(2011/08) Aug 2011

Sigh. I guess everyone will always have their own share of domestic problems. If its not with the in-laws, its with your own parents.

Sometimes I find my MIL abit too helpful. She is very nice person but just that she doesn;t know when to stop helping. When we 1st got married, she used to come to my house uninvited and opened the door and that shocked me. (they have my hse keys in case of emergencies so boh pian)

I felt my privacy infringed but she soon got the message and stopped coming. I cannot imagine 2 mothers during my confinement. Stereo surround sound. Confirm go mad!


mine MIL fond of keeping things.. i m moving to a temp hse.. and each day i get more n more mad! full of things which she refused to throw!


My gynae didn't give me any vitamins also. Only topped up folic acid and duphaston. I think it will be later stage then vitamins will be dispensed cos from what I read, the baby will not absorb from you until 2nd trimester.

Plus, iron supplements cause nausea. I bought my own pre-natal vitamins too but because of the iron in it, I stopped taking when my MS became very bad.


My official on paper EDD is 10th August for each baby but because its twins now, doc says likely to be 3 weeks before that. hahaha.

soulvacation > did you test for iron deficiency? i did and scored so well that the nurse was laughing. heard that iron is vital to the formation of the bb. i was instructed by gynae to stop taking all vitamins except those prescribed by her. maybe my gynae more kiasu.

Many thanks Carole!

hmm.. do you gals feel tempted to tell ur close friends abt ur pregnancy?

I half-hearted whether to tell my close friends u noe.. cos of the pantang issue.

also not sure if to tell my mom abt it yet...

shd i?

i was also hesitating if should tell my parents about it. in the end i did becos we usually go back to my parents place for weekend dinner and they could avoid preparing food i couldn't eat.

as for friends, not many of them know yet. prefer to wait till end of first trimester.

hzloh> yes i am! I warned my parents, ILs and DH not to tell anyone... but ended up me telling close gfs one by one... it's really difficult esp u want them to be careful with u.. eg no tapping shoulders, no say the wrong things in front of me etc.

btw, I also tell my beautician and she was glad I tell her in advance as I was hesitating. She said from now one until 5 mths, cannot do all massage and no machine for my face. no whitening products too...

So I think it's essential to tell certain people?

Babysee> no facial ar? I so so so wanted to go do facial! I feel that I look so sloppy now! Whenever I see blooming preggies on the street, I wonder why I feel and look like a cow even though I'm only in my 7th week!

I oso so tempted to tell my friends and in laws. But I very hesitate, coz sure more pressure. So, I leave it for now till after 12 wks, which is mid Feb lo.

I told my friends abt it cos they already knew I went for IVF, so were more or less expecting some kind of result. My parents and in laws know and I believe they have since told some relatives out of excitement.

I don't want to think too much abt the pantang issue. Trying to keep it out of sight and out of mind. If there's anything to be angry or upset abt, my upstairs idiot neighbours are renovating and hacking floors ALL DAY LONG and driving me insane. They seem to have A LOT to renovate since moving in more than 1 year ago!!!


I don;t think I did the deficiency test. But my doc didn't give me any supplements so I suppose it's normal protocol? I'll wait till my next apmt in Jan to ask him.

I told 2 close friends, sister + parents about my pregnancy. I guess these are the people whom I would also confide with during my 'down' times.

Hi again, back after a few days & surprised by the many many posts! finally going to see Gynae tomorrow. when do we have to start rubbing anti-stretch mark creams & what brands are gd?

anyway, Carole, here are my details

) Nick: stormie

2) LMP (first day of last period): 3 nov

3) Gynae & Hosp: Mary Rauff, NUH

this is my #1!

Ermmm my gynae gave me Utrogestan & Dayalets ..actually what are they for? May I kw whether we should start to drk milk daily?

finally went for my scan today .. see and hear the baby heartbeat i realise that baby is onli 6 weeks as my ovaluation is 35 days... and turns out that my edd is 13th aug 2011 instead .baby is 7.1mm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but i am not comfortable with the vaginal scan though

I told my parents, in laws and close friends.. So tempted to tell my colleagues, but will try to endure for another 5 more weeks. Will be in my 2nd trimester during cny, so glad I'd be able to officially announce it!

May> oic, at first when i eat utrogestan i will feel giddy (but after 30min-1hrs will be ok), now maybe body use to it liao so better le...

