(2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

I feel very uncomfy sleeping on my back now, even for a short period during scan.. used to be my fave sleeping position. :(
So must sleep on my side n keep on switching right left right left, think my bb got tossed ard often at nite.
Btw, it's most advisable to sleep on our left side, can help nutrients n blood to reach bb n placenta better.
I feel very uncomfy sleeping on my back now, even for a short period during scan.. used to be my fave sleeping position. :(
So must sleep on my side n keep on switching right left right left, think my bb got tossed ard often at nite.
Btw, it's most advisable to sleep on our left side, can help nutrients n blood to reach bb n placenta better.
me too:(my fav position was sleeping on my back..bo bian now using another pillow to support my back so I dun roll over during night to laying on back unknowingly
Hi all mummies! Went to gynae today! I'm at 22weeks3days! Half way through the pregnancy. Btw gynae told me, there these AMNIOTIC SHEETS ard my uterus. MAY CUT BABY SKIN BUt nothing much they can do. I asked if it's gonna be an big issue, He says that He seen many cases like me,but asked me not to worry. Any mummies heard of this or encounter this?

How do these look like on u/s?

Keep cool :cool: if gynae says ok then all will be fine!
How do these look like on u/s?

Keep cool :cool: if gynae says ok then all will be fine!
Look like this. I goggled the pic.. I hope everything will be fine thou.


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Just a random que.. Babies spend most of their time sleeping in our tummy mahx? :rolleyes: coz sometimes I dun feel her moving haha.. Which makes me abit worried though.. :confused:
Hmm, I dun feel her moving much today too, fewer than 10 times... stomach is getting more n more bloated.
Getting very bad constipation, must remember to drink more water, eat more fibre-containing fruits n veggies...
Yes de, think more than half the day my BB is sleeping, starts getting active after lunch then ZZzz, hungry will wake up toward dinner time. After dinner very active left, right, left, right, stop and repeat. o_O

If I walk then BB will stay still Hahaha
Btw, do all mummies-to-be use stretch mark cream regularly?
I wasn't till last mth when doc reminded me to do so, if I dun want to end up with a watermelon looking stomach. o_O
Yes de, think more than half the day my BB is sleeping, starts getting active after lunch then ZZzz, hungry will wake up toward dinner time. After dinner very active left, right, left, right, stop and repeat. o_O
If I walk then BB will stay still Hahaha
Haha, really? U can feel bb moving left right left right? I can feel something, but dunno what she did.
If u walk mebbe bb still move but more diff to feel coz not in relaxed position?
Ya they say to avoid stretch marks try not to gain weight too fast. Any moisturizer to keep the skin from being dry is fine. And when the skin stretches, must Ren Ren Ren , never ever scratch!

I think hor our pregnancy is training us to be ninja kangaroo mamas! :p
Haha, really? U can feel bb moving left right left right? I can feel something, but dunno what she did.
If u walk mebbe bb still move but more diff to feel coz not in relaxed position?

Yes most prob u r right Hahaha

I can feel BB's left leg/arm and right leg/arm, not whole BB move. Or that will really scare me! :oops:
Btw, do all mummies-to-be use stretch mark cream regularly?
I wasn't till last mth when doc reminded me to do so, if I dun want to end up with a watermelon looking stomach. o_O
I didn put any creams at all...maybe I paranoid ba lol..but I take it that future birth scars etc to me are 'battle' scars :) maybe can show to my chn..
Yes de, think more than half the day my BB is sleeping, starts getting active after lunch then ZZzz, hungry will wake up toward dinner time. After dinner very active left, right, left, right, stop and repeat. o_O

If I walk then BB will stay still Hahaha
I notice after dinner she will be more active but I must rest on the bed den she will move more..

I will feel some nudge or bubble kind of feel but I also dunno is it she moving >.< maybe I'm just paranoid keep worry this and that :(
Btw, do all mummies-to-be use stretch mark cream regularly?
I wasn't till last mth when doc reminded me to do so, if I dun want to end up with a watermelon looking stomach. o_O
Yeah, I start applying the oil quite early coz my tummy is itchy so I just used it and it did become better not so dry so I wun scratch it.. :D
I notice after dinner she will be more active but I must rest on the bed den she will move more..

I will feel some nudge or bubble kind of feel but I also dunno is it she moving >.< maybe I'm just paranoid keep worry this and that :(

Ya beginning I also not sure then heard it's because BB's bones haven't harden yet. When BB gets bigger you will be sure it's her! :)

My sis-in-law also pregnant. She's in her week 30s, sometimes BB jab her so hard in the ribs and make her tear. :eek:
Ya beginning I also not sure then heard it's because BB's bones haven't harden yet. When BB gets bigger you will be sure it's her! :)

My sis-in-law also pregnant. She's in her week 30s, sometimes BB jab her so hard in the ribs and make her tear. :eek:
Ya but she also quite cheeky, everytime she poke my tummy den I put my hand on the part she dunwan to move already >.<

Hehe yes, my mum said last time I also kick her very hard until now she still feels pain at that part =X
Just a random que.. Babies spend most of their time sleeping in our tummy mahx? :rolleyes: coz sometimes I dun feel her moving haha.. Which makes me abit worried though.. :confused:

