(2012/02) Feb 2012

Rocco: the bb whisperer book is abt interacting with ur newborn in a more effective way. You'll be able to identify your bb's patterns as according to the book bb's generally fall into 5 types. There are diff approaches according to each type. It's quite a highly acclaimed book comparable to the "what to expect" series. Once you've identified which type ur bb falls into, it'll be easier to communicate and train ur bb and can reduce lots of frustrations from both sides...

Hi mummies, the best nipple cream is our own breast milk. After latching bb, just squeeze a little more milk and rub on the nipples. No need to spend $ on cream.
just went to the gynae yesterday..and baby put on 1kg within 3 weeks!
baby weighs 2.9kg @ 35 weeks. Is it considered as big? Quite concern..
Xie, tks for sharing. I gave up bf v soon cos not successful. For me also no colustrum at all first 2-3 days. Then when milk comes in also like not a lot, can't really tell if bb drink enuf cos when give him fm after latch he still finish. which pump u use? Good?
Omg Jen, we same same LOL so ke lian. =( I got woken @ 3am by #1 den cannot zzz. All the way till 8am my bb and dd wake den we go for breakfast and haven slept till now. Feel tired but cannot zzz! Arrggghhhh! Anyway I did not drink any tea or wat leh cos though my supply not so gd but sometimes like enough den sometimes like not so enough. I didn't really bother abt it cos I just countered it by feeding more frequently. But cos of tis I went down a slightly tougher route I tink. Sometimes can 3-4 hrs dun feed. Sometimes 1-2 hrs need feed already. V irregular. I not so sure abt my supply so she make noise I better feed. =x scared starve her. Also she was onli 2.76 at birth. Feeding on demand really made sure she grew. I did continue drinking enfamama for some time(after a while I got lazy) and i tink it helped. Also during the times i pumped I noticed tat my supply would go up if I had more fluids tat day. So v impt to kip urself hydrated ya! =). My friend continued the papaya fish soup everyday for 2-3 mths and she really had alot milk. If u like the soup u can try tat method too.

NC, ya!!! My #1 had major slp problems so bo bian had to read up. 3rd book I finally found bb whisperer and tat was wat worked for me. I cannot tahan hear DD cry to slp so Tracy hogg's the best! Heh. Too bad I found her too late if not I tink start earlier would b so much better! My whole hospital experience was quite terrible. I tink the worst part was the cok up for my epidural. That one long story. Hahahah. I share when I more free later on. But tink u're rite. Mebbe bz will b like tat. My #1 was induced. Just after lunar 7 month and on 8/9/10. The labor ward damn full. Even my single bedder also full den they wanted to give me a dbl rm instead. My hb insisted no so lucky they upgraded us instead. Just tot date easy to rem and din realize the date so popular if not I choose other date liao. In the end DD also decided to come out next day. Was pushing @ 2330 but seems like she dun like 8/9/10! After 2-3 tries doc say we wait for cross midnight. True enough after cross midnight 1 push she out!!! =.=" Mine also somewhat milk monster! PD came when I was latching her and he commented waaaa her suction VERY gd! And I was like ya VERY pain! Hahahha. And oh no u spill? I'd prob b v upset too! V sayang rite? I still rem tat time 1 drop also dun bear to waste. Tried pump in hospital nothing come out at all! 20ml tink I onli get on 5th day. So Cham! Pump out le must make sure nothing left in the filter summore! Clean out every single drop!!! Keke. And same! So bu she de give up latching bb. My mil even ask me let DD go cold turkey and I was so sad cos DD totally refuse bottle feed kind so she refused milk for many days. Had to spoonfeed and was v tired. Lucky in the end she drink from straw cup. Phew.

Serene - ya but I kiasu. Cos scared pain. =x So I will put on a layer of breastmilk, wait for it to dry, den put on a layer of nipple cream! Hur hur. Dbl protection! I tink it works better for the initial part. Dunno if it's just psychological not though. Hah. after nipple used to it den I just use breastmilk onli.
Jen, Carrefour. The price is after 10% discount this weekend if u hv the POSB everyday card.

