(2012/01) Jan 2012

Jac, did u hv any pus when ur csect wound was infected. Mine has pus already. Gynae jus asked me to squeeze out the pus. Im v worried abt it nt gettin better. :'(

CL cooked fish n shengyu for me in 1st week already. Cos she said will help my wound. She also cooked chicken cos she say kampung chix is ok. She also used dried scallops in her cooking. Sigh I duno if it is her cooking or cos I walked n sat too much.

Marie, im also afraid that my breasts will sag after bf. But guess for bb's sake, i will still bf. ;p

My milk only came on 5th day. Now I get abt 60ml from both sides each pump. CL say its still nt enough for bb. Geesh.. But I realise bb drinks more fr bottle (ebm) and less if direct feed. She tends to fall asleep during bf, think she treatin me as her pacifier liao. Haiyo... :p
Hi Marie,

I just came back from gynac clinic ,had a bad night with severe contractions 10mins interval.
however, gynac checked and say no dilate .

really upset and he suggest i go for c-section if i having very bad contractions which i cannot tanhan anymore. No point holding on cos my chances of virginal birth is low,baby still very high.
if induce not successful i will ended up with emerg c section which will be double charges.
hopefully i can tolerate the contractions till aft CNY, if not i really will be spending my reniuon dinner at hospital. Very upset feelings now.

Hi Welen,
When you going for gynac visit again? i guess only gynac able to tell how much you dilated and the person to advise best to you is your gynac.
dun be upset, wait till your gynac advise then u decide.Now u think too much only make you unhappy.

for me ,gynac already told me induced chances are low successful rate so i guess i would go ahead with the best option for me and my bb.
i am tired also...
My EDD is near...23rd Jan...Hope i can tahan few more days to hop over to the dragon year and enjoy my reunion dinner before i go to deliver.
Seems like trying to "tong" past CNY...JIAYOU JIAYOU...few more days oni....God bless us...that we dun have to spend CNY at the hospital...
Ritzc, thxs. I will get brown rice tea too. Juz drink following the instruction right??

Mummies with bb gal:
Wnen should we do ear piercing for the baby? Is ut done by doctor?
Lush, think i'm having the same problem as you..my boy also fell asleep during latching..after that i have to pump out..max abt 60,70ml too and that's after half a day of accumulation. So i supplement with FM in between..

sometimes not milk time yet, his mouth wants to suck..end up like his pacifier..even though he has one..

my ML said i don't have much milk supply, the most can bf for a mth only. 2nd day of discharge, my CL helped me to massage to relieve the engorgement, after that then i can bf succesfully.
duno y i feel my pile a bit sore since yday. does pile go away after sometime or we have to remove it?

my CL quite on. othen than the normal cooking and take care of bb, then mop floorm she also washed my to be handwashed clothes (not sure if this is her duty oso). i asked my hub to do it but when she saw it, she took over and since then, knew which are my handwashed clothes. she will try to help me when she sees i do housework. but launtry will be done by my hub since i oso have other kids clothes. but she would fold if they are dry.
moscato and lush:
i dun have much milk ss, i duno. i have engorgement, but i realised bb suck for at most 15min and no no milk ss left in my breast. i direct latch so duno how much ml i have, juz noe that i have little milk ss. even after he suck both sides, he will still cry for milk after 30 mins.
jkids: do u supplement fm when he cries? my boy will cry for milk less than 3 hrs..even he had 90-100ml of fm before that..:S
did u try pumping after that? sometimes i thought no more milk..surprisingly i still can pump out 60ml. Maybe you need to massage hard to get the milk out..just like what my CL did for me..but it's painful!

sometimes i wonder if my CL got overfed him or not..think i will suffer after she left..but dont feed him, he will cry leh...dont sleep in peace.
btw mummies with CL, do u intend to sleep with the baby when into 3rd or last week of your confinement?

thinking of bringing bb to my rm to sleep with me after the 2nd week..
Hi wen & lush & welen & bianz

I went to see gynAe today. My c- sec is confirmed on 31st Jan. Wor another 11 days , I am going to see my baby.

I am not going to bf the baby. Scared later already so pain from c-section then still haf to breastfeed. Haiz...

I was been approached by a research company to do a research on baby s health for 5 mths. Still considering.

