3kids without a maid

Me too. Mine is 5, 3 and 3 mths. Going back to work next month. Lots of frustrations but ok.. still surviving. Home is not exactly in the neatest form.

happylucky and kelly,
u mothers are FTWM or SAHM? I'm leaving my kids in full day CC and infant care when i'm at work.
wah.... I salute to you all! No extra help even with 3 kids!? wah lau, I one only also cannot.

I find it very hard to manage the home, the baby and myself for long stretch of time. I am very sure if I do turn SAHM, I will go screw loose. No, I will lose all my screws! haha
yap, that mine dream of being a sahm with all the children.

How I wish I dont have to work. Can I? Can Survive? Can get use to it?

Many worries.
Wow, salute to you all...

I m sahm to 2 active kids without any help too. Already struggling and trying my best to cope. I can't imagine having another one without help, I'll probably 'SINK'...haha
hi mummies

I hv 3 kids age 5yrs and 17months (twins), i am a SAHM ,no maid cos i can't stand maids only trouble . Still coping well
I have 3 kids, aged 4 1/2, 2 and 7 weeks.
I have no maid, cos like mummy, I also feel they are just trouble, like another child at home. And we don't like to have strangers living in our house.
Coping OK. Baby still young. Can't wait for my bb to be a little older. No need to feed so often, and can sit up and play with his siblings.
I homeschool my eldest. Doing that right this moment (waiting for her to complete some written work

Wow, salute you! Twins are not easy to handle, esp in the early days. How did you do it?
Now I have tingkat dinners cos I don't think I can manage all that marketing with 3 in tow. When baby is a month or two older, hopefully it will be easier, then will stop the tingkat and resume cooking simple meals.
hi Priviledged
It was tough in the early days cos i TBF (express) both of em , i had to express every 3 hourly even in the middle of the nite so when they are zzz i am like a xiao cha bo quickly express and den do hse work no free time at all , but now they are older things are much better
, but i was lucky cos i found a very gd nanny , she help me look aft my twin boy from 7 am to 1pm so that i can fetch my elder ger to and fro kindergarten as well as to do some hse work in the morning . After 1 pm i take care of my 3 kids alone , well i must say that my elder ger is very obedient so it make things easier for me .I only need to keep an eyes on my two terrible and naughty twins . I also started to cook recently cos my twins now can eat rice , well its really tough at times esp when one of them is sick but just hv to endure cos no choice
How do you do marketing? That's my biggest headache. I hate to do it on Saturdays, just too crowded. I like to go to the market on weekdays.
I'm planning to stop my tingkat early next month, when the 20 day period ends. I can't take dried prawns and their veges often have dried prawns. My eczema is flaring up. Cannot tahan already.

i usually do my marketing at nite when my husband is back from work , we will bring all 3 kids to NTUC/cold storage to buy watever i need for the next day.I dun like to go wet market esp at my area cos i realised that the price is much ex den NTUC .Sometimes after i send my elder ger to school i will pop by NTUC to buy chicken or meat .

I tried tingkat for only one month and i gave up , their food is so lousy , always spicy and came very late (abt 630pm )my poor ger always very hungry and only eat rice and veggie so i stopped and cook more porridge to share among the 3 kids but now since my twins are older i cook for em everyday .
Wow!!!!! You ladies are impresssive! Pei fu, pei fu

I am having a second one soon, with my MIL helping out some more......
i am now a FTWM . have 3 kids 7 in P1, 30 months attending playgroup 3 hourly and the youngest a dughter 15month old.
I have had problems with my maid in which she brought a bangla home and was caught red handed by me and hubby at night. Ever since then my hubby and i are very scarred to leave my kids with her alone at home in the night.
My work place is just 7 mins away from home as such i will be the one who will send my kids from school and fetch them.
I will be home during lunch hour to send my eldest to p1 then go back to work and when i finish work at 3 pm head home and send the younger one to playgroup. My maid will only fetch the younger one at 4.45 when school ends and that is the time when i will bathe my daughter and cook dinner for my hubby and kids.
My maid is hardworking and she treats my kids very well has been with us for almost 2 years. My no 2 is very attach to her and will sleep with her in the night frequently.
I am only earning about 21k per annum and hubby is giving me 800 per month.
I have plans to stop working and wants to take care of my kids on my own has i am woried about my kids all the time when i am at work.
I am not sure if i can cope finacially and mentally coz now i am already very stress juggling everything.
Furthermore like all mothers i am very worried about my eldest in P1. He is very good in english and maths but he has difficulty understanding malay.
In the evening after dinner and his bath i will start his homework till about 9pm. His handwritting is really horrible and always kena scold by me and his dad. that is why it takes a long time to do the homework. when he is awake the next day i will leave some assesment and worksheets that i had made on my own so that he will continue to revise he is work.
Any mummies out there who can advise me if i should just be a stay at home mum or continue working?
hi anyone can help me. how to take care of kids the whole day without any help. i have 2 kids (2 years old and 9mths)
wat i mean is how i do the cooking, bathing and feeding.
Hi there,

I am a FTWM and have 3 kids. P5, P1 and K1. I had my maid since my last kid was about 10mths old till late last year. Now, my hubby and I manage the housework.

