my friend tgh 50-50 to buy this 'gentle' washing machine...siap dgn dryer lagik...then baju tak payah gosok...

she said abt 4000++++

$4K?! Makkk...kalau yr kawan punye hubby tu kaya, cap duit, boleh jugak lah.

I have a dryer tapi tu pun i rasa perit coz the bills are rather high. That's why I wring my clothes dry (using spin function) before I pop them into dryer.

Uk oh...heheh.... dia dah baik sakit betul2?

actually belum baik sangat

i half hearted nak kasi dia go sch tomoro

bec i dun want himt o miss out on the party at sch

today so far temp maintain at 37
"kalau yr kawan punye hubby tu kaya, cap duit, boleh jugak lah. "
hub dia pon tak nak belikan hihihihi

dorang baru kahwin n dah dapat very excited to buy the household items....

my friend nie nak 'kerja senang'...but kerja senang comes with a price hihiihhi
u all ever try iron yg standing tu tak??

like the ones yg retailers use

i have teh impression that gosok pakai tu lagi senang

but gosok baju is not my thing ah.. habis berline line

oh iron yg mcm steam tu ke?
i heard its good wif soft materials..
yg mcm jeans n stuf diff to use it tink..

but i prefer to sit on a chair,switch on the radio n gosok jangan tk gosok..
Me too.. paling anti seh gosok mengosok nie. Time belum kahwin ok jugak. lepas kahwin jadi benci plak, my hubby ni big size jadi gosok baju dia satu dah mcm gosok baju i 3 helai..
37 OK lah, bagus lah temp dah turun. So he's at home?
I think insya-Allah by tomorrow dah OK tu.
He'll love the party for sure. Tapi kalau demam jangan lah kasi pergi. Takut nanti weekend dia sakit balik. Tricky at times....

This weekend, just stay at home and slack lah.
Or you could use yr inflatable pool in yr porch, am sure he'll be happy!

I used to love ironing tau. Until I had Adam & have so much housework to clear too. Terus tak larat iron unless I have to.

Actually laundry pun OK lah...sumbat je dlm washing machine. hehe.
<font color="119911">ju
this is e message i got
[15:10] Juraidah: Message was not sent because an unknown error occurred.
y eh? u dah off n on?

anwyay kan ku pun suka sgt cuci hehe i can cont to wash n wash n wash haha bt dont ask me to iron hehe wen no mood 1 suar tu ada bebaik satu lain jadi berline2</font>
i HATE ironing!!
tapi laundry i suka buat..
masuk machine n spin dry...
tapikan, when time nak jemur, i ada OCD sikit...
baju on each galah must all be same colour, and same type,
ie, t-shirts only, pants only etc...
and the clothes cannot be ruffled when hanging, must be stretched to its original size...
like that tak ronyok sgt, senang nak gosok....
steam iron yang we use when standing tu, tu mahal tau! If you buy the cheap one $100+, i don't think it'll work. The ones yang orang pakai kat boutique tu mahal giler.

Anyway i'm not keen on that. Sekali adam tarik, habis. plus storage lagi. dah lah rumah i ni kecik.
yup, yup...
that was when only me and hub and at our own place.
now tumpang rumah my mother, dah tak payah buat laundry cos ada bibik heh...
next time when we move to our new place, now ada my boy, dunno whether i got time to be OCD...
ada plan nak beli dryer jugak...
moga dipanjangkan usia dan sihat sentiasa..

hi ladies..
today is juz nt my day...i feel like crying,,ifeel like shouting..pasal makcik therapist yg tak bertanggungjawab..i yg kena maki dan tempat cina bulit tu lepas kan that fair..gurls..who says werkin frm home is easy...for now i dun think so,yes cust always rite...i cant denied dat,but she keeps callin every 2mins..argghhh..mcm nak maki je..tak faham bahasa,da tentu i ckp i will call back..but still call,tak paham bahasa english agaknye..da ckp bahasa cina pun dier tak reti bahasa..nak jugak try ckp bahasa india,biar dier rasa,kakakaka*ketawa dlm marah*..sory la,i juz wanna let it out...dgn my baby kena gigit nyamuk sampai bengkak2 ,teruk plak tu,i juz bk frm doc,kena insect bite,sampai berbenjol2 dahi n kening punya area n also blakang telinga..kesian dier,n kesian diriku ini yg dilanda masalah yg teruk sekali...
athlete oso sumting like tat..cuma i suke jemur baju tido dulu then t shirt then baju budak..

coz i want the thicker materials to be outside n kene sun so ble dry up faster..
thinner materials inwards..
<font color="000000">Amboi panjangnye story....

thanks for asking, no worries dear! I am ok..

