Any gyne to recommend for incompetent cervix?

hi cholegal, could i have the contact info for your gynae you use at kkh. is his stiches ok ? one of my gf who went through a lady gynae in tmc and after delivery through NATURAL birth had to have some stiching and she was in such great pain for a week.. which i got worried.. she said the stiching was too tight.
bu the way you are very very lucky... at 25 weeks you gave birth.. mine i lost at about 21 22 weeks.. sigh... maybe if i could reach my gynae or at least someone could tell me that pain was not normal earlier.. sigh... i thought it was just normal stomah pain ..

how's the charges by the way. do you hv to wait long ? If admited emergency will this gynae be the one attending to you ? i took a private gynae the first round and got scared because during emergency i could not reach my gynae.. this time round i think i will opt for a less popular and more responsible private gynae .. or just opt for a government one.
sorry cant rmember the charges. But at kk they charge according to their rank. Dr HC Han is a senior consultant and head of urogynaecology so is a bit more expensive.

He got clinic at TPS and Clinic B. See him at TPS as the waiting time is shorter and he will scan the bb for me at every visit.the enviorment is better too. It depend as he is a popular gynae in kkh. Sometime i need to wait for only an hour but sometime very long. The waiting time at clinic B is longer.

It is easier to locate gynae in kkh as they have clinic down there so they only need to page for them. I make a point to know his clinic schedule so that when in emergency i will call the respective clinic to look for him. The nurse will pass the massage and he will usually call back after he finish his clinic. But most of the time i will email him and he will try to reply promptly.

According to my experience if admited emergency the gynae at A & E will be attending to u first but they will page for him and he will make his way down. If it happen to be a sunday and he is not in the hospital. They will still call him to inform him and at the same time ask him for opion and advise.

His stitches is good and I recover in a wks time. He is a very responsible gynae, that time when i was hospitalised and he happen to be on oversea conference. They gave him a call when he is back in singapore and He rush down to see me and ask me what happen. He then update my condition to me. .

He didn delivered my first bb as i have to downgrade to C class.U can call kkh appt line at 6293 4044.
Hi Chloegal

Thanks for infor. Wow, seems like even with the stitch, our cervix may still give way.

Actually, you are quite brave. I was thinking if I get pregnant again (not sure if I will cos I also have infertility issue - PCOS), I was thinking to stop work after the stitch just to make sure dont take any chances.

I lost my baby in Sept this year at 23 weeks 1 day. Yes, I was also given the jab to mature the lungs. ACtually my baby was alive when born and also managed to resuscitate and he was doing v well in NICU for 2 days. But as 23 weeks is really premature and the odds against him are extremely high, we decided to let baby go in peace.


Understand how you feel. ACtually I also have contraction pain before the cervix dilates. Being first timer, I also dunno that is contraction pain. I tot baby is turning inside and cause the pain. When I was admitted n put on CTG machine, gynae say actually I was having contraction every 5 mins though they are short. By then, I think already dilated 8 cm with membranes bulging. At the end of everything, I heard gynae tell the nurses that this lady has super high pain threshold.
Did u give birth at kkh also? That time they told us that they will not salvage the bb if the bb come out before 24 wks cause the changes are very low.
Hi Chloegal

I delivered at Gleneagles. They actually ask if we would like to resuscitate. As everything happened too fast, we just do everything to keep the baby alive then.

Are you planning for a 3rd one? I wish I can get pregnant again soon. May I know how long your sis wait to get her next pregnancy?
Actually she wait for 6 mths before trying but was unsucessful. When she went to do pap smear my gynae was asking her if she still want to try for another bb. Her replied was yes and have been trying but cant conceive. My gynea then do a test for her and find that she did not ovulate and so put her on pills. Two mths later she was pregnant.

My hubby wish to have 3 children and so thought of trying 2 yrs later.

In kkh if u are 8cm dilated, dun think they will do cerclage for u. For my sister case they never do it for her cause is already 6 cm dilated and is still dilating. Dr han suggested not to do it as chances is very very slim and is afraid that it might affect her next pregnancy.

For me they give me medicine and observe for 3 days before they do the cerclage as they want to stablised the condition first. Luckily during the 3 days my cervix is still 4 cm dilated.

U can check with your gynae to see when u can start ttcing again. Some say 3 mths and some say 6 mths. Good Luck to u and dun give up hope.
Hi Chloegal

Thanks for infor. I also conceived this baby thru pills as I wasnt ovulating well with PCOS condition.