Luckily today checkup show I didn't put on any more weight. Otherwise I faint.
Ohhh thats so excitin Marie! Jiayou!! Must take care of ur csect wound ok. Im still bf.. And bb sleeps with me every nite so I need to wake up every 2,3 hrs in the wee hours to feed her. Sigh duno if that has strained the wound. But Im trying v hard to delay fm since everyone said we should bf exclusively for 6mths! I hope to do 1 mth at least.

Sigh really getting quite moody cos of the wound. Feel like putting bb in MIL room at nite, but it will mean they will turn to fm already.. :-/
Moscato.. I find bb drink more at nite. She can down 60ml and another 60ml 1hr later. Newborns drink so much meh.. Then CL say she is nt satisfied with my milk, thats why keep crying.. But daytime she can latch on for 20min then sleep for 3,4hrs straight. So difficult to reverse the order.. Arghhh

Its tough being a mother!
hi mommies who is breastfeeding..

do u get exhausted trying to feed bb at odd times? it aint easy really..

just wanna vent my exhaustion here abit..

lush, i so understand wat u e going thru.. sometimes i wonder why at times my bb is satisfied and can sleep for long hours and sometimes just keep asking for milk which is utterly exhausting! bleah..

oh well, part n parcel of being mommies.. it is really tough.. adapting adapting..
My bb seems to drink more in the day. But mostly FM leh, i also wonder if he really need to drink so much. BM easily digested, bb will get hungry faster compared to FM.

Partial bf mess up his milk feed routine cos doesnt know how much he drinks during latching. Plus he tends to fall asleep during latching. :S so CL will feed him if he cant be soothen with pacifier.

And worse, he wants to be carried to slp! Daytime doesnt slp well too. So he fuss easily. Arghh..
lush, I juz went see gynae today.. finally removed my bandage.. no pus so far.. the lump at the right side of the wound has gotten better but center still abit lumpy & sore (the whole area shld be soft & not painful when pressed) so to play safe gynae put me on another round of oral antibiotics & gave me antibiotic cream to apply.. also advised not to start my jamu massage yet.. dont worry, u'll get better.. juz continue to take yr medication, keep the wound clean & air it whenever possible.. take care!

brought my boy to see PD on thu.. PD say confirm is colic & alot of wind in tummy.. gave me ridwind & another stronger colic drops.. we also changed him to soy formula (isomile).. see some slight slight improvement, but generally still very fussy, crys alot & dont sleep well.. sigh..

grandma says boys can "celebrate full-mth" earlier so I'll be bringing my boy over & having my reunion dinner at my parent's place tmr! yeah!
Hi all,
I've delivered my gal on 20th afternoon! She can't wait to come out man, my water bag burst while I was on the way to hospital and I already dilate 3cm when I reached. N epi is truly a life saver, otherwise I wonder how I would survive through those contractions!

Mummies waiting to deliver jia you!

I opt for total bf but milk supply not here yet and initially bb refuse to suckle, at least now she's able to. Hope I can give her milk soon..
Medory: Congrats to you!! Enjoy bonding time with baby and get as much rest as possible in hospital.

Moscato: I think 60ml is pretty good compare to mine. Today, juz successfully to pump out 20ml and this is day 8 already. It is coming slowly for me.

Ritzc: thanks for sharing the tips. It works!!!

Jkids: the piles will eventually go away if we take care. Meaning, eat more fibres, vege to make the bowel movement smooth. As long as no straining, it will not get bigger. That's the easiest remedy. If going for removal, it is like surgery already. The pain from episitiomy is already painful. Cannot imagine going through another stiches down there. Mine is better now after few days keep taking fluid, eat vege n fruit. How's ur wound and piles? Hope it is better.

Btw moscato,jkids, and mummy with CL: how much angpao to give to our CL ya? This is my 1st kid, so dunno if got guideline or not. Do u mind to share?

Lush, silsilly, jkids: it is very tiring to try bf at night specially for mw with my milk supply being so little. my baby can latch for 20-30 mins each breast and after 1 hr cry for milk still. So what i do now is to let her drink FM every night(between 12-6). With that, I will rest well and she also can rest then day time I latch her and give fm to supplement. If not, i will be like zombie =p, feel tired and affect milk supply eventually.

