(2012/11) Nov 2012

Hi porky,congratulations on knowing the gender!
my gynae says its his practice to see mummies once every 3 weeks, since its covered by package,i don't mind! Haha

So many of you going bkk, envy!
thanks hui ! haha hb say go stock up on baby stuff since there slighly cheaper..we also went to bkk when i preg w my #1 ard 15weeks last time
Hui, my next check up is on 15 June, not detailed scan.. Was hoping to know the gender before I fly off to bkk for shopping.. but on the other hand since like not much stuff to buy in bkk other than clothings... I was kinda worry that I might have difficulties to walk ard and the hot weather will kill me!

I think the more I wanna know the gender, the more bb don't wanna let me find out.. *shake head*
Hi Porky, congrats!! i wish for a girl too...
i dont stay SK, but also travelled there..there was once he talked a lot to me n i became worried u know..haha..so shorter really better..

my DS is 4th Jun...dunno y so early leh..

i spoke to my #1 childcare principal yest n told her i wanna book a place at the infant care next yr Feb, she told me im on waiting list!! cant believe it even with still 8mth down the road..stressful to have dragon bb man..n somemore im on priority list hor..cant imagine those with 1st bb as dragon..
hi chrisq, thanks !! so did u ask dr woody to try see gender for u ? yup i also get worried if he talk too much..lol cos i knw his pattern alrdy since #1..ur DS so early ?? how many weeks are u now ? im 15w..the nurse say earliest DS is 5th July leh..

yup its true ! i called a few near my hse area and they say infantcare must be on waiting list..my boy's childcare still hv vacancy for infantcare. i also got priority since #1 is in same sch..however we still cant decide yet on the caregiver..where is ur #1's childcare located ?
hello mummies! anyone has experience with Philips AVENT Twin Electronic Breast Pump? Heard it is quite a popular choice among BF-ing mummies too. I am deciding between that or the Medela Freestyle.

For those who are interested in breastpumps, can consider to get it from megababystore (http://megababystore.wordpress.com/), their prices are significantly lower than retail.
i am going for babymooning too!! hahaha, wanted to go japan but worry about radiation so decided to go australia instead. will be going during winter, so quite worried if i can tahan the coldness.

anyone know what is cheap in australia???
Porky, last visit he told me mine 80% boy boy wor..tmr my visit again, guess he will confirm the gender then, provided he is in good mood..haa
im at week 18 only,the date is given by TMC when i did the OSCAR scan, dunno y so early leh..

i stayed at yishun so childcare also at yishun,my #1 was at the infant care there & im pretty like it but still on waiting list even though on priority..really cannot believe it..
chrisq, u are 18w alrdy ! i think shd be able to confirm u try to sweet talk him lah hahaha

my DS dates also given by TMC when doing oscar..but it was quite late so i ask the clinic nurse to help me change to 1 week earlier. btw for ur #1 did u do oscar also ? jus wondering why #2 he still wan us to do again the test...

u stay in yishun but travel to sk to see him ??
any mummies keen in the $5 off Huggies Ultra pants voucher ? the new green packing..its valid till tomorrow only..can get for ur #1
porky, ya my edd is 1st nov..#1 i did the scan, n he just asked me go n do the scan, nv tell me it's optional, i didnt know its optional until i read the thread..haa

ya travel all the way there to see him, thats why always cannot get good queue no!! i told myself when having my #1, im not going to see him anymore if i ever get pregnant again but changed my mind after experiencing his stitching skills..hehe
same...i also dint know its optional until saw someone post in the forum..but anyway just did the test for a piece of mind..

oic ! haha...i see him last night was quite short wait..get my q no. at 5.40pm and see him at 6.10pm
piggiedearz, yes, she is very brave..anyway hope u r feeling better..u can always share with us, or ur hubby or frens..better to say it out rather than bottle it inside u...

jo's mummy, is this ur 1st child? to us sooner or later also know so no hurry..wait for the DS next mth loh...but i got feeling its a boy la..cos same as my #1, no MS, same cravings..=p

mrs teo, i have mixture of new and old medela bottles, the old ones looks ok so i probably will still use it to pump milk...for drinking wise, have to buy new cos i trade in all the small bottles for big one for my #1..

porky, im also using medela freestyle..cannnot live without it!

nana, preggies should feel hotter than others so go winter should be ok..i was in japan during winter when i had my #1...totally love the weather! but have to waste money buy winter clothes for my size then...

i have a second hand kate spade baby bag to let go..only used for a few months..any first time mummies interested??
Porky: my FT CL cost 2.2k + angpow when i see her and when she goes back....;) i think day time CL and FT CL price nt much difference...so might as well get a FT CL so u can get better rest at night!

