leavign the agency
si bibik terkedek kedek nak ikut i balik
i close the door in her face
i heard agenct asked her
"kamu mau kemana??"

at home my mom dah check her bags
so i balik amik harta karun dia
pi balik agent,my hb brought her bags up
my hb cakap whn he sent the bags
she was standing and he just passed her the bags

takde nanis nanis lah..

and whn my mum kembor her bags
jumpe gambar dia
gambar makeover uuuu
siap pakai baju offshoulder and choker beads
lipstick candy pink!!!

hai.. aku ni tak penah pi makeover and amik pics

morning to all yg baru masuk...

ah kalau hub alone...i would go with him...

maid nora sampai pegang kaki nora ala2 cita mak dare...
*lina nasi tambah*
HAhaha... Nora.. kelakar citer you. Tapi mcm kesian tgk si maid kena hantar balik surprised. Mesti dia blur giler and keep asking herself, "what went wrong..? I should hv listen to my ma'am.. I should have bonded with my ma'am...Tapi apa nak buat.. Nasi dah menjadi bubur"

(Hehehehe.... wati giggling*)

Gambar tu dia nak kasi banglah tak..
yup, yup, there's something a little kesian lah.
macam kena "abandoned" gitu.
but then again, when you think of the reasons, mesti rasa sakit hati jugak kan?

k, i'll ask my HB if he intends to bring anyone with him.
if not i'll go with him.
yep i'd go with hb too
bukan ape with a kid around its really diff to connect with spouse

its my modus operadi bile hantart maid balik agency
i wont tell them
send them first
at home check their things
then return their things
dah tak kuasa nak cakap lagi.. cukup la

this maid is with me from 30july 2010
very forgetful
rude to my mum
cannot take care of kids
many many more lah
So Nora, now you taking another maid from diff agency or the same one ? Or for the meantime, no maid ?
that is if HB hasn't already asked anyone.
i won't be suprised if he did, and then when i ask him he'll say "but you dah ada jugak apa"
"si bibik terkedek kedek nak ikut i balik"

kelarkar eh, these maids really mcam tak rasa bersalah gitu...
i remember my mum's old maid, this was abt 10 yrs ago.
that time we were all working, she bawak balik her apek boyfriend home.
then when nak kena hantar balik to agent, dia boleh nangis2, mintak maaf, cakap dia nak kerja lagi.
is she crazy or what?!
now no maid

new maid belum chose
bec indon only start opeartion this week
malas jugak nak amik lagi
if not bec of some factors.. memang takmo amik maid lagik

yep they very thick skinned
ingat kite marah them for fun
and what i hate is they bring out the worse in u
anyway over the weekend i had a short chat with my gf abt helpers

if u think u have heard it all..
my fren ade a beer guzzling helper, indon muslim
the employer only found out whn checking her bags
after sending the maid back to agent
found a 6pack beer among her belongings
and only 1 can left
the rest been consumed la

my fren cakap padan lah pagi always tak leh bangun..

kite ingat pino yg daring now indon maid dah wild lah...

i got sms...dorang advertise sex for $20 top up..bahasa nye obviously is indon
I can't connect with maid stories. I can only teringat one of my cousin in law's maid - she pasang langsir terbalik (the pretty one face outside) & when questioned, she replied, so that orang kat luar nampak, jadi cantik. lepak seh I ketawa.

Go with yr hubby lah
sure fun!
Susah nak get time out with hubby alone.

You panggil yr hubby,"Abang" eh? I tried it only for a few times, tapi very weird. hahaha.
ya lah Nora.. dah tawar hati eh nak amik maid lagi. Takper lah.. you pakai PT helper lah.

Maid mabok.. mampos.. aper lah dunia nie dah jadi. Last Friday kat block opp i ada maid indon terjun diri. Her majikan is chinese. But heard very garang.. so the maid cannot take it.

Lina, for sex ? aiyoh..

Recently, i notice a slack in my maid. I nk tegur tapi tgh fikir apa nak ckp. Cos dia nie pakai cermin mata. Tapi from day 1 tak nak pakai cos dia ckp dia nampak. Tapi i notice she misses some spot when cleaning. Bila aku suruh pakai cermin mata, dia ketawa.. that's the mistake i did. Im a joker at home. So she tot i was joking. Haiz..I think it's about time to teach her over again ?
Sd, sebenarnya, i tak panggil my HB "Abang".. i tried tapi geli rasanya ! Dari dulu i panggil dia "B" and he call me "Ayang / Sayang" Mula2 i dgr, i so geli you know.. i told him call me others.. tapi dia ckp dia suka panggil i tat. So sampai sekarang. Kalau i mengamok, i panggil nama penuh dia complete with nama bapak dia.. LOL*

