(2012/01) Jan 2012

anyone feel demoralised not able to go out to cny visit? this is the 1st time in my life not being able to do cny visiting but i am ok on that, except heartpain on the confinement lady's cost and food to buy during cny period. my CL felt demoralised, she told me next round she will not want to take on assignment during cny, haha.

congrats on your bb rabbit! grest job, at least u did try. now, concentrate on resting well.

dragon bb! wat did yr gynae say? he's not worried bb is too big?

not itchy! gd man! my binding's with me for less than 2 hrs and i oredi feel itchy! i am counting down to 4 more hrs and counting down everyday to my last massage!!

my CL will not ask us to make FM. even when she's cooking and bb cries, she would ask me to help carry 1st. but your CL dun mop the floor? does your CL eat the same food as u, or she would cook something else for herself also? my CL want to go eat streamboat at her relative house in spore, and ask me to give her a few hrs off,geez...i am still thinking abt it. haha.

where do u buy the Sacred Tea? i heard about it effectiveness but never tried...

Seeing my gynae on Wednesday...which is 2days overdue already...but this is my third child and my 2nd was born 3.8kg hence she not very worried as long as I control my diet...n hopefully bb dun reach 4kg so soon hehe...Resting at home tdy din go bai nian do feel abit crampy...but not painful though
Hi snow-white,
My edd was supposed to be on 17 Jan however there are no visible signs of delivery, is going to be an overdue baby but since weight of bb is ok can stay a bit longer. Eventually I had painful contractions since thrusday but my cervix not open yet. Bb head already engaged but not fully drop to my pelvis area so chances of natural birth is low.
I always wanted to try natural delivery so gynac let me have the epidural so as to speed up the dilate . It does help only up to 4.5cm then no further improvement.the contractions were unbearable despite epidural , I surrender so I request to c section. At the moment all I want is to relief from pain, no matter what method also ok Liao. If pain have improvment still ok but nothing looks good for me to continue bearing the pain. My gynac arranged for c section luckily my bb not under stress else it will be dangerous. I opt for a full ga so I dun get to see the whole process. About 1 hr time I was being pushed back to my ward , the wound is the painful part.
Jkids: My CL sometimes do "ordering" us around like the FM thingy. What time ur CL wakes up in the morning? Mine wakes up like 7am+ and she spend lots of time in the kitchen everyday. I guess she prefers cooking than bb. She doesnt mop tfloor or do hsework. She cooks few dishes and usualy she eat same dishes with mevwnd hubby, with exception of those "heaty" thing like red rice wine chicken etc.

Mine also keep hinting me thwt previous employer bring her out to ewt during cny and how Cn town must be crowded etc.. . Well, since I never plan to go out, in the end she just stayed home too. Did you let your CL go for her steamboat?

Well, sometimes they have different way of doing things and preference. To certain extent, we need their help too so I try to take n give ..
Hi guys,

Congrats on your newborn, wen! I'm sure all your pain is worth it. I'm currently admitted. Baby didn't move much since morning, so decided to go or check up? Gynae is worried anything may happen if I go back even though after monitoring, all is fine. Hopefully no need to induced.
Hi Wen, congrats

Hi welen, how's ur progress now, update us ya
Hi jkids, sorry for the late reply. I bought the sacred tea from the forum, under bulk purchase. Believe there is someone selling it now. You could buy one to try first and if it works for you, you could buy more. Hope it helps.
To share the cost of my bill at Mt Alvernia... I did use the labour ward for 18 hours, but did not use much of the equipment since I did not "attempt" to deliver in the labour ward, and eventually went for emergency c-sec. The bill for mine after all the medisave, including both mine and baby doc's fees came up to $3.6k cash (before medisave was close to $9k). Hope it helps!
Hi Pamela,
Thanks for sharing, rather surprise tat medisave can claim arnd $5k+ is it cos u can claim for both delivery suite for natural delivery n operative theatre for c? How much ur gynae charge for both btw?
Think for c-sec with epidual, can claim $3500 plus the $450 in anenatal bills. For baby think I claim close to $1000 in medisave. So total medisave claim about $5k.
Dekora, ur thoughts echos mine thoroughly. I wept when gynae told me its unlikely tat i do natural already since i only dilated to 5cm after 14hrs. Till now i feel disappointed, but guess its meant to be. So I learn to let go. Now Im more overwhelmed with taking care of the bb.. Dont worry, u r not alone.. A few mummies also went thru what u did. Jiayou