Cepat kasi idea...
aku balik2 bowling je one of my plan..hhehehe

ada kids bowling lane tau pat downtowneast..dah ajak Izzat try lom??

Saturday nite tgk wayang cite G.I.Joe</font>
<font color="119911">ju &amp; athlete
u both kai galah, ku hai hanger lau servis balkoni dah penuh ah ke main balcony plak heeh</font>
lina..hahahaha..tepuk jgn tak tepuk..tepuk kuat2 pun i da tak le rasa..da sebal ni....tanduk ku mcm nak terkeluar..telinga da berasap ni..hehehehe
*simbah air pat shash*

shash baby lebih important...just monitor his temp..

makcik nie tak habis2 buat pasal eh
makcik keropok
makcik therapist

dealing with client mesti ade yg unreasonable

me pun... kekadang cam nak meletup kepala

dulu i ade client, bile dia call, i cant even selit kan satu word in teh conversation

dari i pick up the call sampai habis dia marah marah... soo unreasonable

lepas dia marah dia hang up.. TUP.. dah bis

this kind, tak dapat business dia pun kite tak rugi
<font color="000000">Nora
ada..bdk2 suka...just 10 ball for $2. Like real lane with pins, bpk boy pon sebok2 bowl kat situ..LOL!

nah ambik ni besi paip...tepok2 Shash tak main lah..</font>
oh shash tanak tepuk2 eh...dia mintak kena rembat...meh meh shash...nak mintak pijak pon bolehhhh...hihihiihih
Yes! kat downtown east ada kids' lane. Kecik je kat hujung.

Brapa eh harga dia?

Tapi sekarang ni, i fikir 2 kali sebelum pergi to enclosed, aircon areas with crowds. Haiz... so prefer outdoor place.

I wonder if zoo is a safe place.

Cool down k babe? Gini lah, jadi working mom. Tapi i think esp when dealing with pple of other races, we have to be more tactful. Jangan pulak kita pun lose temper and become unreasonable ..
alamak... kalau free, baik jangan pergi. sure crowded giler.

brapa eh ferris wheel tu? Takpe lah sekali sekala.
I think explorer kids, worth it kalau pergi weekdays, takde orang. Kalau weekends, adui...macam zoo...hehe...packed abis!

Btw, kalau gi explorer kids, you ikut izzat panjat yang kat atas2 tu tak?
memang tak pergilah....tak kuasa the CROWD.....

dulu ade family day at wild wild wet...balik satu family kena gatal2!
<font color="000000">Nora
kasut jgn tarok luar unless kau tak heran kasut hilang..

kwn aku kasot anak dia hilang..kecoh siak sampai report polis segala..hahaha..

tu lah...aku ngah carik idea mana nak pegi jgk nie..kalau www/escape aku boleh dpt buy 3 get 3 free..tapi malas psl panassss..</font>
$6 eh? mahal jugak eh

Last 2 weeks we went there, then ada this train kat depan BK. Adam looked interested so hubby bot a ticket for him. Tapi i think dia seram tengok all the "scary" characters on the train. Dia tak mo naik seh! Haha, lucky dpt refund.

Tapi kalau you tak naik in the explorer web, u tak takut dia jatuh ke apa eh? But i think izzat dah besar jugak at 4yrs old. I worry adam would tergolek ke, apa ke. I used to go up with him dulu but now in this state, I worry for my 2nd one too.

've never been to polliwogs. another place is at kallang leisurepark. just a small play area. i think it's called Peek-A-boo!
"kwn aku kasot anak dia hilang..kecoh siak sampai report polis segala"

hihiihihihi..pat situ pon orang kebas ...
hmmm, tdy tak nampak lynn, naqi, sher etc...

notty, are u taking orders for hari raya?
i this year, 1st time nak order kuih raya, cos raya kat rumah mak, so kena contribute sikit ah..

previously my own place, tak pernah beli, cos my house takde org datang...