I must say that nowadays, whether you are FTWM or PTWM or FTHW, we are all very caught up with work and houseword and kids. In children early years, more attention should be on the kids well being, but when they are older, you need to focus on their well being and schoolwork or learning.

I feel that it all depends on your current situation and this will dictate how your should manage your life now and plan for the future.

Last but not least, you must build yourself strong to take on added responsbilities as emotional and mentally, it is very trying and challenging. Make friends, laugh and be satisfied with what you have...
hi all,

i'm SAHM with 3kids (P4, P1 & 10mth). was working full-time before I left my job last 2yrs to focus on my kids. never have a maid b4. previously my 2 kids were taken care by my mum. now, i managed all :- kids, chores everyting... it can be really tiring.
Luckily, during the day, both my schooling kids are on different session. I get to c 2 at a time. time management is very important, if not u definitely tire urself down. sometimes, my time follows baby naptime.
hi.. yup i have 3 kids.. age 4yrs, 2yrs n 9mths.. i take care of dem by myself as my hubby is a policeman so his work schedule is not like d ususal 8-5 bt 12 hr... so been taking care of d kids by myself since my 1stkid, bt hubby also help abit.. it quite tiring n stress actually n im also a young mom...
Hi Nayli,

Ur maid bring a bangla home n u still keeps her? The maid may be ok but her bangla bf is a stranger n a doubious character who may b dangerous for ur children. I think wheather to stay at home or not will depend if u can cope financially if u do stop working. if u do stop working, presume u will let go ur maid then u will b all alone coping wif 3 children at hm while ur hubby is working. it is v.tedious n tough , wat if u fall sick? nevertheless being a SAHM is indeed a rewarding experience. nothing beats being there for your children, I have 2 friends earning 6-fig sum per annum yet they gave up their job to be a sahm. I also have frd who take 50% paycut to work part-time. Actually I think ur current job function like a part-time job since it is jus 7min away from hm n u can fetch ur kids to n fro sch. probably to con't to current option is also not a bad idea as you have an extra pairs of hand to help.
good to hear that some of you are coping well w/o a maid. I am now considering whether or not to get a maid.

I believe if you have 3 and can do w/o a maid, I can do it too. Currently only have 1 DD and planning for #2. Worried to get maid as I dun wanna "buy problems"...
Hi all,

I'm working full time with 3 kids but I wanna quit my job so I can take care of my kids full time. Presently, we have no maid. My husband and I only take turns in taking care of them. When I am at work, my husband stays home. When I'm out of work, I go home right away and my husband goes out for his part-time job. When he has to go out and I'm at work, we just leave the kids to my sister for a few hours. It's really a challenge but we can make it. You can make it too without a maid.
Hi all,

If u are SAHM & hv no maid,do u still send kids for extra lessons?

I have this thought before but dun think we can sustain financially.
hi jajnj
i m a sahm n i send my kids for phonics n maths class. it's a homebased class so e rates are reasonable.

we used to send my eldest boy for enrichment like swimming, art, music, right brain but now that my 2nd son (3+) is older, we need to weigh which is more impt so scaled down on other enrichment.

there's only X amt allocated for kids' enrichment so sacrifices are inevitable.
wow..quite a number of you have 3 kids!! i have to admit it is really tough for a start but i know there will be better times when they r older. It is really a joy to have many kids (assume financially manageable). Everytime when i see a gf cuddling a small tiny baby, I wud b so tempted to hv a no 4.. then again, when i thot of the financial issue, I guess i hv to stop dreaming
At times, i really wonder how the older generation cope with having so many kids. My mum has 7kids..1 yr gap for all my siblings. She put one of her twin girl to social care till my sis is 2yrsO. To them, it is really manageable to handle 3..nothing to "salute". There is period when my helper went back for home trip and I got to handle 3, 2 to childcare and youngest to my mum. My MIL did not offer to help carry the baby even when she saw me trying to juggle the older 2yrsO twins walking along behind. Guess to them, if they can manage it wout help..we will hv to handle it wout her help too!!!!