Today bb cried nonstop whole day. Wake up cry till face red, feed her bm, continues to cry and cannot sleep. I gave in to fm jus now, was quite sad as I thot my bm would be enough for her for at least a mth. Sigh... Duno why bb kept crying today.
could it be colic? my bm also very little, doubt it will last long...

yes i agree wif u about the give and take coz we need their help and bb 's in their hand :p btw, when u went back to see your gynae about a week after your delivery, did u leave your bb wif CL alone? my CL wakes up at 7am initially, but when she sees i need to use the kitchen from 7-730am coz of kids going to sch, then she wakes up at 730 after they have left. mine seem quite efficient, doesnt spend much time in the kitchen, at most morning but when bb cries she will go to handle. only when she is cooking she will ask me to take over coz cannot stop halfway for coooking. by afternoon she will be quite free liao, can watch tv, haha. she's quite quick worker. in the end, i let her go but set a time for her to come back, but guess wat...she decided not to go coz she said since she is doing confinement for me, cannot go to other pp's house for cny visit/streamboat, bandang lah.

and juz a few days ago, i left a portion of the fish for her to eat, then she said it was ok, she asked me to finish all if i could and it was ok if she din eat the fish coz she lovee vege more. but i happened to check the wok on the same day and realised there was fried fish and fishcake in the wok! so i noe y she din want to take my fish! juz tell me straight she got fish to eat lah, y act until so noble...haiz...
Hi mummies,

I've just delivered yesterday. It's was a very very long process for me. Went to kkh on Monday due to baby less movement. Although baby heartbeat and all were fine, gynae suggested the safest way to induce me. Due to my consistent contractions, wasn't induced till 8 am. Was expecting to dilate from the moment I admit till 8 am but to no avail, dilate only 0.5cm. I was given oxytocin thereafter and at 3pm I was only 2-3cm dilated. The feeling of having to lie fir hours and dilated for only 1.5 cm is bad. Babys heartbeat dropped quite a bit but was all right after a while. Was checked at 8pm and I'm only 4cm dilated. Total 3 dosages of epidural used. Gynae eventually advices me to go fir csect. Wow... The ;feeling was so crappy. No choice I went fir csect. Shd have done it esrlier.
Congrats, Welen. Agreed with Bianz. Most impt both you and bb are safe and healthy. Those ard me who had csect have relatively smaller tummy even when age catches up unlike those who had natural got to put in really extra efforts to keep trim! I was congratulated to be preg when I was not!! Imagine I only have one gal!! Laughed off n replied no lah I am fat!! Hope it cheers you and the rest of the mommies who had csect
Hi everyone, thank you for your kind words and encouragement
things are slightly looking up
For those who did c-sec make sure u don't get your wound wet. We need to take care of ourselves before we can take care of our babies.
Some stuffs I have learn abt c-sec during these few days(like crash course) so thought share with all the mummies here
1. Food
Try to refrain frm eating Shang Yu and chicken. So I'm been having lean meat, kidney, pig stomach soup with rice and mee suan. And because my baby has jandice so i refrain frm eating Ginger and vinegar as well.

2. Binder
I'm very kiasu, I put on my abdominal binder at all times except when I wash up. I will press it down when I know a cough or sneeze is coming up

I try to wean off painkillers so that I know if my wound still hurting if so need to go to see my doc asap( so far so good)

As for breastfeeding,
I latch on every 3 hrs v tiring but trying to stimulate as much as possible. I even pump after feed. I tried the sacred tea- it is good. But I still supplement with fm when baby is hungry when my supply goes low which is during the night feed.

