(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

MVH, yalo. he was ok when our trial class de..

still as active but when he reach my MIL home, he was warmer liaoz. i suspect, then tested him was abt 38.1 degree and keep going up.. must be the weather and we went out whole day yesterday.. in out of the air. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jascmy, thks. heng he still as active but milk intake very little.. still on porridge though.

Jasmine lee, u going PS! which one? hee..

I bot many sets lei.. like 10+ set! haa.. in the end, the photographer only choose 6.

Gosh. many commented my boy look so girly in his angel wing! haa.. to be happy or sad? lol..

Interested in Learn & Play class (6-10mths):

1) Jasmine Goh

2) Rachel

3) eeyore

4) winnie

5) cheese

6) glamgem

7) sheric

8) Joyce ng

9) Snowy55

Learn & play class 2 (org yourself)


Interested in Music class:

1) Jasmine Goh

2) Rachel

3) Fumiko

4) Bakaholic

5) Susan aka pd0513

6) eeyore

7) winnie

8) cheese

9) glamgem

10) sheric

--- Full ---

Music lesson 2 (org yourself)



I gave once or twice a week.. Sometime one week gave twice, one week don't give. I ever give one full week, my mum commented my boy turns yellowish, so I changed.


Ya, my hb was asking how come the wings look girly on him

aiya, i close one eye lah, the organic mee sua ok leh, i cook last weeek n i taste it ok..

is my sil rec me the mee sua de, if it salty i tink she wont give her children ask she is very careful of wat they eat.. all food her children eat must be organic.

i love bellamy cereal, star pasta..

we bot the pasta sause for BB J & G.. hahaha..am gg to try out cooking pasta with pasta sause..

back to work after 1 week leave, so sian.

mee sua:

i am thinking of giving my girl mee sua. my mum said got 2 types: salty and non-salty. i think should be ok to give.


orangey food: try to give minimal. my mum always make 2 times a week. too much of it will make their feet orange.


i love your boy. so angelic in the photos. my husband thought it's a girl. haha! he is really expressive. make me tempted to sign up with SL instead. by the way, hope your baby J is well by now.


haha, you still can bribe gen. mine?! aiya, no use. she is nto easily tricked. dun want mean dun want. too demanding. even the nurse at polyclinic also say that.. haha!

Cheese, my co got give sick ccl.. But must provide baby mc la.. Think up to 5 days.. U should check wif yr hr...

Sunflower, if I give my gal fruit puree she zip her mouth after 2 spoonfuls. If she sees us eat, she wanna eat n will bite abt 5-10 small mouths.. Not much also.. Hence I try to give one fruit in e morning n one in e afternoon.. Still constipated

Jasmine, I give my gal probiotics this afternoon ard 130pm.. Still no signs of poo poo yet..

I m ok if she poo with ease.. But e problem is it is affecting her nite sleep.. After 2 days without poo, she will keep waking up at nite n wanna poo face then when the poo feeling gone or sleepy, she wanna sleep.. Keep waking up every 1-2hrs..

Just came back from clinic. PD says food allergy rashes shd be whole body not localize on stomach area. So hv to monitor further. He gave the cream, Elomet. At the same time, ask pd to do dev assessment. Pd commented he is quite a fat reflux baby haha. Fat thighs. His height is on 75th percentile and weight is betw 50th n 75th percentile. So can reduce his losec intake and slowly take him off from medicine. Yay! Overall, his development is very good. I'm happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].


Give probiotics in the morning better. My boy just finished all his yogurt. I'm going to try the new probiotics in 3 days time after his rashes are gone. Will update if vsl probiotics is as gd as my fren claims.

cheekrene: Gen depend on her mood de..sometiems can bribe her on food.. sometimes cannot work..

but the PS is tring leh, i tink she scare of stranger lah.. she simply can't leave me n hubby lol.. throughout the ps she is cranky.. well hope the picture turn out nice..

she is so angry when we put her on the tub n pot.. she dun wan to take pic with big bear.

Jasmine: i bring bout 10 sets + i neber count, i juz take i feel nice de..

but overall the PS mostly is naked de.. so only wear like 4 sets nia? cuz i bring to much pinky clothes the photographer say i bring too pinky clothing liao.. wahahaha

cheekrene, thanks! My friend called, MSNed me and say she couldnt believe that that's my boy! LOL.

