You gotta try out the strollers at the shop. Try opening and closing (with single hand if you foresee need), navigating tight lanes, etc. Your options will depend on not only your preference, but your build, height, strength and your car model (I'm not talking about image but what fits in).
If you are strong and of fair height, an italian Peg Perego P3 will go a long way. Our 3.5 yr old P3 survived daily use in Sgp, London and Paris, flights, eurostar, etc. It is strong, trusty and durable.
Once, some dork by mistake pressed the strong lift doors to slam shut into the stroller, the Peg took the blow impressively, it held its own and protected baby very well. My husband told me plainly that had it been one of the brands I had wanted to get, given the impact, the stroller would have folded with baby in it.
The stroller also took my weight recently when I could not walk (several occasions of short distance of maybe 250m each). Yes, a tight squeeze kind of, but I could actually sit in it! It can also hold MASSIVE loads of shopping without a creak or grumble.
A Peg is very strong, but also not light. Not for the faint hearted, gotta know what you are getting yourself into. For one, I don't think it's easy to lug up and down buses. And would not have survived London Tube without husband carrying Peg and baby with their steps and gaps. Sgp MRT system is good, so that is not a problem to handle alone as we have lifts and no gaping gaps here between train and platform.
For a more petite lady, I'd think Aprica, Combi and maybe Mclaren. But be aware that lighter strollers tend to tilt and fall back when weight distribution is unequal, so gotta keep a leg on it when lifting baby up without removing the heavy baby's bay behind the stroller.
Another option I found lifesaving was the sling. Whenever I went out with baby alone, I would just use the sling. Light, close to your body, safe and easy to use.