(2012/07) Jul 2012

lili gal: No, I don't have a helper. It is just me & hubby at night and weekends. Daytime he goes to school in the morning and then to his nanny's place in the afternoon. It is super stressful coz he refused to take medicine - how to get well like that? Luckily for fever, there is still an option to use suppository (insert medication through backside)...cough & cold medicine has to be taken orally - very tough to force him to take in (syringe, cup feeding, spoon feeding - all does not work!)...in fact it was easier giving him medicine when he was a baby!

hi folks, marie has closed the july mummies FB group and upgraded me to admin!! cos i'm so bored at home...

anyway there are lotsa requests. please let me know who is who so that i'll only add those who are regular here k? you can PM me or msg me on FB www.facebook.com/ronni.chong
The other day I read about a mummy asking about the need to sterilize the Medela pump before first use. I can't rem who it was. Anyway, i just read my manual. We do need to sterilize before first use. HTHs!
Hi Mummies....I've changed the settings of the FB grp to "closed" where anyone can see the group and who's in it but only members can see posts....so whatever we discuss or post in the grp is now private

lili_gal: confirm the setting is set to "any member can add or approve members", so I'm not sure why you can't approve members...hum....anyway I've added you as administrator

tea & SC_SC: I don't see your message in my FB inbox

cherish: only ppl who are in the grp can view our posts now

Joanne: can message me in FB to identify yourself?

win_123: Thanks! The actual pictures will only be ready 6 weeks later...so what we did was to use our hp to take the pictures from the computer screen first...will try to load the rest later from my hubby's phone

Anaesthetist: I'm using Dr Yeo at TMC...recommended by a friend who did her epi for both her delivery...very gentle and nice lady...

PD: the one that my gf recommends apparently does not come over to TMC, so have to just take any PD recommended by the clinic first. If not comfortable then have to change again later after discharge from hospital. I think the PD needs to be there when the baby is birthed to check if all is normal....so definately have to chose before delivery

ourlovestory: never encountered such a situation with my FB...hum...maybe can write an email to contact FB directly to find out?
thanks for the update

My previous anaesthetist in tmc is also a lady but cant remember her name liao. maybe i go ask my gynae when i visit her next week.

regarding abt PD, anyone knows how much they will charge per day when visit our newborn? i just asked the pd i like to appt and was told it's ard $200-300 per day! wow wow. soo ex leh!
Lili gal : it's induction for me tomorrow. Unless baby decides to pop today.

Yup for PD, the one I'm gonna go to is Dr Ong at united Sq Algow. Never been there so not sure bout big fish tank. Essentially my gyne gave me a list to choose, PD that will visit the baby at TMC. So we chose the one nearest our house after reading reviews online.

Hmm Marie I shall note your anaesthetist name. Gyne didn't ask me specially who I wanted. I wouldn't have known anyway. Ok. I'll keep in mind Dr Yeo.
Marie: I tried to contact FB but i have an email replied that they will reply till i have identified myself like license and birth cert!!! that is even worst right? what a stupid FB! -.-""

it is really difficult and heartpain to see your chikd fall sick.. stay strong for those mummies and hope that your #1 will get well soon!!! drink more water!
Hi mummies,

For those who r going for induce m juz like to share my experience my number 1induce at 41 wks overdue. I went for pill insertion at ard 9pm plus, contracton starts around 12am plus, went into delivery ward at ard 3am, delivered around 5am. So doesnt mean induce will take a long time, depends on individual. But to me , at least induce is like preparing in advance rather than water bag burst or show at home, outside etc, so got good and bad osos lor.

For those trying natural delivery, make good use of the laughing gas, it works for me at least and i managed to deliver my girl at 3.12kg without epi. so when u hv contractio, then breathe in the laughing gas. As your contraction gets stronger, then breathe harder and deeper, for a start dont breathe too hard when cpntraction is mild. Thats sharing how i managem my first delivery without epi. But towards the end no more lauging gas. I scold the nurse.. y u turn off my laughing gas :p

Good luck all mummies. jia you
FB admin - hi all, please dun jus add me as friend k? msg me and let me know who u r if you are keen to join the FB July Mummies group. after a while, i'll start bumping people off who r not identified. wahahahhahaa... i love being an admin now!!! Power!!!
i forgot who shops at ASOS.. any idea how long it usually takes to receive our presents? heh, feeling rather excited abt my purchases last weekend but i know it's probably to soon to anticipate it coming since their commitment is 21days right?
hika, used to shop there. about 9-12 days normally. btw, can you update more on FB ah? too secretive leh....hahahha....

