(2017/05/26) Special Offer! ATOCARE Anti Dustmites Allergy UV Vacuum!


<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">PAYMENT DETAILS</font></font>

<font size="+1">1) Please make payment to POSB Savings Account, 058-96504-9

2) Please PM or Email me after payment has been paid.

3) Please indicate your nick, date of transfer and transaction reference together with your email.


ORDER FORMAT (PM or Email me)

Mobile no:

Please PM or Email me.</font>
Good Morning Mommies,

All Emails Replied.


PS: Email or PM me with your details for a 10 min No obligations in house demo today. See why more than 6000 ppl use Atocare in Singapore.
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Dear Mummies, some customer have feedback to us &amp; I feel that I should post this about Atocare.

Some have emailed us to state that after comparing Atocare with other Korean Vacuums in the market, they find our suction power and ability to clean is mush better after seeing the demo.
(Up to 4 times better suction than competitors, 40 litres per second air suction - proven)

They choose to buy Atocare as its better value for money. Also there is a premium service to (pick up, repair and return to door step, this equates to higher running cost to the distributor but is a better service for the customers)

The distributor of Atocare has been around since 2006.
There is a brick and mortar office and warehouse.
There are also many retail partners who sell the product at $388 around Singapore.</font>
Good evening mommies,

All emails replied.

Please note that the demo request for 9th to 11th May is fully booked.

Email us early to book from 12th May onwards.

Hi Josephine &amp; Seow Wei,

Email replied on your demo requests.

Dear Mommies: Please note that booking for today and tomorrow fully booked. I can arrange from 13 May onwards. 10 Min, No Obligations Demo.

Hi Absolut,

Email replied on Atocare Faq.


Please Email or PM me if you would like a 10 min demo to see it at work in your home.
Hi Sheela,

Thank You for your 2nd Atocare purchase.


PS: Thank you for referring your cousin, you will get $20 referral fee deposited into your bank acc.

Hi Magic_star &amp; Lois,

Emails replied on your 10 mins demo requests.

Hi Lois, please thank your sister for referring you to our demo. We are confident that you will like the atocare after you seen the demo in your house.

