(2012/11) Nov 2012

jo's mummy: YES I AM!!!

cindy, my boy is also 09kids ! i heard from some mummies tt boys are slower..so i just let it natural bah..when he is almost ready i will start to train him but not for now..he is a deep sleeper v hard to wake him up. every morning hv to force him chg his cc uniform in bed then hb jus carry him into the car lol
Cindy, oh no wonder seems very familiar lar..hahha...did i add u in facebook? too many cindy, dunno which one...hahha
Cindy, i think 5 year and 3 year gap is fine ! My 2 sisters also 5 year and 3 year gap ! In fact Im closer to the 5 year younger sis!
Hi All,

I have a pair of almost 7 months old twins and am selling my pre-loved baby boy and girl items:

1) 2 sets of mosquito net and stand. Bought @ S$50. Selling @ S$25.

2) Deluxe Baby Bather bought @ S$56. Selling @ S$25.

3) Unopened Pamper's active baby size Newborn @ S$5 each and S size @ S$10 each

3) Baby car seat bought @ S$199. Selling @ S$80.

And many other baby boy and girl items. Interested please SMS me at 9833 9315.

Thank you.
Cindy: yes mar 09. so any idea bull n dragon can click?

Oh dear my #1 is the slowest diaper trained for 09 babies. actually he can do it n know how to tell but the. Problem is he is very stubborn n refuse not to wear diaper. he can control his bladder. his teacher said he will give her a black face whenever she reminded him to visit the toilet. I tried letting him watch youtube videos on wee wee but din work too. I suspect he is insecure when he without the diaper.
beloved, my boy also mar 09!

actually no need compare with other bb, our bb has its own characters not necessary must b same as others..thats y they r unique..so its ok even if not yet toilet trained.
cindy, my boy is may 09

jo, i agreed ! some bb are fast but some are slow..so we only listen to what others say but dont compare..v stress leh. i hate to chg mattress cover esp if he cough and vomit..aiyo i will sure get backache the next morning !
Jo's mommy: I'm Cindy han!!

Porky, beloved and Jo's mummy: each child has their own learning pace.
boys are indeed slower. My boy only was day time trained at 3 yrs and night time off at 3.5 yrs. but for my girl, she was actually quite quick to be day time off around 2.5 yrs... Just that she's also insecure without diaper, every night she'll say she needs the diaper!

Hui: hahah thank you for the assurance!!
Piggiedearz, cheer up! When I was having terrible MS & admitted so many times, I also nearly wanted to give up! But when see my baby during scans, my heart melts & love the baby more!
It's just a phase due to your hormones, you'll be better before u know it

Pinky, I've attached a pic of a pregnancy pillow
For mummies intending to breast feed, can buy nursing tops instead cos these can double up now as maternity wear after u deliver.. That's what I did.. So save some $$...
Porky, icic!
last nite I was showing my hubby this pillow pic & he ordered for me from gmarket website. Now Im excited waiting for it to arrive.. hee
Cindy, you are one day earlier than me.. I will be 14 weeks 7 days this Sunday.. Going to visit gyane tomorrow, pray hard can see the baby's gender... But we are ok either boy or girl as this is my#1.

My ms much better this week. no vomit for 5 days already.

Porky, My tummy looks very big leh, already like 5 months preg liao.. Only wear these few clothes that still can fit me. Need shopping too..
lalaa, i bgt it from OG last time ! think also cost ard $70-$80. v diff to change the cover, u hv to get ur hb to help u on that haha

lizliz, i try to wear loose clothings now..so my tummy not v obvious..if wear tight tops ppl tends to ask me how many months v paiseh :p
reg toilet trained: my nephew is only 5days younger than my #1, n he is already toilet trained at 18mth! i guess every kid is different bah...
piggie: I had -ve tots too mainly cos hb works very long hrs and I'm d only one@hm wif #1 and plus I was very sick (high fever, cough etc)wen I was just preggy and after recovered, MS kicked in and den #1 super sticky..i cried and cried. try to seek help. Talk to your hb, close gf, mum etc..it helped for me. hope u r feelng beta le..

