(2012/01) Jan 2012

Lush & jkids
I delivered my princess on 31.... Via Csect. Nw resting at home and gg thru the suffering of wound and nt showering. Wat happen to the wind n rain we had few weeks back?!?! Currently bed rest when I can, nt moving ard much hence seldom come in le. Hey let me know if u like to wassap to chat as easier for me to type on small phone rather than my heavy laptop

You have a habiit of putting your hand on your tummy to wait & feel baby move like me? Your hand will be bent at the wrist too. This causes the numbness to set in, similar to carrying baby for prolong period.

I realized I keep my hand on tummy while watching tv in the evening and the numbness starting to creep back slowly. Try to do some wrist rotation exercise, clutching & unclutching fingers etc. It help to reduce the numbness a bit for me. Else get a wrist guard. I find wearing one reminds me not to keep bending my wrist and aggravating the numbness.
jingles, congrats on yr 31 dec baby!!

vanessa, u can refer to this website for a sample of the maid schedule.. find the info on this website very useful -> http://singaporemaidinfo.blogspot.com/2007/09/daily-schedule-by-lani.html

catherine, my 1 wk old boy also takes abt 80ml every 3hrs.. don't have enough breastmilk so got to supplement with formula.. sad.. he also don't wanna latch liao after we used bottle to feed him formula & ebm.. lagi sad.. regret giving him the bottle so early.. but juz gonna stick to it la since he already used to it, dun give him he'll start wailing & screaming.. sigh..

for those mummies who had c-sect, when did u all start yr jamu sessions? safe to do tummy massage, binding, etc??
Hi snow white
Really?! Is this yr first? OP stands for occiput posterior... Meaning head down but baby facing e tummy instead of facing back. The ideal natural delivery way should b head down facing back.
My #1 was OP. Labour was long, difficult and she was delivered via forceps. Now, I'm doing exercises to prevent OP. Best is to go on hands and knees. Baby's spine is heavy, so this position will encourage baby's spine to be outside. Try to do everyday, a few times a day, few min each time. Avoid lying on your back, as that will encourage baby to face up too. You can check out this website for more info: http://spinningbabies.com/
Huh?Everytime i go n scan bb my bb also facing the scanner...not facing backwards leh...But gynae never say anything about c sect....
This is my third bb.First two was forcep out...hehehe...
Gynae oni ask me to go on diet as bb is big already and i am oni week 37 this week...
Mine was op position too... Which result in a big tear down under... My labour not that painful thanks to epi and I am lucky I manage to deliver naturally..

To keep the wound clean I wash with water n soap everyday at least 3 times and after big biz.. small biz I will use wet wipes...I don't dare to use toliet paper..Haa so far wound not painful liao so I think shd be healing well....
Jac: thanks for the link!

I just checked with my jamu massage lady and she said for csect can only start massage after 1 month..but we can ask them to come massage for us if we have blocked milk ducts....
Btw, was just briefly reading through.

Just to share some very good products I used during my own confinement (you can PM me on purchase details
- <font color="ff6000">Earth Mama Bottom Spray</font>: It's a mist spray to spray down there to relief the soreness from natural birth and also aid in wound healing (acts as antiseptic also). I loved it so much, I'm still using it cos it smells wonderful (keeps the privates smelling nice, esp with all the lochia).
- <font color="ff6000">Earth Mama Nipple Butter</font>: Helped to relief the soreness from breastfeeding/pumping! Saved me when I had cracked nipples from pumping too much.
- <font color="ff6000">Desert Essence Organic Apple/Ginger bodywash, shampoo and conditioner</font>: In order to bathe, my mum says I must use warm water and shampoo with GINGER inside. I bought those from SMH and they are either too spicy for my skin or I hate the smell. This is wonderful. Slight ginger (cooling), fragrant apple smell. I know my baby loved me more after I showered. hahaha. The shampoo &amp; conditioner also v good for my limp and ugly hair (cos can't colour, can't do anything). I'm still using them after confinement :D