I saw at Seng siong just now at $14.95
do u think babies can hear wat we r thinking in our heads? i have alot of negative tots which are no good but cant seem to stop thinking.
GG lee - no probs! Ya the LC kip saying sure haf but no matter how I pump really dun haf lor. They v demoralizing! Oh ya one other thing I learnt was have to b v hardworking to massage the breast. Helps alot too! I used medela swing. Drink a glass of hot drink abt 5 mins b4 pump. I always pump each side for at least 20-30 mins on almost highest setting(increase suction until u feel pain den reduce by 1 so tat it'll b comfy pump). V hard work but lucky I was quite stubborn supporter of breastmilk benefits. Heh. My other friend with SUPER gd supply(she bought a chest freezer just to store breastmilk alone and it was so full till she had headache where to kip her BM. She pumped abt 1.8litres everyday! She had chix pox and was v happie cos finally able to clear her storage cos she can one whole week pump and throw away her milk without feeling guilty!?!) did teach me another method which was to massage left den pump 5 mins left, massage right den pump 5 mins right. Repeat whole process 2 more times so total 6 massage and 30 mins pump time. Express every 3 hourly without fail for first 2 mths den after when supply stable she slowly eliminate the 3am pump. I could onli admire her persistence. LOL too leh chey! I lazy =p
Xia, tks. I tried the hot drink method but din really work. And I bot the freestyle which everyone said good but din work out for me. And like u say, washing and sterilizing the parts is a big chore. End up sold off v soon. Now am thinking whether to get a manual pump standby or wait see supply how first. Ya, tmc LCs are not v good, a bit of heng suay one, most are v grouchy and impatient.
Shan, your bb v good weight! Y concern? I like bigger bbs, much easier to handle. My boy was 3.5kg when born.
There are 2 books for the baby whisperer, which one is it?

Secrets of the baby whisperer : how to calm, connect, and communicate with your baby / Tracy Hogg with Melinda Blau.

or The Baby Whisperer solves all your problems (by teaching you how to ask the right questions) : sleeping, feeding and behaviour - beyond the basics through infancy and toddlerdom / Tracy Hogg with Melinda Blau.
Thanks Hazel for the lobang! Not sure if still got promotion today, will drop by carefour and see during lunch break.

Rocco, not sure if baby can read our mind but I guess they do have a connection wif us and can sense if we are in happy/unhappy moods. Are you having negative thoughts about pregnancy? Must cheer up ya?
GG, cos i still got another 3 more weeks to go. If baby put on another 1kg, then he will be almost 4kg. That is huge..scared the c-section wound might be very big..
Rocco: both by the same author but the first one is more basic, maybe u can start with the first one first? I only read because my boy had sleeping problem no matter how we tried to train him, he's just din sleep regular hours. My mil was an experienced CL and popular nanny during her time also threw her hands up in the air. But not all are like that so pray pray you'll get a guai guai bb then won't sweat like some of us lol...

Shan: wah ur bb quite big! But then Sometime estimation not v accurate also. Like my boy est at 35w was 2.5kg, but then I gave birth at 36w5d he was 3.3kg alr! Anyway I think since ur doing c-sect no worries lah, I also like big bb, not so fragile haha...

Xia: U reminded me of my breastmilk saga also haha... First day tried to pump and only the colostrum came out, but so little not a single drop managed to reach the bottom of the bottle haha... Ur fren is really solid! After my milk came I dropped the night pumping altogether, so sickening!
Shan, dun worry, they dun need to cut bigger just becos bb is big. These days the cut v small one. In fact my gynae keeps asking me eat more since C section, but this time round my bb average size no matter how I eat. I am hoping still for a bigger bb so that it is easier to take care.
Shan, dun worry. I dun think they cut bigger just becos bb is bigger. The cut is very good and small these days one, they will stretch after they cut to pull bb out. Just imagine how some pple can even give birth to near 4kg bbs via vaginal.

My gynae been telling me can eat more since C section, but my bb this round is average size so far despite what I eat. Am hoping for a bigger bb so its easier to handle. Also do bear in mind the weight they give is only an estimate, not 100% accurate one since it is projected based on bb belly.
hi mummy congrulation to all. did anyone book for massage lady for post natal ? here i recomended for you all my massage lady her name jenny she is malay friendly and experienced massage lady, cal her at 83305461
Hi hazel, hehehe-didn't get to read your last mail. Went carefour and found out promotion over. :p But there's a linen fair ongoing, so bought other stuffs instead.My colleagues say I'm so aunty these days, going for cheap baby bargain. ahahaha! Will check out shengsiong tonight.

Shan-I think should be ok even for 4kg, technology is advanced these days. My friend had natural births for 2 children and both are big babies-1 was 4kg and the other 4.2kg although she's a petite girl.
GG - U have any frens or relatives can lend u mebbe single electric pump instead? I wasn't confident of handling dbl pump and thus bought swing instead. It takes more time but I tink it worked well for me. I had a manual pump from a relative which I tried using when I was weaning bb off the breast, I almost puke blood and die! Alot effort and not much milk came out. washing also more parts to wash compared to electric one. Tink the manual pump more likely to discourage u.