Jo mum/porky/cindy/beloved: all our kiddos very close in age..mine's apr 09..can arrange a playdate! Indeed every child wil have their own readiness..i took my ger off diapers after she woke up wif dry diapers for 1 wk straight..first mth got ard 2-3 accidents but I tink it's impt nt to get [email protected] sure u get the waterproof mattress protector though else the mattress wil stink wif pee..my fren's son was ready to be toilet trained..kip telling her dat he doesn't wan diaper but my fren was afraid there'l be accidents and she lazy to wake up so son was off [email protected] yo instead..

Chris: my younger nephew oso toilet trained very early.@20 mths, and my sil din do anythg..but it's cos he followed his gorgor to toilet den just copy.

Talking abt tummy, tink mine dis time rd def more obvious, prob oso MS nt as bad..#1 ppl cld only tell wen I was ard 7mth but last 3 mths grew very fast though.. nw only 3mth+ but look like my #1 5 mths plus le..
Hi rin, sure but we must think of a place which is kids friendly n they be entertained.

Gals, the pregnancy pillow looks gd but the pic it seems very big leh. will it occupied half a queen size bed? can use as a nursing pillow hor.
Lizliz - Ok sure

Porky - This one from gmarket is S$89. think ok lah.. cos some other websites its very ex..
Now the bed & pillow sheets already I no energy to change & my hubby does it.. so will add on this pillow to his list too.. hehe

beloved - The dimension is 365cm/80cm.. hopefully its not too big for a queen sized bed..
Ladies,can I ask can we eat stingray ar?cos last sun I ate it wif hb n it was d first
time since preggy dat I managed to eat fish..but I surfed d net,it was mentioned abt high mercury content..nw im worried.i ate twice within 5 days..but n
my gynae say anythg oso ok except alcohol..
Beloved:i like to mit my frens@marche@313.they hav dis play area.if nt,i'l go plaza sing,spend $50 can use their family rm.ifNt,can jus go paragon playgrd or city square cos always nobody1.ha.
Lala,d pillow looks int but like so big!my bed already filled wif my #1 soft toys..lol..i jus gt a part time helper to cme in once a wk to help in hsewk..cant cope le..
Its has been so many mths ever since i log in SMHF..Kind of miss the days discussing the progress,the stages of pregnancy.By the way,hi nov 12 mummies! Im littlebb from Nov 11 mummies.My son is 6months old now,he is a healthy and loving boy.Motherhood is amazing! Need any advices,feel free to pm me
Rin- its true tat do not eat fish that is high in mercury bt moderate is fine.Most impt no alcohol and smoking.Everything will be fine,dun worry.
I agreed with mummies that some bb is fast and some is slow so do not compare,do not add stress on u and bb too.

At the current stages most of u are curious abt gender,me too at tat time.My pregnancy is a tough one,fm the begining till the end is so suffering.Even labour i almost lost my life! So now if u ask me to try for the second i will say kill me! I know every pregnancy is different bt maybe nt at the moment! Btw i kw my gender of my bb at 14 weeks that im expecting a boy.
Dadnmum, my morning sickness got better but still have excessive salivation which makes me nausea. Vomitting is off and on. Based on Oscar , gynea says I am 17w3d when I visited him this wednesday . Edd now around 28/10/12.

I give up ... I think this excessive salivation may continue till delivery . Really hates it. .. Keep on spitting , people may think I no manners.

I keep having the weird taste in my mouth too, anyone having this problem?
Hi dear mommies, thanks so much for replying to my desperate post. Not able to reply u all individually cos still very xin ku. Ytd puked 3 times at nite n ended up with an empty nauseous stomach to bed n can't zzz, really wanna bang wall.

Hb suggest go see tcm see if it will help. Any of u seeing tcm for gastric, no appetite, nausea etc?

Lalaa, can share w me ur experiences when admitted? Went for drip? How does it help? Tks
Piggiedearz.. Yup from week 7 to week 10 I was in really bad state.. Vomit everything incl water until vomit blood also.. I was super dehydrated.. My husb rush me to hosp, they put me on drips & they will inject the medicine for vomiting & gastric into the drips. Since its direct into veins, it works faster & better. When on drips, I can finally eat & drink. Like this i was admitted thrice (once every week, for 2-3 days).. It helps cos it breaks the dehydration cycle. This kind of admission u can just go to KK, it's cheaper & they're expert.
After week 10, gynae prescribed the Zofran & i took 1 pill everyday & it helped to control my nausea & vomiting. So I could eat & drink enough not to get dehydrated. But appetite still not too good.
After week 12, I switch to Ondaestron which helped the same way. I took the pill only when throw up.
Now at week 15 & getting better. Past 4 days i stopped taking the nausea pill & managed to eat without throwing up. Nausea is light & only sometimes. So it really helps to break the dehydration cycle to stop the nausea & vomiting.