I don't check this thread often. If you have any questions you want to ask me, feel free to email me.
[email protected]
jac: c sect, jamu massage can only start 1 mth later..for natural birth,can start after 1 or 2 weeks. I think i need to start feeding him formula liao. The most i can pump is 100ml every 2-3 hrs...but so far, i havent been eating any lactation receipe...cos my mother say scared i suffer from engorgement. refuse to cook papaya fish soup.
so i tink my supply cannot meet liao.
Thanks echo and Poseidon!!! I keep sleeping on my back. Ok, gonna do this exercise, hopefully is not too late.
I read some articles mentioning that the baby will turn its head backwards during the 1st stage of labour, did yours turn too? I am quite firm that I will go for natural bt scare em cz with two wounds... and a bomb on my bill...
Snow white you might wanna check with your gynae..
Catherine: 100ml every 2-3 hrs is reasonable i thought? How old is your bb? Im trying total breastfeeding now and its driving me crazy. Baby feeds abt every 1.5 hrs in the day, at night can vary. Just last night i suddenly had engorgement on my right breast. Felt chiils and body ache, i tried warm compress, expressing and had baby latch for a while.
I dunno how long i can tahan tbf cos baby feeds so frequent! My baby is in his 3rd week, day 25 now. Many a times, i feel very very dejected.
Congrats jingles!

Girltradester, my baby is 22 days today, TBF, usually 3 hourly feeds. But past 2 days become 2 hourly feed, even at night. I think it could be growth spurt? Is ur baby latching long enough? Cos if baby doesn't latch long, won't get the hind milk, so will get hungry more frequently. TBF is like that one, feed on demand mah. 加油!
Growth spurt at day 4, 2-3weeks, 6weeks, 3mnths and 6 mnths, according to a breastfeeding workshop i attended. Baby will need to feed very often, as much as one feed every hr. Will last for a number if days. Bring mothers, jia you.

And was reading online when i just delivered #1 that colic peaks ard 6 weeks. Baby may get fussier and crankier then, esp in the evening
congrats with envy, you have a dec bb! so quiet u...so could guess u wld have delivered, tsktsk. so yours is induced or? i dun have whatsapp, tsktsk.
if we oredi have piles and then natural delivery...doc wold ask us not to push too hard...wat is the aftermath? will pile go away or we need to apply lotion?
Hi I am fr mtb edd early aug 12 but most likely deliver mid to end July 2012 as my #1 was earlier at 37 weeks too. Any gd CL to recom and is available for my edd pls pm me. I don check this thread often. Please let me know you are a real mummy whom just give birth, I scare some CL posing as mummy. Congrats and Thanks so much.
oh pls recom me ML also. Thanks again.
Hi all, I just completed my 28 days confinement haha.. Now on my own to take care of Bb.. CL had left.. For water retention, I managed to lose abt 5kgs after 1st week of confinement.. I only drank red date tea, soup (every meal), milo (at night or afternoon). My mil also bought me soya bean milk in the morning to drink..
as for water.. I only take warm water if I need to take medication.. And only started drinking warm water after 28 days.. I'm continuing my confinement until 40 days.. Wish me luck..
Birdbrain-yes Bb will get very cranky if he has wind in his tummy.. Especially in the evening until night.. Mine always start to throw temper ard that timing.. Must put the luyi oil to get rid of the wind..
Yes..tbf can drives mummy crazy... I am playing catch up with my boy.demand... Now I pump out liao n bottle feed him coz I buay tahan he need crying for milk in less than 2 hrs when I latch him in the begining... And also he latch until I got sore nipple... Very scary... So I prefer to pump out....

I give up on tbf liao... Feed formula in the mid of the nite.. although I still wake up to pump at nite... This way I not soo stress cannot meet his demand....
Mommies who have given birth, can ask how early u get painless contractions before ur real labor? Im 37 weeks now, getting irregular contractions throughout the day, juz wondering how fast i will give birth. Anyway, gynae wants induce me next thurs at week 38. Wondering whether i can hold out til then.
Birdbrain, I m July mummy...yes bb hv colic very cranky n keep crying. Which u must b very patient with bb...I didn't do it well n I at times feel angry n scolded my bb and even snap his backside...after that feel so sorry n sad...
So u n ur hubby must carry ur bb comfort bb.
to prevent bb hacing colic, can add rip wind in the milk so that it wun happen. i had such a bad experience for no1 b4, bb cried for 3 days and i almoz went crazy, after that i learnt the lesson and put rid wind in the milk diliently for 2 mths for the no2...
Congrats, Jingles! Hope u r feeling better now.

RitzC - I have been having consistent menses like cramps since 5+am till 8+ today. It's the 2nd time I felt it 1st time was 31 Dec. This is not contractions n I have another 3+wks to EDD.