But some questions for mummies here
My mum keep insisting on letting my baby drinking water. Because she has jaundice but I read the responses are mixed. Some said ok to give others said no. I'm confused

My expressed breast milk if not consumed sld I place them straight into the freezer and warm them up if to drink later?

My girl's umbilical stump hasn't dropped off after one week. Getting worried although no foul smell but can't tell if it is still wet.

I didn't do the hearing test in the hospital but getting worried cos keep hearing more stories of babies failing the hearing test. Have anyone gone back to do the test because apparently they need to get the baby to sleep before they can administer the test.

It really helps to keep a written log ESP when baby and you are still getting used to each other. It also clears my mind ESP when the elders tells
All their ways in bringing up a new born which is different frm what I have read.. Dealing baby and elders is not easy without being rude to them as well

Oh ya, for those who are interested I bought my sacred tea frm babynme. I'm not affiliated to them ( I only bought two packets so far so good)
All their ways in bringing up a new born which is different frm what I have read.. Dealing baby and elders is not easy without being rude to them as well

Oh ya, for those who are interested I bought my sacred tea frm babynme. I'm not affiliated to them ( I only bought two packets so far so good)
hi wen and welen,

Congrats on the delivery. End up, both of you went for c-section. I am going to deliver by csection on the 31st jan....Another 5 days.... feeling so scared now... But at the same time, I am so excited to see my baobao.

How is the wounds now? Is it still painful? Can you move around? and how many days stayed in the hospital?
Did you gers breastfeed after the c-section?
Dekora, my MIL also keep on asking me to feed bb water, said that we need bb to get used to the taste of water when they r young. During the prenatal class, Mrs Wong said that there is no need to feed bb water durin the 1st mth. But a little sip is ok. Too much no good cos its empty calories.

I was on total bm when i was in hospital after csect. V tiring cos have to wake up v often, but was v happy to see bb each time the nurse pushed her in.

Jkids, duno if its colic leh.. Anyway MIL applied medicated oil on bb yday (duno what brand, nt ruyi oil). She applied 5x on bb tummy lor. I was so worried abt the oil burning bb skin but didnt dare to say anything to her. Complained to hb after tat but he said jus listen to her. :-/

My CL boiled shengyu soup for me the 1st few days after csect already, she said tat its ok. But in the end I got pus in my wound, duno if its really cos of the shengyu or my immunity system weaker... Anyway I dont like my CL la.. . :-/

Im wondering what I should do after the 1mth after CL leaves...
sacred tea; is there only one brand but different vendors selling? Thinking of getting one to stand by too (from Shirley 2 pack for $66).
Hey lush, better stop your CL to make Sheng Yu soup cos my mum said it will cause the wound to not close or will have keloids.

Serene123, I bought mine frm Shirley. Maybe the other mummies can share?
Yar.. Talking abt not giving water to baby... My baby is on breastmilk so there is no nd to give water. But I am being seen as a 'evil' and 'bad' mum for not giving baby water by old folks and relatives. No matter how I explained, they still thk I MUST give baby water... So stressful. Can those organization and MOH who are supporting breastfeeding pls share this knowledge with the public? I thk breastfeeding mums need this support so badly... And I have seen this problem being discussed here so many times..