Carole> Oh Dear... keep cool, ha ha ha but if i were u i think also the same ending! lolx

Question: ya lor when should we start rubbing anti-stretch mark creams?? and can we start drinking the MTB milk?

update for me: when to see my gynae just now & can see the sac lioa.. so happy! hope in 2 weeks time can see BB HB...

Really cant do facial?? My face starting to have blemishes le lor.. So sad...

Any idea other than facial what else can help??

hwee fen > maybe you can do your own simple facial at home? i used to go spa for my facials but not easy to arrange time in advance. furthermore, some places don't really offer quality products. after a while, i decided to buy my own products and do it DIY. products are definitely more expensive but worth it for the quality and offset by what i would have to spend at the spas. i still occassionally go to the spas when i want to indulge myself but more for massage. no more massage for me during the few months! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Carole, I'm also living with my in-law and my MIL always drives me crazy :p

BabyDreamy Queen> Yesterday i went for my first appointment also super fast lor. Scan only and say come back in 3 weeks time. Less than 5 mins "consultation" !

May> I tot my Dr i started on Obimin and he mentioned its still early for that. Tell me now Folic acid is good enough wor... But i kiasu la.. hehe.

Nellie> I did the virginal scan too. Dr say more accurate lor. Mine EDD is 10th Aug and baby is now 7.5mm

Consultation and the scan cost me approximately $140 yesterday liao.

hi all, went for a scan yesterday and only can see sac...

sigh ,....

i am about 5 weeks i guess.....

going to see him again ... 2 weeks later...

We can still do facial but must be careful of equipment salon used and certain products loh. But think it sounds not worth it to do it at this juncture hor? Too many "Nos.." I'm quite lucky to have this beautician who is well trained and know what are the No-No for me esp in 1st trimester..

thanks carole for your update ya.

babysee: 1st scan wasn't so clear. hope the 2nd scan can see clearer next round. Dr remind me to keep bladder full when go for scanning. is easier for scanning.

hweefen: i din know facial is not advisable. got to check with my beautician in the next 2 weeks. i m going facial early Jan 2011.

thanks for the reminder.

my doctor suggest me to look at the fetal abnormalities test broshures. this test is done on 11-13 weeks of pregnancy. any of u all going for this test?

hwee fen

can still do facial but no light/IPL kinda treatment, certain machine cannot use too.. I just did normal facial (cleanse, scrub, steam, extract, mask) during my 1st preg & it was fine..

My face got breakouts everywhere now! Haiz! For #1, it's satin smooth & glowing.. so sad now.. I dunno if it's the hormones or some new products that I've just changed in my daily regime.. Going facial tonite & will def tell my long-time beautician abt my preg! She's abt 4mth preg now too so it must be quite fun to reveal to her hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] & before I tested +ve, I still joke to her that I wonder why I nvr suffer MS in my previous pregnancy & I was curious how it feels.. so be careful of what u wished for!!! =S

Li Thim> alamak... my gynae like never mention anything to me leh... he's taking things very cool... or maybe he find it no point to upload me with too many information now... hmm.. seeing him next week and will ask more...

Linsu> can I ask if ur #1 is girl or boy? They say usually for baby girl, the mum would have more MS and pregnancy glow... whereas boy is the contrary... duno how true it is...

btw, My skin is gg more oily again and many pimples at my back.. argh... also having oily scalp.

Pauline > Hey, congrats!! i did the v scan too and with the consultation, it costs me $160+... which gynae are you seeing?

You said ur EDD is 10 aug and bb is 7.5mm...

my EDD is 15 aug (only 5 days later than u) but my bb is only 1mm. Why the so big difference huh?


my #1 is gal but no MS at all & glowing.. so i think diff ppl diff symptoms cos every pregnancy is diff. I heard fr my coll, her sis had totally diff 2 pregnancy symptoms but turned out both r boys hehehe... so leave it to God liao lar.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies in their 2nd pregnancies,

I feel very bad that I think for time being, I still love my #1 more.. I myself is a #2 in the family & treated like a 2nd class citizen by my mom! Maybe becos she has 2 gals.. Much as I hate this, I couldn't deny the feeling right now.. sad! Do u gals feel the same? It makes me want a boy to avoid favoritism eventhough me & hb thot another gal will be cute too when they grow up/play/share things together..

hzloh> I am absolutely cluess why so big difference, probably the feotus do grow faster when it gets bigger? Nonetheless, no worries if your Dr didn't find anything wrong. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Linsu> I'm also guilty of loving my #1 more, probably because he's my first born. I myself is first born too, but my mum always preferred my younger brother. So i know i have to strike a balance between the both.

