good morning mtbs [IMG=]
congrads to all who know the gender of bb -- princes and princesses!
carole, pls update mine -- expecting a prince [IMG=] yeah, can close factory as my #1 is a girl! can start shopping now as my #1 wardrobe is all pink
went for detailed scan on fri -- took 1.5 hr as baby refused to turn and sonographer had a hard time taking his heart measurement! walked in and out of the room so many times -- even attempted some yoga poses *wacko*
joyjoy and soul, dr loh also advised me to rest more as my history of early contraction at 33 weeks put me at risk... he said this time, the anti-contraction pills will not work as my cervix was opened before... yoga is ok but not other strenuous activities... he also advised me to stop carrying my #1 as my placenta is low lying [IMG=]
let's juz rest well and wait for baby's arrival!
oh, despite my MS, he complimented on my good weight gain *haha* gosh, bb is above average in size -- i gotta control my diet so that he dun grow too big!