When I had #1, the contractions happened abt 10+pm. The feeling is menses cramp but just awhile n it went away. So it was bearable. By midnight, the cramps became more frequent n intensify so knew by then bb is coming. By the time admitted to hosp 2+am oredi 3cm dilate n can't stand straight when contractions happen.
Ya i have menses cramp too...but more on the tighs area.??gynae said i may be lacking of calcium...
But as long as i rest and lie down on the bed i am fine...and dont experience cramps leow...
Hkbaby, so u have contractions only when u r due right? Mine is not painful leh, so not real labor yet. Juz wondering whether anyone in same situ as me before... anyway, i have gestational diabetes and bb is 3.2 kg at 37 weeks so gyne wont let me go to full term anyway.
karen chng (jkbb2011) ,
You're july 09 mummy also? I was using another nick there. Cos miscarriage last dec, I didn't feel comfortable posting with my original nick till fetus was stable, in case other july mummies see. End up deciding too confusing if I switch back to my original nick now to switch back to, so just stick to using birdbrain in this thread
I've been having painless contractions since 4th month liao due to irritable uterus. Same situation for #1. But I delivered #1 through induced birth at 39weeks plus. SO painless contractions may not neccessary means baby popping soon. But best to confirm with gynae
RitzC - yup, contraction happened on due date night. It is a regular space out menses cramp feeling and it happens more n more often n more n more pain. So beginning is bearable cos got breaks in between until ur tolerance level is up! If urs goes away af 2hrs dun think it is..

I understand fr a friend who was induced on 31 Dec morning. She was told to admit 6hrs later abt 3+pm she only started to feel alittle cramp. As she opt for epidural, she felt manageable thru out the labour!
Hi birdbrain,
Nope I m July 2011 mummy...
Sorry to hear abt ur miscarriage.
So this is ur 2nd bb?
May Lord be with you and bless u n ur bb throughout the process
Birdbrain, mine will be induced at week 38 mainly coz of bb's weight.

Snow, i try substituting rice with beehoon, think it works coz bb not as heavy as i expected- thought he will be 3.5kg at week 37 coz he has been heaping on 300g every week.

Hkbaby, so ur fren is not warded right after induce? That's better, can cut cost.

Anyone gave birth at kkh or will be giving birth there? I'm wondering whether it is more economical to check in for inducr overnight or in the morning. If i check in e.g. on 11 jan midnight, by 12 jan 11.30am is it considered 1 day or 2 days?
RitzC.. I have been getting contractions (Braxton Hicks) since 1 or 2 mths ago already.. these few days more frequent.. the whole tummy will tighten like a balloon. I realise I get it more often when my bladder is full, I guess it's because it's irritating the uterus. I told my gynae about it, she also didnt say anything..

I will be 40 weeks this weekend!! I hope bb wont be too big, these few days I have been ignoring my diet... just feel very sien, so have been eating food as I feel like it (e.g. ice cream, chocolates, cakes..) Couldnt help it.. heeee...

Hey Jingles, wow, congrats!!
How did you deliver? Was it thru induction or you just felt the contractions? Have just sent you a msg if you wanna whatsapp...

I cant wait to see my little one! But am not looking forward to not showering in this weather! ;p

bb... why arent you out yet... zzz...
Lush, congrats, u make it to full full term
i dun think i can tahan til 40 weeks coz mine did be over 4kg if i delay to full term. Wow, u must be feeling really excited everyday
Hi Ritzc/Snowwhite,
How do you know whether your bb's engaged yet? Doc tells you during your checkup? My doc just said bb's head down, does that mean it's engaged already? I just did my waxing session, and the person said can roughly feel the bb's head there already, I was shocked!!
Congrats Jingles!! You got yr end baby. i was hoping for my baby to be born on Dec 31 or Jan 1 to join rabbit bAby in school. Hee but I guess she is still comfortable in my tummy.

Doc said most likely my baby will be delivered within next week. Her head is engaging about 60% already. Gynae told us during our visit yest. Bb weight is average 3kg and so far I've gained abt 12 kg. Quite excited and scared at the aame time. Now everyday is just waiting.. I didnt feel pain like contraction so far, so not really sure also of what to expect when nearer to actual day.

Any mummies with EDD next week ?
Btw, what is TBF??
Grace, i was warded recently when ctg detected contractions, am discharged already n my discharge summary states bb is engaged. For the past few weeks, gynae also said bb is head down already.

Thanks Ritz &amp; Snowwhite. Ritz, my EDD is 25 Jan,near yours, still working till end of next week. Doc is also away on holiday, so far haven't had any CTG scans done or dilation checks yet.
