(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


Yah, we always go back to her cos her treatment works for my boy. We been to 1 outside before and it sucks loh..

so polyclinic is free? Need to make appt or just walk in?

For fish,

I bought red snapper fillet and divide into 4-5 portions and store in freezer. I only give 2 servings per wk and rotate with pork. My boy takes cereal/millet with fruit/veg for lunch and porridge with meat w veg for dinner.

If put pork loin into porridge and cook in slow cooker (~3hrs), the porridge is very tasty. No need seasoning. Add a veg and it's so tasty that i feel like eating it myself.



sound like gen's character is same as mine. She can be fussy if we dun allow her to do this and that!


must make appt.


Ya usually I cook my own porridge, put lots Of ingredient, very tasty already. Polyclinic need to Pre book appt. The 9mth assessment also do hearing and eye sight tests.


Jus saw the photos, nice. Javion is really in gd mood, gave Alot nice expressions . The Jap outfit is urs ? I Also have 2 jap sets, think will look gd on photo.


I try out the happy baby puff and it does't really melt in the mouth until some time later. My boy tried to swallow it and had almost got choked.

Good morning ladies...

Yest been to KKH cos JL down with fever. suddenly shoot up to 39.1degree...

sob,then reach KKH already down to 38.3

Waited for 3hours before everything over.. walao eh.. panda eye..

Till he see doc, his fever subside again!

Then today morning Up again! Just now measure, down again! walao eh.. up down up down... heng he still give me his cheeky smile and playing his toys... please recover soon my boy..

as usual..im on CCL.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Heng is not UTI though is not common for boys but still do happen..

MVH, fumiko, jasmine lee and sunflower, thks!

but it not as costly as wedding photos!

I also buy a lot for my wedding photos.LOL.

and strictly they sell by per photo one.. no way that I can buy all..

I dun mind to pay for the photographer service if its nice.

JL is not co-operatative at all! he really crawl out of the backdrop a lot of times till I really paiseh cos we spend time to catch him back...

that shows why SL is so popular and good? Im really satisfied.

cheekrene: ya i tink lil devil n gen bot the same pattern leh.. haiz...

dun wan sit on tub, wear beanie.. argh buay tahan.. got to use biscuit to bribe her leh.. haiz...

yesterday the family doc at TMC can't confirm whether my girl has HFMD...

just tell me to isolate her from other kids..

den when i brought her to my mum's place after that, she refused to take nap..

so she nv sleep from 2pm to 10pm..

everytime we try to carry her, she will cry..

also refuse to drink milk..

normally her tummy a bit round round but yesterday her whole tummy flat by the end of the day..

so sad..

but she still quite happy if we leave her alone to play..

feel like taking leave to go back and look at her..

angel, i bought the Pasta Stars (Organic),200g, Bellamy's Organic..

first i cook the ABC soup (cabbage, onion, carrots) and then cook the macaroni in the soup..

then after tat i add in fish..

and i add those vege fr the abc soup to mix with the macaroni and feed my bb..

bellamy got another pasta (short cylinder size) but my bb no teeth so a bit hard for her to chew..

the pasta star is v thin so after cooked, is easily mashed..

ah bee > my PD said a bit of vegemite to porridge is okie ah..cos that time my gal not receptive to porridge so she said can try adding some....so i tink u don worry...

as for soya sauce, my mil also every time will comment say ok to add some to porridge for taste...but i ignore her lor...then my gal is a small eater, will pass comments lor said eat so little...not we don want to feed ma..she is just a small eater...wat to do right?

Fumiko: i shld learn from u cook the soup tis way so tat bb J & G mee sua will be tasty.. gg to do markerting this weekend.

u slice the onion n put it inside the soup?

fumiko, thanks for the info..

will go n look for the pasta and cook for her once she recovers..

hehe.. it's really boring to feed her porridge and puree everytime..

no wonder she so excited when we feed her a bit of la mien from crystal jade..

keep beating the table when we are too slow..

winnie, oh ya hor...can try mee sua for my bb too..lolz

yes i slice the onion..

anyway thoes cabbage, carrots & onions after cook for long..they are v easily mashed together wit my pasta stars for my bb

aiyo i m v boring mummy..

only cook abc soup..or cabbage soup..

mummies, mayb can share your creative cooking receipe?? keke

when i cook pork loin for my bb porridge...she tend to eat and wan to vomit..i tink she cant swallow the meat..

mayb i will not minced them..jus cook and make the porridge have flavour..

but my vege..is quite long..now i nv cut shorter for my bb liao..she can swallow the vege ..sigh dunon y she cant swallow the minced meat..

i rem some1 do avocado puree for baby right?

how to prepare that?

my girl dun really like that..

but i think its very good for her so wanna try to make more for her to try again..

I only put in pork loin in the porridge for taste. Will take out once porridge is ready. My veg are steamed and pureed and store in freezer till needed.

Avocado, just get ripe ones and mash with fork to feed. I weill freeze the mashed ones cos my boy can't eat the whole fruit.