yep very very difficult to get helper that can work, like hitting jackpot

haha that funny ade logic jugak eh

kalau dia tak kurang ajar dah bagus
at least kau cakap dia tak answer u back
u have to tell her sternly
kau buat lah cam appraisal time
sit her down
tell her she been with u for how long
kau appreciate effort dia
tell her good stuff first
then cakap the things that need improvment
"Kalau i mengamok, i panggil nama penuh dia complete with nama bapak dia.. LOL"

eh i oso

but on daily basis its I U la sudah
Nora.. great advised ! Hmm.. maybe i shld do it eh.. Appraisal thingy. Together with my mum will be good, cos my mum is with her most of the time. Yes.. Will let her know the good things, then i highlight the things that need to be improve. Yeah yeah.. great advise. Should i write down for her as a reminder ? Or i do time-table eh.
Athlete, kita smua ada shortcomings lah. I am not a great wife either. Sampai sekarang, i keep forgetting to give my hubby a glass of water when he comes home frm werk. Either my mum/maid hidangkan air utk dia or dia amik sendiri. Then stuff that he do, mesti mulut aku yg jahat nie ada ajer comment. Haiz.. tak bleh control. Tapi i am very apologetic kind. Sebelum tido, if i realised that i've been rude to him, i will mintak maaf for whatever i've done to sakitkan hati dia. Then if he keep quiet, start lah aku menangis.. then i will say "B, you maafkan i tau.. I takut nanti i tido, besok pagi i tak bangun, dah tak sempat you maafkan i.. nanti i masuk neraka... waaarrgghhh"

Aku nie badan besar, ada ego, tapi kalau part buat dosa dgn mak bapak or husband... kecut semcm tau.. sure tak bleh tido. So tu sebab kena mintak maaf cepat2.
wati time-table is a good reminder 1 copy aku kasi dia...lagik copy aku melekatkan pat ais box...

mak kau suke backing maid kau tak...?
kalau dia suke buat cam gitu it is best u do it without her...

athelte...we all hv moments or terrible wife\mother....
there is always room for improvement...
lumrah hidup berumah tangga...

kalau semuanya manis...pon kadang2 muak jugak tau...

its like kalau 'we c the fine lines' then cepat2 find ways to resolve...
kadang2 bingit jugak ngan my hub...asyik kite aje but kalau salah satu tak start bile lagik kan...

kalau tgh marah...baik2 jadi u\i awak\kite..boleh jadik kau\aku...

hihihi nama penuh semua jalan terus...
perot lapar
today hope dapat makan black pepper chic rice

have a chat with ur mom first
to get her assessment
yg penting during appraisal u and ur mom are in agreement
kalau tak bibik boleh confuse
then set a special time to do the appraisal
cam kat ofis jugak lah

satu kali aku tengah hot cakap ngan bibik
and my boy goes MAMIE!!! MAMIE!!!

ingat kan dia nak aper.. then he whispered to me
"bibik baju cantik" .. duhhh
dari nak marah then TERketawa
she was wearing new "uniform" for raye
Wati, Lina
Since before we were married, we'd address each other as "Yang". Quite used to it till now. Sometimes if my hubby panggil I, tapi I tak dengar, Adam yang tukang jeritkan, "YANG!!!!!".

Wah, you panggil yr hubby by his full name bila mengamok eh? Tu dah macam sarjan, lol. My son also sometimes call my hubby by his name, selamba je member.

I lagi terrible. I can be quite assertive & sometimes i just can't understand my hubby's logic when doing things. Sometimes I think another woman can take care of my hubby better - in terms of doing very wifey-things. But I think these days women are expected to be superwoman - jaga household, work to contribute $, jaga anak. Something's gotta give mah. Then it's not fair rite if the hubby still expect to be served like a king.
what happened to the cuppage black pepper chicken rice eh? I pernah gi sana, semangat nak makan kat the airconed hawker centre, tapi bila sampai dah ilek.
Kelarkar jugak eh izzat!

Ya lah, teringat that song "im not your superwoman.. i'm only human"
With me, sometimes I feel like I can't be a wife AND a mother.
I admit that most of the time, I put my boy's needs first.
But my logic is that cos he's a baby, he doesn't know any better.
As an adult, you can change and learn to adapt.
Lina, dia nie automatic. Tapi kerja tak teliti.. ada celah2 yg dia tak buat.. And i want to teach her how to sanitize the house lah. Aku dulu takder maid rajin pakai dettol. Nie dettol tak luak seh..

My mum backing dia time puasa lah. Time now ada jugak my mum ada complain sikit2 to me.