Yes, I know 8 cm chances are v slim. My gynae was taking some 'risk'. I was also on 3 days to stabilise condition before stitching. Actually, the stitching did help to hold the pregnancy for another 3 weeks though i was already 8 cm. But becos i started dilation at week 20, could only managed to week 23.

Gynae say I can try anytime physically. Frankly, I think the fastest way to get on with life is to conceive again.
Yap, I believe so too. I can still remenber how happy my sister is when she found out that she was pregnant. She is so sad when she cant conceive after trying for amost a year. Luckily my gynae ask her if not she still blur blur. She never thought that she did not ovulate since she can get pregnant the first time.
Hi Chloegal

Glad that your sis went thru it smoothly and have a healthy baby.

I am not sure if you have such tots, but I keep thinking even with the cerclage, would I be able to carry my pregnancy thru if I even get pregnant the next time? Dunno what complications may arise... etc... a bit lack of confidence since I have 2 unpleasant incidents, ectopic & IC.

Sometimes also think if its fated.
I also will worry but have to tell myself to be brave and try not to worry too much. My gynae always tell me to relax and dun worry cause bb will feel it and will come out early lor. After seeing my sister successful case I feel more confidence.

Have to tried lor. U will feel its worth the try when u see your bb born. Even if cant carry till full term but at least got 34 wks is consider safe. My daughter did not have to go throught any tubes or needles.
Hi Chloegal

Thanks for encouragement. Actually its good to hear 'real life' success stories. Afterall, IC is a rare complication and for you, at least you have a twin sis to 'share' your worries.

I have a sis who is totally normal and conceive easily and in fact, her first baby is born at 42 weeks as cervix refused to open.

Yes, I kept thinking its worth it when I get to hold my own baby.. but just lots of fears lor...
not ovulating means no menses issit ? I also try 2 months liao leh.. still no news.. sigh... i hope to conceive soon ... my menses still come.. but usually when i use ovulation kit.. i never get it postive anyway.. hahaha.. only a very very line... what pills they give to encourage ovaluation ? maybe i should take this opportunity to visit your gynae.. you stay tpc is where ? sorry i blur blur one...

Typically, they will prescribe you clomid from Day 2-5 of your menstruation cycle. Thereafter, they will scan you on Day 12 to see how your follicles have grown. But I believe gynae will do blood test for you first. Not everyone suitable to use clomid.
HI BellsBells
U means TPS is it. Is it near to the seven-11 at kkh. It is consider a one stop service. The gynae will do the scan for u. Only the detail scan and growth scan is done else where. U will collect your medicine there too.

If u go to clinic B the gynae will not do the scan for u as there is no scan machine inside.

From my sister the gynae will do a blood test for u to see if u got ovulate or not. If tested negative they will usually put u on clomid. After some time have to go back to do blood test to see if clomid work for u. The gynae will also teach u how to calculate the date to concieve.

Got menses does not means got ovulate lah... my sister mense also come but also tested negative for ovulation. Better do a check to confirm.
My twin sister who have her cerclage done during her 12wks gestation is going to delivered soon. She is already in her 35wks gestation and will be seeing Dr Han on friday to decide on the date to removed the cerclage.

For those who have incompetence cervicx, dun think we will be able to give birth to a full term bb. Even if the cerclage did not give way, she will also have to removed the cerclage at 36wks gestation. This is becos the gynae is afraid that the cervix and may just burst opened and this may affect the next pregnancy. It is very difficult to have the cerclage done if the cervix is tear.
Hi Chloegal

Thanks for being so encouraging. ACtually you & your sis are live stories of successful IC mothers.

As you know, we have chatted here before. Lost my baby at 23 weeks last yr due to IC. Started trying in Jan, but no news yet. Took a break in May & June & will start again in Jul. Got ovulate with medication in previous cycle but just didnt get preggy.

Hope to be successful soon. Seen in another thread that your sis is expecting no. 2 at 35 weeks! So happy to hear that. When are you trying for your 3rd one?
Hi Curl,
Not so soon.... it already very tiring looking after my ger and boi. My ger is currently 9mths and is already crawling around the house.

My boi will be going to playgroup next year. Hope i will be more relaxed by then.

