You besok dpt half day kan? Kitaorang kerja jugak all the way!

I think it's because it's a long weekend lah, takut besok orang amik leave, takde orang nanti.
sab ...ok aper...lepas tu dah boleh balik....

smalldreams...tadi ade nyanyi lagu..."Stand Up...Stand Up for Singaporeeeeee"

Take the pledge?

morning mira
Hello Mummies, salam perkenalan semua.. I dah lama jugak join SMH ni but just came across this thread. Hmm..Interesting.
I'm a FTWM with 2 kids(boy) age 23mth and (girl) age 10mth. Currently my maid look after my kids but I intend to send both to childcare when my girl turns 18mth. My mum staying with me and she does all the cooking.
I nak tanya eh, ada any of the mummies here with 2 kids without maid? Leh cope tak with the household chores to do after work? I actualy tgh dilemma ni coz my maid ni bagus but my budget very tight lah.Now since govt increase subsidies and also bole bayar fees pakai CDA acct, I think i pay lesser than hiring a maid. My kids leh belajar, socialise with other kids and be more independent too.Kalo sasape had this experience b4, care to share ur experienced/opinion with me? Sori eh, baru 1st time intro dah bnyk tanya..

Terma Kasih Bnyk2..
Salam Perkenalan also FTWM...3 kids...2 boys (9 and 5 years) and my gal 10 years...

kalau anak dua without maid...nak kena tanya Sabrina....
hello hayati!

2 kids w/o maid.. that will be ME!
tapi i have my own childcare arrangement yg tak ideal la.. both my kids tak attend childcare.
nak tanya cher it all schools besok half day??? sarah in pm session so im not sure how the timing is besok...tanya dia ...dia kata teacher nvr say anak aku ni memang blur slalu.....haiz.....

tankiu lina....

anyway saper eh yg email i pasal reno? nanti i balik den i call eh....pasal nak pi treatment jap lagi....hehehe
Hi lina, ur kids 1st 2 age gap very close eh? Sama cam I but kalo bole i nk 2 jer..he he So how u cope with 3 kids when they were like my kids age?

Hi Sabrina,childcare arrangment tk ideal?? tk paham ar,PIL look after?

Hi smalldreams, Hepi b'day 2 u..
My keponakans single session sch

tomoro report at 8.45
balik at 10.30

then sch bus takde service tomoro
so bibik will fetch them

usually like this sch will issue circular, most sch also ask students to wear red and white

izzat sch ade party, kena bawak potluck
My children schools also same timing for tomorrow.
How I wish, my working timing also the same...why singapore's comapny didn't shut down to celebrate national day.....
my 1st kid i kasi babysitter jaga..time i nak work dulu...then i pregnant again...

so i ambil my anak once a week....bila my 2nd anak dilahirkan....ade 2 babysitter jaga...

banyak babysitterlah but i ambil once per week...due to my job nature...

no maids coz i dulu duduk rumah sewa

but bila i dapat rumah ...i sent both to childcare bila my 2nd boy dah genap 18 mths
tapi since my 2nd kena sawan pat hub decided to monitor him fr we ambil maid n antar normal kindergarten....

so after that...we stick to maid-lah
Hi Hayati

tak leh input sangat pasal anak i satu jer, just turn 3 yo

lucky u have a good helper

other than the cost saving (which u need to calculate properly)
and the fact ur kids will benefit from the interaction etc
what other adv do u see?

my boy goes to half day cc, actually 3 hrs jer lah
bec he bangun lambat
i just let him go there to mix around,
whatever skills (ade baik ade buruk) i accept it as learning process
learning is not purely academics

frankly i tak sampai hati nak tinggalkan kids in full time cc, unless dah takde choice
"How I wish, my working timing also the same...why singapore's comapny didn't shut down to celebrate national day....."

coz we kena work for the country Mira..hahahhaha
hi hayati..

im a mom of 2 kids n working..

actually quite hectic schedule aft work..

coz nk layan anak,hubby n buat keje rumah..

tats y im considering of taking a maid soon at my new place..insyaallah..

Seram plak dgr ank u kena sawan. My son ni cepat sakit ar and kalo sakit lambat nk baik. Nk kena gi hospital baru ok. Ni pun yg i risau kalo hantar childcare dorg cepat berjangkit.. but some they say, can build their immunity.. But to play safe,maybe i hantar my son to nursery 1 jer lah nxt year.
Hi Nora,

Appreciate ur opinion. Ya, i'm very lucky my helper is good. I nk sent her away pun takut her next majikan treat her bad and also takut i tkleh cope. I might consider nursery for my son nxt year.
hi hayati,
i nak tanya...
i'm hoping to get a full-time job soon,
which means that i might have to look for a helper jugak to help take care of my son...
hmm if you're thinking of sending yours back.., boleh recommend to me....
Helo ju,

I dah bleh imagine its really tough coz u nk layan anak den kemas rumah.. Anak sulung tu pun nk kena layan jugak.. he he.. Then my hubby kalo ringan tangan tkpe jugak, i nie dah mcm 2nd maid pat rumah.. Hmm. I ingatkan nk try if I can manage but too risky lah, this time my maid is good but if lets say thing don't work out and i've to engage another maid skali tk ok, susah jugak..This is my 2nd maid, good, religous and also very teliti jaga budak. My 1st..pandai buat keje tapi terlalu arrogant coz too many exp in singapore.
Hi athlete,

Actualy my fren pun suruh i pass pat dia kalo i tk nk pakai my maid lagi. Hmm..Sorry.. I think i still stick with my maid lah after hearing other mummies nye reviews. I might consider sending my boy to nursery 1 nxt year. Maybe to elias kindergarten. Any comments on this kindy?
hi Hayati..

if i dpt maid mcm tu,
i would really consider very very hard before returning her to the agency..
coz a maid like her is like 1 in a million..
selalunya kita selalu dengar perihal buruk si maid tu..
jarang kita dengar yg baik kan?

betol2 u beruntung tau..
i penat sgt2..sampai umah ard 730pm..dok sekejap n mandi
then attend to my 1 year old..
mandikan n susukan n kasi tido..
then attend to my 2 year old..mandi,susukan,bergurau senda bacakan buku..n tidokan..
by tat time its already 10pm..
then hubby alik kol 1030pm.makan sama2..

then ard 1130,nk kene gosok baju utk kerja esok n sambil tu cuci baju budak2..
ard 1year old nye feeding ard 1-1.15am barulah i dapat tido..

itupun around 430 bangun lagi for my 1 year old nye feeding time..

i keluar umah around 645am daily..

fuhh hectic babe..
tapi i work 5 day week je.. ;)
itupun badan tk slim slim..mengembang lagi adalah..hehehe
hi, i'm back.. dah free sikit.


my kids age rapat... setahun satu..

my kids are apart..(rapat but apart!!)HAHA!

satu my mum jaga, lagi satu my mil jaga. i jumpa both during weekends and holiday. kalo weekdays, gilir2... arrangement mcm gini coz nak sedapkan hati mum n mil... tak tau sampai bila.. tak ideal kan coz adik-beradik tak grow up together. I can see the effect of this already. Both have different world views.