Wha, I was also wondering about this yesterday! Hahas, cause I went to the gynae's and the gynae told me baby sleeping so I keep thinking why keep sleeping whenever I go gynae one, like is it normal. Hubby kept saying cause I sleep late at night. Oooops.
Yes de, think more than half the day my BB is sleeping, starts getting active after lunch then ZZzz, hungry will wake up toward dinner time. After dinner very active left, right, left, right, stop and repeat. o_O

If I walk then BB will stay still Hahaha

sometime, abit less active, sometime v active after meals..... feel as if it's dancing inside.... bouncing bouncing.... and some kicks here and there.
think I will drop by early walk walk see see as I live nearby but dun think will be buying anything cos already spent quite a bit during suntec fair hehe

same for me as I also stay pretty near. can go there see see look look.... actually havn't started doing any research and since it's so near to house, good chance to go there and see what's there
hi mummies.. am at 19th week now. Jussssssst came out frm toilet. Saw red and brown thick blood on panties.. been cramping on and off since monday.. called clinic but lunchtime.. what shud i do now??
hi mummies.. am at 19th week now. Jussssssst came out frm toilet. Saw red and brown thick blood on panties.. been cramping on and off since monday.. called clinic but lunchtime.. what shud i do now??
quick go emergency o&g kkh
hi mummies.. am at 19th week now. Jussssssst came out frm toilet. Saw red and brown thick blood on panties.. been cramping on and off since monday.. called clinic but lunchtime.. what shud i do now??

Go to your Dr's clinic or any A&E and insist for a proluton jab. Try to sit down whenever you can and lie down with thighs propped up with a pillow to relax the uterus. Keep calm mummy.

If the next 2 days still got spotting or bleeding, get another jab in 3 days' time. Take care!
woke up feeling light headed and faint...measured my blood pressure very low...anyone with low blood pressure too?
Wha, I was also wondering about this yesterday! Hahas, cause I went to the gynae's and the gynae told me baby sleeping so I keep thinking why keep sleeping whenever I go gynae one, like is it normal. Hubby kept saying cause I sleep late at night. Oooops.
Yeah lor they like spend most of their times sleeping de maybe this is also the reason why they are born they also keep sleeping xD and only wake up to drink milk hehe..

So far I went for 2 checkups my baby is quite active den the last time I went the position can't see properly so dunno if she is moving anot xD
woke up feeling light headed and faint...measured my blood pressure very low...anyone with low blood pressure too?
Mine was low blood :( my medical report states that my blood is low and also urine infection.. Makes me very worried..
hi mummies.. am at 19th week now. Jussssssst came out frm toilet. Saw red and brown thick blood on panties.. been cramping on and off since monday.. called clinic but lunchtime.. what shud i do now??
Is better to go for a checkup.. By the time u reach the clinic it shld be open yah.. Take care!!
hi mummies.. am at 19th week now. Jussssssst came out frm toilet. Saw red and brown thick blood on panties.. been cramping on and off since monday.. called clinic but lunchtime.. what shud i do now??

Please go KKH A&E otherwise just make a trip down to your regular gynae.
I had a bad tummy ache and almost black out a few weeks back. It was scary. If you dont feel well, see doc. Better get it check. I keep telling hubby luckily I did not black out on the street but with people I know.
u also feel faint/restlessness not? u taking any obimin? I take obimin but some days only
I went to check with my family doc and the report shows that I hv low blood so he tell me to let my gynea know abt this during my next appointment which is next thurs :( so far I hv not taken any medicine yet.. I dun really feel restless or fainting now but during first trim I feel more tired.. Now still ok..
I went to check with my family doc and the report shows that I hv low blood so he tell me to let my gynea know abt this during my next appointment which is next thurs :( so far I hv not taken any medicine yet.. I dun really feel restless or fainting now but during first trim I feel more tired.. Now still ok..
I think better ask next appointment if u need any pills..i just pop one..
I went to check with my family doc and the report shows that I hv low blood so he tell me to let my gynea know abt this during my next appointment which is next thurs :( so far I hv not taken any medicine yet.. I dun really feel restless or fainting now but during first trim I feel more tired.. Now still ok..

@Ice_Tea take care yah
now is the time for us to take whatever nutrients good for the baby. I very guai de.... take obimin every morning. must take care yah....
I think I'm quite unhealthy though :( I dun take fruits and vege.. I only take meat.. Dun hv a balance diet haix.. But I do take supplements like iron calcium and fish oil only.. Also dunno is this enough anot..
yes yes. totally agree!! whatever last time I dun encounter, now i encounter. before pregnancy, i can sleep till thru'out the nights with no difficulty. Now.... sigh..... and i do experience some dizziness if I don't sleep well....
Same! I will wake up almost every night and is in the middle of the night.. Which makes me so tired haha..

I think I'm quite unhealthy though :( I dun take fruits and vege.. I only take meat.. Dun hv a balance diet haix.. But I do take supplements like iron calcium and fish oil o dunno is this enough anot..
some says when preggy eat everything bb no trouble with foods later..cos bb in womb can taste de..dunno true not?
