Welcome to the club Aisyah. I used to see your name quite often on the WTB/WTS threads.

Ok ladies, I have leaving office soon. Enjoy your yummylicious lunch

<font color="ff0000">Hi aisyah yr cutie

kat sana cuma ada cili powder berguni2
but not the giling type

bye cik nab
<font color="ff0000">Nshah

Sape2 ada family problem or wat they can balik take leave n bila nak balik dubai at yr own expenses for the tix
Hi to all mummy i need ur help

If u have any mummy whose has a kid or anyone with Vater syndrome pls lets me know cause my gal whose is 18mth ade vater syndrome it had something to do wth the neck,
the neck of the bone is not straight
<font color="ff6000">'re true on that Cik Nab cos hub was like so delightful after getting sambal/chilli sauce that's avail at the food court. Bye Cik Nab!

Hope ur boy is well...dun thnk to much aite!</font>
Hi Dan sorry i dah lama tak join u gal, i pernah bilang tulang belangkang my gal ade problem.

last 2 week my gal wen for xtray and the doc find out the neck of the bone is not straight dat y banyak org teguh kepala quraisyah mcm senget sebelah
<font color="ff6000">Hehehe...u said it Dan...

So sad to hear that. Will there be any cure for that sis? Any chance?</font>
<font color="119911">Hi qu
welcome.. hmm sorry not sure abt that syndrome

apa kata u buatkan or beli sambal ayam penyet then freeze kan bleh kan?</font>
Nor, kesian. Sorry to hear that. Lain orang lain masalah. So what did the doc suggest about her spinal neck ?

Nshah, kau gie Batam this week ? Pergi ikut package ker tour ?

i tak tahu doc kata he can't gurantee if her neck will go staight kalau buat
ops it will risk her life if go for therapy or use the collar he can't confirm it will go straight.

Hello madm Wati i tinggal tamp Wow quraisyah ade kawan lah my gal born on 26 sep anak u ?
elo mommies

apa citer hari ni?

so sorry to hear about that. U can google, i'm sure you find out more. perhaps ada support group pon.

can I have the strips too? PM me the details? thanks.

Re : BP
haiz....rupanya ada BP kecoh lagi seh, after that coach thread. ni kes i tak leh tido semalam, so i read thru that.

Naqi takde hari ni eh? Lynn pon
<font color="ff6000">Quraisyah,
I can feel your pain as a mother. You're a strong mother indeed.

BP kecoh lagi?
Now abt?
Ada links?</font>

wht abt the kecohness? come give the link.

just now i sms her, asked if she still in dreamland... sampai sekarang tak jawab

lynn on leave gak yer, she did mentioned they were advised to take AL this week.. but i dun know for how long.
kalau tak take leave, she busy lah gak yer

Lunch is coming, i bawak bekal, but like no mood to makan..
<font color="119911">wati
pi sendiri ah.. act nak pi from fri bt FIL tak leh amik cuti so we gg on sat instead hehe silap will nampak e dj2 u noe wat time they berangkat? ive yet to call my agency kul berapa kena naik ferry.. dorang duk hotel mana eh?

apa kes? pass ah link.. is it yg pasal LV?</font>
<font color="aa00aa">quraisyah,
yup remembered u.
oh..never heard of that syndrome before..maybe u can google it and find out more.

good that u and hubby are planning for another one.
last weekend me n hubby just had a very long talk about this topic.</font>
Nor, my daughter is born on the 15th Oct 07. I think for now jgn op lah. She is too young. You tak tahu what is the cause of aenastesthic to our baby brain. Just pray lah that it is not serious as what the doc ckp. Sometime they over conclude..

I'm staying at Jurong West...sigh* orang east lagi.

oklah... now i nak gi mamam... chat later eh
yes i remember you too!
U're really one special mother - do find out more and talk to yr docs so u can make informed decisions ok?

So what's the outcome of the long talk? hehehe.
I was thinking the other day, and I really wished I started having kids earlier. I only had my first one at 27. Tua. No offence to anyone; it's just that, biologically, memang tu tua kan?

Ouh... tapi takpe, masih slim jugak sekarang.

No I'm not

Tu ler, macam2. Sometimes eh I heran tau, apa2 je benda jual kat sini, sure ada orang beli. Benda merepek pon ada orang beli. ???!! What's on these people's minds??!
<font color="ff6000">smalldreams,
It takes to gamble on the sprees. Kalau seller jujur, kita happy tapi kalau disebaliknya...susah nk comment...</font>
To all mummy tks i dah check pun kat google nonthing much pun i cuma risau wat will happen to her kalau dia dah masuk sekolah.

ok mummy goodbye i nak kena fetch aisyah he he smlm dia tido umah my mum kita sambung bsok

LV apa hal pulak?

Afternoon gal! *hugs*

memang, susah. Tsk. I rasa eh due to all these scams, tak lama lagi these things will be banned. Kita jugak yang susah nanti coz dah addicted sangat kat online shopping. hehe.
<font color="119911">bye Qu

noon liz..

ada.. ada lv ada hal.. tp tak salah at singaporebrides.. nanti ku tepekkan nak finish up my last 3suap nasi bye..

irfan is back from doc, syukur jus lendir no more fever so dpt cough medicine aje
Afternoon everyone..

For those who accept and add me in FB thank you so much, im a newbie in FB so ada yg i tak pandai accept like the roses and hugs. almak tak faham but i will slowly learnt. My SIL yg create kan n she is also the one yg upload gamber dgn Ameng lol

But anyway, thanks and do guide me along the way.
<font color="119911">LIZ!!!!
cantiknya so ur concept is black, white grey? so it will look like that eh? eee jeleznya mesit buat open house eh kasi kita feel ur dapur &amp; toilet tau</font>
ni fight yang takde faedah. bukannye memperjuangkan apa2...hehe

hujan2 ni, makan simple2 pon sedap jugak

so now tengah sch hols kan? Any plans for the kids?

Ouh, k nanti bila free, boleh check tu link. thankies!

<font color="119911">hi zu
makan nasi, sambal daging or daging berlada &amp; sayur2 sedap dah kenyang &amp; now mata dah mulu kuyu noh..

liz e toilet really facing ur katil eh.. i segan nak buat camtu coz baunya takut naik si.. nak2 lau lelaki pipis aduh..</font>