Btw, if combine bf and fm, how much u fm to give them every intake? My gal now is on 80ml each intake and wake up every 3-4 hrs. Is it too little??
Hi Marie & welen,

I already admitted hospital @ mount a. Last night spotting and had bad contraction. No choice got to admit as it was unbearable.
hi wen,

What did gynae said? Are you going to give birth soon? Can you do natural deliver or c-section?

take care and update us.
Congrats, Medory! All the best to bf! Looks like our gals won't meet.. Mine no sign of coming.. Just saw Dr this morning bb still engaged he even tell me can go new yr visiting as based on history I'm still have 9 days to my EDD! So tired dun really wanna go anywhere..

Bianz - how r u? Any signs?
Hi Hkbaby/Bianz,
Looks like we're going to be next. I just saw doc this morning supposed to be due next week 25th but also no signs yet and bb still growing. If by next sat bb still not out, doc wants to induce already as scared bb gets too big.
Congrats medory!!
baby cant wait to be out to collect angbao ba.. Heheheee...

Hi Jac, oh u had ur bandage on all these while? She removed mine on day 6 already. Ive also stopped wearing the bandage cos of the pus. Today pus seemed to be lesser. Hopefully it will stop fully soon. Cross fingers.

Silsilly, ya nite time is extremely tiring.. Sigh.. Nitetime coming again, time for 2nd shift again..

I have been eating brown rice everyday and it has helped my bowel movement tremendously.. So mummies u may want to try..

My left wrist is still so painful, must be cos of the way I carry baby when i feed her.
Hi hkbaby, grace,
Still 10days to go b4 edd, but juz now feel suddenly very heavy like bb can drop out any moment n notice some discharge with wat look like stool on paper, got a shock though bb shit :p n it's a sign but my sil whose a nurse say tat it's actually old blood means signs of opening but may take another few days need not rush to hospital :p
Delphina: i give $38 cos she is a replacement, in case i switch back to my original CL.

80ml every 3-4hrs is fine. My boy's schedule messy now. My CL initially give him 100ml, can tahan 2 plus 3 hrs. Now with more latching, he can cry for milk an hr later. Give him another 40ml, he will cry again less than 3 hrs.

I'm letting my CL go back on cny eve, back the next day. Hope can cope.
lush, now at night, i will latch him for awhile n my husband will warm my EBM.. when EBM ready, i will unlatch him and give him the bottle instead.. my wrists hurt too from carrying him for latching.. thank god for breast pumps!
anyone on jamu massage oredi? how long can u tong not to remove the binding? i only give myself the min of 6 hrs...after that i remove oredi coz its hot lah, except for today the weather is better.

yes i would supply fm if he cries after drinking my breastmilk. i din use the pump. no, bb will sleep wif me only after CL has left. y do u want b to sleep wif u b4 CL leave?

yah, i also wake up in the middle of the nite, guess i am used to it. few days back, weather was hot till i couldnt sleep well. so i had no prob "waking up" to feed bb.

i definitely agree its tough being a mother. we go thro pregnancy, and post-pregnancy's wound healing or engorgement, lack sleep, lose our figure etc. but this is the life of a mother.

about my wound, seems to be better today though still abit pain at times, but for piles seem to worsen, so i can feeling low esp yday. actually my motion is very smooth, but i duno whether isit becoz i pass motion 2 times a day, thats y strain the pile? for CL, 1st angbao i gave $50. this 1st angbao i din give on 1st day so was able to observe her for a while. anyway, my hub said 1st angbao give "bigger" so she would work harder, keke. my bb cna latch for 30 min though i think my milk would have finsished by then, so i wonder if he treats it as pacificer now.
how nice...can bring your bb to reunion dinner. i will spend it alone with my CL and bb, keke.


hk baby:
can go visit during cny and join some tarts! i cannot eat my fav pineapple tart leh.

jia you!!!!!
hi wen and welen,

Yah I also wish to know if wen has delivered.
She said she had epidural this morning. Dont know how is she now.

I still do not have any sign of labour yet. But I felt so heavy. I still have 10 days to go. Counting down to my baobao 's arrival. hehe....

I had so many vision with him..... think he will bring sparks to my life.... hehe....

im on massage too.. i will tong till the next day she come lor.. so the binding will b on me for 23 Hours.. i like it.. it makes me feel comfortable..
Dear all, thanks for your well wishes! My little gal really can't can't wait to get Ang baos haha

I'm going home today, but PD just came n said bb is showing signs of jaundice, keeping my fingers crossed that she can come with me..
Grace & Bianz - sounds like u2 will b earlier than me lah.. Grace ur date is earlier while Bianz has some signs.. Wait till v sian liao.. though 8 more days..