Do not give up hope... I am sure u will get preggy soon. Just dun give yourself too much stress. Maybe u can try using the ovulation strip so that the chances of getting preggy is higher. My sister also done that for her 2nd pregnancy.
My Twin sister have just given birth to a healthy bb ger after she had her cerclage removed today. She is 35+4 wks today and the bb weight 2.7kg. The bb cry was really loud and strong, even Dr Han commented so that the bb is strong.
I am in my 12.5 weeks. My doctor just diagnosed me of incompetent cervix yesterday. Cervix is now dialated 1.5cm and wants me to do a surgery immediately. So I will be going to do a cerclage this afternoon at the hospital. So scared.

anyone knows what is the success rate is it 50/50? And what about carrying the baby till full term?
Hi bbrooster,
Hope youe cerclage is a success. Pls rest well and do not carry heavy load. Not sure if you need complete bedrest as your cervix is already dilated.
The chances is quite high if our cervix is not dilated yet. I managed to carry my bb till 34+2gestation while my sister managed to tahan till 33+4 gestation for her first and 35+4 gestation for her second. We have our cerclage done during our early pregnancy (12 wks gestation)and we could go back to work after 2-3 wks of MC. It is impossible to carry the bb till full term. At most till 36 or 37 gestation. My gynae explaination is that they are afraid that it might affect the next pregnancy if the cerclage burst open due to the bb weight.

For my first pregnancy, my cervix dilated 4cm at 18 wks and an emergency cerclage was done. Was ordered complete bedrest and my boy was born at 25 wks gestation.

Maybe you have to ask your gynae about the success percentage for your case. May i know who is your gynae? are you with private hospital? If yes, i would advise you to transfer to government hosp. If not the medical bill will be very high.
Sorry, to amend my cervix at 22 wks and not 18 wks. But everybody varies, i heard that some managed to hold till 36 wks with emergency cerclage. Take Care and minise your activities.
<font color="0000ff">chloegal</font>
Thank god I have a reply from you. I came back from hospital at about 11+ last night still a little spotting and backache.

My doctor is Dr Fong Yang and I am at Mt Alvernia hospital. Is it because of premature labour bb have to stay in ICU that's why the medical bill blow up. May I know how much was your bill. My gynae only go to few hospitals and I want to continue to stick to him since he already know my condition.

I have a gal who is 2 yrs old now she's born naturally but at 40.5 weeks and weighed 3.36kg. I think I must have tear my cervix my last pregnancy. did you deliver naturally or thru C-section?

When you were ordered complete bedrest does that mean u lie down all the while cannot even sit up watch TV or surf the net. Only thing can do is go toilet or take shower.
For my first pregnancy, i myself stay in the hospital about 3 wks and my boy stay at NICU for about 3mth+ and SCN about 1 mths+. My total bills come up to about 50+K after govement subdies but i managed to pay all with medisave. Govement subdies about 80% for class C patients. I managed to downgrade my gal to B2 class after she was born. I have chosen B1 class as i wanted my gynae to delivered for me. My ger stay at SCN for 5days.

I delivered naturally for both my children.

I was ordered complete bedrest for my first pregnancy. It is not advisable to sit for long and they will tilt your bed to some degree to prevent having too much weight at the cervix. I was not even allowed to go to the toilet and use only bedpan. can only take a shower about 2 x a weeks and rest of the days is only using towels to clean.

What did your gynae say about your chances? Do you need to take antibodies every mths? How many days of MCs did he give you? It is normal to have spottings for around 3 days.

My collegue's wife give birth to a premature twins at around 27wks gestation at EAst Shore Hospital and the bill come ups to around few hundred K. He is now paying by instalment and its take a few year to clear his bill.

He also have difficulty in transferring his twins to KKH and need to find his MP to write a letter to help him. He is still considered a private patient after the transfer but not sure if he managed to downgrade after that.

Ask your gynae for suggestation if you were to delivered your bb early. Remember not to carry heavy load even your gal and try not to squat. Minise your activites and rest more. Take Care.
<font color="0000ff">chloegal</font>
Ask my gynae about my chances but he don't dare to give me a specific answer. I am not taking any antibodies every month. I am only prescribe with hormone pills, fish oil, folic acid and antibiotic due to my vagina bacterial infection.

He gave me 14 days hospitalisation leave for this surgery. Thank god my spotting has stopped and now it's the white discharge only.

Now I just pray that everything will be smooth. I am so afraid one day the stitch will burst and I lose my baby.
I am also prescribe with with folic acid, multivitaims and antibodies for a weeks every mths. Antibodies is to prevent infection as infection will cause the cervix to open and waterbag burst.

During the first weeks after the operation, i am also prescrib with a kind of medicine to prevent contraction pain which might lead to premature labour.

