A playgroup in bukit batok


New Member
hi, i'm looking fo PG in bt batok or maybe any SAHM mommy like myself like to make our own

hi carnellin

i stay near bukit batok as well, in Toh Yi and I'm an sahm too. How old is your child? Mine is 9 mths old now...maybe too young for your child? I'm keen to be part of a regular playgroup too.
hi Cheri Oo,
i'm staying behind west mall,
my gal is 2 yrs old
.. but many enrichment class start from 6 months heehee but i let cellin started from 20 months, because her immune system are a lot better (hanging with older kids means exposing more to bug like flu bug..
hey... i stay in bt panjang and am a sahm with a 19mth old gal. i dont mind meeting up with mummies who r sahm too.
What kind of playgroups are we looking at? Informal ones like at home where the kids get to mingle and play together and mummies get to meet and chat? We could meet at each other's homes or nearby like west mall library or something.
hi carnellin,

i am also staying behind west mall.. the blue block. how abt u?

my son is 28 mths now. quite close to ur girl's age.
hi mommies,
Cheri and snowyrain, yeah that would be great, we can meet at the library or each other homes (but mines is very very messy, prepare yourself not to get trip over my gal's toys)

yeah i'm sahm too
hi carnellin,

wat enrichment class did you send ur gal too? i also thinking of sending my son to 1. tried putting him half day childcare this january and stop after a few days cos he keep crying.

my mum, who help to look after him, heart pain and say stop bringing him there. me as mummy also heart pain though i noe its like tat. so we stop. now he is at home everyday. thot of sending him for some enrichment to build up his confidence + mingle with other children.
same here,
when cellin still 20 months we broght her to Baby Jumper Gym, they have little walker class suitable for her age, its only 1 hour at weekend (one a week) but the good news its parents and kids program so mummy and daddy can join in.

cellin love it there, she used to be so clingy, but after just 2 classes she enjoys herself there.

and even though its just once a week, cellin show a progress like everyday class, her motoric, social skill, memory skill, are improving really fast.

but it's kind a pricy, thats why i moved, but now at a cheap PG, she learn half from BJG..

i went at the bt Gombak branch, about 2 bus stop (945) from Bt Gombak MRT station
i wanted to try the BJG as well. has been requesting for trial class on weekends but till now still no news. quite upset cos BJG is quite convenient. dun tink nearby got anything like BJG rite?

how's the price like? any idea whether we can just drop by there and get more info? i dunno wat time are the classes, and so din go cos worried its closed when i go there.

r u able to give me more info? thanks.
saturday and sunday they have 9 am, 11 am, 1 pm, and i guess 3 pm classes,

but you can open their website and get their phone number..

yeah i know, my friend also called them and fully booked until next term
my son is 18 month and 15 kg. i am full time mother. i stay in bukit batok . any mum want to meet for our baby, so they can play together. my contact 97373898 anne
snowy rain,
how was it?

15 KG?? wow that's a lot, my gal havent reach her 12 KG yet and she is 2 yrs..
btw do you know any good sin she around our area (beside fu nan)?
got pain shoulder..
hi carnellin,

went there on sat afternoon. place was so packed and according to them, there is a long q for the trial classes. most likely i will sign up my boy for the next term, starting 7 apr for 'trial', since till now still no news of the trial class from them.

din get to see much, cos lessons started and i thot it is an open area where you can view from outside. abit disappointed though. but since so many people said its gd, i may just let him try for a term lor.
Hi Anne,

tried to pm u to arrange a playdate for our babies but u do not receive pm.

any otr sahm mummmies here keen for a Playdate?? is morning 10am good for u???
yeah their class are closed because its an intensive prog
but the class is very very clean,
thay mop after each class and then spay it with disinfectant (just like when we're in plane heading for US or Aussie)..

they keep things very nice there (couldnt find any other place that hygienic)

can not cellin go to school from 10.45-12.15
how 'bout afternoon?
hi carnellin

i'm keen on the playgroup too...yes, afternoons are better cos my bb needs her morning nap or she'll be cranky.

not sure if any mummies here are interested to join with their babies/toddlers for these playdates. this group of mummies is very active with outdoor activities every week. Very good for those of us who wanna expose our children to nature and the outdoors...refer to the link below

hi carnellin,

thanks for providing the info. it makes me more keen to sign my boy up for the class!

