(2011/08) Aug 2011

BabyDreamy Queen> Cramps r normal, as e womb is expanding to make room for your bb. Dun stress yrself too much, e hormones pills is to help strengthen e fetus, dun thk it will affect e reading.


Soul, kk rooms are just renovated and it is very cosy. My sister just delivered her 2nd bb 3 weeks ago. Her 1st bb also born in kk. Actually the 2nd one she changed to Thomson but after the tour visit, she found that the rooms at tmc are small and old. The delivery suite also small n old so she went back to kk.

Somemore if u have twin better stay kk cos any big complications at other hospitals after birth also need to refer back to kk.

Thanks bbPotato and Carole. Hope the hormone pills work la... really keep fingers crossed! Keep you all posted again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Today is the DAY! the day which i long waited... wish me luck manz... gosh! cant believe it that i am so dread to go now.. worried this worried that.. ok. keep you mummies posted!

babydreamyqueen > the hormone pills should not affect the BT readings. i was prescribed Utrogestan during my 1st visit and was on it for two days before the 2nd BT.

carole > don't worry, you will be blessed with a healthy bb. do keep us updated.

Hello gals, hope i can join your!

I'm about 4 week+, gynae did a vscan but cannot find the sac so have to w8 for another week... now on MC 6 days & Utrogestan for 2 weeks...

ok mummies.. i will be gone for the whole morning and afternoon... any updates will be done by today and will post at 4am before i heads to airport for my BKK biz trip.

bbpotato: see ya at the Clinic


Carole, dun worry. wil definitely see e n hear e heartbeat...

Dunno Isit e fd I take Bb dun like... Yesterday tummy pain n I ls... Arrgh... Somemore slight spotting.. Think must be damn choosy in fd

Carole, u will hear bb heartbeat. Enjoy your trip in BKK.

Soul, we are the support group here. do think of positive side and look at more babies photos too.

Summer Peh> hello... met you in TTC 2001 mums.. hee.. nice to meet u here again...

oh my gynae didnt let me "hear" bb's heartbeat, only "see" wor... u all managed to hear?

Summer Peh (summerpeh): Welcome!

Carole Ng: My FMG is close to yours! So we are in the same stage! Btw, my MIL not only will nag if she knows my status and go overseas. She would insist a phone call everyday lor with the repeated reminders everyday...

Now: MIL has resorted cooking weird weird soups for me after getting advices from her friends. =( She is going to do it every alternate day... *Save me!*

Jiajuan: puzzled.. whats FMG? whahahaha... i lost with the terms :p Whats your LMP (First day of last period) so that i can key in the EDD.

you are lucky she cares for you.. mine?!?!.. whahahah i eat myself... i watch my own diet.

jiajuan> u are a lucky MTB! that day I came back from gynae so excited... wana tell my MIL story, she say wait until she finish watching her fav show 爱 loh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so far no one bother to brew any soup for me...

me too envy jiajuan for homecooked soup.. my MIL is good in everything except cooking haha!

safe trip carole! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

babysee> i guess is 2010... 2001 i still very young muhahhaa.. nice to meet u again...

haiz gals i'm so boring at hm... nothing to do...

Hey mummies,

im from dec 2010 thread.

im consolidating orders for raspberry leaves tea which aids in a smooth delivery and breastfeeding, also helps in digestion and water retention. esp good for pregnant women with big swollen feet. i drink it continuously for 5 days and my swollen feet really went down alot! its recommended that we take 2-3 cups each day. these raspberry leaves tea are organic and are selling at $9.50 outside. i can get it at $8.00 (60g) which can make bout 30 cups... if ure interested pls email me at [email protected]


Carole Ng (mayng): Oppss.. That is a huge typo error.What I mean is LMP. My LMP is 10 Nov. =)

babysee, bellering (mommytobe),

Nooooo... My MIL do not know that I am preggie yet so she cooked those weird weird soup in the hope of having one. and it is the same soup every alternate day... =( Just like what happened in the movies. I would rather she treat things normally and cook normally.

jiajuan: then i think u shd let her know as preggie like us cannot drink certain chinese herb soup or tonic.. better play safe!

Hi Carole

Thanks for adding me to the list..