Think your chances should be quite good since you only dilated 1.5cm but still have to discuss with your gynae what should be done if your bb come out early. Some gynae will advised their patients to go straight to govement hospital if anything happen and chances of premature labour is high but at the time being still can stay with your present gynae.
<font color="0000ff">chloegal</font>
Thanks for all the advice. I will stay on this thread to update my latest condition.

Thanks for your note at Dr Foong's thread. I have replied you there as well. I have read your story again. Did your sis work after the cerclage as well?

I am also an IC patient and have lost my baby last yr at 6 mths as my cervix dilated to 8 cm by week 20, partly becos I discovered it late.

I am now pregnant and just finish my cerclage surgery on 10 Oct 07 at my 14 plus week. This is a scheduled one as I had history. Oh dear, I think 14 days is too short, esp when you are already a little dilated. Ask for longer MC and rest. As you are still in v early pregnancy state, just have to watch it as close as you can.

I agree, maybe you can start consulting gynaes in KKH now in case of premature. The NICU bill can be really horrible. My son stayed for 2 days last yr and the bill was ~ $10K. And a few 100K for an early baby in private hospital is common.

My gynae is with GlenE and like you I am sticking on to him for the time being, will see how when the pregnancy is more stable. May consult a govt one too.
Yap... the two of us still work as per normal after our cerclage. I even continue my shift work routine. We still perform our normal routine like shopping etc. But keep the trip short and rest as much as possible. Remember to email or see your gynae if feel unwell, it is OK to be abit kaisu. Ha...Ha... i email my gynae alot... paisei leh...

My sister was given 2wks MC but i was given 3wks maybe becos i got abit of side effect from taking the anti-contraction pill.
Hi Chloegal

Thanks for the information. I have replied you in the other thread as well. What did your gynae ask you to look out for? My gynae says look out for contraction, unusual discharge and pain.

Did you have a lot of weird discharge after the operation? I dun have it at the moment, but just wanted to be sure of what to look out for.
Yes. Sometimes i will have slight yellowish discharged. During my third trimester, i begin to have light brown discharged. My gynae advise is the same as your gynae. He also told me not to take pineapple and coconut for the first trimester as it will cause stomach upset.

Try not to take too much Tea too as it will cause the discharged to be alot. Too much discharged is not good as it will trigger infection.

I was banned by my gynae in my second trimester. I used to drink a cup every morning. Hee...Hee... i got craving for tea lor. Then he said i got alot of discharged and should stop drinking it.Take Care
Hi Chloegal

I am like you, I cannot resist tea, so I limit myself to one cup per day. Cos my gynae say my last pg, so constipated until I push so hard (partly causing the cervix to dilate faster) and my only solution is tea and nasi lemak. I know it sounds weird, but I have to take this combi to flash things out.

Actually I have already quit my job to rest at home. But I got job offer from ex boss and v tempted to go back to work. The whole world as in my close frens, family, siblings are all against it. They say they dun want me to take any chance. Morever, I also have infertility problem and not easy to get pg. I am still at dilemma.
Hi Curl, chloegal

I am given another 3 weeks MC. I will see my gynae on 3 Nov when I go for my amnio in TMC.

Things did not turn out well 9 days after surgery. I bled again. Went to A & E at Mt A on Sunday. Cervix is shorten compared to the last time.

Don't know is it because I walk downstairs to ta pao lunch on Sunday.

I think I should look for another gynae in KKH. Do you still keep your private gynae if you are seeing another gynae in KKH? Chloegal your gynae in KKH is Dr Han?
<font color="0000ff">Curl</font>
I think you should not go back to work. You should rest at home and think about working after delivery. Ask your ex-boss to wait for you. When is your EDD?
Hi Bbrooster

My EDD is ealy april, but patients like us are usually early. Yah, I think unlikely I will go back, just cant manage the risk.

Oh dear, but I guess thats partly cos you already had some dilation. I think you need to bedrest more with your legs above your hip. How short is cervix now? I read this IC website often for tips on how to manage. You may want to try.

Ask Dr Fong whats his suggestion. Last yr when I had an emergency cerclage when my cervix dilated to 8 cm, I was hospitalised for a long period and some woman had gone thru a 2nd stitch. If need be ask Dr Fong to give you a 2nd stitch to buy time.

Keep us posted.
Btw, I think KK got one gynae call Kenneth Kwek/Quek who is specialised in high risk, IC pregnancy. When you call to make appt, you may want to tell them to let u see him.