NC - ya hope tis time we have better luck! B it baby or breastmilk! Heh

Rocco - try distracting urself with books or drama serials or wateva u like to do! I will have negative tots from time to time too. I would touch my tummy and tink of bb and tell her sry den hurry find things to distract myself! Hang in there! Bb coming out v soon le! =)
Mummies delivering at tmc - if u wan epidural, pls ask for it early. Just to share my not so lucky experience. My bb was overdue and induced. I had gone in with the intention of natural without epidural cos most of my frens did tis. Initially was ok. Laid in observation ward for some time and Reached 4cm dilation. Was bored so Happily trying out the laughing gas =x. Nurse den came in to chk my dilation using tis gel, different from the normal gel tat the gynae uses to chk dilation. Soon after I experience tis terrible burning pain which coupled with contraction makes it unbearable. Apparently I was sensitive to tis gel which is supposedly higher grade than wat the gynae uses cos it had alcohol inside. Tis aside, I hung on for abt 30 mins. Den after gave up and requested for epidural immediately cos heard the anesthetist at adjacent bed. Anesthetist went off. Tot to attend to another patient. Waited for another 30 mins. No news. hubby went to chk. Could not find the nurse who attended to us. Another nurse said they'll chk. Waited for another 30 mins. No news. Hubby asked again. Was told they'll chk again. Tink they forgot. Gynae happened to pop by to chk on me. Dilation still 4cm. too much pain muscle couldn't relax for dilation. Told her req for epidural already and she said should b better after epidural. Waited a further 30 mins. Had the need to pass motion feeling. Told nurse. Was den pushed to delivery ward. Asked abt epidural, nurse said mite b too late. Chked dilation 4cm so still early. Told them waited for abt 2 hrs already. She went to enquire. Finally anesthetist came in 15 mins. pain gone in another 10 mins. Wat we suspect mite have happened was nurse changed shift or went for dinner break and did not handover to nurse taking over. Plus bz day and mebbe forgot? Or just bad luck? =( Anyways another 30 mins after the epidural, my pain started again. Somehow somewhere leaked cos part of the hospital robe was wet! Called in nurse to fix prob. Den after I manage to take a nap. Within less than 2 hrs I was at 8cm dilation. My labor was prolonged for abt 3 hrs plus cos of cok ups. =.=" hoping for better luck tis time round! Gd luck and smooth delivery everyone!!! =)
hi mummies-to-be  
just want to share... anyone expecting a small size baby girl (2.5kg upto 3.4k)?

i'm a sept'11 mum and my baby girl is now 4mths old. as i was under high-risk management care i was expecting a small baby of appox.2.5kg so i had stocked up preemie sizes rompers, onies, one-piece suits, dress sets, tops and they are all brands of: carter's, children place, mothercare, marks&spencers, gerber, guess etc... they are really beautiful pieces !!

i'm letting them go very cheaply... as i need to make drawer space to my now 6kg girl  
there are 20 over pieces, all very well care, kept with no stains at all. they were all well fitting for her for 2.5mths+.

if you wish to consider buying them over, please PM if keen, have to self collect at Dawson Place shopping mall in Queenstown.
thank you & God Bless you & your lil' one
Dear mommies, i feel bb is quite heavy now, its quite painful at my thighs and hips, not sure if considered pelvic pain. Quite difficult to get up from bed sometimes. My mil says that my tummy is slightly lower now.

Was thinking start ML next week... next week i be 37 weeks. Now work also feel abit sianz also keep having to go toilet and walking to mrt to and fro also feeling painful at the hips.
Hi Rocco, i feel the same! although baby only 2.5kg at week 34+...i've gained 11-12kg. i can feel inner thigh and tailbone ache...jialatt..

today at lunch time, i feel like i want to blackout.quickly grab a chair and sit down rest. Luckily my colleagues with me..Not sure whether it's because walk too much over weekend...will it cause one to faint?

Anyone has similar encounter?

Hi xia, thanks for sharing...quite scary , dono what will happen when time comes hor? sigh.
Hi Xia, thanks for sharing abt the epidural experience, will bear that in mind...
I super scared of pain, so alread told gynae that I want epidural, and I will ask for it the moment I go hospital....

I reaching 34 weeks, started having hip pain esp in the night. Baby movements also getting more painful and uncomfortable, maybe becos the space becomes more limited and he's really pushing against the tummy and my other organs...
hi Mummies to be, i have BN pigeon multi-function sterilizer spare parts for sale:
1. Bottle chamber with lid
2. Accessory tray, holder & bottle tray
3. Tong & measuring cup
4. Bowl top lid, bowl mid cover, steamer bowl

PM me for pricing & photos
Sweetcorn, did u wan to blackout before or after u eat? Becos I will also feel weak and giddy if I'm hungry, not enough sugar in the blood....
Hazel, becos I can see the tummy moving and parts of the baby is pushing against the tummy...
maybe I eat too much dong cong cao, end up baby is quite strong, that's what people say abt dong cong cao...
Ghk, oh, u saw bb's poking u! I also eat dong cong cao.. I do see tummy moving when bb kicks.. But the poking pain I get lower abdomen, I dun see tummy move... Hm...
Hi girls,

Sorry been busy. Baby Sophie just transferred from NICU to high dependency. Still at the NICU ward, off the breathing support and just starting taking some milk. Mummy at home resting.