Any mummies here with similar situation; mum cum maid of 3 age 6, 2 and 1.5 mths. Very tiring n pretty frustrating when everyone needs me!
anyone has no car on top of having 3 kids and no maid? how do you manage, assuming u take bus/mrt, esp the public transport are quite crowded these days? do you think twice before bringing them to town area or places further fr your house?
me no maid. no car , 3 kids. we seldom go out. usually
go around with taxis if need to. kids are 9, 5 n 3. when mydad is outstation than we will borrow his car. once or twice a year n if he goes on vacation withh my mum. town n far awayplaces is a nono since i have been a sahm.also frequents those malls near my place. mykids loves to take public transport. only me dont like.
Really tough and I saluate all of you for having the patience and perservance.

I am a FTWM with 2 kids b3 and d1.
Got a maid to help, can't imagine without someone to assist and bringing both out alone (i never try before), i think I might breakdown :S
joey_Tan,I'm like you. 2 children age gap so close. Somemore bigger one is jealous of younger and both are boys. I realise if I give in to the older one's demand, within reasonable limits and spend a bit more time with him in morning, it is more manageable for the rest of day.

I really salute all the moms who have no problems taking care of 2 or 3 without help.
WOW. You ladies are amazing. I am stayhome (no maid, no car) with just one toddler and already think it's a handful.
Hi all, im a FTHM with 5 kids age 11,7,4,3 n 2. And i still breasfeed my youngest. Ive never got a maid even once. I just cant affort to hv 1. Not financially but physically n mentally haha.. Its not easy to find a good maid nowdays thou. U will end up worrying n looking after thm more thm ur kids:D eventually i still can manage the housework, cooking n even sent n fetch the children from sch. Yes its very tiring n seriously sometimes it can even go to the MAX but at the same time im happy n feels the satisfactions after seeing the hse is clean, food is serve n childrens are all well taken care of. Whenever im out with the kids we are like an Eye Candy. Ppl look, turn n somtimes cant even stop looking.. Hahahaa. Im not a superwomen but im a SUPERMOM to my kiddos.. ;-)
Nayli, I cud not help smiling at your post..you are really very SUPER :) is it like what my gf who has 4kiddos said to me...1 more to 3 really does not make much difference/hassle!
Hi all, I have 3 kids, 2.5 yo girl, twins boys at 6 months. I am FTWM, currently have a maid but really hated the feeling, so contemplating doing without. Now toddler goes full-day cc, one twin goes to nanny. If no maid, 2nd twin will go infant care.

I feel like doing without maid. To those have twins, how do u cope? what if they need feed at the same time at night or cry at the same time? The twins are sleeping thru' the night for most nights. The toddler is very very attached to me and can get real jealous if i carry twin brothers. She does dote them too just won't share mummy too much.
Hi i have no maid and 3 young kids all under the age of 4. I go through about 15 diaper changes a day cook lunch dinner playground time swimming time gyn time...im exhaused but when I see my kids faces I am happy
I am a SAHM with 2 gals, 3 and 1 yr. No maid and no other family support. But still coping fine. Currently looking for home based assignments to supplement family income. Any recommendations from mummies out there?
2 of my colleagues and my own SIL all have 3 kids and are without maid. i really salute them for being such superwomen!
oh i salute them because they are all working full time and long hours... but always have to rush about to pick up the kids and go home and do housework, plus bring work home to continue to work. amazing superwomen!
Hi, i am a FTWM.. 2 kids 3 yrs n 1.5 yrs old.. No maid.. Currently my MIL & FIL taking care of them.. But i m thinking of trying for the 3rd one, but i am worried i cannot cope..
I'm a stay at home mom but when I do get busy or have to do some occasional work I get the help of my close family members. Its not easy to balance raising children on your own but we never get these years back with our kids.
Hi Karen,

DS is also turning 3 this year. My mom is looking after DS at the moment. How do you manage for school? Do you send your elder to school nearby or need to take transport?

Am also contemplating to have no.2... But if i cant resolve DS school prob, i cant have no. 2.. Coz DS have very sensitive nose. He cant take aircon and schools without aircon is extremely rare in my area.
Wow, really salute to those mommy with 3 kids and without maid. I have 3 princesses, they are 7, 3 and 2 years old. I have a helper, and a staying together mom-in-law. Our meals will be prepared by my mom-in-law and the maid help to do house choirs. My job is to take care of the 3 as well as teaching my elder one. These already fill up all my time, and hard to find my own time doing things i like...

3's a crowd but it was our plan to have 1 boy n 2 gals respectively n our wish came true so Im living everyday by His Grace. These little children 7, 3 and a 9mths old bring us joy beyond our imagination. I'm the helper n the mother! Worse than maid, almost 24 hrs shift. Sometimes feel that i may be better off if working but a fren corrected me tt it makes no sense for others to nurture em when we were the
ones who brought em here. So cheers to all Sahm n Fhtm and may all hv fruitful and wonderful years with our children.