Angel: i buy the organic mee sua.. anyway IFC already feef them with mee sua before. so i assume ok lah..

fumiko: i wrose, i cook mee sua with fish n pumpkin only.. tink they are sick of this liao.. wanna try out new thing..tis weekend i shall try to cook abc soup.. hehehe..

puffs dun melt very fast..

but my girl dun swallow immediately.. she will pretend to bite a while..

sometimes she will take it out from the mouth and play with it in her hands..

bakaholic, hehe.. i wanna ask a dumb question..

how to determine whether the avocado is ripe or not? i seldom dun so dunno how to tell..


the question is not dumb lah.. i had bought a few unripe ones so i learnt from mistakes.

Ripen ones are those that when you press, can feel it soft. Dun get those that super soft.. mostly over ripe and can be rotten inside.

I usually buy unripe ones and leave it in brown paper bags over few days in room temp to ripen.

bakaholic, thanks for the info..

that time i buy from ntuc, seems like they already chill the avocado..

its cold when i pick it up..

so i just assume its ripe already..

Cheese, what happen to Bb J? Yesterday he is active during the lesson leh.. Hope he gets well soon.. Btw u getting sick CCL instead of CCL orh?

Angel, u staying at home n looking care of yr gal? Hope she is ok n not HFMD.. Take care! Ripe avocado is black in color as compared to green unripe one.. Avocado got lotsa fat, good for brain I suppose..

Think other staple food like mee sua, macaroni have a bit of salt inside when it is processed and made into products.. Wanna intro to my gal but thought maybe wait for a few more months till 1yr old..

Recently my gal doesn't poo often leh.. 2-3days then poo.. N her stools r hard n she got a hard time.. I already tried giving plum, pear, papaya a bit each day, drink 150ml of water one day, veg in porridge le, still the same output leh.. Dunno what to do next.. Maybe give prune juice.. But she doesn't like sour stuff.. She rejects yogurt, kiwi fruit, plum (sour type) etc... Hard to please gal..


last time i gave puff to my boy, i half it , then he can eat.. now i give whole piece, he munch and munch till melt and squashed then swallow..although he got no teeth, but he has his ways..funny..

my hb ever give him tiny piece of fish ball, i almost fainted..but my boy is funny also, munch and munch for at least 5mins still doesnt swallow..i open his mouth and still found the fish ball inside..after the fish ball smashed , he swallow.. so give ur boy some time , practice make perfect.


the pasta star need to 'bite' leh, i find them hard for 9-10mths old with no teeth leh..i wanted to give my boy but when i tried it, i think need to have teeth to eat this..even they can swallow, i think its not good for their digestive to break down easily..later constipate leh.. so i will wait till he got teeth then give.

Mee sua,

i think its a good meal, will try this out..

Probiotic is supposed to regulate the pooping frequencies.


Do you still give probiotics if you feed yougurt to your boy?

cheese, hope Javion is ok now.

I totally reject mee sua. Cos there is salt in it. Like what someone say (can't remembered who after http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/cgi-bin/forumboard/board-profile.cgi?action=editpost&postid=14085248&page=2495852/3277123reading thru all post), salt not good for Bb's kidney.

Will try macaroni when my boy is 9mths old in a few days time.

mvh, thanks for the concern..

i am working today, but keep thinking abt baby at work..

called my mum every 1 hr and she says baby is playing.. so i nv take half day to go over..

she says there's no blister.. so now i also dunno if its HFMD.. there's small red dots on her palms, soles and buttocks..

a few on her torso and thighs..

can allergy to food cos rashes and fever at the same time?

sunflower, u cook not long enough?

i cook until nua nua and can mash it easily..

the star is super flat..so i dun tink is hard le..

mvh, can go buy the gerber prune..no need juice ..can use gerber prune oso..not v sour..or else u mixed wit cereal..i do tat for my ger..


oh probiotic can help pooing..

i nv buy probiotic le..

suika, oh wat kind of pancake u use ah?? those ready made and jus add egg and water one??

btw..the happy bellies cereal got probiotic..is it the same as wat you mummie are buyin the probiotic pills?


yup! i juz buy those...juz add egg, water n butter


u can try those ABC macaronis...i use those (wash away the flour first then cook)

ohh..ic..i tink then i will give when she is 1 yr old..since got egg..now i only give egg yolk..

organic macaroni oso got alot of salt? oh i nv noe..keke..but give liao..and oso finish 1 packet liao..hahaha...


u meant the brand ABC? where can i find them? will go check out.. i also give pancake on sunday morning.. similar to Mac pancake.. got egg but so far still ok


The probiotic we got from pd is oil based live cultures. Need to store in fridge.


You baby can chew? Mine tend to swallow only.


sort of chewing...can see her mouth doing the chewing action but i cook till v soft that use tongue can mash it...it's v small oni so even if swallow dwn oso no nid worry of choking


i will feed my boy yogurt every other day. while probiotics will be everyday. but he just finished the probiotics. i haven't have the chance to go PD there and buy but he still poo everyday.

tomorrow if weather is good, gonna bring my 2 Js to their first outdoor photo shot. so many things to bring!! gosh haven't pack finish. winnie & cheese, how many sets of clothing you all brought along?


any mummy thinking of or got an insurance (education,protection or health / hospitalisation) plan for their baby? Care to share,am thinking of getting ins for my gal.

