(2014/11) Nov 2014 Mummies

5th day post delivery and having engorgement. Hand express is so painful is it normal? So tired that I feel like giving up breastfeeding.
Hang on ... It's not easy .. I gave birth on 24th and I'm having engorement from 27th nov till 30th nov.. Can't seemed to clear the lump... Did not rest at all ... Keep trying to clear but failed. Then I use hand express to clear , it helps , the next morning I'm cleared... No as much lumps as previous day. Also manage to ask ml to massage the breast for me .. Now I'm slowly trying to get the yield for the baby ..

Bfg is not easy . I give up early for my number 1, for number 2 my supply too much... Simply over supply ... Now this one , trying to get all the volume .. Now the supply is getting better .. From the start of 20ml to now 120ml per pump session ...

I'm doing power pump now .. Maybe that's the reason that help me .. Instead of 3 hrly pump , in doing 2 hr pump :) I'm using dual pump .

Jiayou ...
Yes I have a pump. But there r still blocked ducts and engorgement. It's really so tiring and basically like u all said. No rest at all.
Day 6 post delivery via c-sect... milk supply seem to start to come in already... been letting my baby latch every 3 hours since day 1 and pump every 3 hours throughout the night. It's very tiring with torn and cracked painful nipples but really want to persevere as long as I can. Wanted to total breastfeed but can't meet my baby's demand so doing partial with formula. Jia you, mummies!
Currently 2 weeks plus confinement. Now I only able to pump 90 to 120 ml every 5 - 6hrs. At the first 1 week I can pump 180ml per session at 3 hrly. Supply dropped tremendously and can't met my baby demand. Don't really feel engorge compare the first week of delivery. Have been feeding formula as well too. Thinking to stop after pumping right after confinement as I will need to take care of my #1 (2yrs old). Quite tedious if I will need to pump feed and also tc of #1.

Any idea or anyone try stopping milk supply without medication? I bought the "no more milk tea" from iherb and have not tried yet. Wanna start drinking and stop pumping right after confinement. Any tried before?
Yes I have a pump. But there r still blocked ducts and engorgement. It's really so tiring and basically like u all said. No rest at all.

You can try to use hot compress or take a warm shower before pumping. I also feel very exhausted pumping. That's why I dragged my pump time from 3 hrly to 5-6hrly and now become supply dropped. There's once I feed till the bottle drop and I didn't know it till baby cry. That's how tired I am. Hahaha!
Currently 2 weeks plus confinement. Now I only able to pump 90 to 120 ml every 5 - 6hrs. At the first 1 week I can pump 180ml per session at 3 hrly. Supply dropped tremendously and can't met my baby demand. Don't really feel engorge compare the first week of delivery. Have been feeding formula as well too. Thinking to stop after pumping right after confinement as I will need to take care of my #1 (2yrs old). Quite tedious if I will need to pump feed and also tc of #1.

Any idea or anyone try stopping milk supply without medication? I bought the "no more milk tea" from iherb and have not tried yet. Wanna start drinking and stop pumping right after confinement. Any tried before?

Do power pump or hand express for 2 to 3mins every 3hrs... the milk supply will drop slowly.... use cabbage cold compress.. will bring down milk supply too... :)
Hi Miko, fluffy and Jcyc,
Thanks for all the concern n encouragement. Yes it's day 7 after my c section today. Supply is slowly coming in. Hand express both sides about 15 ml. Though it's still not a lot but I can see it is slowly increasing day by day. I latch bb on demand. Just to check if I latch bb on one side, do I have to pump out the other or shd I leave it for the next feed? Currently bb is taking formula at night.
Hi Miko, fluffy and Jcyc,
Thanks for all the concern n encouragement. Yes it's day 7 after my c section today. Supply is slowly coming in. Hand express both sides about 15 ml. Though it's still not a lot but I can see it is slowly increasing day by day. I latch bb on demand. Just to check if I latch bb on one side, do I have to pump out the other or shd I leave it for the next feed? Currently bb is taking formula at night.
Good to hear that. I will pump it out if not the BM will flow out on its own.. Quite wasted..
Hi Miko, fluffy and Jcyc,
Thanks for all the concern n encouragement. Yes it's day 7 after my c section today. Supply is slowly coming in. Hand express both sides about 15 ml. Though it's still not a lot but I can see it is slowly increasing day by day. I latch bb on demand. Just to check if I latch bb on one side, do I have to pump out the other or shd I leave it for the next feed? Currently bb is taking formula at night.
Better to let bb latch both sides of the breasts. After latching , do pumping , pump for abt 20 mins , while pumping , press the breast where you feel got lump .. After pumping you should feel the breasts light and bouncy :p if you still feel lump or hardness , continue to pump

Jia you !
How much ml your LO drink? Mine LO 3 weeks old. Drinking @ 90 ml. Should I increase?
Mine too...if baby's mouth keeps 'rooting' after a feed in search of more milk - and if this happens over a few feeds - then can increase by 10ml at a time.