Kau/Aku ? Sometime i also use that time gaduh..
Of course, you said it all.
Takkan budak 16 mths boleh mandi sendiri,
amik makanan sendiri, isi botol with air to drink kan? It's a mother's fitrah (chehh..i just learnt this word from a parent I met semalam)
to care for a young child.
As long as our hubbies tak pakai baju yang dah bau busuk, etc, ok lah tu.

I sometimes tell my husband - The ice tray doesn't magically get filled up, you know.
And when he complains I'm late every morning, I'll tell him - Hey I've got to wash 2 kids up, cook A's porridge, pump her milk out etc. All within 1 hr.

I mean, all the men has to do is - get himself ready for work, help dress the kid (i'm grateful my hubby does this task) & make milk for my son when all's ready, then get out of the house & drive to work. The nitty gritty work in between, semua mommy has to do per. So, we all have our parts, that's life as a working couple in S'pore UNLESS ada helper.
SD, Maya pun gitu. I panggil my HB, "B".. Maya pun panggil "B".. then bila i panggil my mum "Mak", Maya pun panggil "Mak".. but i always correct her quickly...

Athlete, it's ok lah. Aku pun gitu. Maya is my baby per.. so i give full attn to her tau. Then i tgk he also ok with it.. cos i bet he is enjoying his alone time..but it got worst that he start to ignore Maya for stealing me away. For a period of time, Maya keep crying bila my HB angkat when she was about a few months old.. my HB nie EMO. Dia ckp, nobody loves me.. he said i dun love him and Maya also hate him.. haiz..terpaksa aku pujuk dia. Dia pun mcm baby tua.
hahaha yeah budak2 sure ikot2.
When my little girl cries, Adam will say, "Dia nak Ibu dia lah". we'll always find that funny. Coz dia ikot2 orang tua berbual.

Anyway, good that yr hubby feel that way also. My hubby pun sometimes step sedih, tapi i think out of convenience, he'll say, baby tak mo I, dia nak you aje... hahahaha senang lah dia nak tengok TV :p But I think I'm grateful coz my hubby can be really hands on with the kids.
SD, sama lah i. Ice tray tu pun selalu empty. Then bukak baju terus pun on the floor.. tapi now dah improve sikit lah. Cos kena marah dgn i. I hentam dia cukup2 by saying “Wey.. I am your wife. I am not your mother who picks up all your shit since young ok” Terus dia tak berani..

i mean haiz.. melampau kan mak manjakan anak sampai jadi spoilt brat. I pun simple jugak. I need my HB to automatically sidai towel sendiri after use, dispose baju kotor kat dlm laundry basket, help to entertain Maya while I bathe or get ready. Bingit tau sometime, dia baru jaga Maya, then I nak mandi.. dah dgr si Maya terpekik or nangis cos argue with my HB pasal minor things. I told him off lah…”Aku nak mandi pun susah. Suruh jaga budak kejap pun tak boleh ker?” His response is “Maya nak main toys then berserak kan, I marah lah”
I ckp dgn my HB “Hello.. I just need 10 just tgk kan dia..make sure she dun climb the window, got kitchen take knife..those MAJOR things..kalau setakat nk main mainan and make a little’s ok lah.. yg kemas aku per..” Haiz.. boleh mati tau I ajar my HB. I mean dgn Maya he always nak argue…i really can't get 10 mins alone in the toilet oi...

Panjang bye citer.
Hehe... Geli hati aku baca citer korang.

Sarah tk nangis. More to stunned.
Wen I washed her up dlm toilet,
and bilang dia she scared me,
barulah dia menangis. Tats my gal.
I pat dpn w Sarah, hb pat blkg w Adam.
LOL. Takpe nanti maya dah besar sikit, insya-Allah it'll be easier. She's quite kakak2 also kan? girls reach independence faster I've heard.

sometimes bila I'm alone with the kids, I'll plonk Aifah in cot & bathe quickly.Melalak pun melalak lah. Tapi at times i take a risk and let A play outside with her brother. I pun takut jugak dia jatuh ke, menyesal kemudian tak berguna...

