Holidays with PIL
Strict No-No, i dah bilang hb, kalau nak sponsor dorang holiday silakan
but please dun expect me to go with them.. prease hor prease....

Nora, susah eh, cam gitu!
for all u noe, anak dorang yg tak pandai main!
sorie, i mean in general! den, salahkan DIL plak! they, as orang tua, shld be more tactful la...

Ooooo..... nie oso my auntie's family nyer policy... if anak2 dia, semua bleh, semua takper... ipar & menantu jer yg kurang ajar!
<font color="ff6000">Shahlynn,
Generally 3 beradik bt since his mom re-marry, there's another 2 comes in. So total 5 siblings. 3 adik beradik kuat (SIL, him &amp; BIL), lagi 2 age 11 and 12.</font>
<font color="119911">NAw
yup can say frankly im more open &amp; close to MIL than my mum.. i can talk anything under e sun, on e bed story with her entah eh.. mungkin caranya melayan i lah buat i ada tpt bergantung coz my mum doesnt provide me this service dari kecik sampai skg, taunya marah, salahkan i je..

yup even we go honeymoon she &amp; FIL ikut &amp; masa i kosong for 1yr she takpernah salahkan i or apa.. cuma mmg suruh kita berusaha ada dia advice kan hub &amp; me too esp on permakanan &amp; aft our sex.. coz aku ni lepas anu je mesti pi cuci cecepat so she said btr dont jus let it perap 1st if tul nak sangkut cepat.. we really shared alot..

yup i tink its his responsibilities since hes e eldest kan? sorry eh if im rude.. coz apparently gak e same for me hub ada special aunt so seandainya nenek dia dah tak da e makcik will flw his mum &amp; i dont tink she will flw my MIL to n fro KL thus we will hv to jaga in e end.. for ur case kuat, its ur bro in law for me its only makcik angkat coz she anak angkat hub's nenek</font>
<font color="ff6000">Shahlynn,
Bukan apa..tapi I hv my reasons too.
Tho he's special, he noe abt S** tau. Baru-baru kenal hub, he likes to touch my brea*** till hub complained to his step-dad. Kalau tgk crite mat salleh yg suka cium2, he tends to do e same. And looking on long term, IF i dikurniakan anak perempuan...mcm mana tu? Kalau ada maid pon I seram...I takut kalau jadi disebaliknya..</font>
<font color="ff6000">Nshahi,
Even from his step-dad's?

Setahu I, like example my dad. Dia ada 12 beradik. His mom passed away so his dad re-married. Dpt zuriat lagi 3. Itu baru kuat sebab 1 bapa...correct me if am wrong.</font>
<font color="119911">san
so yg special ni from e step dad? or sorry me confuse yup.. yup.. if from 1 dad then kuat ah.. bt if from 1 mum tak sgt
hmm if tau pasal sex tu mmg danger.. mayb can tink of smtg lah now, bincang bebaik &amp; let his mum noes jadi tak kecoh belakang hari..</font>
<font color="ff6000">nshahi,
Yup, zuriat from his step dad and mil's 2nd marriage. Bkn tk nk bincang cos dis thng hav bn brought up on/off bt just dat hub cnt ans.</font>
<font color="ff6000">Nora,
I hope so...insyllh...

MIL hope her special son wun be in one of the Homes bt to thnk for safety etc, I masih ragu-ragu and financially nk kena stable jugak. Mana nk dgr ragam + emo + skola dia etc...all cost $$$...

And there 2 wknds kita drop by MIL's plc..Indra was bathing. MIL just plainly shout, "Indra, cuba pakai tuala tu betul2. Dah lah bulu panjang...malu!

So cn imagine my takut-ness?
Mandi tk kunci pintu etc...</font>
<font color="ff6000">Shahlynn,
Not all special kids faham sis. FIL tegur and Indra takut dgn dia. Eversince both kena retrenched, FIL have bn working irregular hours and kadang2 tkde off days. By e time dia balik, anak2 dia smua dah tdo. Kesian gak tgk esp the maid. Dtg mood swing jer, habis lah...</font>
<font color="119911">san
he pi school kan? since if he go school mesti tau gak tata tertib kan? mmg lah walaupun slow.. as for yg my hub aunt ni dia tak peduli org, asal main baring tgh2 dunia if ada kenduri or watever &amp; most budak2 takut dgn dia.. dah tu if ku ckp apa smua tak nak dgr &amp; tak heran tp if dah duk my place tak nak balik.. lau kencing tu jgn ckp ah dah beribu kali sbb tu sofa2 i smua kena buang..
n shes not young shes already 37yrs tp lau dah mandi ah berejam dah tu suka amik brg org.. she will take watever she likes in the house be it from sabun to accesories rumah &amp; stuffed into her bag suar dlm, bra pun disaup seh.. if makanan atas meja nak kena angkat either dicekurnya or disneezkan makanan tu smua</font>
<font color="ff6000">nshahi,
Yes he went BUT in sch and at home dia lain tau. Teachers commented he's bright BUT duno wht e diff behaviour when he's at hm.

Tat's y kadang2, I taku nk ke sana tapi hv to. I'll be seating with hub mostly.