Bur ,

i am visiting her at Gleneagles but thinking of giving birth at Mount Alvernia as it is nearer to my place [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies soup to keep out for nw till 1st trim

is over...

Watercress soup

winter melon soup

chinese cabbage...

Check food list, food w too much vit A try lesser

Jiajuan: you should let ur mil know. Like when I first knew Im preggy, I sms-ed my mum and mil. My mil immediately drove to the clinic and pick me up with my fil.

heavy things or even non-heavy things also nvr ask me carry. My mum and mil know what food I can eat, what I cannot eat.. at least I know what to avoid also.

I don't have any soup from mum and mil yet cuz still early to take in tonic I think? Prolly 4 months onwards then will start drinking tonic.

But everynight I'm having bird nest. Mil cooks that for me.

I really think is safe to let the mum(s) know first so you can know what to expect for first pregnancy.


u so lucky got mil cooks birdnest every night sia =) i wanna ask, can we take bird nest now? i thought during 1st tri it will not be effective.. though my hb bought some canned type they r quite nice but think cooked type better lor.. heehee

ya ya.. talking about tonics for now, my gynae & mum also mentioned try not to take any tonics during 1st Tri.

just to share... http://www.thechinesesouplady.com/pregnancy-soups/

Most impt is to have balanced diet providing u can eat well... coz I am not eating well lately. Lunch only had one large KFC whipped potatoe... feel so xin ku yet duno how to descrbe the feeling. The nausea is diff from my nausea before preg.

Some told me before bird nest can cause phelgm too baby if taken too many. Think for 1st Tri, baby derive nutrition from the cells they are still forming, so I guess no point taking yet? towards the later stage, can drink sugar came juice, coconut juice and bird's nest, then bb skin would be very nice...

Sus: its cooling.. food at 1st trim shant be too cooling... even fruits like watermelon is a best nono.

missyfang: soo nice! my FIL knew i was pregnant with #1 then, made me carry rice, oil and huge bundle of Joss! i was damn mad. At that time, i dont stay with them, and only there for visit. and i kena... and there his other DIL who was preggy dont even wash the toilets and i hv to wash them each time i m there.

Hi Ladies... i have been reading the thread for a few days... and i saw some MTB whose LMP was early Nov... May i know how long is ur cycle? and when u tested +, it was around CD what? my last LMP was 4 Nov... and till now no AF but cause my last cycle was rather haywire like came on CD53/CD54... so dun dare to test... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks for replying.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Babysee, saw ur posting on birdnest... hmm its not advisable to take birdnest in the first tri... best to take in the 3rd trimester when the bb has fully formed... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ARRR???? I just drank 2 bowls of watercress soup last nite. Alamak...

Papaya can eat or not? I have 1 big one lying on the table, still thinking can eat or cannot eat.

sus> winter melon too cooling

better to avoid cooling food during 1st tri.

babydreamy> watercress is quite cooling. do avoid during 1st tri. Papaya, not too much too.

do try to take all type of food moderately. last time when my aunt was preg, she took a lot of noodles and my cousin is born, was diagnose with serious jaundice.

Mama> thanks for confirming on the birdnest...my LMP was 26 Oct and menses also haywire leh. sometimes 3 mths sometimes 1.5mth. For your case, maybe dun test so early, coz won't be accurate too... but take note of any changes to ur body? eg. sore breast, slight cramps... u taking any BBT? it should give u better indication...

Babysee, hmm nt takin bbt though.. Changes ah.. Maybe is #2 so dun really feel any.. Sore boobs, I also dunno consider haf or nt.. Haha coz sometimes feel pain/sensitive..normally when i m in dpo, my boobs will sore thru 2ww.. Tis time round beri long on n off liao..Sometimes dun feel but just soft..so dunno.... One thing for sure, my tum is super bloated.. A few time farted till my hb n dd say 'it's so smelly'.. lolz... I also tot of testing at later date... Hehe

hi missyfang, I do not want my MIL and Mom to know yet because it is still very very early. Plus I have already planned for my trip at the end of this month. Would not want them to nag or too overly anxious. Intend to update her and the rest of the family members when I come back after seeing the Gynae again.