kalmen22, all the best!!!! keep us posted on FB or here...
lol can can.. hubby now outstation, i really dont have any pics of me with face since i got preg! will get him to take pics when he's back and put up something that isnt horrendous if i manage to!
hika, i got sick of my preggy face and put up a non-preggy one!!! hahahhaha.... something motivate myself after my girl is out i.e. travelling, hair perming, coloring and slimming! hahaha..
Hello, a few happening today. Firstly, The weather is too hot in the morning. Head spinning. Hb tried to drive my girl to school but car engine couldnt start. My girl could tell me "the car battery is dead mommy, do u hv a new one?" Wonder where she learn that at less than 3yrs old. Hb cycled her to school. While waiting for Honda mechanic to come repair, I dialed the cab to send me to gynae appt. 35min called from 10am, no cabs. Till the mechanic changed the battery still no cab. So hb drove me to the clinic. Baby is still 2.45kg at week 36. Weight no changes in 3 weeks but gynae said this is only estimation, no need to worry. Baby is not engaged yet, still floating. Bad news, gynae is going overseas again to give a talk from 26 Jun to 4 Jul, same timing as my #1 who was delivered by alternate doc. Very disappointed.
BB, i wonder how gyn estimate the bb weight. Hmmz... Seems like today is not a good day for u. Nvm, ask ur bb to wait till gyn back.

My gyn will be on leave in mid jul and hopefully bb come out before she go on leave. If not her covering will deliver for me.
Bb, hope u r better Nw. Alternate doc issit same as #1? if the doc is ok maybe blessing in disguise? My #1 is driving me nuts with his why's. N he shocked us by telling us things we dunno where he learnt too.... Something which I till Nw dunno where he learn is he saw the main actress in bu bu Jing xing went breathless, he said jiejie die....so we must mind our language, they learn very fast!
Aiyo, so poor thing. Kids their age become very sticky when they are sick. And now with our big bumps...... Hope you'll be able to get some good help.

Ok, thx for info on FM. I think I'll go that route.

Mrs C,
U take care too.

Why u so eager for bb to come out? Hahaha. I thot most pple prefer bb inside, no need to take care so much?
Qin, the gynae based on the measurements to estimate the weight. So each time baby is at different angles n thus measurements will hv plus n minus differences. I really hope I can get a cab on my delivery day! My #1, I asked her to wait for gynae to come back but she couldnt wait anymore. Pop nearing to week 38. When I told my mom, she said this #2 will sure pop next week when my gynae is not around.

Rer-rer, thanks. I m just worried if contractions rushing to hospital cannot find cab how? Yes, same alternate doc as my #1. She is also very popular at Mt E so hopefully she is available to deliver my baby if my baby chooses to come out next week. Yeah, my girl can also tell me die means go to heaven, no more. Wonder if they really know the meaning...
BB, best, pray that ur kid wun come till after 4 jul. unless the alternate gynae is really good so like rer-rer say, blessing in disguise. ur hubby can't send you to hospital when u r going to deliver?

qin, they jus draw a circle at the abdomen on the ultrascan monitor. so not accurate at all i think esp if the gynae has a older resolution scanner or monitor.

jomomm, i always preferred baby out. in school always preferred to be working. hahahah... come out can cuddle, can hold. now i can't do much for her and me clumsy + not comfy. did u join us in FB group?
I see, you are one of the hardworking moms. Not like me, always infd easy way out, hahahaha.....
I din join FB group yet, cos I dun FB, and dun really know how to work it also. Must go explore explore, but I no time for that yet. Will work on it ok?

Yesterday my friend so funny. She said wah, your baby if come out ealier in Jun will be lucky. Cos GSS can receive many presents, haha. She say July not "good" cos sch re-open. Jokingly. So funny.
jomomm, hmmm... i think i like to have lotsa actions so going to beach to rot is not a holiday for me but quite a torture unless there's lotsa activities there. come to think of it, ur fren made a gd point. sch re-open gd! or else poor kid will never get to celebrate birthday in sch with friends cos it's always holiday! when does sch re-open?
Lili gal, both my gynae n the substitute gynae r very popular in MT E but cos hv been with my gynae for years n very disappointed if non of my kids r delivered by him lor. He was interviewed in the Frontier magazine n he gave me a copy with his autograph today. I will tell my kids this gynae took care of them so much but he didn't deliver them, so strange right? Sigh, maybe it is just my hb n my disappointment lah. Anyway, we r sure baby n me will be in good hands with the substitute gynae.

I m always trying to think the worst scenario. What if this is different from #1, I can't wait for my hb to come home shower n pack n take me to hospital, then I hv to take a cab down n meet him there. No taxis how? Wuwuwu.... Need to check the non emergency ambulance no. To stand by liao.
helloes all mummies & babies, congrats to those who've popped! =).. hehe.

anw, my new bp is up. let me know if anyone gettings okies?

6 designs for you to choose from, each set inclusive of postage @ $28!
BB, the app for taxi works better than the call service in my opinion. you might want to try that.

