2017 Csect Mummies

i had 4 GA c-sec done.. last one was done last year in August. So i'm coming to abt 6 mths post delivery.
a good binder is important to help you support your wound after delivery. For all my c-sec, i'm up and running in a week.
I only took painkillers in the first 2 days when I was in the hospital, after that I'm off it.
As for the stitches, I didn't have to remove anything. :) just went back to gynea 1 week after discharge to check on condition of wound. So it's not as scary as some people say. :)

Hi, I do have a recommendation of my confinement lady to others mom-to-be out here. You don't have to worry about if you engaged her. She's from Malaysia with 2 years professional experienced from confinement center and 8 years experienced as a freelance CL. Some CL are relatively cheap but I go for quality rather than cost.
She takes good care of me, especially for my baby. She's very concerned, being patient to my daughter and really shows love. My daughter stays with her every night and she responsibility.
She make everything run smoothly during my confinement. As a new mom, I don't need to worried about and I can fully trust on her.
By the way, her cooking was pretty good.
I've learnt a lot from her of how to take care of a baby and of course of her professional, I did extended her for a month.
If any Mommy wants to get more information of my CL, here's her WhatsApp or call to +601136539563.
My first c-sec was super painful. First surgery ever.

2nd c-sec was a breeze - I guess the body gets used to it??!! And the scar is no longer visible - have to say my gynae's skills very good! Cos my first gynae's c-sec left a keloid scar and I had to return to remove stitches while the 2nd gynae didn't have to remove stitches - she also removed my first scar but I was surprised that now the scar is no longer visible unless you know where to look!

A good binder helps with any post-surgery pain!
Hello Mummy, can you recommend your 2nd gynae? I have a bad keloid from my first Csect and would like to seek for a gynae who is able to help to remove it during second csect.