Carole Ng, BabyDreamy Queen, Candy Floss: I have been eating almost everything except what the doctor told me to avoid specifically, like Pineapple, coffee and Tea. Should be ok ba...since different food has different nutrients.

To all: I hate to think about this but I do find my body getting fatter! Especially my tummy and tights. Do you experience this too at such an early stage?

jiajuan, no ler, not yet feel the pants got tighter, but boobs got bigger, like water retention. I am eating well now, no morning sickness yet too... touch wood, but easily hungry, not sure if just want to munch or really hungry. So, now zero coffee and tea (which are my must have everyday), i subsitute with milo / milo with annum milk power, not sure body will get too heaty or not. In terms of housework, still need to do, coz my hubby is bo chap type, but cut down on frequency and standard la. Hope really goes well la... dare not tell in laws yet, scare they will be over-anticipating. Will only tell them after 3 months.

hihi. anyone experiencing pain like abdominal pain or?? i get a few pains like gastric pain. is it i not eating enough or?? thx

Fen, I also have abdominal pain. If it's lower abdomen, it's the uterus expanding, according to my gynae. He said as long as no bleeding or spotting, the pain or discomfort is normal, shld be bearable.

If it's near the heart or stomach, it could be heart burnt (not sure if this term is correct) or a little hungry?

If I have the discomfort feel at stomach, I will make myself a cup of milo + annum milk powder / similac mum milk. Then I will feel better. You try see if it helps?


thanks for the list! i'll PM u my gynae & LMP [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hwee fen

yes, i have the gastric pain especially in the morning.. and normally will make me feel nauseous.. Will feel better after food.. I think it's hunger bah..

Thanks .. I shall monitor n see how prob really hunger ba. Next appointment only Jan 18th.

Carole: thx for updating the list didn't even realize u put my name in already heehee


If you are using contact lens of -7.50 degree, and interested in daily disposable contact lens, pls contact me at [email protected]

I have two boxes of Acuvue for sale and price is negotiable.

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Thank you!

Hi Ladies,

advice from my friend that should apply stretch mark cream early to avoid stretch mark she applies the cream when she was 4 weeks and she hardly has any stretch marks after giving birth. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello mummies,

I went for my heartbeat scan yesterday and saw my babies. I have twins. =) Didn't get to hear the heartbeats, I dunno why. But I saw the tiny blinking.

I was hoping for twins and now that I have, I'm apprehensive. It's going to be so expensive - double of everything at the same time. But that said, Dr Loh did tell me to take extra care cos multiples are always high risk and I can expect lots of MCs next year. hahaha...

I think I need the MCs now. My nausea is ruining my days and I can't function. I dunno how you ladies do it! You wake up and go to work as usual with all these symptoms! Hats off! Whereas for me, I am eating, sleeping, giddy, nauseous, puking and lying in bed.

Dr says to avoid Palmer's Cocoa butter cos many pple develop allergies and itching from it. He also advised me to start using creams now and recommended Clarins (yellow colour one). I dunno which, but I will check when I am feeling better.


soulvacation: congrats!!! looks like u re only mummy with twins here for now! so happy for u!!

nellie: I wish u luck too!! =)

Ladies: I have one bad news and one good news today...

Bad news first: I woke up with slight cramps this morning n nauseas (as usual -.-) and some brown spotting this afternoon! I got so shock and told my DH.. to ease our worries we decided to visit doc @ SGH too bad my gynae off as today's saturday.. sulk! so we registered at A&E instead and wait for any gynae whom on duty to do the check. Panicky scare!

Good news: Finally my turn to see the one n only gynae on duty today after long wait for 3+hrs.. with all the uncertainties and nauseas in hospital queue i was complaining to nurse thereafter they arranged for me to for u/s scan.. thank god nth big happened according to the lady gynae except some harmless brownish discharge. Best part is I did my scan few days earlier instead of nx Tue! and I finally get to see BB's hb!! doc points it to me and explaining my lil sac's only 0.35cm big as of 5+wks now.. and i saw the hb fickling, it's confirmed only one hb instead of my expectation of two however i luv the feeling and hoping he/she will get stronger each day inside my tum.. the feeling's so great! :D

