(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

Nestle cerelac infant cereal brown rice stage 1 (6 mths+)

Price: $9 for 2 tins

Exp date: 22/08/2011

Nestle cerelac infant ceral rice & mixed fruits stage 2 (6 mths+)

Price: $4 for 1 box

Exp date: 22/08/2011

Nestle cerelac infant cereal rice & mixed vegetables stage 2 (6 mths+)

Price: $8 for 2 boxes

Exp date: 21/05/2011

Nestle cerelac infant cereal multigrain & mixed fruits stage 4 (12 mths+)

Price $4.50

Exp date: 23/01/2011

Nestle Nan pro stage 2 (400g)

Price $10

Exp date: 31/12/2011

Interested, pls pm me.


Hi mummies!

I am here again!

Went for detailed scan yesterday. Baby no 2 is a girl too! Now my gal has a sister whom she can share clothes,toys and hopefully secrets with next time. =)

Yew Yew :

Congrats !!!!! Another princess on the way !!! And yes... it will be double to fun to dress both princess up too.. And save $$ since 妹妹 can take over 姐姐 clothings !!!!

When is ur EDD ?

Lovie! Kiefer still haf nappy rash probs? Can try the SAF army powder leh! Hubby back from reservist juz rem tat it helps! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tiz daes tried le

Not bad tink better den Desitin too easy to wash off too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gals, u may give it a try ;) sAF army packet powder ! Powderful..! ;)

dear mummies

I have 2 tins of 900 g(expiry date: 13 march 2012) and one tin of 400g similac follow on 2(26 sept 2011). and a $5.00 abbott discount voucher(valid til 31st dec 2010)

want to sell them all at $80.00

pls email me at [email protected]

Bbin> hee.. Make ur $ worth ! PD consultation charges realli high! Ask more Qs.. :p lol

Lovie> tok abt losing weight... Guess wat...juz weigh myself n found tat I'm 1kg more to lose to my pre-preggy wt?! After so long dendare to weigh myself again.. Hehe.. Tink tiz kilo is stuck in my liao... ?:p

Hullo mummies, anyone bought play mat from Hua xia? Saw their $38 promo n interested to get for Lucas cos my mum's single size mattress is nt big enuf for him to crawl n turn. Any advise will be much appreciated. : )

So long nvr come in here. This thread is now like a ghost town. Haha.

How is Kiefer?

She's taking porridge for lunch and dinner and 4 milk feeds of 180ml in between. If she wakes up in the middle of the night, will feed her also. Weighing 9.2kg last week when we brought her for her jab. Cant carry her for long now. Hehe

morning mummies!


so long nvr see u here...

4 milk feeds ah? means hw many hrs interval? wow... 9kg... my gal juz recently hit the digit 8...

Morning bbin. How's life as a part time SAHM?

Yup, was very busy at work cos office underwent renovation so shifted to another location within the same office.

The milk feeds are about 3 hours interval. But sometimes if she wants milk less than 3 hours after her porridge feed, then we will just give her 150ml. My girl is born big at 3.84kg leh..even her shoe size now is 12-18mth...i want to laugh when i see her shoe size so big...your ZX is petite which is good cos girls dont look nice big sized lor.

Good morning!

Snoopy: Ya, haha, here indeed is very quiet. Ur gal is growing well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Rachael is only 7.3kg at 8 month old.

I found Rachael eat more, even she eat porriage.

Here her feeling schedule:

Ard 8am to 9am: Wake up for milk, 190-200ml.

10am: Sleep after wake up for 1 hr

Ard 12pm-1pm: Wake up for porriage

3pm: Sleep

4pm: 190ml milk

6pm: Sleep

7pm: Porriage

9pm: 190ml milk

11pm: 190ml milk

11.30pm: Sleep, sometime she may drag longer, cos she dun wan to sleep.

Morning Apple, wah your girl is drinking quite a lot of milk. Actually sometimes my girl dont want to let go of her milk bottle after she finished drinking, like she wants to drink more but we dont dare to give her cos scared overfeed.

How much porridge are you feeding Rachael each time? Kimy is eating almost 1 rice bowl of porridge now.

Snoopy: I think 1 months ago, Rachael having milk strike which she only drank 80-90ml per feed, which make me worry so much. Lucky she back to normal now. Overfeed huh? If we dun give her, she cry and scream till the whole roof know. Somemore tears keep flowing.. Aiyo. She poo everyday 2-3 times.

For porriage, i'm using the pigeon weaning set(step 1), the bowl she can finish one whole bowl, sometimes even not enough.. She want more..


He's back to his norm(mischevious and restless)!Thank goodness!


U didnt feed Kimy wif porridge/cereals in the morn for b/f?

Now i feed Kiefer twice a day.

Morning will definately be Cereals wif puree(veggie/fruits)

Dinner will be porridge wif meat/carrots and puree..

Lovie: Great to hear that...better they are mischevious and restless than sick and whiny, right? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Although sometimes I feel that I'm going crazy when Kimy gets too restless :p

Kimy's 1st feed in the morning is milk, followed by porridge for lunch. Schedule is same as apple's.