Otherwise, NUH Prof Biswa is not bad too according to what I know.
Yes. My gynae is Dr Han of KKH. By the way Dr Kenneth Kwek does not see patient by APPt. He only see patients by doctor referal at KKH for high-risk case. I was refer to him for my first pregnancy. He is a very nice and caring doctors.

bbrooster, i think you should bedrest more cause you dilated before the cerclage is done and now your cervix has shorten compared to last time. i think maybe you sould tilt your leg up when you sleep to release some pressure off the cervix.
Sorry Bbrooster
I didnt know Dr Kwek dont take appts, and do listen to Chloegal's tips, I believe she can give the best advice.

Thanks for the correct infor on Dr Kwek.

Actually I read thru the various websites widely. You & ur sis q lucky. Many cant even hold to 30 weeks even with the stitch with complete bedrest even before dilation, which is why I am fearful.
<font color="0000ff">Curl</font>
I am also having yellow discharge now. My gynae said it's normal after surgery.

My friend's gynae say my case very serious already. Shorten cervix. Sigh.... I can just hope for the best.

I have been reading extensively lately. Now reading more on shorten cervix and cervix length.
Chloegal and her sis is so lucky and blessed. So far I read not many have gone that far.

thanks to you and chloegal at least I found someone to talk to. Really appreciate all your advice.
<font color="0000ff">About KKH</font>
I was told by my friend if I have another emergency just go straight to KKH A & E instead of Mt. A. Ask for Class C Subsidised. But does that mean I cannot request for a specific gynae and have to use their trainee gynae.

Then another friend told me actually KKH is almost same as private not much difference. sigh.....
I also feel that your case is quite serious also, it is not a good sign when your cervix shorten. Not sure why your gynae didn hospitalised you or order bedrest. But if you really have another emergency, think is better to go to KKH A&E, they will eventually advised you to take C class. If i am not wrong, when they find that your case is serious, they might ask the more senior docs to see you or if your gynae is from KKH, they will call your gynae for advise. They might even refer you to High Risk doctors like Dr Kenneth Kwek.

But as you are still in your early stage, you might still want to back to your gynae. Not sure what is the cost if they ordered you to be hospitalised and bedrest. Caused usually have to stay in hospitalised for quite long.

For my first pregnancy, It happen that my gynae is on oversea conference but they inform him once he is back and he came to see me to find out what happened to me. I stay in KKh for about 2wks+ after the emergency cerclage. Their intention was actually for me to stay throughout the pregnancy till i delivered. But too bad, i only managed to hold till 25wks gestation.

When i delivered my son, it happened to be a sunday and Dr Han and Dr Kwek is not around. They still give 2 of them a call to ask for advise whether to delivered for me or wait as my blood test show that my infection level very high and my cervix has already dilated.

But if you go KKh A&E, remember to tell them you have a cerclage done and ask them to be more gentle when doing the check. My gynae will not do the V check uncessary as he do not wish to disturb the cerclage and trigger the womb. He will only check when i complaint of abnormal discharge.

I didn know that my sis and me so luck. I thought alot of ppl can hold till over 30 wks. My gynae even tell me one of his patients can hold till 36wks or 37wks. But he always tell us that we are lucky and it is really very good to hold for so long. No wonder he look so happy when he delivered for me.

For my sister case, she is schedule to removed the cerclage on that day and the cervix dilated quite fast after the cercalage is removed. All the nurse were very excited and they told my sister that they are very happy when they saw successful cases. Dr Han is also appear to very happy. Think is a kind of accomplishment and rewards for the doctors and patients after all the hard works put in.
To add on, if you are going to KKh 24hrs better tell them your history caused sometimes the junior doctors take things too lightly. Take Care
Hi Chloegal
Yes, you and sis very lucky. But of course, it depends on how the stitch is put in as well. If its well sew and high up, the chance is better. I think the 36-37 ones are really rare.

I have an ex colleague who had the same problem and after 4 micarriages due to IC. Everytime even if she stitch, she kenna infection at 20 week mark and have to deliver the baby. on her 5th pregnancy , she stayed in the hospital the moment she conceived. Full bedrest and only bath twice a week and sit up for meals. Uptill 30 weeks, the doctor say she can go home and walk a bit and pack her things and etc. The moment she went home, the baby's leg came out. She managed to hold till 1-2 weeks more and delivered. But now the boy is 5 & active

I comb thru most of the IC websites I can find. Frankly, no doctors can tell you its a firm yes or no. And all the woman who posted their experience with IC. I did a rough statistics and abt 50% can make it above 30 weeks while some starting losing it at 20 and with bedrest, made it to 28 weeks type. So while statistically, success rate is ~ 85-90%, i think its v case to case and see how they defined success. Of course I do hope to be a success case like yours too.