The paediatrician gave me a formula for the *minimum* amount of milk baby should be getting: 120ml-150ml /kg / day.

E.g. if baby weighs 3.29kg, calculation is 150ml × 3.29kg = 490ml per day. If baby is fed 10 times a day, then would be about 50ml each feed...
Dear all mummies,
Actually there is no need any medi to stop breast milk.
Just like me, day and night time need to take care baby, sometimes need to do laundry.
Really tired and not battery at all.
Now not even one month my milk drop till 40ml total both sides, each pumping.
How I wish someone can help me to take care bb so I have time to maintain my milk supply.
Very sad... But Bo pian.. Many things beyond my control.
Dear all mummies,
Actually there is no need any medi to stop breast milk.
Just like me, day and night time need to take care baby, sometimes need to do laundry.
Really tired and not battery at all.
Now not even one month my milk drop till 40ml total both sides, each pumping.
How I wish someone can help me to take care bb so I have time to maintain my milk supply.
Very sad... But Bo pian.. Many things beyond my control.
Ya. My milk supply also not able to increase cause taking care of baby.. So sad. We wanted to give the best to our baby but not able to...
I was gained 20KG during pregnancy and now able to reduce about 13 Kg, left with 7kg to go.
It couldnt reduce further even i dont take rice and eat very less. The problem i am having is the big tummy. The people is given up their seat to me in MRT, can you imagine how big it is???

My hubby suggested me to engage a personal trainer and i've tried up yesterday. It was pretty good and the main goal is to reduce 5kg in 2-3 months. I am going to sign a package but wondering if anyone of you interested in joining me as buddy package. it is much cheaper. for 1-1 trainer, it cost $1800 for 21 times. With buddy package it cost $2220 for 2 so each 1 cost $1110.
Anyone interested? The gym will be done at Jurong East and the schedule is on every Tues and Thurs start around 6:30pm. It is about 1 hour.
Please PM me if you're interested.
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For the baby 1mth vaccines, is it the same for polyclinic and paediatric? Both have the 6in1 vaccines? any idea how much does it cost to go paediatric? Thanks.
For the baby 1mth vaccines, is it the same for polyclinic and paediatric? Both have the 6in1 vaccines? any idea how much does it cost to go paediatric? Thanks.
Hi, most are free if u go polyclinic. If u go paediatrician, the rates can be steep. I think Kid's Clinic at SK charges $400+ for 6-in-1. RH is $600+


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Ya. My milk supply also not able to increase cause taking care of baby.. So sad. We wanted to give the best to our baby but not able to...

Now I found my right side got several milk duct, how to clear tthem?
Massage, hot compress, cold compress, cold cabbage, any others method?
My right side milk drop drastically... left 5 ml each pump... keep ask bb to latch but already 2-3 days.. liao
For the baby 1mth vaccines, is it the same for polyclinic and paediatric? Both have the 6in1 vaccines? any idea how much does it cost to go paediatric? Thanks.

Vaccine should same but price different a lot.
All my 1st bb vaccines done at polyclinics, which I dun find any issues.
Now 5 in 1 is free of charge, some vaccine at poly is free but private chargeable.
Now I found my right side got several milk duct, how to clear tthem?
Massage, hot compress, cold compress, cold cabbage, any others method?
My right side milk drop drastically... left 5 ml each pump... keep ask bb to latch but already 2-3 days.. liao
Have you tried hand express? Rub the areas with the milk duct then squeeze towards your nipple to let the BM flow out.. Dun use cold cabbage as it will decrease your milk supply.
Now I found my right side got several milk duct, how to clear tthem?
Massage, hot compress, cold compress, cold cabbage, any others method?
My right side milk drop drastically... left 5 ml each pump... keep ask bb to latch but already 2-3 days.. liao

Use right sized nipple shield (i.e. the 'funnel' of your breast pump). I used the one that came w my Medela pump - took me a while and much research to pinpoint that it was using the wrong sized nipple shield for pumping! The sides of your nipples should not be squeezed against the walls of the tube as u pump, or else your ducts are blocked and the milk cannot flow out. Nor should the tube be too large or it will suck in your areola too, and exert the wrong kind of pressure (may even cause blebs).

Once I changed to the correct size nipple shield, my milk flow increased quickly and significantly...it made all the difference. You can ask the salesgirl to fit you. I went to Mums & Babes at wheelock place and they lent me a nipple circumference ruler.