Jkids - u like pineapple tarts? Can eat anytime af u finish confinement
at least u enjoy fd normally the most basic of human survival despite the pain n hectic routine.. me no mood lor tongue prob seems to get worse these few days! Wonder I rember how fd normally taste like af almost 40 wks of sourness

Medory - gd timing for u n bb to b back home for cny! Dun worry PD prob advise u to sun ur bb's chest in the morning

Happy Lunar New Year to all mommies n bbies! May the year Dragon brings everyone strength n courage to take up life's challenges install for us! Be touched by the endless joy our bbies will bring - first smile, first word, call u for the first time, stand, walk, say I love u
Dear mummies,

I have given birth to my baby girl on 18 Jan (6 days after my edd). What a roller coaster of emotions during this period.. I really appreciate my mother so much more.Although baby was fine, gaining weight but doc didn't felt safe to have her in my tummy too long. So on 15 Jan, I went back and had a vaginal sweep. Cervix not dilated at all! So doc suggested inducing baby although he did mention that the chances of success could be lower- but both doc, myself would like to try natural birth.
I was scheduled to check in to the hospital on 18 Jan mn to have the tablet to be placed in me and hopefully the cervix will dilated or even soften. Had prayed the whole night and also I felt my back starting to ache- I was hoping it was labour back pain.

Doc came in at 8am to check!oh my goodness it was sooo painful i was cringing- doc even apologized to me. My cervix was still tightly shut and now doc suggested placing the second pill (the nurses had told me the previous night that they can go up to 4 pills!!)my husband and I decided not to wait but instead go for c-sec and the doc agreed although he seriously told me that the chances of vaginal birth after c-sec will be very much lower and also I could only have up to 3 kids.

So I was scheduled to go into c-sec at 1230pm under GA. Mine is counted as emergency c-sec. So around after lots of checks eg:blood pressure, ctg blah blah. About 1plus I was wheeled into the operating theater to wait. It was a terrible feeling when u are all alone, not knowing what happens next. Husband wasn't allowed to go in if u select GA c-sec. Once the GA goes in, I was really knocked off. Baby was wheeled out abt 15mins later but I was wheeled out at much later time probably about two. When I woke up, i was back at my ward. They wheeled baby to me for breastfeed but I was still groggy and there was the pain..

I'm definately disappointed I couldn't go natural. Now doing confinement at my mummy's place. Facing another set of issues.. Having low supply of breastmilk. Been crying off and on and my mummy keep chiding me that confinement period shouldn't keep crying.. But i really can't help it.hopefully can find some comfort from u mummies here
Jkids: thot of letting bb slp with me cos worry the cl gives him herbal powder to eat at nite to make him slp longer as he is quite cranky at night. But we already told her not to so guess shld be fine.

I already started my massage. I leave the binder on til next day abt 11am when i want to bath. If not will be til she comes if the session is in the morning, which means no shower for that day. I have done 3 sessions, next tue continue again. ML out of town and she said it's better to take a break in between. How's urs so far? Effective?

Sianz, thot my lochia clearing off. This morning came back again like menses. Normal right? Today is my 10th day after birth.

right now, if u want to cry, just do.. dun let pple stop u.. let ur feelings out..i cried alot too when i got home.. was told to b strong and so i did.. apparently, masking my feelings was even worst.. my blood pressure n heart rate shot up until i need hospitalisation.. after letting off some steam by crying out loud n of course some hypertension medication, i m feelng much better.. do take care.. bb needs u.. remember u dun hav to force urself to do wat u cant..
wow...i take my hat off u. not itchy? :p felt so tight and hot with the binding on... u muz take care abt your blood pressure ok.

i din noe got such thing, like herbal powder to make bb sleep longer... lochia or menses can last for 6 weeks one. in the middle, when u thought it has ended, it would come agian, so it may be menses now. u r another one who can tong the binding! dun u perspire at nite? my tummy/uterus strink super fast for this one, i duno if its the binding that works or i wake up to bf at nite.

keke, i secretly eat liao opps!