But I think yr hubby is really one nice guy. One strength I can see is, dia tak terus ikot his mother's requests. he consults you & has a rationale mind. That's good

Oh yah, Lynn kem salam kat semua orang. Nanti dia dah settle down, dia mampir ke sini...
Now i dah preggy with no. 2, i selalu ckp dgn my hubby.. you have to help me raise this child together ok...I dun think i can cope if i nak kena raise them alone. I mean, im grateful ada maid tolong with housework, but dlm didik anak2, or manjakan anak2, or pujuk anak2 if they cry or cranky.. nie semua need teamwork oi.. Cos dgn Maya, my HB ada slack sikit, cos i all out. Tapi seriously with number 2, aku dah takder energy seh.. chialat !!
"sometimes i just can't understand my hubby's logic when doing things"

u said it gerl... i pun.. haiz.. dorang buat keje cam tarak system

i feel for u peah, banyak bende must do before u leave ur place.. kuddos
u manage without help its really fantastic

just this morning
after breakfast
i carried everything back to kitchen
put back the jam butter in fridge etc
wash dishes
wash my boy yer milk bottles and thermos
from last nite
lap table

and what did the hb do
went up t get his socks bec he forgot to take earlier
and sat in the car waiting for me

i masok keta i cakap

"wah must eb nice arrh sitting in the car watching me walk back and forth from kitchen to dining area a few times!"

the only bibik duty that he has to takeover is throwing the rubbish outside at the end of the day
and those period we dun have bibik
i have to remind him everyday or he will "lupak" (eh jangkit agak yer sakit bibik nie.. heheh)
Nora.. sama lah hb ku. I need to constantly remind him to do it. Padahal routine eh... hehehe.. Seriously i think dorang nie BIG Baby lah. Nak kena suruh or buatkan dorang. Nak marah2, dah terasa mcm nagging plak.. Padahal, dorang nie sendiri nampak, boleh fikir and buat tau..
peah oh peah

that foodcourt dah tutup ade 2 tahun gak yer
kaplan private sch takeover that space

for the longest time i kena eat fastfood for lunch
until last yr ade 2 new malays tall menjelma

yep.. used to it already la
aku ade 2 laundry basket one for handwash and another for machine wash

1st step hb dah pandai - ie bukak baju tarok dlm basket

but thats all dia tau - tarok dlm basket
he cant tell the difference between the 2 baskets
Ladies, tomorrow is my check-up at NUH. Tapi meet dgn gynae jer.. sometime tunggu lama. Chit-chat dgn gynae then go home. Takder scan. But i think besok i want to lie to doc some story so that he allow me scan and check my baby. Mcm dah lama tak tgk baby i kat TV tu..hehehe.
Nora.. hahaha... so funny. Dorang nie kadang2 eh..haiz.. sometime i tell my hubby. "Apa yg you fikir kan?" He said nothing..i told him "I dun believe you" he said "Really nothing".. i was like.. "OMG.. you guys really can think of nothing" You all kalau perasan, kita orang pompan sentiasa fikiran jalan.. bergerak 24 jm.
You all have no idea how sooo much better I feel after reading all these Hb's stories!!

At least I know I'm not alone in my frustrations!

Takper, now, we should start "training" our sons, so that when they get married and have kids, they will be more pro-active and their wives tak terok macam kita!

Nora /SD,
Are you talking abt the "Tiara" stall from cuppage?
I though they moved to Meridian foodcourt.
I used to go there quite a bit when I worked in town.
Dat Malay stall yg foodcourt cuppage tu,
tink the name is Qiara,
da pindah ke Meridien foodcourt kan?
The new Concorde Hotel there.

Pasal laundry bag-
aku pun ade dua. One for light clothing and another for dark.
Tp aku suspect laki aku color blind cos evry wk aku ckp,
but every day he makes the same mistake.
Until aku bingit, aku cuci baju white dia dgn black.
So bile dat white turn grey, dia tanye pasal,
dgn selamba aku jawab, "aku tak nmpk la ade baju black pat basket!"
Action speaks louder than words! And he learnt his lesson.
hahah, zu thats a good one.. heheh

betol tau semuer same la.. agak yer kalau u kawen with jaapar onn baru lain
sape tak kanal jaapar onn pi google

Qiara moved to meridien, diff owner same cook
then dah tutup
wakakaka jaapar onn...

yest. baru meletop...balik work as usual settlekan kids nyer homework...
then hub pet pot pasal my 3rd one nobody to guide in reading etc...

ape lagik meletop cam bunyi api ihihihi...

waalaikumsalam lynn....

have to la. Mentang2 aku tk work, he take tgs for granted.
Aku pun 'work' tau- ape ingat aku dok rmh satu hari goyang kaki ke.
Budak2 ni nye kerenah jer bole buat aku pengsan,
blom lagi kira masa2 bile dorang tag-team serak kan rmh.

But then, aku rasa aku quite blessed la.
Cos apek nie ade jgk ringan2 kan tangan tlg aku.
Vacuum and cuci pinggan sume dia buat.
Sometimes baju dia tlg lipat, budak2 pagi dia settle mandi.
Mornings slalu aku v busy masak2, so am v thankful.
So cnt complain much la, gotta give and take.
