(2011/08) Aug 2011

Jes: alamak ur MS comes back after wk10?? now u're scaring me i'd better stop saying anything until the spell 'activate' again.. gee

adv_sports: yeah its like miracle to me the whole of ytd n think i smile more too.. hopefully it carries on this way *pray pray* Btw according to my gynae if puking sour stuff rather than bitterness it means our body not enuf of food (just like me before) but i told my doc how can it be enuf of food when i puked more than i could eat.. sigh just hang in there ok!

Pauline: I'm scheduled to do down syndrome test too on 1 Feb thinking just to play safe since its our first.. doc says will do blood test wif some scanning i thot is easy - no idea how much exactly it is until u mention its expensive?? how costly exactly??

Pipi: Obimin aka multivitamin for pregnancy.. my gynae prescribed me after am ready to off duphaston n substitute wif this, im not even taking folic acid anymore as obimin contains certain amt of dosage of it already according to doc =)


Ballering> it stopped for a while, then came back again! I hate to be friend with the toilet bowl! Now I super pantang, ppl ask me how's my ms, I'll say still quite bad, no matter how it is!

Bunny mummy> wah heng I book earlier, I'll cry if my massage lady say she can't take me!

Patricia> for Oscar test, think they will do some blood test plus do a scan for u to tell u the percentage of possibility to hv a ds baby, but I heard they can also tell the gender of the baby during the scan, depending on the position, dunno how true! I'm gg for mine next week, anyone gg for the test this week?


I start the massage a week after delivery .. And Iam Caesarian.

It's better to start early unless you still in pain of the wound.

Drag too long it's no effect le....

hi ladies,

Do u all have problem brushing teeth? i wanna puke everytime i brush teeth, so uncomfortable.

i'm not booking any massage session after delivery, breastfeeding suppose to help reduce weight. i gained 20kg for 1st pregnancy, and lose them after 6mth naturally. i can't imagine if i were to lose all 20kg 1st mth after delivery, then what will happen to me after another 6mth? left with skin and bone?? hahaha.. i'm already very underweight to begin with, so dun mind putting on abit of weight after delivery.

As for CL, its good to book early, the good one are usually snap up very quickly. i had bad experience with my CL last time round, i din get to book the good one. this time, i was thinking of ordering confinement food, and get my maid to help out with my confinement.

Hi, any one started taking DHA fish oil already?

Heard that it is expensive to get it from gynae.

Is any one taking this brand 'NeuroGain PB"

from Germany ?

ballering> I think its about $200 plus.

Just called up my massage lady, she asked if i was the one who called her yesterday. I told her "No, i haven't called you in almost 5 years! " haha..

I am taking the Neurogain S (pink) too. Wats the diff between Neurogain S and PB? I am also taking Obimin plus that has DHA as well

Pauline > oic, i went to check out at Watson and Guidance. Both are selling @ $45. So, one capsule is $1.50 leh .. very expensive

When should we start taking it ? I am currently in my 10th week.

me and my big mouth.. morning was quite happy that the nausea feeing is gone.. now it comes back after lunch...

iziz: yes I have the same prob when brushing my teeth.. the feeling is.. errrr.. really uncomfortable... sometimes when I am bathing, also got that feeling...

any mummies here engaged CL from GPLS? there are so many choices of freelance CL and wondering I shld go thru agent or by recommendations..

huisi & iziz > i happen to read somewhere that if the toothpaste make u wanna puke, u might wanna try brushing teeth with kids toothpaste with some flavors... hope that helps [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

me too, hate brushing teeth. esp cleaning the tongue. and sometimes, the aftertaste in the mouth after drinking or eating something, really intolerable.. sigh =(

and this morning, i woke up feeling so good. then afternoon, vomited. zzzzzzz

for me its very wierd... i'm ok all day.. then when it comes to night time.. i eat anything will have the pukey feeling but won't puke. and mood will be very bad. hubby was very concerned but luckily Blades Of Glory last night was very funny and that cheered me up a bit.

wah... u ladies are very fast leh... bookling yr CLs n Massage now le....

Talk about hunger... i get hungry very fast too!! like in 3 hours after a meal....

Oh, I'm also started to take teh fish oil, etc... Hubby has been very anxious abt this pregnancy... reminding me on my supplements... He wasn't so concerned with no. 1....

May I check if you ladies are getting CL to stay in with you for the whole month? Or you getting those 9-6pm type? I think I will be calling GPLS tomr to sort of pre-booked first. *kiasu singaporean*

bellering - the down syndrome test is about 100-150 if you do in KKH. (mid range package). I am doing it tomr. Will update you ladies again.*pray everything will be ok w #1*

Hi cp240,

I'm exactly the same.. I can eat and feel normal during the day and in the evening is when the morning sickness sets in.. I will barely be able to take any dinner.. And before I go to bed, I would be feeling sick.. Will try to take some Meiji crackers and force myself to sleep away the nausea if I can't puke it away...

bellering, yah, how to eat enough for baby when no appetite and puking?!! hope today is good for u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

for my #1 i din put on weight for my 1st trimester -- no appetite and puking.. history is replaying again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i started putting on weight when my fren recommended me to munch on museli bar -- gosh, i gained 1kg per week till gynae asked me to watch my weight *haha*

val and cp240, good that u hv the day to function properly! mine is all day sickness... get worse after lunch... juz puke some of my lunch...

