(2015/6) June 2015 Mummies

Congrats all mummies. Same here, worried does kick in as n when. But I am quite worry about myself now where I'm not sure is it normal to have little depression. I everyday feel like hard to pass, like forever stuck in first trimester, like never ending. Everyday wake up have to encounter the MS whole day again, lots of foods cannot eat. Everyday have to think what to eat, as don't know what food will cause me vomit afterwards. Sleepless night, cause me more pissed off sometimes. I'm wfh for the whole 1st trimester, not sure would it be this reason causing me to have this kind of negative thinking? But I keep puking now, how to go to the office by running to the ladies every now and then? :(
It sounds you are having a hard time and it is normal to feel depressed and not urself. The second tri is coming soon, try to bear it a bit longer. In the meantime just take care of urself and don't think about other stuff like office and housework. Honestly now I don't care about the house already, everything my hubby kindly does. Too tired and sick to care.

Sounds cool !! :) must b so assuring to hear bb's hb!

I know what u mean meh...first trim not easy with the ms, gagging, bloated feeling...n lack of sleep....i m in a foul mood too...but hang in there! Just think positive that bb is growing well, hence ur hormones working real hard n creating lots chaos :( A few more weeks we will b in second trim n we can enjoy our pregnancy more by then! Jiayou!
Thank you bliswifu, appreciate it.. Jia you to you too!
It sounds you are having a hard time and it is normal to feel depressed and not urself. The second tri is coming soon, try to bear it a bit longer. In the meantime just take care of urself and don't think about other stuff like office and housework. Honestly now I don't care about the house already, everything my hubby kindly does. Too tired and sick to care.
hi_mei, I never bother house work alrd as my hb doesn't allow me to touch any except fold clothes. Sometimes nothing to do seems like worse, like cannot drive the attention to others.. I'm counting down everyday.. Mix feeling, happy because I know baby is growing well, then, when the nausea stays whole day, gosh.. The feeling is, unexplainable. Thank you mummies for the encouragement, lets jiayou together!
Hi lovely mummies ,I am so happy to see so many mummies starting to join our group .
If you would like to join June mummies 2015 fb group,would you mind adding me in fb, before I can add you all into the fb group?
My email is [email protected]
Thank you very muchie :)
Hi mummies, do you feel faint, fluttering feeling (like 'butterflies') or like small bubbles 'popping' in your belly at 7-8weeks? I wonder are those baby movements... I used to have those feelings after 1st trimester for my boy, but not as early as 7-8weeks. But it doesn't feel like gas ;)
Hi mummies, do you feel faint, fluttering feeling (like 'butterflies') or like small bubbles 'popping' in your belly at 7-8weeks? I wonder are those baby movements... I used to have those feelings after 1st trimester for my boy, but not as early as 7-8weeks. But it doesn't feel like gas ;)
Not me though.. Feeling pain yes sometimes but no bubbles feel.. :D
Hi lovely mummies ,I am so happy to see so many mummies starting to join our group .
If you would like to join June mummies 2015 fb group,would you mind adding me in fb, before I can add you all into the fb group?
My email is [email protected]
Thank you very muchie :)

I just added you in fb.... Please add in me. Thank you. Gam sia
Hippo 78, I feel same as you.. Lol. I even Google abt it. Some mummies do feel it so early. But most probably, they say is cos expansion. Not possible to be baby movement cos is still very small. But since others feel this way too. We are normal. Hee
Hi mummies, do you feel faint, fluttering feeling (like 'butterflies') or like small bubbles 'popping' in your belly at 7-8weeks? I wonder are those baby movements... I used to have those feelings after 1st trimester for my boy, but not as early as 7-8weeks. But it doesn't feel like gas ;)
I had it once!! At abt 9 wks. Was also wondering if it was bb movements cuz nv felt that kind of sensation before. Feels like bubbles popping... But not like the gassy feeling.
hi_mei, I never bother house work alrd as my hb doesn't allow me to touch any except fold clothes. Sometimes nothing to do seems like worse, like cannot drive the attention to others.. I'm counting down everyday.. Mix feeling, happy because I know baby is growing well, then, when the nausea stays whole day, gosh.. The feeling is, unexplainable. Thank you mummies for the encouragement, lets jiayou together!
Jiayou babe! :D
Are those ligament pain ? Normally your tummy will feel pain when it stretches.
I especially hate sneezing and coughing, cause it cause me to have lower pain in my stomach.
Congrats all mummies. Same here, worried does kick in as n when. But I am quite worry about myself now where I'm not sure is it normal to have little depression. I everyday feel like hard to pass, like forever stuck in first trimester, like never ending. Everyday wake up have to encounter the MS whole day again, lots of foods cannot eat. Everyday have to think what to eat, as don't know what food will cause me vomit afterwards. Sleepless night, cause me more pissed off sometimes. I'm wfh for the whole 1st trimester, not sure would it be this reason causing me to have this kind of negative thinking? But I keep puking now, how to go to the office by running to the ladies every now and then? :(

I also feeling pretty depressed nowadays...everyday wake up then start to have bad mood already. My hubby get fed up with my bad moods or no mood too. Have yet to break the news to my #1 and #2 so they also find that mummy is always in bad mood these days :(
Hi all
Im also in MS blue.. Previous week is horrible, i can hardly move myself, no energy from the endless puke.