it was your 1st delivery so u might not be so well prepared, whether it was the delivery or handling the confinement and bb. it happned to me too. muz important, u need some family support to tide u thro. and tok it out to feel better. yes if crying makes u feel better. though u had c section and not natural as u had wanted, at least u noe bb was safely born, that was the moz impt. pls dun give yourself pressure if u have little breastmilk. i too have little brestmilk but i learn to take it easy, dun have means dun have, so i suuplement with fm, juz as nutritious. i also broke down when my wound and piles gave me inconvenience,n when the massage binding makes me feel super hot and perspire n i sometimes wondered y i had to go thro this.
I have been a slient reader all this while but reading Dekora's post made me want to share my experience. I gave birth to my second baby on 19 Jan 2012. My first daughter was breech and thus had to go for scheduled c-sec about 19months ago. This time round, I so wanted for a natural birth, wanting to know what contractions feel like (sounds crazy right). I did everything i could to try for natural, and cause it was so near to my last c-sec, I could not be medically induced and preferably not over my EDD (23 Jan).

To cut the long story short, i went in at midnight on 19 Jan and though I dialated to 4cm (manual membrane sweep plus doc breaking water bag), it was not enough. After 18 hours of trying, I had to give in and go for c-sec as my boy has shitted in me. Imagine the disappointment that i felt, the thoughts that I failed being a mother just because I could not deliver naturally. But the moment I saw my son, everything was worth it .The most important thing is he is safe and healthy. It is not worth taking the risks to see if I could dialate further while he continues to be "swimming" in his shit.

As for breastmilk, it will kick in, just persist on. Not to help advertise, but the last time I tried the Sacred Tea and it worked really well for me. My milk supply did double. You can try that if you want.
Happy Lunar New Year to all mummies. Those waiting for delivery, enjoy the festive meals :) and meet up session with relatives.

Medory: Hope u are home by now with baby.

Moscato: I didnt know got such powder.. Scary huh. My gal sleep with my CL, but I asked her to feed bb with fm at night. I feel having enuf rest during the 1st 2 weeks after discharge are important for recovery.

Dekora: Hang in there. Talk to ur hubby or ask friends to drop by. sometimes after letting those worry, pain out, you will feel better. I just on day 8 after delivery and for sure, things get better compare to day 3-4. You get to understsnd the baby better and wound is slowly healing too. I always hope for a better tomorrow before I sleep.

Hkbaby: why cannot eat pineapple tarts ah?? i ate already during confinement.. Oopps.

Jkids: I took off my bindef 23 hrs later, but if u feel itchy like sensitive skin, then better take off within 6-8 hrs. Different people has different reaction.

Your CL is very active huh, even mop the floor. Mine mostly spend her time icooking, go market,, bath bb, burp bb, change bb attire when wet/soiled. For laundry, my hubby help. i dunno how when my hubby gg back to work next Wed. Sometimes she will ask me or hubby to make FM when she is tied up. She has no pantang one. Even if i want to shower, wash hair, or jalan2, she will be fine. It is me who pantang =p. I just told her I feel cold at night so I prefer not to wash hair first. I feel she start to be bored at home. Seems like she want to go out to Chinatown to see festive season here.but i dun wanna go out :-( specially bringing such a small baby.

I had my first bath today as tomorrow is CNY and weather has been super hot this week. It feels good!!

my massage lady asked me if it was itchy and i said no.. i wonder wonder wonder.. hahha..

mummies! we can do it!! yeay!
Hi Dekora,
So sori 2 hear abt how u feeling right now, though I had yet to deliver n experience enough 2 advise u, but least I know is not to bottom up ur emotions, so do let it out cry n talk to ur hubby, know tat it's totally alright 2 feel sad n confuse, so try 2 let out n let go as long as u don't dwell in it.
Focus on ur great job well done of bring ur beautiful precious bb into tis world, don't worry abt bf since fm is juz as good, don't over stress urself ya
Hi mummies. Juz wonder for those having emerg c n was being charged for both to arnd 10k, will e medisave deduction b more or still limit to arnd 3k c sec limit? Is there any other govt subsidies tat we can use to offset e 10k?
Hi Marie& wenle,
Sorry tO keep you all waiting, I delivered a
Baby girl on CNY eve. Bb weight at 3.2kg.
Thought I am able to deliver by natural as I was on epidural and it dilated till 5cm then no further improvement after ling hours in delivery ward. Contractions was painful despite having epidual . Eventually I request to c section since no improvement and the contraction pain was really unbearable.