Congrats on knowing ur bb gender!! Is this ur #1? My gender scan is next week! So excited!
Morning mummies! Anyone gg motherhood exhibition this week? Wat r the stuff to get? Any kind soul care to share e list of stuff to get?
Hi mummies,
I am wondering if anyone is keen to start up a group in facebook? I find it easier to talk in facebook sometimes..
Post your email and I can add u
Congrats on knowing bb gender! My bb too si wen when doing the scan, sit up straight with close leg.. Totally mo clue is boy or girl.. Now counting down to 18 Jun for my detailed scan..

Add me in Facebook, [email protected]
Sabelle, your baby so cute, sit up straight with close leg.. Ai yo, cute cute leh... My baby is not si wen at all loh.. face down sleeping but with buttock face to us and leg open...haha.. So gyane point out his private part to us....

Clarisse, add me in facebook. my email: [email protected] Thanks.
Twinkle, plan to go the motherhood fair but really donot know what are the necessary things to buy... As no experience, this is my#1. Thinking to buy these cute stuff first before the budget is gone.. hehe

Would be so nice if any kind one share the shopping list
Twinkle24: I'm gg for the fair, but more to see anything to buy for my #1.. think it might be a little early to buy now? U might want to wait awhile b4 buying.. Just go to the fair to compare brands and shortlist items u want to get..
1. Stroller
2. Car seat
3. Baby cot
4. Sterilizer
5. Baby clothes (tops with string ties, shorts, long pants, mittens, booties, rompers) - don't buy them too small since bb may come out big.. If u can get hand me downs so much the better, since they outgrow clothes really fast..
6. Diaper cloth, face towels, bath towels, bibs
7. Baby bathtub
8. Baby swaddle
9. Breastpump
10. Small items like nail clippers, wipes, Ruyi oil, baby Vicks, mucus extractor, powder, creams, nappy cream, bottle washer, bottle detergent, baby laundry detergent, cotton pads, gauze (for cleaning bb mouth), nipple cream..
11. Enquire abt cord blood banking if u r interested..
12. Baby bottles
13. Diapers

That's what I can remember off the top of my head.. Hope this helps...
Post more if I remember... Happy shopping..
Hi Porky,

Sorry I miss your post. Congrats, for knowing the gender of ur bb! You can start shopping in BKK with sweet pastel colors already! I'm departing on 28 June, after you. Have you book ur hotel? I'm thinking of staying in Novotel PlatInum, totally clueless what to get in BKK. U know where to get quality bb stuff?

Please add me in FB: [email protected]
LizLiz, haha my bb dunno why act si wen lor, when I keep nagging and bribe bb to open leg big big but just dun cooperate.. Den I say bb naughty the evening I get nausea Liao..

My fren tell me the pampers is cheap at the expo sales, 14cents per piece for newborn...but I buy now like too kua zhang and early...
Din log in for a few days so many posts to catch up...my ger is finally ok..nw restarted her on vitamins..hope it'll boost her immune system..

Piggie: Dat time I just slp and slp and ignore the gastric pains..just imagine, i wil nap wif my ger in the afternoon den wil slp wif her again@7+ til next morn lor..but I realised that after my mum added ginger into the fd she cooked, it helped wif MS..and later on I cld eat a lil beta. Dats y I lost ard 4kg in 1st trimester.

Beloved: At least yr hb comes bk early wil help..my hb works til late..so i gota put my ger to slp..dats y I started to train her to slp early wen she was young but she was only able to slp [email protected] she wakes up super early though, ard 6+ or 7 latest.