Do let me know when is the playdate. will try to join if possible. but i can only join on weekends since am working.
yeah it is very interesting and active
.. but since cellin already go to PG. but hey,,,

any mommies,
anybody interested in swimming together?
but due to the weather that raining nowadays, dont know when it could be done..
i live in a condo.. so free for swimming here...or maybe just picnic by the pool heeheee
also have a small playground but usually quite crowded every afternoon...


hi, cellin goes to a PG in goodview gardens.. at star tots ..(i think at the function room blok 386)..

ohh that's why you keen for BJG at weekends
i'm asking them to open at weekdays (like 2-3 times a week)
hi carnellin,

i thought now they offer weekday class at BJG? i saw on their website leh...

as for swimming, do u mean the kids go swimming? do let me know when, cos my boy really loves water. ;-)
yeah the weekdays is diff management (and a 3 hours prog, too long for cellin) she will be bored and maybe slepping in class keekekeke :D

and yes i'm thinking of mom and kid swimming, cos cellin loves to swim too, but prefer weekdays, cause her dad used to take her out on weekend... but maybe next week (i got pain shoulder ans sinshe said can not wet the plester)..
Hi there all mummies,

I am new to this forum and a have a son who is 2 and a half years old. I am expecting my second kid due in Sep this year. I also live opp westmall orange block. Well i am a working mum and iwould like my son to get to know and mingle with more kids. He is currently in full day child care centre.
I'm new to this thread. I'm a SAHM staying at Bukit Gombak. Hope to make friends like you gals. I've 3 kids aged 3.5 yrs old, 20 mths and 3.5 mths.
hey pauline,

my twins are also abt yr age, coming to 4 mths next week. maybe we could get together when they're a little older.
i stay along hillview ave.
Hi all,

Can I suggest if anyone who stays in the condo to organise a weekend outings for playgroups too? Too bad i don't stay in one.... But we can go over to the condo for juz one weekends and gather our kids for some playing/swimming?

Any other suggestions?
hey may,
cherie hearts is just behind my place. i always see parents dropping off their kids there. how do you find them? i don't particularly like the colour of their uniform...

My aim is to expose the child to various skills early so that we parents can help our kids to build on these talents even at the primary school level. So Cherie Hearts did introduce a few classes I've yet seen any progress yet... They are very result oriented, they will show u how many awards/certificates that had been awarded by the govt. I will still source other playgroups/childcare till I find it's suitable for him...

In my opinion, kids at this age can absorb knowledge like a sponge. We should allow them to learn as much as they like, and at the same time, use fun methods to instill in them an interest in learning.

I don't have to choose enrichment classes simply based on what I think is important or just because other people are doing that." As long as I feel that my son develops linguistically and creatively, not just academically he than gradually and more importantly, will enjoy school!"

Ultimately, your child's needs and interests should be the most important consideration when choosing the right school for him.

"Go to a few places, have a feel of the environment, meet the supervisor and look at the curriculum. Most importantly, you have to KNOW your child and see if the environment fits him,".
i have a vacant unit in Garden Vista now...in the process of getting it sold off...but we can still use the pool now.

Only thing is we probably would not be able to bathe our kids if we need hot water. But since we stay nearby, can always go home to wash up.

Maybe we can have a potluck picnic first, playground, swim then go home. I can also bring my bubble machine, sure the kids will love it.
Hi carnellin,
Remember I mentioned to you about the Church playgroup that is newly setup? I receive this flyer in my mail box they are having open house this Sat so if you are keen you can pop over and take a look. It is meant for children born in year 2001 to year 2005 so yr gal Cellin qualifies. Most likely I will pop by to take a look as it is a premier school associated with Raffles House Preschool. I have not decided to enrol Wayne as my mum finds it troublesome to send him to school as needs to walk quite a distance. Anyway, here's their website:


* they are waiving off the registration fee for those confirming registration on 7 April.
Hi Cheri,

Good idea. Any1 supporting? So, we can have a kick-off for a start? How about tis weekend? carnellin? valerie? wong? anne? vanessa? cheri? Any SAHM?

Hi Snowy Rain, as u is heavily pregnant... mayb u would also like to join?
ok, here we go then...let's have it on this Sunday...

Picnic and Swim
Date: Sunday,8 April 2007
Time: 4.30 pm
Venue: Garden Vista Condo poolside, along Dunearn Road (opposite King Albert's Park)

1) Cheri, hubby, Nikki (10 mths) & maid (cream puffs & cut fruits)
hi everybody

too bad i have to miss this sunday.. we're going to Langkawi from 6-8 April
heheheheee, so happy, but next week, cellin will go under GA for dental operation

its really sudden news, just hope for the best lah

little tots,
hi, yes i know about the grace house, i want to come there too, but not this weekend, please keep me updated

and i spoke to ur mom that wayne had gone under dental surgery too right? and after talking with her it make me a bit more relaxed knowing its quite safe...
Hi basketball....

Hi Carnellin, enjoy yr holidays. :>

Hi Cheri, seems like no response from others.. Or we can push back one more week?
may, no problem, we will try to arrange again another time...we can try the bukit batok csc too...very nice pools there...any of you are members?
Hmm.. No problem. So tentatively 3 weeks later or aft I'm back from my trip? B'cos I'm flying to HK on the 13th May... till 19th May. Hope I can get some stuffs for the children here as well.
No problem, juz for the kids. But can consider if any mummies want me to buy other stuffs.... hee hee.. Call me at HP:81596272