I ll be 7 wks tomorrow.. Long way til 2nd trimester. Btw just to share, I put coffee powder in tissue paper and wrap it. When I pass by anywhere with unpleasant smell I ll sniff the coffee.. Hehe
I also feel the pain sometimes... is the pain normal?... its those small pain, once in while...
I think so bah. I jus back from kkh 24hr clinic as I've bleeding. Lucky only polyps bleeding n Dr let me hear bb heart beat. I've asked Dr y I feel pain at my tummy area n he said nothing he could do except give me pain killer if I really can't stand the pain. (Argg... pain killer again?!!)
Anyway Dr didn't say much n seems to rush me out. : (
I also feeling pretty depressed nowadays...everyday wake up then start to have bad mood already. My hubby get fed up with my bad moods or no mood too. Have yet to break the news to my #1 and #2 so they also find that mummy is always in bad mood these days :(
My hb is trying to cheer me up everyday, I'm trying to distract myself by working or do some reading over the weekend. Usually during weekdays the depress feeling will be stronger as my hb not at home.. Especially the puke kick in, worse! When do you intend to tell you #1 and #2?
I think so bah. I jus back from kkh 24hr clinic as I've bleeding. Lucky only polyps bleeding n Dr let me hear bb heart beat. I've asked Dr y I feel pain at my tummy area n he said nothing he could do except give me pain killer if I really can't stand the pain. (Argg... pain killer again?!!)
Anyway Dr didn't say much n seems to rush me out. : (
Hope you are alright? Don't walk too much and try to bed rest more..
I didn't buy it, a friend lent to me. But from videos that I've watched online on how to use it, most people seem to buy at about 50+ USD.
is it same with u ? i want to try buy this


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My hb is trying to cheer me up everyday, I'm trying to distract myself by working or do some reading over the weekend. Usually during weekdays the depress feeling will be stronger as my hb not at home.. Especially the puke kick in, worse! When do you intend to tell you #1 and #2?
I think I will tell them only after 1st trimester once baby is more secured. That's like 3 more weeks to go! Argh! Feeling puky again now after lunch :(
I think so bah. I jus back from kkh 24hr clinic as I've bleeding. Lucky only polyps bleeding n Dr let me hear bb heart beat. I've asked Dr y I feel pain at my tummy area n he said nothing he could do except give me pain killer if I really can't stand the pain. (Argg... pain killer again?!!)
Anyway Dr didn't say much n seems to rush me out. : (
Hi bb love, try to rest more. If u are not satisfied then seek a second opinion with a private doctor. I find that sometimes KKH medical management is quite minimal....
I think so bah. I jus back from kkh 24hr clinic as I've bleeding. Lucky only polyps bleeding n Dr let me hear bb heart beat. I've asked Dr y I feel pain at my tummy area n he said nothing he could do except give me pain killer if I really can't stand the pain. (Argg... pain killer again?!!)
Anyway Dr didn't say much n seems to rush me out. : (

if the pain is getting really uncomfortable, see another gynae.
Hello all! I'm a first timer and my EDD is 18 june! Having MS throughout the day since week 6 (currently week 8) and i've been taking frequent MC and leave from work, feeling really guilty, I wonder how u girls cope with MS while having to go work?!
Hello all! I'm a first timer and my EDD is 18 june! Having MS throughout the day since week 6 (currently week 8) and i've been taking frequent MC and leave from work, feeling really guilty, I wonder how u girls cope with MS while having to go work?!
I used to feel guilty by not appearing in my office. I have been working from home since week 4+ due to minor complication. I have doctor letter to certified. After awhile, I don't really care what others think, even the whole office people is guessing I am expecting, who cares? I'm still working, just under different shelter, at home instead. Baby is my first priority now.. Can't think too much liao..
Are those ligament pain ? Normally your tummy will feel pain when it stretches.
I especially hate sneezing and coughing, cause it cause me to have lower pain in my stomach.

Hi Hippo78,

I also experienced the same as you, especially when sneezing.... Sometimes the pain is like a short pinch on n off
I used to feel guilty by not appearing in my office. I have been working from home since week 4+ due to minor complication. I have doctor letter to certified. After awhile, I don't really care what others think, even the whole office people is guessing I am expecting, who cares? I'm still working, just under different shelter, at home instead. Baby is my first priority now.. Can't think too much liao..