Pauline: thanks for the price info.. Btw i called the massage lady a moment ago too and she asked if am the one who sms her earlier (guess she's getting hot after exposing in this forum lol she even mentioned she did the massage for Jamie Yeoh.. wow)

Well i think is funny i even booked my massage lady before CL haha need help on CL contacts please!


depends on gynae, I get to know my #2 @ wk12 also, e didi, bright and clear, somemore the gynae printed out the scan of his didi for me to bring home

hi mummies, i finally managed to touch my lappy for the day.

My MS is like roller coaster up n down. and worse i m getting tired n my eyes cant take it esp. when i m driving.


Do take care and don't fall asleep behind the wheels. Try to take cab, at least you don't have to use too much "energy".


Have anyone gone for aqua lessons or swimming? When can we start to do such activities?

I slept almost 4 hr just now for my afternoon nap after taking the anti nausea pill.... I think MS very pantang. Last week I was telling my friends no vomiting just nausea heng. Then next day started to vomit till now. So now I will keep saying very bad ms... N keep mum abt it....

Pipi > I have been swimming all along and continues to swim even after i know i have pregnant. Doctor gave me the permission to do this activity, she said is good.

hihi Celia, Shane and Pauline...me 2 with Prof John Tee

Celia and Pauline: u gals still remember me???

Agreed Prof John is really chop chop type as Celia say if nothing wrong he won't talk much...haha so aft 3times visit..m use to his pattern liao

True KKH fee is not cheap...althou the sign near the door state the fee is $90+ for senior consultant...but alway i hv to pay abt $120

The breakdown of my fee

1st visit on week 5 = $180 (included consultation, scan,urine test and pill)

2nd visit at week 7 = $120 (included consultation, scan urine test)

3rd visit at week 10 = $320 (included consultation, scan, urine test, 50% payment for Oscar scan)

tmr gg for my oscar scan hv to pay the bal 50% =$160

hi mummies, just want to ask do u all still put sunblock or BB cream? i heard whitening stuff are not good for baby.

and anyone still put makeup when go out? any brands to avoid or recommend? thanks.

Hi Hwee fen

I believe it should still be safe s long as the products u are using do not contain retinol A which is harmful during pregnancy.

val: thx. but i'm worried cos some products dun really put all the ingredients inside one leh. but never will just use when needed.

btw i wanted to drink Horlicks this morning then i just flip to the back and realised it contains vitamin A wo. i heard vitamin A also not good for baby right? so still can drink? seems like the hot stuff i can drink nowadays is only horlick n milo. i do drink those powder milk for pregnancy also. but always drink the same dun like.. :p

hwee fen, I still apply sunblock and make up. I'm also worried like u, so stopped a lot of my normal skincare regime cause dunno what substance to avoid.

Think I must be looking very bad these days. A pupil walked to me today and asked why I did not put on make up (when I did in fact). So i just replied that I only wear a little(which is true). I actually have no mood to dress up these days. Not so vain anymore. A colleague also said i lose a lot of weight cause I really lose my appetite. I used to be a food lover but not keen about eating anymore, just eat for the sake of eating. Only feel like eating spicy and sourish food. Always feel like puking and it can come at anytime of the day, worst in the evenings, like now.

dandelion, thx. the only thing i need to conceal is my dark eyes circle lor. sad.. always look like not enough sleep.

me too. will feel hungry then eat already feel like vomiting. but we shall endure!! heehe

PiPi: I go swimming too.. but somehow I find that my nausea is worsened after that.. like the water get into my ears and block and painful..

previous pregnancy I went swimming very often esp towards my 2nd and 3rd tri, no problem at all.

sunshinebb> Of cos still remember you la ! *waves*

Lately i have been having Insomnia.. Always tossing and turning in bed. And when its time to wake up, i feel so tired and sleepy.

hwee fen > i stop putting on makeup le.. partly cos i think my work don't really require.. just look nicer only.. so for the sake for my baby.. i dun wanna risk anything... i only do my usual skincare.. and cos i use fancl, i suppose it should be pretty safe..

Patricia > i think we still need some amount of vit A but cannot have too much... so just make sure don't take too much of vit A will do. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

good morning all.. i still have my usual facial routine and makeup... cannot go out with dark circles.. so no choice...

cannot drink horlicks? I saw it contains folic acid, I tot shld be ok...

mummies, any confinement lady or agency to recommend? and is it a must for the CL to have a room?

good morning mummies and welcome new mtbs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bellering, oops, let's juz say our MS bad and hope it will get better!

re: baby movement

i think i must be dreaming -- coz i thot i could feel bb movement when i sleep on my back last nite... must be memories from my #1 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: maternity clothes

i need to get some real soon -- getting uncomfy with my current work clothes... esp the bottom... luckily my frens passing me back my maternity clothes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: swim

swimming is good for mummy and baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i swam weekly till week 33 -- had early contractions and doc ordered bed rest till i delivered at 37 weeks...

re: maternity yoga

i will resume maternity yoga when my 2nd tri starts... i used the deep breathing method to tahan the contraction pain for #1 and managed to deliver without epi... and the stretching exercises and poses help to calm down and I slept better...


adv sports > i'm also interested in maternity yoga... where do u attend lessons from? or do u simply learn from books?