To be v frank, you have to make it at least 24 weeks for the baby to be viable. Even then so, the baby has a high chance of major disability and long long stay in NICU. Remember everyday 1 day in the womb is like 1 week in the NICU, once you hit 26 weeks, chances are much better and 28 would be q stable though they still require long hospital stay.

Also, Chloegal is right. Think you can shld get in KK if things happen. But I do agree that you must stop them from checkingyour vagina. One of the ladies here shared her experience, she kenna a v rough one and check her too hard and broke her waterbag, so she hates KK for it. Even if you go into C class, scream at them and say no one can touch you there cos your gynae say so and demand to see a high risk specialist.

If you are KKh private, price not much diff. But if you have premature and baby in class C, there is big difference. Like Cholegal said, her NICU bills comes out to $20K while in the same situation in GlenE of Class A KK, the bill is easily $180-200K for NO major complications. Trust me, I have been thru that and have spoken to a few mummies at GlenE who delivered the baby at 24-25 weeks. They do managed to get a 20% disct from hospi but its still v costly. Alternatively, you can check with your company insurance now if they bear the NICU costs if you baby comes out. Different insurance can be different. In my case, my company DOES not cover and my hubby's company did, so that may help you with the decision.
Yes, must aleast make it to 24wks then the doctors will salvage the bb. Tried to hit 28wks. From the eyes doctors the bb's eyes will be more developed and so will most likely not to get ROP. If want to know more about premature babies. There is a thread on premature babies support group

Wow.... from the statistics, we are sure very lucky. My sister manage to hit over 30 wks for her 2 pregnancy and for me 1 pregnancy somemore without complete bedrest. I never thought is so difficult. Thinks will asked my gynae when i see him again.
Actually i dun really trust KKH 24hrs women clinic. My sister have bad experience there. During her first pregnancy, she have her cerclage done and was given antibotics every mths. Then on the 32+wks gestation, she experience green discharged and so went to KKH 24hrs clinic. The doctors done a check for her and told her everything is OK. My sister even reminded the doctor that she had a cerclage done and is it necessary to take antibotics as per what our gynae has done. Her reply was no need and ask my sister to go home and rest.

About 3 days later,i happened to have an appt with my gynae and told her my sister condition. He immediately ask me to bring some antibotics home for her to consumed as he is afraid of infection. But everythings is too late... my sister waterbag broke the next day and her son was born at 33+2 gestation.

Was thinking if my sister have choose to make an appt with our gynae instead of going to 24hrs clinic. Maybe she could hold the pregnancy much longer as her waterbag broke becos of infection and not becos the cerclaged give way.

During our second pregnancy, we learnt our lesson, we told our gynae that we do not want to go 24hrs clinic if possible unless on choice fall on a weekend when he was not around. He agreed to let us squeeze in emergency appt and we have to know when and where he is having his clinic so that we can locate him.

I think it is better to find a gynae in KKH if you will to go KKH, dun really thrust the 24 hrs clinic doctors leh... if you find a gynae in KKh, sometimes they refer you to the High Risk gynae and you will have two gynae to look after you. As you are still in the early stage, you can still visit you gynae till your pregnancy reached 24wks gestation then any emergency you better goes to KKH 24hrs clinic. Anytimes when you delivered you bb after 24wks gestation, your bb can stay at KKH NICU. For C class, the govement subdies 80%. After discharged the baby still need to go for alot follow-up at KKH till the baby reaches 8 years old at subdies rate too. For example you might have to paid $60+ for consultation but for subdies rate, you only need to paid ony $20+. The No. of appt depend on your child health status. Hope the above infor help
Hi Chloegal
Yah, I know q a bit abit premature babies cos after last incident, I read alot abt it too.

Yes, 2 of you are really lucky and blessed. At least you managed to go beyond 30 weeks, that is already an achievement. And of course your success is a motivation to people like us.

Think Chloegal's suggestion is really good since she has first hand experience.

Its good to stick to govt doctor since a lot of subsidy will be given. Taking care of premature is a long journey and its good to keep as much resources available.

<font color="0000ff">chloegal, Curl</font>
Sorry for the worry. I was total bedresting the last 2 days cos I felt heaviness at my V. I think I sat too long surfing the net for info plus my constipation may have caused it.

Now I "walk one step, count one step" and see how things go.

Thanks I think the info given are very helpful.