Guess what? Baby decided not to b induced n I m in labour ward now!!! I felt contractions every 5 min since 1050pm n "show" at 1145pm..wish me luck!
re emer c-sect bill.. i juz received my actual bill from Mt A yest, paid abt $4.3k in cash & $4.9k in medisave for 3 nights stay in single room with companion.. btw, mine is emer c-sect with GA, & got 2 docs (my gynae & another assistant doc) + PD ard..

re sacred tea.. i got 2 pkts from shirley ($66 for 2 pkts), looking to sell off 1 pkt (at $30) as it din help me much, anyone interested pls PM me?.. i've tried fenugreek caps, sacred tea, etc but all no use, milk supply still very low, gonna give up on pumping liao.. sigh..
Bb is 3.7kg now so doc say will not delay further, will induce latest on edd itself on 31jan unless bb chose 2 arrive earlier
Tt's 5 more days for u to meet ur darling, Bianz
my gynae visit is tmr supposedly the last one b4 EDD 30 Jan.. Dun know y got the feeling my bb will b late.. Anyhow, he did mention abt induce if af 40wks as he says may not be necessarily gd to drag too long.. All the best, Bianz!
Hi Bianz/ hk baby,
My baby also 3.7 kg now, if by my next gynae visit on Sat and he's still not out, doc also want to induce me already. Hoping I'll have some signs soon!
Are your EDD based on last period or weight of bb? My first doc gave me a later EDD of 29/30 Jan based on my cycle but current doc gave me an EDD of 25 Jan based on weight of bb at 20th week scan so I could be in between I guess instead of overdue. Very confusing..
Grace - my gyane based it on the last menses the first EDD we were given. Frankly I felt it strange to base on last menses cos everyone's cycle is different.. Shldnt it b based on date of conception? Anyway it shld b anytime for the 3 of us.. Aiyoh, everyone has been asking delivered oredi??
Hi Marie/Welen,

Sorry since quite a while i not been log in.
I delivered on 22-Jan-2012,Chinese New Year Eve and now the wound still hurting.
as the wound is at the abdominal area so getting up and from a bit hard, but no choice have to try.
i tried to rest on bed as much as possible so that the wound can recover faster.
any updates from you all?
Lush: i also wonder how to cope when my cl leaves. My bb seems to prefer her carrying than me. Maybe she is more fleshy, more comfy or he is used to her carrying.

Re water: my PD said it's fine to give a bit.
Hi mummies,
Hope you guys are doing great. Im having such a stressful time. Baby has gone for 2nd stomach washout. Feel so heartpain and worried. Also not sure about my colostrum. Latched baby but still noy enough for him. Hoping he can be discharged with me today. Make me feel so bad for having him to go through all these.
Hi Welen,
What's a stomach washout? Don't stress yourself out, you need to be calm and strong for your baby and to be able to produce more milk with less stress. Sometimes milk won't come in till a few days later and baby doesn't need so much milk the first few days too. Hang in there...
I'm still impatiently waiting for my little one to come too, a bit of conflict, can't wait for him to come but yet know that once he's here, I'll be so busy and worried too like you.
hi moms, i have 1 motherlove more milk plus to let go at $50 incl postage or $48 self collect at tampines. 120 capsules. Expiry 06/2016. PM me if you're interested.
moscato n lush:
i am having d same thought too, how to cope wen CL leaves, i better wake up and start learning how to bath a bb and his sleep/milk routine fr next week...

where are u? are u still following this thread? things ok?
anyone's still has piles problem or anyone 's piles has gone since bb wasc delivered? is the only way of tackling this issue to let it strink by itself? yesterday could feel the soreness again, the pile is bigger. but i duno y it gets worse since my motion has been smooth, very sian tha i cannot sit properly. 2 weeks n am still suffering...

whats the color of yr lochia now? mine from dull red become bright red abd more volume again...wonder y is this so. do u have the same too?

Bianz n Grace - saw gynae this am. Bb abt 3.3kg.. Did VE n told me same as last check 1cm dilate n cervix area is soft. Then he stretched it abit to kinda of speed things up!! Said mayb today or this wkend for me to see bb! Now feeling alot of pressure n cramps on off.. Wonder if it really helps can only trust his experience.. Problem now is I had 2 days diarrhea n now that area is swollen n pain! worry will worsen if I deliver these 2 days