Linsu, I think ur heart will naturally grow bigger when ur #2 is out... Just to share, one of my female cousin, who is also a #2, has an elder bro and younger sis... her parents simply focus on the #1 & #3... forgetting the #2

Now she has two kids both boy and gal, she say practices fairness, eg not letting #2 to use old TBs passed down by #1... something like that...

So when it's your turn, I guess u'll be fair given the experience u've been through. Ur #1 been with u so long and naturally u'll love her more now... after #2 is born, u'll give different type of attention to each child due to their needs, but that doesn't mean u love one lesser than the other yah?

hi all,

talking abt massage and facial, i just did my massage last mth! Maybe im ard 3 wks tat time... As for facial, for my #1, I did every month till almost birth leh... just dun use all machines should be fine...

Linsu, I do agree with you that now I love my #1 more.. maybe she is out.. for this #2 is like same usual process. normally as soon as I found out im preg, I will normally talk to bb, sing song this and that.. bt now, everynight, I jus wan to go to bed fast and early! ahahaha... especially she keeps on clinging to me....

Hi ladies, I'm new to this forum, just went to gynae this week and I'm pregnant for 6 weeks! Tested positive during honeymoon. So unexpected!


my last bill with Dr Thong is $231.85 (inclusive of GST, Consultatancy $110, Ultrasound $80, Med $22.20 (for folic and calcium tab), Practice Costs $10)

my package back in 09 was $2.2k, didn't get the final bill as all in paid by insurance, package is only available after 12weeks once u pass yr OSCAR test

today, first day back to work, on e way to work, while i was on e MRT platform, had a blackout, bum my head against e pillar, what a way to start.

bbPotato> omg... are u ok now dear? then gg forward u must be very careful coz some preg mums tend to have blackout...

Just to share my package... it's $680+GST. It will include all scanning and consultations but excludes certain vitamins like fish oil.. I was surprised when gynae offer me the package at week 6+ only coz I understand most gynae only offer new parents after 2nd trimester... Anyway after seeing the first bill already choked to $160+... and next appt is 2 wks later, hb and I decided to start on package early...


nw better liao, think mayb it's a blessing in disguise, luckily nvr drop all e way to e floor, i quickly stand next to a pillar to support myself, cos still very blur and breaking out in cold sweat.

ya lor, think could b due to low BP.

Thx everyone.. I very lazy to do at home one wo.. Think most when baby more stable then go do ba.. Now just endure...

thanks Carole for always updating the list. went to gynae today & my EDD is now same as Beowie, Pauline & Joyce on 10 Aug!

oh forgot to say, saw my bunny's heart beat & i cried... :p

by the way, what's MS that has been mentioned many times here?

Ok girls. I need help here. I'm beginning to wear flats (instead of heels before pregnancy) and I think my colleagues are beginning to notice. While I know it's something worth celebrating, I would prefer telling them only after my 1st trimester when the pregnancy is generally more stable. So what should I do if people ask me about it? It doesn't seem right lying about it when it is obviously a piece of good news. Any excuse I can give? *scratches head*

Fleur, i'm feeling exactly the same thing! but i happened to have a gd excuse to give - I was down with stomach flu lately & looking visibly ill & unstable...

may be can just say change in fashion sense? furthermore easier to walk in flats during wet weather.


Hi Mummies,

Sorry to intrude but Congrats & Welcome to the parenthood journey. I am an Oct 2010 mummy and have purchased some stuffs which I did not get to use it eventually. I would like to see if anyone of you are keen and willing to sell at an attractive price. All items are brand new.

1) Tollyjoy cotton wool

2) Guardian Underpads 10pcs Size : 17" x 24"

3) Anakku baby napkins 10pcs

4) Tollyjoy rubbermat

5) Pigeon disposable breastpad (60pcs + 12FREEpcs)

6) Medela PureLan 100 nipple cream

Self-collection at either Clementi or Queenstown.

Interested parties, kindly pm me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

