(2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

Think the weight gain is normal ba..
I am in 3rd tri and weight gain so far is 8kg. Baby ok can already... Weight can always lose as long as it is not crazily excessive like 30kg!

Excessive gain of 30kg is crazy.....

But my gynae already told me I only have a few more kg to gain..... she already set a threshold for me
@bel_vodka li hai leh sahm u can lose 19kg!! I want to lose all the weight gained after delivery too:D

@snowy03, how much weight did your gynae says to gain?

@hi_mei yes I also feel gaining 30+kg is quite scary *turn blue*

@chrisl LOL wow what u eat only gained 5kg and all go to your BBs, share share?

@bliswifu I love sweet stuffs, they are like comfort foods and make me feel happy!

my weight during last check up was 64kg. She said I can only gain up to 70kg which mean I can only gain 6 kg more for the remaining 3 months

Hehe I also gained 7 kg le now only 26 weeks :( during cny I think I gained 2 kg lo.. Must control now le.. I just wanna put on 1 kg every month :( seems like impossible haha..
Now dun eat also cannot but eat also cannot haix..

i think it's mission impossible to gain only 1 kg every month..... eat is for the sake of the bb....
Ya 1kg every month was also my target. But exceeded liao hehehe

And yes it does seem like I'm always hungry, a few times in the middle of the night! Got frustrated and tried to ignore the hunger pangs by sleeping. Then end up my BB is underweight!

This year many celebrities are pregnant. Vivian Hsu just announced her 3 months pregnancy. Joanne Peh and Lim Xiao Pei also preggy.:)

nowadays, i try to skip supper..... and on 1 or 2 occasions in the middle of the night, either the bb is hungry, waking me up or i myself is hungry. I tried to ignore but still couldn't sleep..... no choice, have to wake up and get a hot beverage instead to tahan until morning
Haha yes I think she can n will lose the weight....actually quite impressed with her...cuz she dares to just eat n enjoy her pregnancy n didnt hide her weight gain despite being a 'famous' blogger ...makes me feel like she is not fake hahaa
Oic...den i shd finger crossed n hope I won't need to go for the test....I have a v sweet tooth...

I have a v sweet tooth too..... and the pregnancy makes me even more crave for them! :(
actually im plump to begin with I was 68/69 pre preggy and only 1.58m..
the tour was just ok nia, we didn't get to see the deluxe ward and delivery ward as all were occupied..so in a way I felt short changed..i will ask for more info in next week appointment though..

which hospital did u go to for the tour?
im also not sure..as In I eat as normal but I dun feel excessively hungry ..then just managed small meals a day as cos im with twins so I feel very full even after a small portion of food, example like yesterday I felt very stuffed&bloated ..am a cup prune juice, brunch 3 mini charsiew baos + 1 cup milk, then late lunch 3pm macaroni soup with minced pork/fish cake/lettuce, dinner 1 popiah + 1 mango +2 bottles yakult only...I was so full after..had difficulty turning/laying in bed already..

u have a very healthy diet. no wonder u can maintain the weight so well.....
Yup usually if I feel hungry at night I will make a cup of milk drink den I faster go sleep le haha if not I cannot sleep ye coz bb will keep moving..

Like ytd I was down with flu so I ate the flu medicine and I went to sleep but I couldn't sleep at all bb is moving inside the whole afternoon :( I only sleep abit den wake up den sleep again..

Yup yup! The 933 DJ lim pei fen also pregnant le hehe.. Oh I didn't know lim xiao pei was pregnant too! Hehe..

not forgetting even that Marine Parade MP also pregnant lor....
Yes dunno is it this yr more pregnant ladies than usual? Even my workplace got much more than usual...
@bliswifu good idea, now I can have some healthy cereals if I feel hungry at night. Yes, we also quite paranoid to announce this pregnancy as I had been spotting till week 14. Would only feel it's real when we hold the baby after delivery.

@Ice_Tea do drink lots of water to flush out the toxins from the flu and meds. Get well quickly! Remember not to take milk 2 hours before your meds, and not immediately after. Milk can hinder with the absorption.

@chrisl your meals are light and healthy, but with twins guess you will feel full faster. With singleton I am already feeling the weight of the tummy whenever I turn about on bed.

@snowy03 I am like you craving for sweet things in pregnancy. Like not fulfilling without something sweet. Jiayou, 6kg in 3 more months!

@hi_mei ya this year like many pregnant ladies! And so far I have heard of more baby boys than girls.