Hahahaha.. It's so true! Though it's frustrating at times, i rather he irritate me than seeing him lie there motionless! It really scares me!!! I rem tat time when he's having fever & i nap wif him. When i wake up, i realise he's not slping and tat his eyes is half open and it freaks me out! Tat's it, i told myself before rushin him to A & E!

Lovie : Glad to know little Kiefer is back to his mischevious self... how's yr back now??

My GP gave me a referral letter to specialist for my wrist...can't move my left wrist at all the ther day..just super painful... but i still have not go la... will see how... now want to quickly wean Cherish off BM, then i can start treatment for my hand... hmmm

lovie & happiness..... we would wish our LO are mischevious at least we know that they r fine & health rather than they being too quiet & restless......

Good morning!

Bbin: Ha... your description of zx is so cute. Short & plump. But that makes ZX cuter right? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lovie: Just curious, did you find out eventually why Kiefer got the fever?


My back acts up again! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Dun know is it due to him(Kiefer) slping wif us and that i dun have enough rest and thus, it acts up again!

After i went to the Bedok "tuina", my back and shoulder becomes better and i refrain myself from carrying him during those 2 days.

Who knows, he suddenly fall sick and i gotta keep carrying him, my pain comes back.. Heiz..

Now, i think am going to make a trip to Bedok on Sat for tuina again lor.

My left wrist is oso getting increasingly painful and i wonder why lor..

I felt like ive aged lots after giving birth!

U still have wean off Cherish?



Hahahah.. U're not the only one!

I've been trying to access since yesterday!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Yah, so nowadays when i cannot tahan him, i will remind myself tat i rather i cannot tahan him and to see him lie there motionlessly..


Nope but i guess that he might have gotten it when we went Cold Storage at Kallang Leisure!

And also, he has Influenza A and oso viral attack and the viral attack is giving him fever!

After his fever subside, he has rashes all over his body and that his PD says that it's due to the viral...



Like what my hb says, this back pain will follow me for the rest of my life.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I can't guarantee that my hb will not leave me this lifetime BUT i can gurantee that this backache will STAND BY me for the rest of my life! Wahahahahahah


Haha, I thought I kena banned from that thread or something. The thread is up now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So funny the way you talked about your hb. Hahaha. True lor, no guarantee hb will be with us for the rest of my life but the backache will [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Yup, everytime after bathing my girl, gotta bend my back when dressing her, my back always feel like it's going to break! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] That's why now I get very angry with her cos she doesnt want to lie down when putting on her diapers. Once, I got so angry that I smacked her bum and she cried :p

Snoopy: Aiyo, you must take care of your back. There is one time i am like you all, my back keep pain, then i eat dou zou, think getting better, at least now not so pain, once a while pain.. You wanna try dou zou? I eating pill type.


What's touzou?


Okay, will check it out later.. Hehe..

Ur back pain comes from bending down too much?

The pain comes after u bend down but after a while it goes off or that it will linger..?

Snoopy: Same here..my boy doesn't want to lie down to change diaper too! Nowadays,changing diaper is like going to war... got to equip myself with all sorts of "weapons" to distract him! My boy just wants to crawl away and find something to push himself to stand. I think my boy finds lots of satisfaction when he stands up.

Lovie: So glad that Kiefer is well now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Really heartpain when he is hospitalised hor...


A dull and nagging pain at ur back?


Hahahaaha.. Very headache to change them nowadays, right?

The moment he sees that i wanna wear his shirt for him, he will whine and protest [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

End up, everyday i gotta shout at him to hurry up!!! Aiyoyo..

The high fever is really very scary.

I will advise you guys out there to really bring ur lil one to A & E if the fever persist more than 18 hrs!!

Lovie: 2 weeks ago when cherish got fever, she also got rash after the fever subside. Same as yr doc, my pd says it's due to the fever viral. So it's not only cherish reacting to it la? It's norm?

I went to GP, my gynae n both says the same thing. Says it could b due to pregnancy. Say some people body very sensitive n will produce "allergy reaction" against the sudden surge of hormones. Some women pain will go away after delivery but some women will need treatment. I happen to fall into the latter category. But the treatment includes med which will contains steroid n not suitable for bf-ing. So must wait till i wean off cherish lor.

Still in process of weaning. Her 2 upper front teeth sprouting, now super cranky. So I m not aggressively weaning. Just reduce 1 or 2 feed of bm per day. She alr very uncomfy so nit the right time to total wean off yet. Hmmm


Freesia: Yup, it's like going to war like you said, also gotta prepare lotsa little things to distract her so she will just lie still for a short while. I always tell her "if you will just lie still for a little while, this will be over very fast". Also having a hard time trying to button up her PJs at this stage! I think my girl also going to sprout upper teeth soon cos she gets cranky very easily now.

Apple: Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lovie: Yeah, something like that. It doesnt really bother me when I go about my daily life, maybe I got used to it already but I can really feel it when I have to bend down, especially for long periods of time. That's when I will get really fed up and angry when Kimy doesnt cooperate.