You can try TCM too, my gynae did recommend TCM acupuncture which might help but I didn't go.
If TCM doesn't help too, u should consider getting admitted & go on drips. It helps.
How many weeks are u now?

Don't stay alone at home, it's depressing! Get friends or relatives to come & talk about other stuff & cheer u up. It really helps to distract your mind & feel better
Rin, clear some of the soft toys from the bed to make space lor.. hehe
Yea really no energy to do housework these days.. I'll be getting maid but only in last trimester.. So until then my poor hubby has to suffer with the housework.. hehe
piggiedearz, its probably your hormones that making u go through all the emotional rollercoaster...all children all gift from god, so treasure them when we have it, some cant even have.one true storie about my sis in law, she had ovarian cancer when she was a teenager, she recovered from it but half of her ovary was gone..so its even harder for her to concieve...and she really wanted to have a baby,so she went to try for IVF even though there's a risk that her cancer might reoccur...hank god, 2nd try she managed to concieve one child..personally, i tink she is very brave...

lalaa, the prenancy pillow looks comfy, let me know when u got it! i previously got a back support cushion dun seem to work..

everyone commented my tummy is showing faster than my 1st..i look like a big balloon now! gain about 4-5 kg since then...my first i gain about 13 kg plus but lost even more than the weight i gain after birth due to breastfeeding... hopefully this time, it will also b the same..

went for my 16th week scan yesterday, baby not cooperative keep showing us the back..i can only see the backbone...so no choice have to wait till the DS den can see the gender loh...
Hi lalaa

My gynae is from tcm, I can juz go Kk? Wad do I tell them? Which dept to go? How much ur charges each stay?

Did u Hv taste and smell aversions too and how did the drips help on those? I'm at wk 15+ too. Took Ondansetron since wk 7, smtimes once a day smtimes twice a day. Smtimes ok then nv tk for a few days n juz endure a bit. But past few days duno y nausea like worsened n last nite was d worst. Thot 2nd trim shd be getting better Liao. Yup I try to go out a bit on wkends n wkdays on HL I'm at mom's.
Piggiedearz, yes I have smell & taste aversions too! just try to avoid those smells.. Until now certain foods I still have strong aversion, just avoid.
U can just walk in to the 24 hr clinic at KK basement & tell them your pregnant & vomiting is quite bad. They will do a urine test to check your dehydration level. Then wait to see the doctor & they will check how bad is your condition. If its not too severe, they will just recommend outpatient drips & u don't have to get admitted. If really bad, then they will admit u.

The nurse will then advise u the room charges, if u want to save money, just take non-aircon 6 bedder (air con wards are too cold for me anyway). It'll be covered by Medisave.. We hardly come out cash from pocket.
When I was admitted to Raffles the first time, end up paying almost 1K from our pockets.. Heart pain!
Hi lalaa thanks so much for the info, much appreciated. I went tcm tdy and was told my gastric n liver a bit heaty so can cause all d extra nausea n loss of appetite. Told them all my symptoms n he gave me some herbs to tiao my gastric. Say once gastric is ok, appetite n nausea shd improve. Hope will work.
Okie piggiedearz, I pray it'll work quickly & you'll be ok soon! We're going into 2nd trimester already, these symptoms will definitely get better soon
<font color="0000ff">piggiedearz: hope you'll feel better soonest
so did your TCM mentioned anything about the gender? I heard they are able to detect by feeling your pulse but dun know how accurate la. Some say not accurate, maybe 50/50
Hi lalaa... Yup we r ard d same at 15wk+. Hope we both be ok soon!!! I'm seeing my gynae next sat, will let him know on my moodiness too, hope not depression
Hi Olivia... Yup d tcm got mention he guess it's a boy n tell me to let him know on d next visit. Choy I hope I dun need to see him again cos I wanna be well lol. I hope he's wrong though!! ;)
Piggiedearz.. Once the MS gets better, depression will automatically disappear.. My gynae appt is next fri! Counting down.. Hoping can see the gender
Hi lalaa.. Yea I hope so! I feel the depression is quite scary, keep sucking me in, very hard to get out. Oh our appts are just one day apart! Mine on sat. I gonna get prescription for ondansetron cos mine finishing. Need to standby.