Now that we are entering 3rd trimester, watch out for preterm labour symptoms http://www.keepemcookin.com/talk.aspx
Hi all mummies, talking about preterm labour symptoms. 3rd trimester really very tricky. Have mensese cramp feeling ytd, was v worried went down gynae today, wasn't suppose to feel it. Had those fake contractions the night before.. was prescribed some thing if medications if contractions occur. Currently at 28/29weeks,baby at 1.3kg
Hi all mummies, talking about preterm labour symptoms. 3rd trimester really very tricky. Have mensese cramp feeling ytd, was v worried went down gynae today, wasn't suppose to feel it. Had those fake contractions the night before.. was prescribed some thing if medications if contractions occur. Currently at 28/29weeks,baby at 1.3kg

Your baby is of a good weight!

Yes if you feel menses cramp above the pubic bone and below the belly button, do go seek advise immediately from the Dr, don't delay now that we are in 3rd trimester. Better to err on the side of caution.

Also read a case of one lady who had placental abruption, her baby was very agitated inside and then no more movements. She didn't seek medical help quickly, no bleeding and the sad thing happened.

Do act quickly so that the baby is at least safe and we have no regrets.

What meds were you prescribed?
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Your baby is of a good weight!

Yes if you feel menses cramp above the pubic bone and below the belly button, do go seek advise immediately from the Dr, don't delay now that we are in 3rd trimester. Better to err on the side of caution.

Also read a case of one lady who had placental abruption, her baby was very agitated inside and then no more movements. She didn't seek medical help quickly and the sad thing happened.

Do act quickly so that the baby is at least safe and we have no regrets.
What meds were you prescribed?
It's just like menses cramps, very headache I tell you. Because u dontknow isit a preterm labour, but u cannot be assure. I was prescribe for the tightening of stomach only. My doctor Didn't say about cramps... I asked He was quite confident wasn't any issue.


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It's just like menses cramps, very headache I tell you. Because u dontknow isit a preterm labour, but u cannot be assure. I was prescribe for the tightening of stomach only. My doctor Didn't say about cramps... I asked He was quite confident wasn't any issue.
Actually can feel u ! Esp first time mums ...can b clueless n we will naturally b worried....but since ur gynae did say won't b any issues, just try relax n rest more :) jiayou!!
@chrisl wah u really have a small appetite....hee i have been eating full meals (noodles/rice etc...v guilty with all the carbs) but as long babies healthy ...I think doesn't matter small or big appetite hee...
@wabbit_baby yes...on one hand enjoying pregnancy plus just hubby n me time...on the other can't wait for baby to b in arms to feel really safe...but I guess that's why parents r wei da...even out of womb, we will have endless worries even they have become adults haa...
@bliswifu good idea, now I can have some healthy cereals if I feel hungry at night. Yes, we also quite paranoid to announce this pregnancy as I had been spotting till week 14. Would only feel it's real when we hold the baby after delivery.

@Ice_Tea do drink lots of water to flush out the toxins from the flu and meds. Get well quickly! Remember not to take milk 2 hours before your meds, and not immediately after. Milk can hinder with the absorption.

@chrisl your meals are light and healthy, but with twins guess you will feel full faster. With singleton I am already feeling the weight of the tummy whenever I turn about on bed.

@snowy03 I am like you craving for sweet things in pregnancy. Like not fulfilling without something sweet. Jiayou, 6kg in 3 more months!

@hi_mei ya this year like many pregnant ladies! And so far I have heard of more baby boys than girls.

Now that we are entering 3rd trimester, watch out for preterm labour symptoms http://www.keepemcookin.com/talk.aspx
Mine a baby boy too ! Haha...@snowy03 actually shd b ok...2kg per mth...but then third trim is when baby grows v quickly right...n heavier
Yes dunno is it this yr more pregnant ladies than usual? Even my workplace got much more than usual...

ya.... i also realised this year seems to have more pregnant ladies..... mayb the govtn education is starting to see results? ;)
It's just like menses cramps, very headache I tell you. Because u dontknow isit a preterm labour, but u cannot be assure. I was prescribe for the tightening of stomach only. My doctor Didn't say about cramps... I asked He was quite confident wasn't any issue.

I was given Salbutamol(Ventolin) drip for one night hospital stay to prevent uterine contractions. I didn't like it one bit, makes the heart pound faster and had difficulty sleeping.

I was also given nifedipine.

Try to lie on your sides the next time you encounter any tightening and drink more water. If it goes away, you should be fine, real contractions will not go away no matter what we do.

Or it could be round ligament pain on the sides which can be really painful, different from the cramps in the center. Takes a while to subside.
@bliswifu good idea, now I can have some healthy cereals if I feel hungry at night. Yes, we also quite paranoid to announce this pregnancy as I had been spotting till week 14. Would only feel it's real when we hold the baby after delivery.

@Ice_Tea do drink lots of water to flush out the toxins from the flu and meds. Get well quickly! Remember not to take milk 2 hours before your meds, and not immediately after. Milk can hinder with the absorption.