At times I nk tegur gak. Dia dah besar. Pubic hairs pon dah ada tapi nk mandi, suro bibik dukung atau peluk dia etc...mandi, tk tutup pintu...Nk tdo pon sama. Sampai adik dia terikut. Find it nt e right way lah tapi I kan siapa...</font>
<font color="119911">Slynn
yes dear.. u tght special lain ke? its down syndrome kind kan san? dia pi school yg uni clr putih &amp; blue kan?.. mmg dorang tak paham &amp; selalu tght its funny cuma take 1 person je for them to b scared off</font>
Oh i see that kind of special..

Org cam gitu memang do better in a structured environment
Bec nak handle dorang is tricky and perlu banyak sabar

So maybe thats why he thrives in the school environment.
<font color="ff6000">Nora,
True enough..
I told hub...I tak mampu nk jaga Indra cos family sndri tak terjaga cos I'm working. MIL look upon hub cos he's the only reliable source and since both are working, we shld hv ample savings and stable job. I don't think that way cos we work hard for our family but if MIL think that way, that's nt my cuppa. Mcm dia dah plan kehidupan kami sekeluarga...

I duno towards others comment bt this is hw I feel. I jarang spend time + jaga anak2 sepenuhnya. Apalagi nk jaga adiknya...I reali cant.</font>
san, i dunno how to comment...
coz, even down's ada macam2 category...

perhaps wat he need is full attention. and nak kena repeatedly tell him dis is wrong, dis is right....

kay, nak balik! tomoro sambung
<font color="ff6000">
U ladies think I'm being selfish?
FYI, MIL always tell hub since both are working...shld b np facing financially. In SG smua pakai $$$. Tk bermakna kedua-duannya bekerja, kita byk $$$. Betul tak?

Adding, we shld hv a maid so I tk penat.

I dun undstnd MIL's mindset. I tk suka orng campur aduk hal peribadi > kerja > masa > wang!
Kita bukan robot. Ikut perintah bila dirancang.

Kalau beri pendapat, well...nt so bad but to tell us this and that, pls excuse us.</font>
<font color="119911">san
nope i dont tink u r selfish.. like i mentioned if ditakdirkan my hub's nenek &amp; atuk tak panjg umur mereka i also tak nak jaga.. coz tak save tglkan dia sorang at home lagi.. mmg true wat u said.. tak bermakna kit adua kerja kita ada byk $$$ bt dats wat hub's adik beradik, makcik2 even his nenek pikir coz cam senang gitu campak pat kita lagi laki aku pakai diam aje.. haiz entahlah if can i tak nak gak.. my adik2, mak bapa tak terjaga nak pi jaga lagi satu punya buntut?</font>
some pple their perspective is cetek
and they see things in 2 dimensional

double income = senang

jgn stress neh...

see my PIL thot, me keje bagus

career minded = tak nak anak
<font color="ff6000">Nshahi / Nora,
Practically --- C.E.T.E.K pemekirannya walaupun indirectly tk nk beritahu, tapi I dpt tngkp dari caranya.

A person wun ask wtr u're going for no.3 + taking care of the special at one time + telling us abt our career path + maid + income all at one go right? Kalau betullah tkde topic, takkan smpi topic mcm gini?

I dun mind if she's teasing me,"Bila nk no.3 Su?" tapi ini tidak...selit daun!

Nora, pandai awk hurai masalah emo eh..hehe!</font>
<font color="ff6000">SIL and BIL confirm tolak kat kita part mcm gini. Dulu masa ada jodoh SIL, MIL told her since dia SAHM + ada maid, indra will be put up there bt she directly say NO and forward to us. So, that's when MIL seek hub's opinion by asking him to take up a maid in future so that i wun b tired after back fr work..

Am so hoping my prnts will be staying near us. Kalau tk nk tggl sesama, tggl dekat pon tkpe lah.</font>
Morning Morning

Semalam tengah syok berbual dgn San then ade org nak discussion pulak.. ish.. Sorry eh San tercut short.

Today mate gatal still, no eye makeup again, look like org sakit.
<font color="000000">Morning Lynn, Nora!

I think i've got the same probl with u eyes mcm gegata gitu..dekat hujung2 mcm menggatal sgt...but I still use the eye-liner...not used w/o it...i look like zombie nnt..</font>
<font color="0000ff">eye-makeup

mcm mana nak pakai makeup kat mata ehh? i dont neo how to use.. even eye-liner pun tak reti pakai.. terus terang cakap, i dont neo how to use makeup.. only pakai compact power and lip gloss..

btw u all semua belajar makeup dari siapa? sendiri, kawan or gi course?? </font>
u tak reti pakai makeup eh.. ternyata u ni tak mentel

me dari kecik suke main make up make up, habis make up mak aku semuer

i thot of gg to course la, nak learn evening make up
now i just make up for casual jer, hari hari same.

tu lah.. sampai eyelid pun jadi sisik sisik kan.
semalam i pakai eyeliner, mengenyam, so today no eye make up.. ish..
<font color="0000ff">Mira
ya lah.. so old already still dont neo how to use.. sometime i jeles tau.. see other put on makeup very nicely done..!!</font>
at least you pakai compact powder &amp; lip gloss....
I pergi kerja, bedak &amp; lipstick pun tak pakai!
after work if meeting hubby, baru ku tenyeh lipstick!

Wow.. korang nie sumer ternyata ada lah sifat 'vain'. Aku langsung tarak. Takder bedak, based, lipgloss sumer tak pakai.. Bila nak gie majlis baru pakai make-up. But i make-up muka sendiri very well... Masa muda mentel, so dah training... Tapi kalau nak make-up kan orang, then nanti orang tu jadi hantu...