U say ur appetite still not very gd, then do u take very little food each meal? I get very hungry every 2-3 hrs and dun feel like eating anything. Very headache with this problem. Sick of breads, biscuits n porridge daily. Do u Hv such problem too? Wad do u eat thru out the day huh?
hello mummies!! happy sunday to all!

have you booked your confinement lady yet? im looking for a day time confinement lady but still cannot find cos read tru the forum and it gets confusing after awhile with all the negative comments...
hi mummies to be:

sorry to interrupt! i'm from Apr mummy and have a few unopened brand new DOM ( 1 litre) to sell.
Please PM me if you are interested. Thanks!
Hi mummies,

I'm expecting my #2, edd 29 nov.
My first is a girl, apr09.
This pregnancy is different from my first, I felt nausea most of the time, but thankfully it has subsided since last week. Hope to get better and better... now down with cold
Hi twinkle24, when i had my #1 I had a stay in confinement lady recommended by my relative. But it was a very bad experience with her. She damaged my stove, there were lots of lizards ard the kitchen when she was here. She discouraged breastfeeding and insisted that baby had formula during the nite. I hated it when she kept saying my milk was not thick and I dun have much milk. But the truth was, I stored at least >2 bottles of breast milk in the freezer every time, I suspected she was lazy to heat up the milk for baby.

Worse of all, she talked bad about my inlaws in front of my mum. And made my mum and my hubby quarreled. She also had a lot of requests when she was here like going out to shop in the day and left me and baby alone at home. She brought my hubby to the medical shop to buy tonics worth a lot of $, but in the end we realized that she did not cook a lot of tonic soup for me. So where did all the tonics gone too? Anyway it was hell for my family and everyday I was counting down to her last day. Strange that when she did confinement at my relative's place, my relative did not have much problem with her. It's not I fussy, as we were already very 'ching cai' with her. After this experience, this time round I intend not to have any confinement lady but will order tingkai from NatalEssential. I rather take care of baby myself this time then have a stranger mess up relationships of my family.

Maybe it's just me having a bad experience, maybe the rest of the mummies would like to share your good experience for encouragement to the rest. Basically, getting a good confinement lady depends a lot on luck.
Hi pigmohippo..take care..me also down with flu..

Beloved..sadz to hear that.. Yes hiring a CL really depends on loads of luck..i heard lots of horror stories from my frens..this round i also doing alone but had a maid at home to take care of housework..
good morning mummies !

hi twinkle24, i posted in this thread last week abt the day time CL. mayb u wan to call her to find out more ? her name is Liming contact 83181949. she is trained in TMC experience with lactation. i do not know if she is still available for Nov as i cant confirm with her yet when i called her last week. i nd to discuss some issue w my family. her charges is $2.2K no stay in
hi beloved, i got a msian CL when i had my #1. she is v friendly, hardworking and cook nice food. for the first 2 weeks she is v good and anxious abt baby whenever he cried..the third week i realise she is slightly slow in her work cos mil too free everyday chat w her and even teach her to buy 4D ! so when my baby slp, both "old woman" will sit in the living room sofa to watch tv and chat/discuss abt what numbers to buy..mil is staying w me but dint do confinement for me cos she say she is not experience in this area so hb decided to engage a CL for me...time round i still cant decide if to get a day time CL or just order tingkat like u as i do not want such issue to happen again...
hi pigmohippo, hope u feeling better..i was down w flu for 1 whole week...took the antibiotic by my gynae and recovered already

good morning mummies!
i've informed my manager last week, coz was in room talking then she asked me if anything to update her. i just told her that end Nov i'll be taking maternity leave. heheh.. also, i think i am showing a bit already. most of my colleagues already knew.

Monday blues anyone? I haven been super productive at work since week6. feel tired all the time. so tempted to quit but Ren for maternity leave.. 4mth is a huge deal to me