Read here for fitting criteria: http://www.medelabreastfeedingus.com/tips-and-solutions/13/choosing-a-correctly-fitted-breastshield
Have you tried hand express? Rub the areas with the milk duct then squeeze towards your nipple to let the BM flow out.. Dun use cold cabbage as it will decrease your milk supply.

Use hand express but still got the lumps.
Now each time pump both sides only 60 ml.
My baby drinks 120ml each time so I need to top up with formula.
Use hand express but still got the lumps.
Now each time pump both sides only 60 ml.
My baby drinks 120ml each time so I need to top up with formula.
If you still feel milk ducts, use your baby bottle, warm the bottle and roll on your (.)(.) to soften the milk ducts. I'm also pumping max 60ml from both sides. My LO also supplement with fm now.. Maybe after 1 and a half month our BM supply will be better. This is what my cousin told me. She is bfing her children and my other cousins' LO.
If you still feel milk ducts, use your baby bottle, warm the bottle and roll on your (.)(.) to soften the milk ducts. I'm also pumping max 60ml from both sides. My LO also supplement with fm now.. Maybe after 1 and a half month our BM supply will be better. This is what my cousin told me. She is bfing her children and my other cousins' LO.

thanks for your reply, my mil asked me to use the hot rice wrapped by a clean cloth and roll on the lumps.
few times already... so need to hard working on it.
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dear c sect mummies,
Do u still will feel a bit discomfort when u crossed your legs and squat down ?
Is it ok to squat down frequently? Coz I need to do laundry for my bb and daughter.
It's already one month but I still will have a bit discomfort, is it because i m too sensitive or really need to take another few month?
Is it safe to massage 3 weeks after csect or should we wait till after 4weeks?

Hi. I gave birth prematurely at 30 weeks in Sep via C-Section. The nurses told me though some said can commence massage after 3 weeks, the internal wounds actually take 3 months to heal. I found this to be true. Due to my baby being premature, I spent two months going to hospital daily to visit her. At the end of second month, when I was in the lift, a woman rushed in and her bag banged against my lower tummy. Immediately I felt pain and that night I had some blood discharge.

This is why till now I have not commenced my massage.
May I check how much ang pow did you ladies give your SL when she arrived and when she left?
Sigh.... We had a "bad" deal with our cl..... My wife and I kind of interviewed her before paying deposit.... Looked ok initially but when we came home with baby (she arrived 1 day earlier before baby went home but got delayed 2 days due to phototherapy)... the first thing she told us was that she cannot do the full 28 days as she has another assignment in tampines..... What can we do.... Sigh.... Then she dropped another bomb..... she's a vegan...... waaaa leow...... Really felt kind of cheated.... My poor wife.... Didn't really had a good confinement.... And it really pained me so much.... But we learnt......

As for the ang pow.... Gave her $28 when first arrived.... And $10 when she left.... Dun care cos she do until like this..... Lesson learnt.....:-(
dear c sect mummies,
Do u still will feel a bit discomfort when u crossed your legs and squat down ?
Is it ok to squat down frequently? Coz I need to do laundry for my bb and daughter.
It's already one month but I still will have a bit discomfort, is it because i m too sensitive or really need to take another few month?

Its ok... but do within ur limits... by 3weeks i am alrdy squarting down and doing housework.. abit of pain in the abdomen area... after 1month.. when i do my massage.. i feel the pain when i had the tummy massaged... my pain fully gone only after 5 to 6weeks... the internal healing will take awhile to heal.. tats why doc encourage only to do heavy lifting after 3months minimum and 6months maximum...
Ya, my bb only one month only but keep crying no matter what method we try. Even rocker and pacifier he don't like. Yaolan is my last resort...lol
Hi, u all got intro yaolan to your baby? Was kinda hesitant.
Just ordered my set today from kiddy palace..... It's the motorized one cos baby too light and fragile for the manual yao lan. At least with the motor, I can control the strength. Reason is my son just wants to be cuddle to sleep, the minute put him in his cot, he will cry. Really taking its toll on both my wife and myself. So hopefully it will help in his daytime naps. IMHO.

Just ordered my set today from kiddy palace..... It's the motorized one cos baby too light and fragile for the manual yao lan. At least with the motor, I can control the strength. Reason is my son just wants to be cuddle to sleep, the minute put him in his cot, he will cry. Really taking its toll on both my wife and myself. So hopefully it will help in his daytime naps. IMHO.
Am having the same problem, put him in cot and rocker, he will cry and is not easy to pacify him. Maybe I will get one as well.
