Amazon By Vinnie (Free international shipping to SG, direct and vpost shipping also avail)

sorry, can cancel my order since you have yet to place the order?

You can paynow the amount of 28.46 to my hp no. , 9677 3574.


has refunded

pls chk

Recipient's Mobile Number
Recipient's Nickname
Transfer Details
Transfer Amount
Comments for Recipient
For display on recipient's bank statement
amazon refund
Transaction Status

Item 1 can only go via vpost. First payt will be US$42.9x1.43=S$61.35

item 2 can go via direct to SG so will be S$40.68

total will be S$102.03
Batch 349 placed via vpost

Hi Vinnie,

Please check whether this item has free shipping to sg.

Colour: camino metallic rose gold
Size: big kid 5
Price: usd 27.99

hi this one does nt have free shipping to SG, need to go via vpost
Batch 349 is here, pls note that merchant has only shipped 1 qty and refunded the balance which resulted in higher ex rate


Can you bring this in?
If so how much should i pay?

yes, but this has no free shipping to sg, need to go via vpost usa.

first payt is 95x1.4=S$133
may i know what is the estimated overseas shipping fees
and is there any difference if i buy 2 bottles

depends on how they pack n actual weight of item+box cos there is min shipping weight of 0.5kg charged by vpost usa...anything below 0.5kg still need to pay at least shipping costs of 0.5kg....

estimating it to be S$6-S$9