@chrisl your meals are light and healthy, but with twins guess you will feel full faster. With singleton I am already feeling the weight of the tummy whenever I turn about on bed.

@snowy03 I am like you craving for sweet things in pregnancy. Like not fulfilling without something sweet. Jiayou, 6kg in 3 more months!

@hi_mei ya this year like many pregnant ladies! And so far I have heard of more baby boys than girls.

Now that we are entering 3rd trimester, watch out for preterm labour symptoms http://www.keepemcookin.com/talk.aspx

yes. just like 2 weeks ago, I purposely walk over the food centre to buy chng teng and felt so satisfied after taking it :D
Mine a baby boy too ! Haha...@snowy03 actually shd b ok...2kg per mth...but then third trim is when baby grows v quickly right...n heavier

Thanks for the encouragement but I scare 3rd trim, weight gain will shoot up :confused:

in fact talking about heavier..... indeed it's getting heavier and more tired when walking....
Actually can feel u ! Esp first time mums ...can b clueless n we will naturally b worried....but since ur gynae did say won't b any issues, just try relax n rest more :) jiayou!!
@chrisl wah u really have a small appetite....hee i have been eating full meals (noodles/rice etc...v guilty with all the carbs) but as long babies healthy ...I think doesn't matter small or big appetite hee...
@wabbit_baby yes...on one hand enjoying pregnancy plus just hubby n me time...on the other can't wait for baby to b in arms to feel really safe...but I guess that's why parents r wei da...even out of womb, we will have endless worries even they have become adults haa...
Very hard to sit back and relax. Really...
I was given Salbutamol(Ventolin) drip for one night hospital stay to prevent uterine contractions. I didn't like it one bit, makes the heart pound faster and had difficulty sleeping.

I was also given nifedipine.

Try to lie on your sides the next time you encounter any tightening and drink more water. If it goes away, you should be fine, real contractions will not go away no matter what we do.

Or it could be round ligament pain on the sides which can be really painful, different from the cramps in the center. Takes a while to subside.
I been asking myself isit due to cold water ive been drinkingg for the past 6months...drink warm water Maybe will help
Hehe I only ate one flu medicine den I didn't eat le.. I try to sleep more too so can recover by itself.. :)

Yeah now go where also can see pregnant mummies.. Dunno is it me only hehe like I'm pregnant so I will tend to look out for other pregnant mummy too xD hehe.. Not sure why.. Is it the pregnant radar haha..
I was given Salbutamol(Ventolin) drip for one night hospital stay to prevent uterine contractions. I didn't like it one bit, makes the heart pound faster and had difficulty sleeping.

I was also given nifedipine.

Try to lie on your sides the next time you encounter any tightening and drink more water. If it goes away, you should be fine, real contractions will not go away no matter what we do.

Or it could be round ligament pain on the sides which can be really painful, different from the cramps in the center. Takes a while to subside.
rest well gal!
Actually can feel u ! Esp first time mums ...can b clueless n we will naturally b worried....but since ur gynae did say won't b any issues, just try relax n rest more :) jiayou!!
@chrisl wah u really have a small appetite....hee i have been eating full meals (noodles/rice etc...v guilty with all the carbs) but as long babies healthy ...I think doesn't matter small or big appetite hee...
@wabbit_baby yes...on one hand enjoying pregnancy plus just hubby n me time...on the other can't wait for baby to b in arms to feel really safe...but I guess that's why parents r wei da...even out of womb, we will have endless worries even they have become adults haa...

I want to eat but cannot eat:(:(only can see others enjoying their food
saliva drooling liao..... ;)
now trying to b abit health conscious at least until next week check up.....
actually I believe anything is fine if in moderation lah..somedays a tad 'unhealthy' food nvm de..just be careful the food is hot not left in room temp for hrs when eating so dun get food poisoning
Yaaa itz quite scary. Weather so hot how to drink warm water or room temperature. So mummies must take care okay! We will see bb in time soon!
Yaaa itz quite scary. Weather so hot how to drink warm water or room temperature. So mummies must take care okay! We will see bb in time soon!
How r u feeling today? Try more bed rest! N yes I think more warm water will help! Don't take cold drinks atm...

Ya lo the weather is really a killer !! I think it is ok to on the air con during confinement like 27 degrees? Haa...n not blowing on us directly? The psi has been quite bad past few days too....
How r u feeling today? Try more bed rest! N yes I think more warm water will help! Don't take cold drinks atm...