Haa.. U noe last time there were few brides emailed me and discussed about my PS especially mine taken in Taiwan, in the end, they signed up cos they see my photos! It's the photographer li hai!

**Sign up sign up..**

keke.. if you think it's worth, go for it. I love photos especially for memorance. You wont get back the same smile in every picture!

He is now sleeping.. no more fever.. but seems sleepy.. been sleeping since 1pm.. normally at this hour he sleep an hour only.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jasmine-Lee, the PS lasted 2hours!

Its quite tedious and my family photo turn out not as nice because he really cranky liao.. too long hours for him.. but still, I manage to have some satisfied shoots [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope 2molo weather is good for your handsome boy to take his PS! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Angel, mmm... Does yr bb got ulcers? Fever might get rashes but seldom on palms n soles..

Snowy55, regarding orange/red food, I give one portion a day leh.. Consider alot?


i think our girls can "jie pai". my girl also scare strangers but she choose one. if she like you, stare at you. if she dun like you, she will scold you and cry.. haha... you brought so many sets. i thought 3-4 pieces will do. you so kiasu. hope the photos turn out well.


normally i see PG too. if all photos are well-taken, of course i will buy all. imagine i bought all my wedding photos. haha@

Too busy to come into the forum.

Interested in Learn & Play class (6-10mths):

1) Jasmine Goh

2) Rachel

3) eeyore

4) winnie

5) cheese

6) glamgem

7) sheric

8) Joyce ng

9) Snowy55

10) Xuan

Learn & play class 2 (org yourself)


Interested in Music class:

1) Jasmine Goh

2) Rachel

3) Fumiko

4) Bakaholic

5) Susan aka pd0513

6) eeyore

7) winnie

8) cheese

9) glamgem

10) sheric

--- Full ---

Can I be on waiting list?

1) Xuan

Music lesson 2 (org yourself)


Sunflower, I force her eat more, she will zip up her mouth n turn away then cry.. :x

Rachel, good to hear that bb B is doing well! Thumbs up! :D


i especially like the angel pic of ur boy leh! haha.. gg to sign up on their expo offer.. still waiting... i tink the BP bo hua cos no enough pax to get offer.

Cheekrene, u bot all yr wedding pix?? Wow!! I bot 120pcs already broke.. Can't imagine all..

Cheese, i agree that yr boy in angel wings looks like girl ... Oops.. But mean he is pretty n handsome at the same time leh!! Keke..


ya, i bought all in a package... broke lor. my husband ask me pay if i want all. so die die i pay for it.. haha.. if i take for my girl, i sure go broke again. i am going to expo fair as husband and i intend to see SL package.

Gosh MVH, 120photos?mine 105photos and my whole wedding package is near 10K, if I buy somemore.. i really eat grass!

I dun think got ppl bot all for mine, cos ours is in negative films and the photographer took 500+ pictures, till date no one buy all yet. LOL

aww... Thinking back my wedding preparation etc... sweet memories!

My boy wake up liao!!! hee.. he seems to have a bed skin day.. look tanned today and skin not nice..

mvh, my girl dun have ulcer now..

hopefully, she's just having fever and rashes at the same time..

1st time i see my dad look so 'heart pain'..

wow.. u gals bought so many photos..

haha.. i think i bought 30pages only..

already top up 1K for that..

end up all stay in the storeroom..

only bring out to show my guests twice..

super waste of $$


u meant u developed 120 Photos into albums ? or u bought the softcopy?

i think in the end they all ended up in the cupboard..think most of us haven seen them for years..maybe once a while will take out..

but i think i haven take out for 5 yrs!


Thanks! Tml PS will be 2hrs too. Hopefully he won't be cranky under the hot sun.

Now my boy so sticky to me. Normally at home if my mil/hb carry him to sleep, he will. Now he will keep crying & shouting. He needs me to manduca carry him then he will fall asleep.

Cheekrene: I agree.. They can be jie meis.. Wahaha. Gen quite like the photographer but she simply can't sit there by herself taking pics.. haiz.. I also hope the picture turn out well. The warm pic shld be nice! But aft tat 我没眼看。

I kiasu bring so many sets of clothing..