Mrs Teo: Wow, u have so many bottles! I tink it’s ok to reuse rite unless it’s been used for a long while? Btw, is medela bottles good to use ar? I use medela pump but used to transfer to avent bottles and hardly used the bottles cos direct latch..only wen I went bk to wk d afternoon feed my mum used bottles..so tinking of switching to medela bottles dis time so dat dun nid to transfer here and there...

Porky: I use medela PIS..it’s reali a very gd pump.i din buy before giving birth cos din noe gt milk or nt ma and it’s so ex..but 4th day i had reali reali bad engorgement den went to TMC parentcraft..they massage and use the pump to pump out the milk..so i bought on the spot..ha..but served me wel cos I pumped@wk for 1 yr. Reali can invest..and congrats on having a bb ger! You’re going to spend lots of dressing her up=)

Sharon: Wat I did was I actually ‘dismantle’ the medela PIS leh..as in i took the motor out and out into a smaller box else the backpack super bulky..so wen i bring to work, it’s only a small bag..cos the motor is stuck using Velcro..

Is there a fb group for nov mummies? Add me in too: [email protected] tks!
Chris: I tink dragon year sure dif to get places..i stay sk i tink worst..like alot of young couples wif young kids..wen I had my #1, I enquired wen I was 5 mths preggy and it wasn't even branded cc, just near my place and they told me I was on waiting list..and all the NTUC/PAP cc al waitlist til very disgusting wan..those dat stil have space are either the super lousy or ex wan..in the end, we chose an ex wan for my #1 lor..she's going in in July for half day.luckily stil quite near my place
Re: bb clothes
Actually it depends on whether bb is big or small leh..i rem getting a lot of hand me downs and buying 0-6mths yet my bb al cldn't fit and she was born 2.93kg..I realised carters NB reali fit the smaller bb..so dis time rd, i'l prob buy sm NB since i'm quite petite, doubt i'l end up wif a big bb dis time..
hi charmaine.. im not feeling better. this mornng woke up very nauseous and after continuous retching, vomited bile. all the fear came back (i think its going out of control) and was very upset n cried whole morning. cannot wait for sat to talk to gynae

hi rin.. was thinking how r u liao.. can sleep n sleep is gd.. first trim i still can nap a few hrs in the day but now i cant. lie and flip only. my mom added ginger into my food but still im d same. i lost 4kg in first trim too! nw duno how liao cos 4weeks nv weigh. see sat weigh , go up or down.
Wow, really quite alot of SK mummies here. I'm staying in SK too.

Rin: When I was near due date with my #1, I checked all the Infant CC around me and even left my names on waitlist but non call me back. The NTUC ones dont'even want to put me on waitlist unless I have the birth cert.

When my boy was 10mths, I tried to register for playgroup for 18th months enrollment. Guess what..I'm on waitlist again. I asked them for how long but they are unwilling to reveal. Even when I say I'm playing for 2013 Nursery they told me very slim chance. Faint....so no choice I got to travel abit further to Hougang to find a CC.

By the way, can anyone pass me the recipe for ginger tea. I have been feeling nausea recently even though I'm in 2nd trimester. And I feel really bloated. TIA
i heard from my frens staying at SK too abt the difficulty getting into childcare, n they went to the MP, so the MP wrote a letter & their child got in immediately! without even have to be on waiting list..maybe u guys can give it a try

just back from dr woody, he didnt wanna confirm the gender again, asked me to wait for the DS..but he pointed the penis to me mah,but only said looks like boy..so i say confirm? he only told me looks like la..so means what? i still have chance for girl? hehee
hi Clarisse mummy, pls add me in fb...

[email protected]

piggiedearz, all the ms remedy all no use to u ah? mus be beri xin ku on u..even bile also come out..i hear they say tough prenancy the bb come out very ez to take care one le..
piggiedearz, thanks! I will try if i gets any better.