Qris, Mon?! now i dun want girl to come out this weekend... hahaha...
Kalmen- u inducin tml? Jia u and all the best! Keep us posted.

Qris- mon induction also all the best to u

Feel so excited to mummies who r deliveribg v soon. I m gg for my 37w5d chkup toml! Btw, i m usin dr yc leOng as anaeth.
Qris, thanks. Now still thinking police no, is 911. Fainted. You r going to induce on coming Monday? Jia you!

Lili gal, what app for taxis? Can tell me more? I m staying at the edge of the island near to the seaside Pasir Ris so some taxis drivers told me unless they drive customers from airport or somewhere, they won't come here to pick up customers.
qris, i say 6 jul but gynae says 5 jul. ha! seems like everyone who's later are inducing earlier and having their babies earlier.

BB, errr.. u using iphone? there's lotsa apps right? citycab etc.
BB: Yup. Getting anxious. Don't know what to expect. Hope the first pill will work very fast for me. Thanks for the well-wishes. Being on this thread really makes me feel that I am not alone in this journey. ^_^

lili_gal: That's like 2 weeks away. You got everything ready already?
qris, hv u joined us in the july mummies FB group? it's easier to update and u can show us your bb pics once he/she is out!

yeah.. i'm all ready for bb. ok except for her cot mattress, my pump voltage converter and some other small stuff. now we are talking to her to ask her to be out soon... i hope to go on vbac this time round so anywhere close to my EDD, my gynae will start influencing me to do c-sect. so....
lili_gal: Have not. Do I provide you with my email add then you do the necessary or what? Am an FB noob. Lol! I've not gotten the voltage converter too. Am planning to go to Sim Lim on Saturday to get it. Do you think I should bring the breastshield to TMC to get the LC to see if it's the correct size? I don't know how to tell on my own.
Morning gals
Just a question.. I wakeup with 5 fingers swollen at my left hand.. Why n what does it mean? Thk u..

Anyone going to young parent fiesta today?
Qris, on breast shield, for 1st time mummies I encourage that. Doesn't add too much to luggage also n removes one doubt u might hv on BF.

Going checkup today. Not sure what I ate that caused me to vomit my entire dinner last night while everyone was ok. Let's see what the gynae says later.
hi morning mummies/mtb

being a silent reader all the while
wana join the July mummies FB grp.. sent my request few days back but no acceptance. Mayb cos i nvr post anything here???

So decided to come in to say HALO to everyone first..

Congrats to those mummies who have popped.. m reach 36wks this sunday.. getting so tiring.. all the aching and pelivc bone felt so painin when i walk..

hopin i can pop by wk38
Joanne> Water retention?? m havin bad water retention on my legs now.. all swollen up..

lili_gal> me too.. goin to c gynea tdy.. was hoping i can get HL then start resting next wk.. hai
BB- i think you better double check if ambulance can send you to private hospital, i understand for emergency hotline ambulance, their SOP is to send to nearest restructured hospital...
a cab is better!
Cladi, what's ur real name? U cn PM me or send me a FB msg n I'll add u to group.

At clinic, thot today no queue good. But doc went up to check on patient. Aiya.
i pm u k..

i oso hope my wont b too crowded this evening.. goin over after work.. so tiring le.. still must wait.. sian..
Morn mommies! Happee Hppee Fridae!!!! Am feeleing happy now coz the entire building went for fire drill...preg got exemptions so here i am...loboing..hehehe

Liligal - so u can also add pple to FB issit? then i send u pm to add mi...dunno if Marie helped to add mi oredi coz i msg her on FB couple days ago but haven got time to check mails nor anything yet.
Thanks in advance babe!
sgsc> i too msg marie few days back.. jus check my FB.. oso haven add me.. so i tot they wan us come here chat first..
Liligal, I sent friend request on fb too, but don't see an option to message you. I'm the one with the pink pig as profile pic.

Joanne> Water retention probably. I've also had it but it had subsided somewhat since, but removed my wedding band anyway, cos' too tight. Water retention can be "lop-sided". My left foot looks like trotters and my right foot still looks human. :p
Sg_sc & Cladi, yah u'd need to join group first then tell me ur real names so I cn add. I hv been upgraded to admin. I'm freer now. Haha.

Me finished checkup. Me gained 0.6kg girl only 0.2kg. Sad. Still only 0.5cm dilated n no engagement of head. Gynae thinks I shud try natural cos bb head small n bb gd size but din want me to suffer if later still not fully engaged n bb becomes bigger. He had to do the cruel thing by swiping waterbag n stretching cervix to ard 1.5cm. Hopefully things will speed up. Seeing him on mon again. Sigh .... Girl, come out soon!!!!

Kalmen, all ready?