Ya lo the weather is really a killer !! I think it is ok to on the air con during confinement like 27 degrees? Haa...n not blowing on us directly? The psi has been quite bad past few days too....
Thanks for the concern! Had cramps in through afternoon but now better le. I'm trying not to take cold drinks at night alr. It's okay to on aircon on Confinement, are you having massage lady? They will advise you on the degree, I know like 25/26 the lowest you can go!!! If not we become chaota sia. Btw mummies,shall we have a whatapps groupchat? Easy to discuss and share things
Hi all mummies, talking about preterm labour symptoms. 3rd trimester really very tricky. Have mensese cramp feeling ytd, was v worried went down gynae today, wasn't suppose to feel it. Had those fake contractions the night before.. was prescribed some thing if medications if contractions occur. Currently at 28/29weeks,baby at 1.3kg

I have the same symptoms as you! It happened to me on Friday night, from office (after work) to MRT and all the way home. I never go see my gynae about it cause my is at KKH so not sure how to make an appointment. I just brushed it off as maybe I am too cold (office aircon is like winter on Friday and all my colleagues were shivering too). The pain felt like I am the first day of menses and the cramps is super terrible. Upon reaching home, I just curl myself up and lie on bed (cannot sit down/lie on back cause it felt even worse). My friend, who had 3 kids, told me it might be braxton hicks and keep telling me to drink hot milo so it will go away.

Then, it happened again on Sat after I drank a cold packet of peach tea!! So, now, I am keeping away from all cold stuff and tea already :'( I hope it doesn't affect my baby and April appointment to come fast so I can ask my gynae.
yea...weather is really warm! I forsee aircon sure on 24hrs next time in june/july..

Oh no! cannot imagine the utility bill for that 2 months..... and imagine we have more pple in the house - water usage will be high, gas usage will be high, electricity usage will also be high..... :eek::eek:
hi mommies! been a long time since my last login to this forum and so many new posts. haha. looks like im missing out!

jia you all mommies, we are finally in 3rd trimester liao... hurrah!!! on the down side, baby move at night when i sleep, then i will jolt awake. lol.

are all of you in the FB group, or in a Whatsapp group??
I have the same symptoms as you! It happened to me on Friday night, from office (after work) to MRT and all the way home. I never go see my gynae about it cause my is at KKH so not sure how to make an appointment. I just brushed it off as maybe I am too cold (office aircon is like winter on Friday and all my colleagues were shivering too). The pain felt like I am the first day of menses and the cramps is super terrible. Upon reaching home, I just curl myself up and lie on bed (cannot sit down/lie on back cause it felt even worse). My friend, who had 3 kids, told me it might be braxton hicks and keep telling me to drink hot milo so it will go away.

Then, it happened again on Sat after I drank a cold packet of peach tea!! So, now, I am keeping away from all cold stuff and tea already :'( I hope it doesn't affect my baby and April appointment to come fast so I can ask my gynae.
You don't playplay ah. I asked my cousin who has 4kids told me might be braton hicks. But if really v painful better go hospital. Cause least when we go in, they able to inject us w some thing to calm the fetus or whatsoever. Not sure what the name. I tried to cut down on cold drinks at night, afternoon I still drink Because the weather too hot. Really cannottttttt
Oh no! cannot imagine the utility bill for that 2 months..... and imagine we have more pple in the house - water usage will be high, gas usage will be high, electricity usage will also be high..... :eek::eek:
My mil say, prepare other 100-200 for bills. Hahha. But bobian really v hot, I take cold shower nowwww
Hi hi

Am FTM edd jun also. Was a silent reader previously. Decide to comment now as read a few of you gals had contractions. I had contractions since wk 20 n tot was normal -Braxton hicks.

Apparently we should not get these so early. N Braxton hicks should only comes occasionally. So long story short if u get belly tightening frequently ie : n times per day for a few days or >4 times in an hr. Pls see gynea cos there is possibility too many Braxton hicks/ contractions might trigger labour
You don't playplay ah. I asked my cousin who has 4kids told me might be braton hicks. But if really v painful better go hospital. Cause least when we go in, they able to inject us w some thing to calm the fetus or whatsoever. Not sure what the name. I tried to cut down on cold drinks at night, afternoon I still drink Because the weather too hot. Really cannottttttt

I was on salbutamol tablet since week 12 onwards. To be taken till I m week 36. It is supposed to relax the uterus to prevent tightening all those.. it is a very good medicine. I tink i read earlier someone also given this medicine. However, the first time when I took i actually had palpitations so my dosage was reduced to only 2 times a day instead of 4.

I was on salbutamol tablet since week 12 onwards. To be taken till I m week 36. It is supposed to relax the uterus to prevent tightening all those.. it is a very good medicine. I tink i read earlier someone also given this medicine. However, the first time when I took i actually had palpitations so my dosage was reduced to only 2 times a day instead of 4.
My gynae gave me utrogrstan to standby if my tightening comes again. But she's guessing that it might be bloating rather than contraction...because contraction is supposed to come n go