Chrisq, we rest our case on the cc already. Since my boy is adapting well in his school, hubby and I have decided not to switch him to another school. He is already showing sign of insecurity now. Must have lots of attention, hold hands when watching TV and go toilet also need to hold hands...haiz. Just hope it doesn't get any worst when #2 arrives.
Piggie: i was eating weird thgs den..din eat [email protected]’t eat veg..i rem being able to eat century egg wif loads of ginger (which I din dare to eat b4 preg)and I cld manage to eat 1-2 steam fresh scallops wif ginger and dates and sm pork intestines..weird hor..but my mum says eat a bit beta than nthg.i totali din eat rice.oh yes, i rem oranges helped me too.and I din drink a single drop of water. I was on the dif peel fresh juices and ginger tea. hope u get beta real soon! After I gt beta after 15 wks, nw i can eat le and I’m bk to pre-preg weight..so fast rite..cos ard 14 wks only, i started to crave for mayo, eat wat oso put mayo..nw stop le..trying to be healthier else at this rate, sure become fat pig.

Josey: for beta and stronger ginger tea. You mite wana grind the peel the ginger and then grind til super fine. Den use a drainer to squeeze all the ginger juice out. U can freeze the ginger juice into ice cubes and use wenever u nid. TO make the ginger tea, use ard 4 cubes (depends on yr preference), add tea bag and brown sugar =)

Chris: Talking abt MP..i rem last yr the MP came after the election ask gt feedbk or nt..den I told him u ask us to give birth but I cant even find a place for my daughter..but he oso like bo chap leh..since dr. Adrian din confirm, u stil have dat slight chance! =)

Charmaine: Not true about tough preg kid very ez to take care. My #1 i vomit every single day fr wk 7 til the day I give birth. Record was 16 times a day. But she hardly slpt lor..very whinny and dif to handle..but nw dat she’s older, it’s much easier though.The only gd thg was I only gain ard 8-9kg for #1 and lost it all within d 1st mth. Tink dis time wil be gaining more..my tummy grew so much these 2 wks..it's finally a lil visible.
Rin: thanks for sharing. I will prob do that too. Cos the PIS is definitely more powerful than the freestyle.
I used medela bottle cos my boy was a preemie. He could not drink from avent or pigeon teats. Medela is softer for him. So stuck on using medela till now. I prefer medela over avent cos its slimmer. Easy to bring out. Hehe...
I think need to depend on baby also.
Dear mummies,

I have added those as friends in facebook. When you accepted my friend request, I can add you to the group. I cant find dadnmum and charmaine_lin..can you provide your facebook username?

Btw, I went down to expo today..not bad..sign up for a couple of stuff..worth going I think..
Hi gals, I have created a fb gp titled 'November 2012 Mummies'. It's open at this moment. Those interested please check and see if you can search and add yourself to the group?
Sorry..I'm not exactly a tech guru so hopefully it works..let me know if it doesnt
Hello clarisse I cannot find the group...do u mind adding me?

[email protected]. Thanks!

Mummies I went to e fair jus now....just bot a nursing bra n pants....feel that the stuff there not a lot. But am considering the philips 3 in 1 sterilizer...cost 135...undecided cos can oso get from baby fair in jul...

Darienna: thanks for the list!! Did u go to e fair? Most parents the r stocking up on pampers, wet tissue, etc...

Lizliz: i dono wat to get too, so I just walked ard to check e prices! Maybe too early for us....
Twinkle: yes I went to the fair. Quite a lot of things to see this round, but was surprised that not many strollers to see.. Maybe the distributors think not worth gg down.. Anyway the usual 2 distributors are baby kingdom n baby hypermart which are at kaki bukit, so can go there directly to see also..

Diapers: so many pple buying to stock... Was there abt 5plus...the pampers actually sold out, and many were waiting for new stock to come in..

Mrs Teo: the fair this round mums n babe has a booth, and so medela stuff can buy there.. U may want to take a look...

Rin: re trsf to avent bottles. I managed to get an "adaptor" from Philips so that I could use my avent bottles even tho I used a medela pump..
clarisee mummy, u can search by my email? [email protected] or my user name is Charmaine Lin

for the group its best to be a closed group then add members as and when..jus my thot...

gng to the fair before lunchtme, anyone gng too?
