<font color="0000ff">Now tgh makan hazelnut chocolate brownie...
*jemput makan semua*</font>
kenapa makcik tak jumpa taukey warehouse...jadi boleh jual semua keropok...untung besar....

normally 'orang' yg pakai barang they wont do these small things coz setiap permintaan nak kena 'kasi bende tu makan'.....

n kalau pasal perniagaan dorang tak pakai cik pon....
<font color="0000ff">tapi kan, aku very curious lah.. selalu benda gini, kita dgr je dari mulut ke mulut, email ke email

so far nvr heard from someone close.. yg betol2 boleh percaya. but def i dont want to experience it myself.

like now, mcm susah kan nak percaya tis thing.. dulu pasal kom kom pun sama.. lepas dah senyap gitu je</font>

"tapi kan, aku very curious lah.. selalu benda gini, kita dgr je dari mulut ke mulut, email ke email

so far nvr heard from someone close.. yg betol2 boleh percaya. but def i dont want to experience it myself. "

takper lah dengar dengar jer.. jgn lah ade org aku kenal yg TERkena.
<font color="000000">JTS,
kalau korang pergi TM, I recommend u to buy Cream Chocolate Biscuit. At level 1 depan Isetan..
Each packet selling for $1.60 only and it contains 20 small individual me sedap tau!</font>
Kat pasar geylang temporary market ade satu stall at the corner nearest to carpark
facing the main road

aku suke belik keropok kat situ, bersih

tapi kakak kedai tu cakap she tak dapat kedai kat new market, tunggu org reject yer

agakyer nenek tu jual kan kakak tu yer stock la
<font color="0000ff">Quote **takper lah dengar dengar jer.. jgn lah ade org aku kenal yg TERkena**

org yg aku kenal, kena takpe.. jgn aku yg kena sudah..LOL</font>
<font color="000000">Lynn
terpulang pada diri sdr..u yg nak gunakan ape..kalau its very useful for you, why not??

personally, i tak pernah gunakan..

but i ever heard of a feedback, mcm bawak anjing</font>

what is the negative feedback?

never thot of using it

but i see alot of mummies use in in orchard road
esp bile dorang pi sale
its better than the leash yg ikat kat tangan
Aku memang ingat nak beli tau...BUT kena "bang" kat telinger by DH...he asked me several qns...

1) U tak bersyukur dat anak u active....lari sana lari sini...u nak anak u ...juz stand feelings tengok budak2 lain lari2...

2) R u trying to treat yur Ds like a DOG??

3) Kira u suka eh anak u jadi budak bodoh2??
<font color="000000">Lynn
the leash one yg ppl gave neg feedbck

i think the link you provide, i dont see anything unusual lah..looks better than that leash definitely.</font>
I saw mummies yg pegi sale pakai bag leash tu ade advantage

at least time dorang pilih pilh barang anak tak terlepas

i even saw one boy sooo small size with it, mak dia carry alot of shopping bags

the boy jalan on his own, the mom hold the leash, he walked from centerpoint, cross the road and sampai train station

i asked the mom umur dia and he was only 20mths
<font color="0000ff">notty, nora
one of the feedback i received.. ikat anak mcm anjang..!!

i also not sure whether it gonna be useful or not.. my prob now is.. every time klu jln wit naufal, i must hold on to him tightly..

firstly is he very frenly, tak takut org.. pernah sekali tu.. kita tgh tunggu other family member kat bawa blk.. tiba2 si naufal dah ikut chinese family and follow them masuk lift, cos ada 2 budak kecik.. dia pantang tau nampak budak kecik.. mesti nak ajak kawan.

sama lah dgn hb.. he dont agree on dat! tapi klu aku kluar 2org je dgn naufal.. boleh pengsan tau, terkejar kejar kan dia sorang </font>
"looks better than that leash definitely."

ya betul lynn...not only convenient for shopping but time travel too.....

but bende cam ginie my hub tak suke...
<font color="0000ff">Notty
tu lah.. tgh fikir ni.. really need it or not..!! hehehe

entah lah ehh.. benda gini selalu hb tak approved eh...</font>
eh..i used the leash for hilmi...last time i hd the thinking macam buat anak like a dog gitu n i tak suka tgk ..but now after having hilmi i realised it has its imp for me to have it...

diff child diff needs...sarah didnt nd it at all...cos she tak lari lari or walk off by herself...
hilmi greatly needs it cos he tak takut org or anything...main jalan jer mana dia nak..once he was abt to run to the taxi stand, no kerb kind..luckily he was on the leash cos almostttttt go past the taxi ....

apa org nak cakap i pekakkan telinga pasal kalau anything bad happens to my child diorang nak tanggung?

dats my point of view~
<font color="0000ff">mamaliz
so when u used on hilmi, dia ada rasa mcm nak buka2 tak? is urs same as in the BP?

yap, byk minah2 angmo used tis.. pada dorang, it common.. but not pada org2 kita</font>
cakap pasal bread nie teringat maid aku...member petang tak makan nasi...makan roti or telur rebus...

then ape lagik aku memfire ah dia...aku cakap lain ah badan sexy cam aku....nak diet ade makna jugak...

badan cekeding pon diet....

ape aku tak Danish tolak dia sikit ajer dah melayang...

n satu hari tu...perut dia sakit...n kaki dia susah nak jalan.....bila aku tanya dia makan ape...dia diam ajer...

aku pet pot pet pot pet pot....
cuma one advise, the tali jgn too short or too long....

my hub takut bila jalan pakai bende tu...orang main rempuh ajer n takut budak injured...
smalam tak jadi pasal bila go shop nak beli ketam bangkang...takder lahh...feeling nak makan cili crab w homemade buns...hampa..maybe this wkend ajer...pasal today i masak kimchi stew w tuna....pedas n syiok


mula mula yes, but after dat he ok...dia jugak nak pakai at times pasal its like a bag...mine is the one sold at Moms n Babes...patung monkey...ada sheep ada lion...tak nak leash u can take it off n it becomes an attached soft toy ...
<font color="0000ff">hai.. klu si lina dgn mamaliz dah berbual anak beranak.. takde lain topic ehh...

sabar ehh, besok baru hari kau.. LOL</font>
<font color="0000ff">Quote **hari2 memang hari saya hihiihihh **

hahaha.. boleh longgar lah lutut..!!!

hi mamaliz, lina, nora, lynn!

tgh buat aper tu?

korang baca tak BH smlm pasal makcik jual jamu? It happens to me quite some time ago.. biler pikir kan balik, nasib baik takder aper2.
<font color="0000ff">Liz
nak balik.. mesti lah hapi.. takkan nak sedih pulak kan.. hehehe

ni cerita apa pulak ahh? makcik jual jamu?</font>