About the epidural, different people have different pain threshold so it depends on each case. Gynae should be able to advise accordingly..
Hi GHK, its before i had lunch but i ate breakfast & drank milo though. Not sure why. Im oso on iron supplement...cant be anaemic right? So scary...

Ya i oso feel my baby kicks stronger n then she wil stretch with all her strength with her body until i can see a big bulge on right hand side of my tummy, quite uncomfortable but bearable. Now she does it more freq! I hv 4 weeks + to go...nw entering 35wks +.

Btw when do working mommies usually take maternity leave? 2 wks before or 1 wk?

Im so sleepy nwadays after a day's work.. Walk slower than usual too. Really jialatt. Hope i get more rest. Wat time u mommies sleep at night usually?
Sweetcorn, I m also entering 35w! I m already on hl coz of pre-eclampsia... Some mummies will start ML only after bb is born... Coz they wan to spend as much time with bb as possible!
Sweet corn: annual leave about 1-2 weeks I believe then maternity typically company start on baby birth day. Can rent those glucose test machine to test blood sugar.. So you know if really sugar level low? Or try to take some snack like biscuits between breakfast and lunch.
GG: don't try the avent manual pump. Drove me nuts too. It only works well with full breasts, so half way thru you can press until ur fingers break. My first pump was an avent, it can run on both battery and manual modes, but battery life super pathetic. A few times when I had to use manual mode, I almost fainted!
Oh ya if you all need to buy ice pack to transport the breast milk then kiddy place sells 1 for $5. Two will be enough.
So glad to hear baby Sophie is out of NICU, so is soul mummy successful in pumping milk out? Are u transporting the BM to hospital to feed baby or baby on FM?

Another insomnia night again for me.
Jen hi 5 again. Hahaha. But today diff timing. I slept early cos puked and had diarrhoea. But woke at 5am and cannot zzzz den started shopping @ bp section! Keke

Sweetcorn and GHK - no probs. tink I just suay la. Dun worry too much. =) I also will blackout one. One point of time I had quite low bp. Gynae said to eat more and also always bring sweets out with me. Anything just pop a sweet. And if feel faint must immediately sit/squat even if in the middle of no where(except middle of road I guess =p). She say some gers feel paise den end up fainting den after worry abt bb whether injured not. She say not likely bb will b injured cos alot amniotic fluid protect. She more concerned abt mummies.

Rocco, Hazel, sweetcorn, GHK - i had hip bone pain from abt 4 mths. #1 i got it onli at 7 mths. Doc say #2 pains and aches will kick in earlier. kip telling me must exercise =.=" V hard to get out of bed with the pain. My bb also move till make me quite uncomfy at times(ESP when lying down on either side). #1 I dun rem it was tat bad. I tink it's a dragon bb trait. Hahah. She like to move alot on top right side of tummy and poke bottom left side and even leave it there for like 30s to 1 min. Pain Sia tat one. Must sayang and tok to her den she let go =.=

NC and GG - ya! Avent manual pump!!! I dunno if it's cos I lazy or mebbe preloved or wat. Pump until hand v tired and I onli see like 20ml? Keke waaa NC tink our fate abt the same. LOL

Soul - congrats! BB getting healthier by the day! Will b home with u and mummy soon!!! =) I used the medela swing and normally I increase the speed a min of 3-4 times. Not sure if can go 5 anot. Cannot rem. and I did not really run it on batteries b4 so cannot help u on tat. Paise.

Jeank - I saw it at nex ntuc b4. =)

BTW anyone bought the confinement shower gel from bp thread b4? #1 I bought the 大风艾 herb thing but actually quite leh chey cos nid boil everyday. Was ok cos had CL. #2 onli my mummy so dun wan give her so much trouble. Also anyone bought dry shampoo? From where can get ah? Last time I bought from motherworks but quite ex. Looking for alternative solution. =)
Morning all, I'm back. Hows everyone?

Soul, I used medela swing during confinement for my #1. I took 45mins to pump each time and when I pump one side, another side will leak. I cannot tahan the speed so went to buy medela PIS immediately I'm out of confinement. So I think if use battery will use longer timing bah. Cos the suction will be a bit slower? I nvr use battery before cos can see the suction very bad.

Gals, pls buy a dual pump. Save lots of time and milk. I only spend 20mins to pump cos pump 2 side at one go and no leakage (single pump will pump one side and leak one side).

hi mummies, sorry to gatecrash...I am also a feb 2012 MTB. bought too many pigeon breastmilk storage bags. Any mummies need them can pm me. I have 3 boxes to let go. Selling at $12 per pack. it is BNIB-25bags (180ml)/60z. can also self collect at bungkok mrt. pm me if u interested.