Hi @mehmehguinguin , agree with you, BB is our priority now. those who have not gone through pregnancy won't understand how we feel.
is it same with u ? i want to try buy this

Hi I am Jan mummy, I brought the same model. can only detect heartbeat cannot record..
Overall, pretty efficient but takes a bit of skill and practice to find the heartbeat.
This is a China model not those angel sound that is from USA
Hi @mehmehguinguin , agree with you, BB is our priority now. those who have not gone through pregnancy won't understand how we feel.
I know. People went to complain to my boss I like to take MC but we know what is more impt to us can already.
Anyway sometimes I can't understand why people cannot be a bit kinder. People surely have a reason for taking MC that's why it can only be issued by doctor right?
wow, this looks pro ! Is it user-friendly ? Would love to get one too.
The machine itself is v easy to use but needs a bit of practice to find the heartbeat. If u get it it is better u use after a gynae visit so u dont scare urself if u cannot find the heartbeat...
I used to feel guilty by not appearing in my office. I have been working from home since week 4+ due to minor complication. I have doctor letter to certified. After awhile, I don't really care what others think, even the whole office people is guessing I am expecting, who cares? I'm still working, just under different shelter, at home instead. Baby is my first priority now.. Can't think too much liao..
My company doesn't encourage work from home and I doubt I have the energy to as well, always feeling tired (i can't even figure out if it's real tired or pure laziness) and nauseous, just by thinking of travelling out of the house feeling puky scares me now.
I know. People went to complain to my boss I like to take MC but we know what is more impt to us can already.
Anyway sometimes I can't understand why people cannot be a bit kinder. People surely have a reason for taking MC that's why it can only be issued by doctor right?

Hi @hi_mei ,

Don't be bothered with these people cos I always believe, one day karma will return to them. (not being evil) Don't waste energy to b angry with them, rather spend it talking to bb in our heart or spending time looking into things that can cheer us up.
Re work. I am very sleepy and giddy in the morning. So I took leave and now mc. No choice cos I can't focus on my work. I'm either wanting to slp or staying in the toilet waiting to puke out. :(

Good thing is my current bosses are understanding. I had no choice but to tell them and they were supportive. I hv my work laptop at home, will on it to clear my work when I'm more energized.
I juz visited my gynae. Edd is now 15 jun instd. Crl is smaller than GA as usual but it happened to my no 1 so I'm not worried.

Took mc for next few days cos I'm juz too tired. But I've a delivery to my ofc tomorrow. Kuah kuah..

Anyway I saw a very small baby shape formed. :_) my next scan is 3w later during my Oscar. Pray that all will be smooth and well during these period :)
I juz visited my gynae. Edd is now 15 jun instd. Crl is smaller than GA as usual but it happened to my no 1 so I'm not worried.

Took mc for next few days cos I'm juz too tired. But I've a delivery to my ofc tomorrow. Kuah kuah..

Anyway I saw a very small baby shape formed. :_) my next scan is 3w later during my Oscar. Pray that all will be smooth and well during these period :)

Your gynae good leh.. my gynae dont issue MC de.. unless bleeding.. if tired or pain only give medicine.. no MC..
I juz visited my gynae. Edd is now 15 jun instd. Crl is smaller than GA as usual but it happened to my no 1 so I'm not worried.

Took mc for next few days cos I'm juz too tired. But I've a delivery to my ofc tomorrow. Kuah kuah..

Anyway I saw a very small baby shape formed. :_) my next scan is 3w later during my Oscar. Pray that all will be smooth and well during these period :)

Hi @missus_bl ,

I supposed to have the same EDD as you, 15 June but after my last week check, my gynae told me its 16 Jun now...
Hi @hi_mei ,

Don't be bothered with these people cos I always believe, one day karma will return to them. (not being evil) Don't waste energy to b angry with them, rather spend it talking to bb in our heart or spending time looking into things that can cheer us up.
I agree, can't be bother much now. I even have nightmares and woke up in the midnight just to think about work and how will the coworkers think about me, now - duhz! As Karen said, those people who never went thru pregnancy won't understand, well, even some yes, still the same especially those don't encountered much MS, can b loud speaker say how difficult it can be! Just don't give a damn anymore. When it comes to work, just do our best will do, nothing much we can do. We need to handle with MS alrd a huge challenge!
Re work. I am very sleepy and giddy in the morning. So I took leave and now mc. No choice cos I can't focus on my work. I'm either wanting to slp or staying in the toilet waiting to puke out. :(

Good thing is my current bosses are understanding. I had no choice but to tell them and they were supportive. I hv my work laptop at home, will on it to clear my work when I'm more energized.
We all hear you.. Like do anything also no interest anymore, at least for me :( Go out have short breakfast or dinner only up to max 2 hours then have to run back else is torturing..
My company doesn't encourage work from home and I doubt I have the energy to as well, always feeling tired (i can't even figure out if it's real tired or pure laziness) and nauseous, just by thinking of travelling out of the house feeling puky scares me now.
I understand.. Take mc is an option. Too bad not much choice we have at the moment, right?

All mummies, we have to stay positive and happy always ok... this will also partially affect the lil one in us while we are going thru.... Nothing in this world is perfect and we also can't stop those "jealous people" envy us... so let's keep ourselves happy and cheerful .... ;)
Thank you mummy!