I bot all my wedding picture too.. I spend ard 8k total.. I gt 2 big albums..tink Jonas never see before also. Now inside my storeroom sleeping.. Hehe..

Jasmine: hope the weather is gd! Let handsome boi take more handsome pic.

Think my son also sick of the porridge. Very difficult to feed him. Play and feed also can't finish one bowl. Lucky he still drinks milk one hour after his porridge.

Saw Heinz and Bellamy pasta, both claim no added salt so can give?

Jasmine, ur boy also sticky to you.

MIne will always look for me when she can't see me.

Then she cried out loud.

Recently, she had been drooling a lots till her shirt is wet. & she dun like to wear bibs; she will tried to pull it off. She also wants to bite peoples' shoulder, hands. Last Sat, I was so angry that i bit her back.

my mum keep telling me might be her molar teeth coming out. Hopefully not, I dun wan to see her suffer at this age [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Cheese, mine cost ard $10k too n mine all taken local lor.. U still go Taiwan issit? So envy.. The scenery sure very nice..

Cheekrene, alamak yr hubby very bad to ask u pay for all the pix.. Ask him to pay for yr gal now...

Alibaba, I think e fair starts fr 2-5 June?


your boy looked so 'sweet' in the PS. I love it.

My hubby finds it too exp; $500++... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sunflower, I buy back 120 pix.. I think it is negative leh, cheese..

True that it is a but waste of money.. N mine is in my closet for 4yrs or more.. Lol..

Sheric, apply dentinox.. I think it is her teeth..


my husband clever lor.. haha.. now he is paying everything except my girl's clothings and toys... so i dun have much worries.


my girl also start to bite me or any stuff she see. it only happen when she is pissed. last sunday she was so cranky till i applied the dentinox gel, then she kept quiet.. think her upper teeth are coming out soon.

wedding pic:

luckily mine is not expensive.. 5k only including bridal package... haha...

if to take photo of my girl, i must make sure i must be fair to my 2nd one. just like what alibaba say... hehe!


I will try to apply dentinox & see how it goes.

wedding pix,

i spent around 5K for 2 big albums & 2 small one.

baby PS,

wat if I missed the 1st one & decided to take for 2nd one. I will be unfair; hope that I can psycho hubby to take else got to fork out my $$.


Ya headache. Very hard to find time for myself. My boy also drools a lot. Now he also doesn't like bib, keep pulling it off. Those velcro type he can easily pull off so I buy more snap button type.

Hi Mummies, sorry to disturb your thread.

I have 25 packs of EBM to give away (dated from Early April 2011). Reason for so is I am expressing my milk daily and now, my freezer is full- gotten clear space for newer ebm.

Just some additional information:

- I am a chinese mummy who delivered my daughter on 18 Jan 2011

- Since birth, my daughter is on total breast milk. Cos of that reason, after latching my daughter, I pump out the balance milk (to store for rainy days esp when I go back to sch)

- FYI: I am a non smoker. Besides that, I am strict on my diet: no coffee, no tea and no spicy food and I take fruits daily

- The breastpump that I use is Avent and I sterilize it using Avent sterilizer before pumping. And after pumping, I use Kodomo Cleanser for Baby Bottles and Accessories to wash the breastpump

- As for the breastmilk, it is stored in Boots milkbag

- On average, 1 milkbag contains 9oz of breast milk.

Self collect at my house- Bt Panjang (Fajar).

PS: Pls bring along your own cooler bag and ice pack.

If you are interested, pls contact me directly at 8421 5286.


my boy has been biting us since he is toothless, maybe around 4mo? Now with 4 teeth, he is still biting... can find his teeth marks on my arms.. sometimes even blue black leh. I think his gums very itchy, dentinox also no use for him.

Now, everytime he wanna bite me, i will tell him, "don't bite mummy, kiss kiss pls", then he sort of understand and wont bite. He will rub his lips or teeth on my shoulder/arm instead. He still bit his daddy though.


Wow, talking about wedding album... I top-up to abt 80 photos then they return me all softcopy which is abt 200 over photos, after that I scan and made into slideshow during the dinner night... till now I brought out few time to show my girl...

